The World Below Surface

Chapter 145


Lu Yanli was sure that he was aiming at the opponent's head, but the bullet seemed to magically turn a corner in mid-air and brushed past his cheek, leaving only a bloody mark. His future self seemed to be stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to wipe away the seeping blood, and soon, the wound began to bleed again.

It is quite easy to distinguish the two people.

Lu Yanli didn't expect to kill the other person immediately. After his one shot failed to kill him, he immediately retreated and did not stop until he was out of the range.

Lin Chu's last words still echoed in his mind.

"You can't exist all the time."

Apparently, Lin Chu had spent some time with her future self, and she discovered something. The other party's suicide behavior was very similar to Zhuang Ci and Chu Xian, so, was she also a "student" of her future self

What else will your future self do

They were obviously the same person, but now they were standing on opposite sides. The strange thing was that Lu Yanli found that he could understand the person opposite him who was the same as himself. The other person's thoughts were probably the same as his, and what was even stranger was that they both knew that the other person had seen through their thoughts.

Because they are one person.

Neither of them made any move, they just waited quietly.

As the waves washed over the reefs, buildings belonging to the small town gradually emerged behind the two people. However, the buildings behind one of them were brighter, while those behind the other were gray. They were similar, yet different.

"Are you going to kill me?" one of them asked. Opposite him was a man with bloodstains on his face, who looked exactly like him.

The man opposite: "Do I need to ask?" Shedding the kind appearance he used to cover up, he sighed softly, "Unfortunately, something went wrong." He didn't quite understand why the other party knew more than he expected, and the fact that Lin Chu was able to escape part of his control made things even more complicated.

There is also the last one,

Even though the man was unarmed, Lu Yanli still took a few steps back. The biggest enemy was himself, and he was more experienced than the current one. He didn't understand the methods he used on other people.

"What did Lin Chu tell you?" asked the man with bloodstains on his face.

"It has nothing to do with you."

He knew that it was his future self, but it was hard for him to recognize someone who was deliberately trying to kill him and wanted to kill him in return.

"You are me, and everything is related to me." The future Lu Yanli was not angry, and there was no need for him to be angry.

Although things were a little out of control, they were still generally within his control. He said to his past self: "In the short term, you can't kill me, and I can't kill you either. Why don't we make a bet?"

His legs were still unable to move, and he stood there paralyzed. It seemed that his past self didn't know, otherwise he would definitely take advantage of the opportunity to attack. So he didn't move, and stood there and continued, "Let's make a bet. Whoever wins will live."

"Are you gambling?"

"Now, while they are fighting and probably can't hear you, put down the idol on you and come over and I will tell you."

His future self didn't seem to be lying. Lu Yanli thought for a while, took out the statue and put it back where it was, then approached the other party.

Immediately afterwards, he heard something extremely incredible, the shocking degree of which was far more difficult to accept than anything he had heard before.

"Time is running out, choose one for yourself." The future Lu Yanli seemed to have noticed something, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, tore it in half, and wiped the wound on his face that had not yet dried with his other hand, and wrote the numbers 1 and 2 with blood.

"You choose."

Lu Yanli walked over and took one of them. He slowly stepped back until he was out of the attack range of the two people. Then he asked with doubt: "Where do we start from now?"

"What else? We don't have time."

"You go first."

The effect of leg paralysis gradually weakened. Future Lu Yanli knew that it was that thing that worked. He nodded, turned around and walked away in one direction without looking back, leaving a sentence. "I hope we can have another chance to meet."

Lu Yanli stared at his future self's back, turned around, walked in another direction, and picked up the statue. His movements were even a little trembling, and after taking a few deep breaths, he managed to regain his composure.

"The Institute is not the source of everything, nor is the statue. It is difficult to tell who created whom. Simply destroying one of them is useless, not to mention that it has slowly become a god..."

"No one can defeat it, just like no one can truly kill ourselves except ourselves."

Shen Wu was defeated.

The only one who can destroy God is God himself!

Lu Yanli was still thinking about his future self. He murmured something to the statue in his palm.

His future self… brought the future “God” with him. This was the reason why he could continue to reincarnate in time and space. Just as he kept killing his past self, the future “God” also kept devouring his past self.

What he needs to do is to go to various worlds and remove the faith support of the future "God". If the number of its believers decreases, its power will weaken.

The "God" of this timeline in your hands will help you.

Because it also kills your future self.

A tunnel appeared in front of him and Lu Yanli went in without hesitation.

After he left, Lu Yanli, with bloodstains on his face, took out a small bottle of green fluorescent substance from his body. He looked up at the blue sky, which seemed no different from the normal world, and threw the bottle into the sea.

There was no response at first.

Later, a little green light gradually appeared on the sea surface, and it quickly expanded with that green glowing light as the center. When the research institute received the news and sent investigators to rush over, the culprit had already left.

He returned to the gray town again, and walked along the road that was a mixture of rocks and concrete. He turned and came to a building, unlocked the door, and saw an unconscious girl lying on the bed inside.

