The World Below Surface

Chapter 35


Cat's meow

Wen Qing was confused and uncertain, but when she listened carefully, she couldn't hear clearly.

It was as if... the faint cat meow just now was her illusion.

But Wen Qing believed that this was definitely not an illusion, and she even felt that the cat's meow was particularly familiar.

Because the cat's meow sounded very much like the cry of her kitten.

In the eyes of ordinary people, cats and dogs all look the same regardless of their species, but animal owners can distinguish the details of their pets.

Is it her pussy?!

Did she really call Xiao Mi back

Wen Qing didn't care about being afraid, or rather, it would be more appropriate to describe her mood at the moment as full of joy.

But she still remembered what those people had said just now. She must not make any sound, otherwise, there would be unpredictable consequences. Wen Qing suppressed her excitement and took a few steps forward, wanting to hear what it would ask.

To her disappointment, Xiao Mi said nothing. The breeze behind her was quiet and there was no more cat's meow, as if everything just now was just her illusion.

It's just... is it really an illusion

Wen Qing didn't believe it.

She clutched the amulet in her hand, suddenly gritted her teeth, squatted down and placed the amulet on the ground, and continued to move forward. With every step she took, she whispered her own name, but what she was thinking of in her heart was another name, and with every step she took, she thought about it a little more.

"Wen Qing." Xiao Mi...

"Wen Qing." Xiao Mi, come out quickly.

"Is she crazy? What is she doing?" In the distance, several people in the car counted that Wen Qing had walked thirteen steps, but she squatted down and did something unknown, and then continued to walk forward? Nie Yunzhen asked in disbelief.

"This girl is a little strange." Ye Shengke frowned and turned to ask, "Senior, did you notice anything?"

Even though Yun Qian was already unconscious, they were still cautious and lowered their voices, almost relying on lip reading to understand each other's conversations.

Shi Yan shook her head.

They all cast their eyes on Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu had no desire to explain. He just stared quietly at the night ahead. His entire body almost blended into the thick night. No one could tell what he was thinking.

What they didn't notice was that Yun Qian, who was lying in the last seat, sat up straight without a sound, her lifeless eyes fixed on the four people in front of her. A strange smile hung on the corner of her mouth, and the smile grew bigger and bigger, almost reaching her earlobes.

However, the four people in front of them knew nothing about it, because in the rearview mirror, they did not see the girl sitting up at all! In the reflection of the mirror, Yun Qian was still sleeping.

"She took another thirteen steps." Nie Yunzhen said in disbelief.

A pair of soft, pale hands gradually stretched forward, about to wrap around Ye Shengke's neck. At this moment, Shi Yan suddenly turned her head, and the hands quickly retracted - Yun Qian was quietly unconscious, with tears in the corners of her eyes from fear.

"When will she wake up? Otherwise, ask her to call Wen Qing back?"

"It's better not to." Unexpectedly, Chu Xiu stopped her from thinking.

Judging from what happened when Yun Qian was playing games just now, she must have encountered some supernatural events. Perhaps, she has been entangled by those things. They accepted Yun Qian getting in the car because they needed to use her to hold Wen Qing hostage to continue playing games. Otherwise, the most important thing they should do is to put the two girls down and run away first.

Fortunately, Wen Qing's abnormality did not last too long. The four people observed carefully. She walked forward dozens of steps beyond the specified range before turning back. However, when she reached a certain place, she squatted down again, as if she was tying her shoelaces.

However, Chu Xiu saw it clearly. She was clearly using the lacing of her shoe as a cover. She picked up something from the ground and stuffed it into her shoe.

What did she pick up

Wen Qing walked up to him and opened the car door. Her face was a little pale, but she was still calm. Her psychological quality was even better than some of the executors. Ye Shengke even admired her a little.

Shi Yan asked: "Did you encounter anything unusual just now?"

Wen Qing shook her head: "No." She looked at her friend who was still unconscious, feeling worried.

Both NPCs have already played the "game". From their experience just now, perhaps Yun Qian encountered the supernatural event first, so Wen Qing was able to remain unharmed. This conjecture undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm.

"Well, let Ye Zi go next?" Shi Yan took the initiative to say. Hearing this, Ye Shengke looked at her with gratitude: "Senior..."

She could see that Chu Xiu was planning to play the game last. She had no intention of competing with Xiao Ye. As long as she took the initiative and brought it up before Nie Yunzhen, he would not say anything.

