The World Below Surface

Chapter 32


In the room, Lu Yanli was searching for information on the computer.

‌,‌ will be wrong...

The pattern he saw was exactly the same as the tattoos on several of the people he had seen in the park before the explosion.

However, that group of people soon blew themselves up collectively with bombs, and he did not understand too much about it. He only vaguely knew that this was a religion and they were worshipping the gods in their hearts.

I know these people will still be in the park tomorrow.

He quickly found a lot of information about that religion on the Internet. Lu Yanli quickly erased the paper with the drawn pattern to avoid attracting "details". At the same time, he gave himself a psychological hint to remember the pattern as much as possible.

Yes, from An Xingyu's mouth, he learned that there is also such a religion in his world - Pantheism. They believe in a god who is all-powerful and all-powerful, and believe that under the guidance of God, they can wash away their sins and successfully reach the heaven where God is.

And the religion that I found out through my search is also Pantheism.

For those who came from another world, the world they remembered was the same as the world they lived in before the mutation. People believed in science and did not believe in ghosts and gods.

Lu Yanli had hypnotized at least dozens of taskers and confirmed that they all came from the same place and had the same basic understanding of that world. The only difference was that that place was different from the world they were in. Whether it was due to some strange changes, the celebrities and places in that world had nothing in common, and many major events did not happen.

However, once he asked for information related to the mission, they were controlled by some unknown force and committed suicide. No matter how he controlled them, it was useless. Even if he tied them up completely, they would die from various horrible reasons. He even suffocated to death inexplicably in a coma. Since then, he has never made similar attempts again.

For so many years, he has been trying to find the connection between the two worlds, trying to figure out why the world he is in will change, but that world did not change. Instead, it allowed a steady stream of ordinary people to come and do some inexplicable tasks. Every time those people entered, the world returned to "normal". If the taskers died, they would reappear in this world in another form.

It's like, by existing here, we are playing a swap game with the humans of this world.

There is only one world. Those taskers can also enter other worlds.

Is it his hallucination, or is there something wrong with the whole world

Is he crazy, or is the world crazy

Are there really multiple worlds? Or is it just his own memory error

Lu Yanli tried to find the answer again and again. He believed in gods and even hypnotized himself, but it was all in vain. He had to face this strange, broken world.

But he didn't give up.

As long as there is a chance, he will contact the group of taskers and get more information from them. The development of the All-God Church is undoubtedly a major breakthrough in his research over the years!

Two worlds, one thing in common!

Someone outside the window let out a shrill scream. Lu Yanli saw a red shadow on the glass window through the reflection of the computer screen. The shadow had a pale face, and his eyes were gouged out. His dark eye sockets stared straight at him.

At the same time, he heard someone knocking on the window.

He ignored it and naturally switched the computer page to the game.

The next moment, an icy hand grabbed his ankle!

Lu Yanli stood up and walked to the living room to pour himself a cup of tea. When he stood up, the hand suddenly disappeared, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

The red-clothed figure outside the window stared at him intently for a long time and then disappeared.

Lu Yanli lowered his head slightly and looked at his ankle.

There was a charred handprint there.

In a room in another world, the fair-skinned young man closed his eyes and prayed, then opened his eyes and reported the entire process of his mission in detail.

Just like the previous website, he also omitted the content related to Lu Yanli and only described other things. He didn't log off until the priest on the other side sent a message to confirm receipt, and then he smiled devoutly.

Thank the gods, thank the all-purpose God for his protection. Without the protection of the all-purpose God, he might not be alive.

An Xingyu felt very lucky that when he was doing his first mission, the first batch of taskers he met were willing to tell him about the existence of the tasker website, and one of the taskers was a believer of the Church of All God who guided him into the religion.

Although the other party died in the mission, An Xingyu firmly believed that he had returned to the arms of God, and he would live forever in the kingdom of God, which is full of happiness and peace, and without birth, aging, sickness and death.

"God, please bless me."

An Xingyu recited the prayer one last time before opening the book to review.

After returning from his first mission, he was sick for a long time due to the psychological pressure. Since then, he applied to study at home, and the teacher approved it for fear of accidents. Since then, except for going to school once a week to attend classes in weak subjects and taking exams from time to time, he spent the rest of his time studying at home.

But all his teachers, classmates and even his parents knew what terrible things he was doing in private.

