The World Below Surface

Chapter 156: 珄


Staying in the mental hospital, I feel much more energetic.

This was Lu Yanli’s first feeling.

He stood by the window, opened the curtains, and stared out the window with his lifeless eyes, as if he was admiring the scenery.

His wrists, chest...all ached dully. To prove that he was ill, he inflicted wounds on himself in advance and showed them intentionally when seeing the doctor.

He knew that his arrival was suspicious, but he had already made a promise to go home once a month, so he just had to speed up.

In the surveillance video, the patient who came in stood by the window and watched for the whole morning. He didn't know what was worth seeing in the small woods outside the window.

After lunch, he took a nap. In the afternoon, Lu Yanli stood at the window and watched for the whole afternoon until dinner. During this time, he did not communicate with anyone, did not talk, and just watched quietly in the distance.

In the evening, the nurse took him to dinner. The doctor asked him what he was doing. Lu Yanli looked at the other person with gloomy eyes, suppressing the crazy smile in his eyes. He said: "I'm looking at someone."

"A person? Can he talk to me? Who is he?"

Lu Yanli pointed outside the window and said, "There's someone hanging on the tree and dangling.

"He's looking at me."

Pointing to the ceiling, "Look, he's up there."

His face was very pale, like the healthy complexion of a young boy who had been exposed to sunlight. He was very thin, so thin that the hospital gown he wore seemed to be able to fit another person. At this moment, the man's dark eyes stared at people, and it was a bit creepy to say these words.

doctor:"… "

The next day, Lu Yanli was taken for another examination.

"I'm not sick, there are ghosts in this world, it's just you watching." Lu Yanli stared straight at the nurse who was drawing blood from him.

The needle pierced into his skin, which was so thin that veins bulged, and blood was drawn. The nurse coaxed him, "Yes, yes, we can see it, you can see it." After a tube of blood was drawn, the needle was gently pulled out and a cotton swab was pressed against the needle hole.

The attitudes of doctors and nurses were very good, and there was no abuse of patients.

As for fake drugs...

‌Taking medicine would cause harm to himself, and because there were no test results, the doctor did not prescribe any medicine for him.

Lu Yanli didn't have much time to play lurking games, so he set his sights on his neighbor across the street and planned to steal her medicine.

There was an old lady living opposite. I heard gossip in private that her children all seemed to have a bad relationship with her. In addition, after her husband passed away, the old lady became weird and weird, so she was admitted to a mental hospital.

If the hospital really wants to pass off inferior products as genuine ones, it is easiest to target this type of people.

Anyway, he is a mental patient now, so whatever he does is normal.

Lu Yanli continued to stand by the window for a whole day. At night, when the nurse turned off the lights after making rounds, he moved a small stool and continued to sit by the door, staring at the dark corridor with his eyes open.

The nurse on duty made her rounds very regularly, calculating the time and arriving punctually with clattering footsteps, shining the flashlight on Lu Yanli.

"Why are you sleeping?"

Lu Yanli looked at her, turned his head to one side, and said nothing. He had not hit anyone since he was admitted to the hospital, and the nurse gently coaxed him back to the room.

Behind the door, Lu Yanli lay on the bed with his eyes closed. He listened to the nurse's footsteps gradually fading away. He opened his eyes, sat up again, and continued to move the stool to sit in the middle of the corridor until the next round of nurses came to make rounds, when he was startled.

"Why did you get up again?"

Lu Yanli didn't say anything. His pale skin reflected the faint light of the flashlight in the dark. He glanced at the nurse, picked up the small stool and returned to the room, then lay down in front of the nurse.

"If you keep sleeping in bed, your hands will be tied up, okay?" the nurse said to him.

Lu Yanli: …

Does a mentally ill person need to care so much? He continues to do so.

The result was that I had to get up the next day, move a small stool and sit in various places to watch people, eat, check, and be questioned...

At night, I continued to move towards the old lady's room.

He needed to steal medicine, but the nurses were very strict about patients taking medicine and would watch them take it before leaving. There would never be medicine in the room at ordinary times, so if he wanted to steal, he could only do so when the patients were taking medicine.

Lu Yanli pretended to be a mental patient for a few days. Finally, one day when it was time to take medicine, he wandered around with a small stool and ended up in the opposite room. The nurse was about to feed pills and water to the old lady, and he rushed out and grabbed the pills and ate them.

"Hey, hey, hey, this is your medicine, you can take it!" The nurse was so anxious that she wanted him to spit it out, but Lu Yanli had already eaten it. After eating it, he ran to other wards as if nothing had happened and continued to watch others take their medicine.

He ran a few laps before returning to the room, breaking off half of the pills he had just hidden under the guise of taking them, swallowing half and hiding the other half again. Not long after, the nurse came to take him to have his stomach washed.

What is the experience of gastric lavage? Especially after several days in a row, the already thin patients became even thinner, like skeletons.