Sure enough, Chu Xiu had no objection. Nie Yunzhen's face darkened for a moment, but he still agreed.

Ye Shengke quietly shook Shi Yan's hand, needless to say he was grateful. Without further ado, he opened the car door and walked forward.

The car lights illuminated the road, and in front of me was my long shadow.

In a moment, he will step on his own shadow and recite his own name step by step.

Thinking of this, the courage that Ye Shengke had just gathered suddenly disappeared. He looked at the shadow under his feet and couldn't help but think of his past experiences -

"Xiao Ye, we agreed that you must wait for me." said his best brother.

That day, they came to a small alley near the school. There were many such alleys near the university town. Some were occupied by small vendors and turned into food streets, while others were ignored intentionally or unintentionally and no one visited them.

They naturally went to the latter place, and after searching for a long time, they finally found it. It was said that a girl was brutally killed here by gangsters. It had been blocked for a long time. After it was unblocked, it had a gloomy feeling even if you went there during the day, so gradually few people visited it.

Naturally, his brother had heard about this ghost story and was terrified. He confirmed it several times and asked him to wait for him.

What did you say at that time

"Don't worry, we are just friends. I will definitely be waiting for you at the entrance of the alley." Ye Shengke patted his chest and promised, "Besides, there are no ghosts in this world. You can't just scare yourself."

"Okay, okay, remember to record it clearly. I want you to watch it later."

"Don't worry, I promise to make your heroic appearance look extremely handsome. Once this thing is released, I guarantee that no one will ever call you a coward again."

"Yeah! I'm on it!"

Then he got out of the car.

Just like you are doing now, move forward.

He heard the other person's light footsteps, and he knew that the other person must be trembling, just like he was trembling, but he still walked forward step by step.

"Ye Shengke." His voice rang out.

"Ye Shengke."

At that time, he squatted at the entrance of the alley, with the camera in night mode pointed at the good brothers inside. He didn't believe these things. After squatting for a long time, his legs became numb, and he couldn't help but change his posture, and the camera also shook slightly. He lowered his head and slapped a mosquito to death, and then looked at the camera again.

But a scene that he will never forget happened: in the camera, his good brother was walking forward step by step, mumbling something, and pausing after each step. But in the camera picture, a shadow with long hair and a white skirt sat on his shoulder!

Ye Shengke was stunned, his whole body froze in place, and the blood in his body seemed to flow backwards. At this moment, his good brother finally completed the thirteen steps, turned around excitedly and ran towards him.

"Xiaoye! I'm done! Did you record it?"

As he turned around excitedly, the girl sitting on his neck also turned around, her face revealing part of her pale skin from her disheveled black hair. Her hands were abnormally long, hanging from her shoulders as if they had no bones, and wrapped around the man's neck - wrapped around several times.

As if she noticed someone was taking a photo, the woman raised her head. Ye Shengke could clearly see the sinister smile on the corner of her mouth.


Ye Shengke's breathing suddenly became rapid and his whole body was extremely cold. He glanced at his brother who was running towards him and calling out to him while still wondering what was going on, then dropped his camera and turned around and ran.

"Xiao Ye? Xiao Ye, why are you running? Wait for me! Xiao Ye..."

Soon, he rushed out of this haunted place and came to the downtown area. His hands were still shaking, and he was still immersed in fear.

It’s a ghost… There really is a ghost!

At that time, he was like a frightened bird, and everyone seemed abnormal to him. He didn't dare to go back to the dormitory in the middle of the night, fearing that ghosts would come to his door. He didn't dare to stay with other people, fearing that they were ghosts in disguise. He didn't know where he went, and he was relieved when the sun rose the next day, and he immediately returned to school.

However, when he returned to school, he found that his good friend had not come back last night, and no matter who called him, his phone did not go through. He had to do a very important experiment the next day, and if he did not come, he would definitely fail the course.

The monitor was very responsible. After asking him to help notify everyone, he hurried into the laboratory, leaving Ye Shengke cold all over.

He wanted to tell everyone about this game, and he also guessed that the other party had met with an accident. But he didn't dare to speak, and could only comfort himself like an ostrich, saying that it was okay, he must be okay.

However, the other party did not show up for several days. This good student with a 100% attendance rate disappeared.

Later, the police found his body in his home. The bloody bodies of the three family members were neatly placed in the room, and no one knew the cause of their death. What was even more surprising was that someone saw him near the university town that night, but the autopsy results showed that the cause of death was in the early morning of the next day. Checking his consumption records, he did not buy any travel tickets at all.