In the evening, An Xingyu's father came back.

An Xingyu's father is a policeman. He often takes on various cases and is often on business trips. He rarely has the opportunity to get off work on time and go home for dinner.

As they ate, the three of them couldn't help but start chatting.

An Xingyu's father is An Ru. He used to be very strict with his children, but since that incident, he has never suppressed his children's studies again. Instead, An Xingyu took the initiative to study late every day, and his grades also improved sharply.

"Did you watch the news today? That big case happened at the station. Twelve people died at the same time..." An Ru said as he picked up some food. Before he finished speaking, his leg was twisted by his wife. His wife hurriedly asked, "We are eating. Why are you saying that in front of the children?"

"It's okay, Mom. Didn't we also watch this news during the day?" An Xingyu didn't show any resistance. "Dad, are you handling this case today?"

"Yes." An Ru sighed and shook his head. "In recent days, I don't know what's going on. There are more and more cases like this."

Due to the great pressure, he had more and more white hair on his head and his brows were furrowed.

Recently, there have been more and more reports of major deaths in certain places. The most troublesome thing is that no matter which case, they can't find the murderer. There is no evidence to prove that it was someone else who killed them, but the tragic way of death is that even they themselves don't believe it was suicide. The police station has a lot of files, all of which are such headless cases. They can only rely on local officials to suppress them again and again.

As people panicked, many small cults grew and expanded wantonly. The one that gave them the most headaches was a cult called All-God. This cult was established at a very young age, and every time it gathered, a large number of citizens died. What was even more terrifying was that this religion had infiltrated many junior high schools, which was one of the reasons why An Ru agreed to let An Xingyu study at home.

"Dad, thank you for your hard work." An Xingyu said sternly.

An Ru stared at his son for a while, and finally couldn't help but pat his son on the shoulder. The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After dinner, An Xingyu did not go directly into the room, but asked his father about the details of the case.

After completing the task, he quickly returned home from the station, and naturally paid more attention to other people. An Ru had a lingering smell of blood on him, so he must have gone to the crime scene, and he must have sorted out the files at the police station.

An Xingyu often asked him about the details of such cases, and An Ru was used to it, and would occasionally pick out some interesting things to tell him. This time, he sighed and still didn't tell him, letting his son go back to study.

This case happened at the station, where the flow of people is the largest. It was already late at night, and the old green carriages that had not yet been eliminated at the station were relatively empty, and the last carriage was even more empty. But when the train attendant checked each one, he found that the door of the last carriage was closed, and the glass window was blurry.

He found the key and opened the door from the outside. What came into his sight was a scene that was enough to shock everyone: twelve people died in the carriage!

What horrifies other police officers the most is that the ways they died were, without exception, cruel and outrageous.

Four of them had their stomachs emptied of their organs and filled with straw, but strangely, there was no trace of blood. One male corpse had his stomach cut open and blood splattered; one female corpse had her hands severed; and another male corpse had his entire body scalded to death…

These ways of death are enough to make everyone shudder. The first flight attendant who arrived at the airport had just started working and was scared crazy by the situation inside when he opened the door. Many of their colleagues who went to the airport also vomited on the spot.

An Ru's eyes were complicated.

He believed in materialistic atheism for decades, but the cases he handled recently were more bizarre than the last, especially after seeing what he saw today, it was difficult for him to stick to his beliefs.

Is this really something humans can do

An Ru said that An Xingyu just asked, and he went back to his room to memorize words, feeling calm.

Anru looked at his back and felt a pang of heartache.

Because of that incident, his son changed from his cheerful appearance to a lifeless look in just a short period of time.

Those damn... cultists!

The next day, Lu Yanli got up and opened the curtains.

There were a lot of strange balloons floating outside the window. Those balloons… all looked like human heads! They were laughing and flying high into the sky. After reaching a certain height, the balloons exploded due to the high air pressure, just like a watermelon that was suddenly smashed, splashing out a lot of red and white sticky liquid, and the entangled lines also fell down quickly.

The line carrying thick liquid fell down onto the ordinary person, and soon, it wrapped around the person's neck like a life, gradually tightening.

"Ah—oh, it hurts! Mom..."

The balloon string was wrapped around a little girl, and her neck was immediately tightened. The little girl cried and called for her mother, but her mother just watched with a smile and clapped her hands.

