The World Below Surface

Chapter 140


The desk is piled high with papers, and if anyone were to read the words written on them, it would surely cause a sensation.

Because everything written above is a prophecy.

But the man who was writing had a blank look in his eyes, and only his hands kept writing down his predictions for the future. When he finished writing the last piece of paper, he suddenly tore up all the blank papers and set them on fire.

In this way, it cannot be recovered.

Then, Lu Yanli got up and went out. After walking for a while, his vision gradually became clear again.

Lu Yanli, who has been hiding in a psychic town ten years later, has experienced everything. In his past, he was also schemed against by his future self and suffered a lot.

In the end, he successfully killed his future self, but he also ended up becoming his future self and had to constantly design Lu Yanli on the timeline.

He was always a little panicked, worried that he would die at the hands of his past self just like the future self he killed. So he could only keep going back to the past and make changes before anything happened.

He succeeded several times before, but...

Lu Yanli thought of those eyes.

When he killed his future self for the first time, his future self seemed to have anticipated this outcome and he calmly accepted death, but... his eyes were very complicated, so complicated that even he, who thought he could see through people's hearts, couldn't tell. He seemed to want to tell himself something, but until his heart stopped beating, he still said nothing.

What did he want to tell his past self at that time

He killed his future self, and then killed his past self through reincarnation again and again. He already felt the shackles around his neck. He admitted to the future self that he had killed that what he did was right.

Reincarnation after reincarnation, letting the past him kill the future him, forming a closed loop of time. Even if he only lives in a cycle of time, the identity of "Lu Yanli" can still survive.

But... he didn't want to.

He didn't want to be a stepping stone, even if it was his past self. But he was afraid that if he did too much, it would easily trigger a butterfly effect, so he only needed to change a little bit.

He chose those who were destined to stand against him in the future, and planted a seed in their hearts so that they could not resist him. But after he had done all this, he suddenly realized that the person he had killed in the past had also done this before, otherwise, Lin Chu and others would not have appeared in the institute.

It was as if, no matter what he did, he was destined to become part of the time loop.

No, I can definitely do it.

Lu Yanli muttered to himself.

He longed to find the right opportunity to break this closed loop and reach a new world.

A new world without ghosts, spirits, or time and space confusion. He firmly believed that he would be able to find it.

And now…

Lu Yanli looked at the gray haze beside him and calculated silently in his mind.

The cultural festival was a scam created by the statue in order to revive itself. After opening up the time and space tunnels of multiple worlds, it finally decided to create a new world for itself.

The psychic town is a small world created by the psychic, and it is also the church of eternal bliss promised to the believers.

You need to bring your own small church to the upper level of the spiritual world and reunite with your body.

Now, the Faceless Woman should have lost control, right

Cultural festivals require the people's faith, and the statues will inevitably take action. The war between the two strange creatures takes place in another dimension, which is unobservable by humans. But in the end, only one will survive, and the other will be devoured. The result of the war is also obvious. The faceless female root whose facial features were devoured by the princess has no ability to resist.

Lu Yanli stared at the gray mist and calculated the time.

When the cultural festival arrives and the statue brings the medium town into the upper world, the past self in the outside world will inevitably face a crazy reckoning from the statue and the princess.

And he only needs to stay here and wait for everything to pass, because he has enough chips in his hands to trade with "God".

In another world, Lu Yanli, who had reunited with Chu Xian, was still exploring her secrets.

He brought back Chu Xian's memories bit by bit, allowing her to go back in her mind, from youth to adolescence, and then slowly transition to childhood.

"My... childhood? I... I was in the research institute... No, that's not right... What research institute?..."

Chu Xian walked along the passage in reverse, like a sightseeing tourist, constantly opening up her dusty memories. Finally, she stopped in front of a door.

She opened the door—

In an instant, Chu Xian was gasping for breath and his face was covered with sweat.

She remembered! She was not a resident of the world she came from. The place where she truly became successful was the research institute!

Chu Xian never doubted her childhood, she always thought she grew up with her brother Chu Xiu. But until Lu Yanli pried open her memories, Chu Xian was shocked to find that she seemed to have no memory of her parents since she was a child.

Not only her parents, she seemed to have only a vague concept of growing up with her brother, but how she grew up and what she experienced during the growth process were all vague.

After breaking through the first blockade, Chu Xian finally remembered everything she should remember—she and her brother both grew up in the institute, and were both carefully trained investigators by the institute.

At that time, the world they lived in had become a ruin. Due to nuclear experiments, a large number of creatures died or mutated, and the only remaining healthy people moved into underground living.

Countries have begun to study how to make humans better adapt to the harsh environment. Some have proposed improving genes, some have tried to mechanize humans, and some believe that there are aliens in the universe and want to communicate with alien civilizations...

Any scientific research in this direction would eventually result in the creation of batches of strange creatures, all of which were secretly killed and dumped into the sea. Anyway, there were enough strange creatures in the sea, so adding a batch of dead things would not matter.

Chu Xian still remembered the craziest professor in the research institute. He always wanted to save the world and proposed the theory of time travel for this purpose.

According to tradition, as long as the speed can exceed that of light, time can be reversed.

He studied it for almost his entire life, but still had no results. All experiments failed, so he turned his attention to cosmic matter. He discussed with another department that specialized in exploring the universe, hoping that they could bring back a black hole, or at least some black hole matter.

It is said that black holes can swallow everything. There is also another speculation that the end of a black hole is another world.

Obviously, this crazy proposal was rejected, and the professor ended up with only some weird cosmic matter.

The terrible world began with that professor. He had spent his entire life researching, and his research field had long surpassed the scope of what ordinary experts could understand. In the end, I don’t know what idea he had, it seemed that he had given up on science and turned to theology.