It was no use. The new patient seemed to like snatching medicine from others. He seemed to be very determined that he was sick and needed medicine. When the doctor prescribed medicine for him, he would snatch it from others. After half a month, when he had hidden enough pills, his partner came to pick him up as promised and asked to be transferred to another hospital.

On this day, unexpectedly, the family of the old lady in the opposite ward also came. Among them was a little girl in a red dress with two pigtails, who seemed to be her granddaughter. She held her parents' hands and looked around curiously.

"Are you sick too?" the little girl asked Lu Yanli.

The man was speechless.

The little girl knew how to read, and she read out the nameplate on the young man's chest: "Lu, Yan, Li, Li means politeness." She laughed, her voice clear, and pointed at herself, "I'm Lili, and you're Lili."

"That's enough, stop talking nonsense." The parents obviously didn't want her to interact with the patients, so they pulled her away. Lu Yanli also walked out with his partner. Before leaving, the little girl waved to him and said, "Bye."

"How is it? Did you find anything?" his partner asked him.

"These will be sent for testing first."

Lu Yanli leaned back in the back seat. After continuous gastric lavages and the effects of the medication over the past few days, he felt a little uncomfortable and didn't want to talk.

"You should also have a physical examination. We will have a physical examination together later."

"I'll go home first."

"Hey, hey, hey, are you dying again? You..."

"It's okay, I'll go home first."

His partner persuaded him and sent him to the airport. Lu Yanli bought the nearest flight and took several flights, removing his disguises one by one. After making sure that no one was following him, he returned home that night.

Coincidentally, his father was there too.

What’s more coincidental is that there are guests at home.

There was a house full of people in the living room. The puppy Douzai was curled up on the sofa, enjoying the caress of everyone.

"Oh, Xiao Lu is back."

"Like father, like son. I heard that Xiao Lu is very good at art..."

“The latest art exhibition…”

An Xingyu was also there, coming with his father. Before Lu Yanli came back, all the adults in the hall seemed to be targeting this high school student, and began to discuss topics such as education and college entrance examinations. As soon as Lu Yanli opened the door, they immediately helped him to share most of the firepower.

When the two looked at each other, they felt a sense of sympathy, and saw sympathy in each other's eyes.

Lu Yanli pulled An Xingyu upstairs with an expressionless face, and Douzi Wang followed closely. The two of them and the dog entered the room and locked the door in one go.

"It's been a long time, Brother Lu." An Xingyu took the initiative to greet him, "Is this your painting?" He pointed to the easel in the room.


Chu Xian wanted to publish a book, and asked him to draw the cover and the character design of the protagonist. He drew this the night before he set out, leaving some as a base. Lu Yanli and An Xingyu's eyes lit up, and asked spontaneously, "Want to see it?"

An Xingyu nodded frantically.

Lu Yanli lifted the canvas.

A man stood with his back to the city in the subway, his coat embroidered with bright gesang flowers. In the glass window, his shadow was a terrifying skeleton!

"Oh..." An Xingyu's eyes brightened, "It's a pity that I can't draw."

Lu Yanli wanted to ask him to study, his eyelids twitched, but then he remembered his parents' desire for control and held back the words.

"I'll go to the kitchen, you are free to do as you please."

Lu Yanli also knows how to cook, and when there are many people, he will go to the kitchen to help. At dinner time, everyone finally arrived.

There were not many people coming, most of whom Lu Yanli had met before, except for a few unfamiliar young people. I heard that they wanted to get together because they had solved a big tomb robbery case.

Among them was a pair of brothers who looked very gentle. The elder brother Yu Huaiyao was an archaeologist. He took his younger brother Yu Huan to the construction site. They found traces of tomb robbers, stayed in the tomb for a few days, and assisted the police in catching the tomb-robbing gang.

Lin Chu and Yu Xianguang were also there. The former was helping in the kitchen. She made a small cake and casually handed one to Lu Yanli.

"Your dad is actually very worried about you." She said softly.

Lu Yanli said, "I know." As soon as he opened the door, his father's eyes followed him. He wanted to say something but didn't want to speak.

"So do you want to be a policeman? You can take the exam now." However, he needs to go somewhere else to take the exam. Director Lu has always felt that his son has a good potential to be an undercover agent, but he is reluctant to let him go.

Lu Yanli laughed and shook his head: "I'm not that rule-abiding, and it's nice to be able to paint freely."

This is what it means to politely refuse.

"It's pretty good, very comfortable, I can do whatever I want."

Sure enough, this topic was discussed again at the dinner table. Lu Yanli's father, who always liked to scold his son and give him life instructions, was silent this time, contrary to his usual behavior. Everyone chatted for a while, but no one paid attention and talked about other things with a smile.

"Have you really thought about it?" After dinner, when Father Lu was clearing the table and his son was helping him, he suddenly asked this question out of the blue.

Lu Yanli understood what he meant, raised his head and looked directly at him: "I've thought about it."

"Okay, it's your own life after all." After Mr. Lu finished, he cleaned up again. Before he brought the dishes to the kitchen, he said one last thing, "Go home more often to see your mother when you have time. She misses you very much."