No one knew how he suddenly appeared in a home thousands of miles away in just a few hours, and why a family of three suddenly died.

Only Ye Shengke knows what is going on, and this will be his eternal demon.

“…Ye Shengke.”

Step 13, here we are.

Ye Shengke stopped and looked down.

Above my own shadow, there was another woman's shadow. It could be seen that her hair was very long, as if she was wearing a skirt, and something was floating.

At this moment, she is also sitting on his shoulders, right

Retribution... it's all retribution.

When the time came, Ye Shengke calmed down instead. He turned around and walked to the car.

"Um... are you okay?" Shi Yan rolled down the window and asked through it. She noticed that Ye Shengke's face was still a little pale, but he had a somewhat relaxed smile on his face.

"Fortunately, nothing serious happened." Ye Shengke opened the car door and got in, acting nothing out of the ordinary.

His heart was filled with guilt towards Shi Yan, but he couldn't tell the truth.

Now, everyone was further certain that the strange thing might have been attracted by Yun Qian. In this way, the people playing the game later would be safer.

Next, it’s Nie Yunzhen’s turn.

He walked very quickly and returned to the car immediately after finishing the walk, with a smile on his face as if he had survived a disaster.

Next was Shi Yan, who also got back to the car smoothly.

The last one is Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu got out of the car and walked towards the intersection step by step.

Inside the car, Wen Qing stared at his back and frowned.

As long as he comes back, these four people will send her and Xiaolan back.

Thinking of this, Wen Qing reached out and held Yun Qian's hand, calming himself down.

What she didn't see was that a pair of soft and boneless pale arms were about to wrap around her ankles, but suddenly they seemed to touch something and retracted.

Late at night, Lu Yanli sat in front of the window in a single room of a hotel, looking out the window.

There are no stars or moon tonight, the night sky is dark, but neon lights are flashing in the windows, and this city will not sleep.

Only at this time could he appreciate the normal night view.

If it weren't for the occasional visits from the taskers, he would probably have been lost in the long-lasting weirdness and become one with them.

However, this peace does not last long. Those things...even if you don't go looking for them, they will come to you. Taking the initiative to attack you can get a way to survive.

Lu Yanli looked at it for a while and sat back at the computer desk. He had a good memory and could still clearly remember every task and every executor he had experienced since a few years ago.

He is looking for information.

In the past, many tasks were completed unclearly, and even if they were completed, there were still many secrets hidden behind them. Moreover, the world during and after the task was completed was completely different. In other words, even if he searched on the Internet, the information he found at different time periods would be completely different.

A promotional video of Honghe Village is playing on the computer screen.

On that day, the area of Honghe Village had clearly turned into a wasteland, with graveyards everywhere and blood rivers covering all the graves. But now, Honghe Village is still the same as when I first saw it, clean and tidy everywhere, and even the Red River captured by the camera for publicity is a clear red, which looks particularly beautiful.

Everything is so normal.

However, before the world became "normal", he opened the webpage and what he saw was clearly a ghost village!

Lu Yanli looked at the familiar face of the village chief, and also... He Lou, Shen Na, Zhao Chuan and others. They had completely integrated into the village, following the village chief to help, and they all looked very happy.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Lu Yanli's eyes.

Which one should you choose, the illusory beauty or the cruel reality

He would rather embrace the cruel truth alone and struggle on the brink of life and death than live his life in a daze and ignorance.

After collecting some information from the omniscient god again, Lu Yanli returned to bed to rest.

According to past experience, even if he didn't take the initiative to come to them, those people would gather with him due to various coincidences.

An off-road vehicle slowly drove into the hotel parking lot.

Four people got out of the car, they were Chu Xiu, Nie Yunzhen, Shi Yan and Ye Shengke.

Although they had promised in advance that Wen Qing and Yun Qian would send the two back, it would be fine if they were fine. But now Yun Qian was clearly suspected of being targeted by a ghost. How could they risk their lives to do good things

Therefore, Wen Qing and Yun Qian, who was still in a coma, were left at the intersection by them.

The four of them walked into the hotel lobby and booked four single rooms, all on the 13th floor. Unexpectedly, they did not take the elevator, but chose the stairs to the surprise of the waiter.

After returning from long-term missions, people would train hard to save their lives. The thirteenth floor was nothing to them, and taking the elevator was dangerous. In places like this where supernatural events are common, even if a ghost suddenly appeared, they would have absolutely no chance of escaping in the confined space of the elevator. Therefore, when they were outside, they had developed the habit of taking the stairs.