Soon, the little girl's neck was cut off by the thin thread and she became a new human head balloon.

Lu Yanli dodged those inexplicable balloons on the way and came to the park again.

The buildings in the park have been restored, as if the explosion that day was his hallucination. Groups of people in red and white robes gathered in the park.

Lu Yanli used his sharp eyesight to notice that the man in question had a red tattoo on the side of his ear.

Another thing is that she has a tattoo on the back of her hand.

The man had a tattoo on his elbow, which was inadvertently revealed when he raised his arm.

How strange... The pattern they formed should be the Yin-Yang fish of Taoism, but why are the tattoos on their bodies the inverted cross of Western mysticism

Lu Yanli looked a few more times and saw that the group of people seemed to be unaware. One of them walked towards him, so he immediately turned around and left.

The person stopped and stood there quietly, staring at Lu Yanli's back. Her eyes were full of compassion, and she lowered her head and sighed: "May God bless you..."

The wind blew up her robe, revealing her calves and a bright red tattoo mark on her ankle.

That is... an inverted cross and a reversed seven-pointed star pattern.

Lu Yanli returned to the company and made a brief report to his superior, who was busy with his lover and readily agreed to his request for leave.

The moment Lu Yanli stepped out of the company's door, several balloons with human heads floating in the sky suddenly popped and exploded.

However, this time, there was no blood, and no other supernatural events occurred in the explosion. They just exploded like ordinary balloons, and the cotton thread didn't go anywhere.

Lu Yanli looked back again, and the buildings behind him became clean. On the streets, all the people who were threatening to commit suicide, crying, screaming, and laughing wildly... disappeared. They were just like ordinary people, walking on the street normally.

"Mom, buy me a balloon." A little girl pulled her mother's hand and pointed to the street vendor. The young mother was very patient and smiled as she bought her daughter a balloon.

Sure enough... the tasker came again.

I wonder if this time, it’s the right one.

"This mission is so weird. They actually asked us to play a horror game."

"Is every mission equally weird?"

"That being said, I don't want to eat incense ash rice at all, right? The thought of rice mixed with incense ash makes me sick."

"It's okay. You didn't survive last time. You can still eat raw cat meat."

"But to be honest, this mission is indeed quite strange. We have to play a horror game for seven days, and we have to bring in strangers at midnight every night to play with six people. Actually, there are only four of us this time, so we are a little short of people, so we have to bring in a stranger."

"Yeah, Brother Chu, do you have any ideas?"

In a black four-wheeler, four people were having a heated discussion, or to be more precise, three of them were chattering.

The man called Brother Chu sat upright in the passenger seat, his dark eyes looking forward. After hearing his name, he looked at the man and woman in the back seat through the rearview mirror and curled his lips: "Do you understand? The tasks are also balanced in difficulty. The more executors who complete the tasks, the more difficult the tasks assigned to them will be."

Therefore, the implication is that because this mission is too difficult and not many people have completed it, there is no need for ordinary executors to increase the number of people.

The man in the back seat let out a long sigh and leaned back in dejection. The woman sitting next to him said quickly, "So this time, Brother Chu, did you find any clues?"

The young man sitting in the passenger seat was called Chu Xiu. It was hard to say exactly how many missions he had completed. Sometimes he would even participate in his own missions. No one knew what he did, but the death toll on the missions he was on was always much lower.

Therefore, when these three people heard that they were going to do the task together with the famous [Feng Xiuzi]—Chu Xiu on the website, their originally depressed mood immediately became excited.

Chu Xiu stared at the increasingly dark road ahead and the gradually gloomy sky, and said lightly: "Perhaps, this time we should be more careful of passers-by who are asking for missions."

Who can explain that he is really a "passerby"

"Also, the mission doesn't specify that it has to be a passerby. The text requires six people, so if more than one of us dies, we have to add more."

In this way, the probability of finding ghosts will only be greater!

The other three people in the car were trembling with their imaginations, and they immediately started discussing it. They decided that when choosing passers-by, they must choose real humans, otherwise it would be a real death situation if ghosts pretended to be humans and ran in to participate.

Besides... He recalled the document that [The Tower Will Fall] sent to him.

[High-rise Buildings Will Collapse] has an automatic sending device. If it is not destroyed within 24 hours, it will be automatically sent to his mailbox.

What did the other party mean when he said that the NPC consciousness had already become an outsider