A scene that Chu Xian thought she should have forgotten long ago emerged in her mind.

"Hahahahahaha—no wonder, no wonder, I have never achieved anything in my life. Because... the end of science is theology!"

The teenage brother and sister stood on the beach, looking at the professor who was laughing and dancing with his arms open, wondering whether they should persuade him to come back.

“How can a human set foot in the realm of God?”

The professor turned around with a crazy look on his face: "But I did it! Do you believe it? I did it!"

"Professor, what did you do?" Chu Xian asked.

"I created—God!"

He took out a statue no bigger than an elbow from his suitcase. The statue was made of unknown material and was strange, twisted, and bloody. He threw the statue into the sea and laughed loudly. The statue was blown away by the sea breeze and the waves could not cover his roar.

"He has gone to another world! He can travel through time and space!"

"You don't believe me! Outside our world, there are other worlds! Outside a river of time, there are other rivers!"

"So what if it's God's realm? I will definitely..."

Before he could finish his words, a huge wave rushed over and swept him into the whirlpool.

Hearing this, Lu Yanli asked, "Did the research institute throw those who failed the experiment into the sea?"

"Yes, because they are contagious."

There was another silence.

A lot of sweat oozed out of Lu Yanli's forehead and flowed down his cheeks, but he didn't bother to wipe it off. He stared at Chu Xian's distracted eyes and asked, "What are the characteristics of those mutants?"

"Some developed animal characteristics, such as scales and fur covering their skin, some took on mechanical appearances, and some... experienced paranormal phenomena after death. Experts tried to analyze these phenomena, but were unsuccessful, so they had no choice but to banish them all to other realms."

"Other worlds? Have you found a way?"

"Yes, after the professor passed away, we found a whirlpool in the sea. This whirlpool seemed to lead to another world, so we put all the things that could not be solved into the whirlpool. At present, no items can be returned, except..." Chu Xian's face was slightly distorted, as if in pain, but she still said, "Except a statue."

"The statue that the professor threw into the sea has reappeared! Its material and purpose are unknown. It cannot be destroyed and will cause people to hallucinate. We have stored it according to the highest level of sealing methods, but no matter where it is placed, it will affect other objects and have an impact on the people around it."

"It's just... before we could exile him, he was gone."

Chu Xian was an investigator trained by the institute in the early stage. Later, when the professor passed away, she concealed the news that Chu Xiu was present and was considered the only person who could prove the professor's death. Other senior executives of the institute unanimously believed that she might know something and secretly promoted her to the general manager.

Therefore, only she knows this secret.

Lu Yanli just felt like laughing.

Is this the origin of everything? It's really... ridiculous.

Everyone is so ridiculous. The truth he has been pursuing is just the result of the madness of another world

He really laughed out loud, and the laugh grew louder and louder, floating over the lonely city.

His hand was still on Chu Xian's shoulder, and it slid slowly to his neck unconsciously. Then, his fingertips stopped at his throat. He seemed to be able to feel the trembling of his every breath.

Human life is really fragile. If you press hard enough, you will die in just a few tens of seconds.

"What does the collapse of your world have to do with other people?"

This group of people exiled the mutant creatures and all research waste into the space-time tunnel in the sea, causing the people of the small countries in the alien world to suffer large-scale infections and mutations. They began to hold sacrifices, and made the "summoned" statues into real gods, offering sacrifices day and night to instill faith, so that after gaining power, they were able to travel through various worlds to develop believers.

Then, he brought the king of Erdai to his own world.

Lu Yanli asked again: "Why does your research interfere with other worlds?"

"Because we are looking for a new world... where all of humanity... will move."

Chu Xian's face had been distorted to the extreme by the pain. She could see the undisguised murderous intent and madness in Lu Yanli's eyes.

Lu Yanli was still laughing, and the hand around his throat tightened little by little.

He no longer wanted to know whether he had done anything bad to Chu Xian in the past.

Breathing became increasingly difficult, and a feeling of suffocation rose up little by little. Chu Xian widened her eyes. She was powerless to resist, and still obediently stared at those familiar dark eyes.

The deep memories are finally unlocked.

She remembered that she had seen these familiar eyes countless times behind a man's mask.

"... Do you want me to die, teacher?" Chu Xian murmured, "You trained me..."

She raised her hands, not knowing whether to resist or to put her arms around him like she did when she was a child and every time she made progress and those hands stroked her head, she would.


Lu Yanli's hand loosened immediately.

"Teacher... I will be obedient."

Chu Xian took out a small knife from somewhere and stabbed it into her neck with force. The speed was so fast that Lu Yanli had no time to stop her. She fell down and was motionless.

Before she died, she saw Lu Yanli's face full of disbelief for a moment.

Lu Yanli just found it unbelievable.

The title of teacher is clearly referring to oneself, but...

When did I meet her teacher

Lu Yanli reached out to feel her neck pulse, but it had stopped beating. He didn't want to believe it, but no matter how he looked at it, the other person had no signs of life.

What did he do in the future

Is there anyone else besides Chu Xian

Lin Chu died, Chu Xian also died, and no one knew where Chu Xiu in this world was... Lu Yanli calculated carefully, but found that the people who could allow him to continue the investigation were gone.

No, there is another one, Zhuang Ci is still here.

Lu Yanli stood up suddenly. He needed to find Zhuang Ci.

There is no doubt that the future self must have gone back to the past through some means, perhaps the statue, and planted an irresistible force in the hearts of these people, making them forget, and set an order for them to be killed if they remembered.

His future self's mental manipulation abilities would only become stronger, and he wasn't sure if he could unlock the instructions, but he needed to do so.