Nie Yunzhen said: "Today's game was a close call, but what about tomorrow's? Do you all remember tomorrow's game?"

Shi Yan said: "Yes, remember, it can be implemented in the hotel. Oh, by the way, everyone remember to buy a few apples and fruit knives tomorrow."

"Who should we ask to play with us this time?" Ye Shengke raised his head and said calmly, "We only need to add one more person this time."

Nie Yunzhen smiled and said, "Do you remember our room number?"

After he said this, everyone understood.

The four of them checked in together and were supposed to have rooms with consecutive numbers, but it turned out that the single room in the middle was already occupied by someone else.

In this way, they don’t have to think too much about selecting new game players.

They smiled and went to their room.

Chu Xiu was the last one walking, and his gaze at the three people in front of him was particularly deep.

He didn't believe that nothing had happened to these three people. Are ghosts really that kind

The other three people probably thought the same thing, so even though they were talking, they didn't get close to each other at all, and kept a distance that they could escape from at any time.

While talking, they reached the thirteenth floor.

For the sake of privacy and customer safety, the hotel shuffled the room numbers. They followed the number tags and found that the room cards given to them by the front desk were indeed for adjacent rooms.

If there was no middle room.

Chu Xiu passed by the door and glanced sideways.

Suburban, dark road.

This place is sparsely populated, and taxis are reluctant to go here. Wen Qing and Yun Qian still took the bus to a nearby stop during the day, and walked another kilometer or two to reach their destination.

Now, those four inexplicable people simply threw them out of the car and left. There were no street lights, and the stars and the moon were hiding behind layers of dark clouds. It was pitch black everywhere. Even with Wen Qing's courage, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If Yun Qian was still awake, Wen Qing could take her out with him, but Yun Qian was still unconscious and Wen Qing was helpless. He couldn't carry her on his back, and was afraid of hurting her by dragging her on the ground, so he had to half hug and half embrace her and take her to the roadside.

The only thing that those four people had some conscience about was leaving them two sleeping bags.

Wen Qing was busy for a long time and finally put the sleeping bag on Yun Qian. She also got into the sleeping bag and lay on the hard and uncomfortable ground. She simply leaned against a tree and fell asleep in a daze.

In a house in the center of the city, a couple has gone to bed, and a photo of the family of three is placed on the bedside table.

The little girl among them looked exactly like Yun Qian when she was a child.

The hostess got up to go to the bathroom, rubbed her sleepy eyes with her hand, and after taking care of her physiological problem, she opened the door and went out. But what surprised her was that the bathroom door could not be opened

"What's going on..." The woman gripped the doorknob tightly and turned it left and right, but the door, which normally creaked with a gust of wind, didn't move at all. She couldn't help but twist the doorknob and knock on the door at the same time: "Husband?! Xixi's dad?!"

Bang bang bang!

She knocked on the door even louder.

"Xixi's dad?!"

What she didn't know was that her voice didn't even reach the bathroom, and naturally her husband couldn't hear it.

"Husband! Hurry up! Don't sleep anymore!" The woman knocked on the door even louder. She was angry and anxious. She accidentally turned her head and saw herself in the mirror. She was immediately scared to death.

She, she was clearly knocking on the door, but the person in the mirror... was actually facing the front!

The image in the mirror smiled at the woman outside. The light was pale, and her face was as pale as a dead person. She bent down, turned on the faucet, and took a handful of water to wash her face.

However, what came out of the faucet was not water at all, but a large amount of blood! In an instant, the strong smell of blood filled the entire room.

The flesh on her face, which was washed with blood, fell off bit by bit. The woman in the mirror smiled at the woman outside who was almost paralyzed by fear, and slowly stretched out her hands.

The pair of pale arms, soft as bone, wrapped around the woman's neck.

"Help… "

This cry for help never got through.

There are three compartments in the bathroom, with a washbasin at the back, a toilet in the middle, and a curtain and barrier covering the bathtub.

Unknown to her, the man's bloody body was soaked in a large amount of blood in the bathtub. As the woman turned on the faucet to wash her face, the blood in the bathtub flowed out through the pipes and the water level dropped little by little.


Half asleep and half awake, Wen Qing heard a cat's meow.

Unlike the usual meows of a cat, this meow was particularly shrill and sharp, as if it was driving away something.

It’s Xiaomi!

