The World Below Surface

Chapter 139


At this moment, Lu Yanli didn't know that Chu Xian had doubts in his heart. Lu Yanli, who was hiding in another psychic town, didn't know that Lin Chu had the opportunity to say that sentence, causing Chu Xian's attitude to change.

He had experienced all of that before. At that time, he was crushed by a building. After escaping, he met Chu Xian again, who was still alive in the previous timeline.

At that time, Chu Xian was still immersed in the grief of Lin Chu's death and did not notice that something was wrong with him. He thought that he was just a passerby who was unfortunately involved in a strange incident. Therefore, Chu Xian concealed his origins at that time and just said that he happened to pass by.

And now, the predetermined trajectory of fate has shifted slightly.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yanli looked around, "I said, there is no one on this street."

"Indeed, there is no one on this street." Chu Xian walked with him. The sky was dark and the shadows of the people were particularly dim. She said, "You may not believe it when I say it, I..."

"I came here through the time tunnel." Chu Xian pointed to where he came from, "There, I met a ghost in my world. When I escaped, I broke into a very long tunnel. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. When I reached the end, I came to this place."

Lu Yanli was silent for a second.

"Time and space tunnel?" He asked softly.

So, the Chu Xian in front of him was not from this world? But the one he and Zhuang Ci had seen downstairs of the apartment building

"Hey, have you ever had this kind of experience?" In light of Lin Chu's last words, Chu Xian was particularly wary of Lu Yanli. She had already determined that Lu Yanli was not an ordinary person, so she portrayed herself as someone who knew everything without any vigilance, hoping to get more information from him.

She always felt that the other person was a little familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. After all, she and her brother only glanced at him casually when they went downstairs. If she had come to Zhuangci, she might have remembered him, but at that time Lu Yanli was hiding in the shadows, and she didn't remember his appearance at all.

"I'm not kidding, believe me, what I said is true." Chu Xian pointed to the distance, "Look, an empty city, a strange sky, and a building that suddenly collapsed. This is not normal at all."

"Besides, I don't see you showing any disdain for what I said. You must have experienced this before, right?"

She didn't raise her head, fearing that the eye was still in the sky. She didn't want the other party to know about this, so she simply didn't mention it.


Lu Yanli was certain that the other party might be Chu Xian from another timeline where he had not yet become a "task taker". He thought for a while, and in order to prevent the other party from treating him as a resident of this world, he simply said: "Actually, I also came in through the time tunnel, so I am also unfamiliar with this world."

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

Chu Xian tied up her messy hair. There was an obvious red mark on the right side of her neck.

It appeared again.

This thing is everywhere.

"Can you tell me why you entered an unfamiliar tunnel?" The danger was temporarily lifted, and Lu Yanli stopped. Chu Xian subconsciously turned back to look at him, and then met his deep and dark eyes. She heard his gentle voice, which gradually guided her to let down her guard.

Soon, Chu Xian's eyes began to blur. Lu Yanli felt somewhat confused.

In the past, his psychological suggestion was not... so fast? If it was because Chu Xian's mind was not firm, this reason was not valid.

This kind of quick completion of psychological suggestion usually occurs when he has planted seeds in the other party. For example, he once did this to An Xingyu and He Lou, the former would subconsciously trust him, and the latter would obey him out of fear.

But he was absolutely sure that he had never met Chu Xian.

No, sometimes memory is not always reliable.

Lu Yanli buried his doubts, and while asking questions, he did a psychological checkup on himself, but found nothing abnormal.

Then, the problem might come to Chu Xian.

"I met a ghost... I was at home with my brother, and then we planned to go out for a midnight snack. When we came back, we met a girl in the elevator..."

Hearing this, Lu Yanli's eyebrows jumped.

Is that the world Lin Chu originally came from? She clearly entered the same tunnel as before, so why is she in a different place

Before Lu Yanli could figure it out, he heard even more shocking information.

A horror story that came true

"Can you tell me what other novels you have written?" During the questioning, Lu Yanli kept staring into her eyes, not giving her a chance to notice anything wrong.

Chu Xian was in a trance for a moment. She had a vague sense of familiarity, and the person in front of her made her feel somewhat at ease. Subconsciously, she felt that this person would not harm her.

"Of course, but... I have written many books. Which one do you want to listen to?"

"This is the most impressive one." Lu Yanli wanted to know what Chu Xian's situation was like. Was it a prophecy? Or was he sensing something in the dark

Chu Xian thought for a while and told a story about a village.

The more Lu Yanli listened, the more frightened he became.

Isn't this story exactly what he experienced

He didn't show anything on his face. After he finished speaking, he asked calmly, "Why do you remember this story the most?"

Chu Xian smiled a little embarrassedly: "Strictly speaking, this story is not entirely mine. It comes from... a friend of mine. He sent me many, many paintings and liked to exchange inspirations for horror novels with me."

"What impressed me most was what he said to me after he finished the story." Chu Xian repeated the words, "There is no such thing as a leaf that looks like each other, no such thing as a river that looks like each other, and there will be no such thing as people that look like each other in the world."

"Won't there be someone similar?" Lu Yanli suddenly asked, "What if my future self came here? Wouldn't there be a similar person in the same time and space?"

Chu Xian shook his head and said, "I have also raised this question, but he told me that this is a mistake, and when order returns to normal, the mistake will be automatically fixed. Time is just like a long river, and people are like a leaf that falls into the river and can only move forward with the flow."