It’s Lin Chu.

The last person he called was Lin Chu.

The current world order has completely fallen into chaos. He is not sure which timeline the future Lin Chu returned from, and how she knows. After waking her up, Lu Yanli first blocked her memory and handed her the small half bottle of liquid he had just fished out of the sea.

"Drink it, and then go back to the institute."

Lin Chu took the bottle of seawater mixed with a small amount of green spores, drank it all, and nodded in a daze.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Chu found herself lying on the beach that had already overlapped with the town. Lu Yanli had long disappeared. She got up quickly, and felt her stomach churning and feeling extremely uncomfortable. She endured the pain and ran out quickly.

The two worlds have merged! I don’t know which worlds will merge next, and the strange things released into those worlds will return one after another.

She must return to the institute as soon as possible!

The young man with blood on his face didn't even look at Lin Chu's leaving figure, and turned to walk towards the power station. He still knew what Lin Chu saw in the power station.

After searching for a long time, he finally found the piece of paper. The handwriting on the paper was exactly the same as his, but he had no experience of writing that piece of information. The content on the paper also shocked him.

When did the other party realize that something was wrong? He had experienced this several times before, and each time he would not doubt it and would obediently follow the preset dead end. So where was his flaw this time

He stared at the lines of words on the paper.

"Zhuang Ci, Chu Xian, did you call him master before you died?" Lu Yanli's face darkened a little as his palm tightened slowly.

He was sure that his psychological control would not leave such a flaw. Those people should not have revealed any information related to him, but now... Considering Lin Chu's reaction just now, he was clearly on the verge of death, but he was still able to escape for a distance.

Maybe his psychological control was wrong

Lu Yanli entered the tunnel and still had his own mission.

In order to devour his future self, the "God" on this timeline will definitely help him, since he now has mastered the method of freely traveling through time and space. He needs to go to a world that believes in the "God" of the future and eliminate all believers.

The method is very simple, just a bottle of green spores.

Lu Yanli came to a familiar intersection called Yinming Road. He saw a familiar vehicle coming from a distance. Then, he repacked the small bottle in his hand, threw it on the road, and left immediately.

The car drove over, crushing the bottle, and the green substance seeped silently into the ground. At the same time, the people in the car seemed to realize that they had run over something, but they did not get out of the car to check, and let the wheels with a not-so-obvious green fluorescence drive away.

"Now, it's time to go find another one." Lu Yanli said to the statue.

He doesn't have much time left.

There was another long tunnel. After passing through it, he came to a small village he had been to before. He knocked a man out first, then "cultivated" a large number of spores and left that world.

The places he had been to, whether familiar or unfamiliar, had become a habit and he had even become numb to them. He didn't know how many worlds he had been to, he only knew - to destroy them all.

Destroy them all! Don't leave any alive!

The speed of travel became faster, and it seemed that the statue was very much looking forward to being able to devour his future self. He passed through the tunnel again, and the scene before him completely stunned him.

That was...his original home.

The strange yet familiar parents, and the strange yet familiar self, were in an unknown time and space, but they were living together in a strange yet harmonious way, twisted limbs tangled, blood and tears flowing down their pale faces. But they were smiling, and their laughter was sharp and piercing. There was also a familiar puppy in the living room, which was doused with boiling oil bit by bit, and the family of three applauded because of the puppy's screams.

Every choice will lead to an uncertain future. Lu Yanli knew that perhaps he was unable to hold on and chose to become a strange world with his parents.

He looked around and, as expected, saw the red twisted statue on the sofa. It was smiling.

Lu Yanli walked over and poured the liquid on it. Without even looking at his strangely twisted self, he opened the door and walked into the dark and long tunnel.

He would not choose this path. Even if he was alone in the world, he would not give up.

Lu Yanli in the future timeline also went to other worlds to eliminate the believers of the "idol" in this timeline. It's not that he didn't use time travel to eliminate the institute in advance, but his plan was simply impossible to implement. He also tried to stop the changes in the surface world before they happened, but he alone couldn't stop the changes in the entire world.

Gradually, he gave up.

It cannot be saved, the only option is destruction.

He had also met his future self, who had experienced repeated time and space jumps just like him. When the two finally fought, his future self voluntarily died at his hands, allowing him to live.

But...he seemed to have said something before he died.

What did you say

Lu Yanli shook his head, a little confused. He stopped a stranger on the roadside, "cultivated" the green spores, took some, and left again.

Making a vow to God has a price.

It has no entity, but can follow him around and travel to other worlds, all because it is attached to him.

If he can't get rid of it, he will completely become the other party's puppet. Therefore, every time he reincarnates, he will lure two "gods" in the same timeline to fight each other, and the winner will be weak for a period of time, enough for him to hold on until the next reincarnation.

But this time is different...

The "god" that possessed him had already succeeded twice, and Lu Yanli could clearly sense that the second time it weakened and digested was much shorter than the first time. If it defeated his past self again this time, the result would be that he would never be able to find its enemy again.

He will become a puppet.