Wen Qing, who was still a little tired, immediately opened his eyes.

She was wrapped in a sleeping bag, staring blankly ahead.

In the night that was as thick as insoluble ink, an even darker little shadow came by itself. Its eyes emitted a glowing green light in the darkness. At first glance, it looked like two floating will-o'-the-wisp lights!

"Xiao, Xiao Mi?"

Wen Qing was stunned. She struggled out of her sleeping bag and shivered in the cold wind. But she didn't care about that anymore and ran over: "Is it Xiao Mi?"

"You came to see me. You still remember me, right?"

She ran over, squatted down, and suddenly remembered something. She took out the amulet hidden in her shoes, then carefully picked up the small ball of black fur.

Just like before, Xiao Mi was very well behaved and rubbed against her palm, which was soft with fur.

"I, I miss you so much. I hope you can come back to see me. I won't forget you." Wen Qing said in a low voice.

No matter how much she missed Xiao Mi, she knew that it was dead.

Even though grandmas often talk about cats having nine lives, that is just a legend. How is that possible

Even if he died, he would still be her little Mi.

What Wen Qing didn't see was that Yun Qian behind him slowly opened her eyes. She lay on the ground motionless, but two pale and soft hands stretched out from her shoulders, attacking her.

Wen Qing held the small ball in her hand and tried to walk back, trying to hold back her tears.

Xiao Mi hates taking a bath and also doesn't like his fur getting wet.

Even... even if it's a ghost, let her see Xiao Mi again and keep it company.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, the kitten in her hands changed its appearance, rolled over and jumped down, standing on the ground with its tail raised high.

It was dark at night, but Wen Qing could still see that its fur had stood up and its throat was making a hissing sound that was almost like the roar of a wild beast.

Wen Qing, who was familiar with its habits, knew that this was a sign before it attacked.

And the one it was roaring at... was Yun Qian!

"Xiao Mi, no! She's a friend, do you remember?" Wen Qing squatted down hurriedly, trying to pick up the cat. But this time Xiao Mi was unwilling to cooperate at all, and dodged, and then, its light figure pounced on Yun Qian who was still lying in the same place.


Wen Qing shouted, rushed over and hugged Xiao Mi tightly, ignoring its struggle and holding Xiao Mi away.

At this moment, how could Xiao Mi still look cute like a cat? Sharp fangs protruded from her mouth, and her nails instantly became longer and sharper, dripping with a sweet and rancid liquid. The soft fur on her body also became rough, and her body was stiff and cold.

"Xiao Mi?!"

Wen Qing was so scared that he immediately threw the cat away.

That's not her pussy. really turned into a ghost

Oh no! Yun Qian is in danger!

Just at this moment, Yun Qian slowly woke up. Wen Qing immediately rushed over again, spread his hands to block Yun Qian, staring at Xiao Mi who had turned into a monster, his eyes full of determination.

"Xixi, come out quickly, let's run!" Her legs were shaking, but she still held on to the possibility that Xiao Mi might still recognize her and had some memory left. Using this possibility, she stood still.

Yun Qian didn't know what was happening, but she was stunned by the scene in front of her. She hurriedly got out of the sleeping bag, then grabbed Wen Qing and ran back.

Run! Escape quickly!

It has turned into a monster!

Wen Qing held the other person's hand tightly and ran at almost the fastest speed in his life. Soon, Xiao Mi was left behind and disappeared.

Their pace slowed down, and Wen Qing panted and said: "Okay, it's safe now..."

Before she finished speaking, she felt her breath choked.

A bloodless hand tightly grasped her neck and lifted her up.

That hand... is Yun Qian's.

She stood up, her body twisting strangely. As strange cracking sounds were heard, her body became taller and taller, until it was almost as tall as the towering trees next to her. Her long, messy black hair covered her pale face.

She watched Wen Qing struggling, blood gushing out of his pale face and a strong stench of decay emanating from his body.

Yun Qian finally remembered... It turned out that she had died a long time ago.

When she stepped on the shadow, what she called back was her own soul.

At that time, Yun Qian said: "Find my... body."

Yun Qian, who remembered everything, had completely turned into a fierce ghost, and wanted to kill everyone around her! The first person she wanted to kill was Wen Qing, who was closest to her! But she had a talisman on her, so she couldn't kill Wen Qing, so she had to kill her parents at home.

And Wen Qing actually threw away the amulet on his own initiative. It was free from its shackles, and now it was going to kill its closest friend in his lifetime!