Lu Yanli closed his eyes and opened them again.

Bug fixing, doesn't it mean eliminating one of them

He had already vaguely guessed the identity of the friend Chu Xian was referring to, and asked, "Can you tell me about that friend's information?"

Chu Xian shook his head and said, "He is an online friend. I don't know his information, but he did provide me with a lot of help."

Lu Yanli's ominous premonition grew stronger and stronger: "Have you taken pictures of those paintings? Can you show them to me?"

"Take a few pictures, of course." Chu Xian reached for his phone, but found nothing in his pocket. "Where's my phone? I took a few pictures."

She didn't know where she had lost her phone, and said apologetically: "I'm so sorry, my phone is gone, and the pictures are all in it."

"It's okay, no need to apologize." Lu Yanli took out a picture album from his arms.

So he and another investigator sneaked into Chu Xian's house and took the picture album from the table: "Have you seen this one?"

Chu Xian was stunned, and immediately took it. After flipping through it casually, he said confidently: "This...he sent it to me today, why is it in your hands?"

Naturally recognizing his own paintings, Lu Yanli was extremely sure that the album was from his own hand, but he never thought that someone would send it to Chu Xian. He reached out and took the album back from Chu Xian: "Because, I have an identical one."

"But..." Chu Xian wanted the album, but she was a little unsure. Her copy was at home, and Lu Yanli also had one, and even the small marks were the same. Could there really be two copies that were exactly the same

No, this is another world, and I entered it by traveling through the time tunnel, so the picture album in this world fell into Lu Yanli's hands

Lu Yanli had no shame about stealing things, and behaved quite naturally. Moreover, this album was originally drawn by him, although he didn't know which time and space line it came from, but it was still from him.

So, from which timeline did the self give Chu Xian this album

Also, the fact that my psychological suggestion to her was successful was probably because she had planted the seeds, right

Lu Yanli knew his future self, but that didn't mean he would believe in his future self. He put himself in his shoes and assumed that he was willing to pay the price for his past self in exchange for his past success.

The answer is no.

He only believes in his present self, and the ideas he has always adhered to are unlikely to change. Could it be that his future self will suddenly become some selfless good person

Lu Yanli decided to give it a try.

"Tell me...what else did he say to you?"

Those dark eyes seemed deeper and the voice was softer, like a soft wire, prying open the blocked memories bit by bit.

"Tell me... Tell me everything..."

The huge eye was still in the night sky, and Lu Yanli didn't pay attention to the gaze from above. He poured all his energy into this matter, staring at Chu Xian's heart without blinking.

"He told me a lot of stories... a lot... and paintings."

"He painted a lot, including..."

As Chu Xian continued to speak, Lu Yanli's heart sank a little.

The future self told the past Chu Xian what would happen in the future, and the past Chu Xian wrote it down, and the story became reality again, just like the wax museum story that Lin Chu made up that time came true.

And precisely because the novel has become reality, his future self can tell Chu Xian.

The cause and effect here is similar to the relationship between Erdai Kingdom and strange creatures. It is difficult to tell who is the cause and who is the result.

Now there is only a little doubt.

What kind of seeds will my future self plant in Chu Xian's heart

Do you want to try to unlock it

But in just a moment, Lu Yanli had made a decision.

Chu Xian's senses were very strange. She knew that her situation was not normal, but she could not resist and her subconscious mind was unwilling to resist. When facing this person, she subconsciously opened her heart and told him everything bit by bit.

Sweat was already oozing out of Lu Yanli's forehead.

Psychological suggestion and hypnosis are both extremely brain-consuming behaviors, not to mention digging into people's memories at such a deep level. But what surprised him even more was that in the things Chu Xian confessed, he had never seen anyone in person, nor had he had a video, only using language and letters as the medium.

So, by telling her stories about the future and sending her paintings, I didn't plant the seeds of psychological suggestion in her

Lu Yanli didn't believe it.

"Don't hide anything, tell me everything... Tell me..."

Chu Xian's eyes became more and more confused, and her pupils were a little dilated, but she still did not resist.

No, not yet.

Then why was he able to invade Chu Xian's defenses so smoothly? Even at this point, Chu Xian still had no intention of resisting


Lu Yanli suddenly had a terrible guess.

Unless, I planted the seeds in her childhood and let her forget.

This conjecture made him hold his breath for a moment, and the hand that was pinching the other person's shoulder couldn't help but tremble slightly. He had a hunch that what he learned next might bring about earth-shaking changes in his future path.

Do you want to understand

There was almost no hesitation on this question, Lu Yanli had already made up his mind.

A real psychic town.

The people in the town didn't know that someone was so crazy that he "copied" the entire town and hid in it. They are still hiding from the strange faceless woman.

The faceless woman could make anyone who came into contact with her lose their facial features. Many people's limbs melted into a sticky flesh-colored liquid and slumped on the ground, while some people's faces were completely blank, and some organs were howling as they stumbled around.

Now, less than one-fifth of the people in the town remain.

There is almost no way out.

If all the people in the town die, the cultural festival cannot be held, which means - the mission has failed.

In the replica of the future psychic town, Lu Yanli was sitting in the house with a picture album and a piece of white paper in front of him.

At this moment, his eyes were blank, and his right hand kept writing words on the white paper. And these words... were all prophecies.