The World Below Surface

Chapter 53


The whole city was immersed in a peaceful sleep, and was not awakened by the sound of the cars speeding. After Lu Yanli drove a distance into the city, he turned the steering wheel and drove towards another unfamiliar road.

"Where are we going now?" Chu Xiu asked.

Lu Yanli: "Aren't you planning to go to No. 4 Middle School to play games? Let's go near the school today."

Talking about the game on the second day, Chu Xiu was a little silent.

The seven-day supernatural game, the first six days had exhausted him, Shi Yan and Nie Yunzhen finally died completely, the mystery of Wen Qing and Yun Qian's reincarnation turbulence was not solved, and there was an inexplicable omniscient god.

He had never been on a mission as desperate as this one, but he could not shirk his responsibility. Everything started from the first day he involved Wen Qing and Yun Qian.

But... Chu Xiu had a vague feeling deep in his heart that even if he didn't pull Wen Qing into the game when he first entered, she would have participated for various reasons. And as long as she participated, time and space would inevitably become chaotic.

Just like this time, the game should have ended, but they were dragged back to the crossroads again. He indirectly allowed Nie Yunzhen and Shi Yan to survive by making several wishes, but they still died unexpectedly near the end.

He vaguely sensed that something was controlling everything.

No, that's not right. It's not because of Wen Qing's participation.

But it’s because of that “God”!

Because of the involvement of that "god", their mission will become chaotic! But once they start, they will inevitably make wishes for various reasons, and then fall deeper into the turbulence of time and space, unable to escape.

Chu Xiu expressed his speculation and watched Lu Yanli's expression in the rearview mirror, hoping that he could give some clues.

He didn't know that Lu Yanli had already prayed to that god and exchanged himself for a chance to survive at the cost of becoming a believer.

Lu Yanli listened to his speculation quietly, and felt more and more that his choice was correct. He was able to deduce to this extent without any clues. He must have collected information for him in that world after returning.

The only thing that was uncertain was whether the psychological suggestion I had given him would still be effective after he returned? Also, if he came to this world again the next time and went to another place, it would be difficult to meet him.

"I still find it hard to draw a conclusion. What is behind all this? It doesn't seem like a simple ghost or a strange story." Chu Xiu concluded, "Shi Yan and Nie Yunzhen, with their abilities, shouldn't have..."

He didn't say anything, but he believed that the other party understood what he had not said.

"Because they died in the first round, they are destined to die. No matter how many times they try again, the result will be the same." After Chu Xiu finished speaking, Lu Yanli answered his question.

"Don't you understand? Their deaths are inevitable. Be it Wen Qing, Yun Qian, Shi Yan, Nie Yunzhen... After their first death, even if they were resurrected because of you, they couldn't escape the fate. Unless, like us, they paid the price and made a wish to God."

Chu Xiu: "If the two of us survived because of our wishes, then what about Wen Qing? Why did she?"

Lu Yanli was silent for a long time.

After a lot of trouble, the sky was slightly bright, and the street lights were shining. Some sanitation workers had already started working on the roadside. The vehicle passed them quickly and headed towards the end of Chu Xiu's mission.

"Because God is omnipotent and omniscient." Lu Yanli's demeanor suddenly became pious. He praised with the fanatical expression that Chu Xiu had seen on other believers dozens of times, "God can resurrect the dead, turn back time, and create everything!"

"You..." Lu Yanli's sudden change made Chu Xiu feel terrified, as if he had suddenly turned from a human into a monster.

Fortunately, his expression changed only for a moment, and Lu Yanli returned to his cold and indifferent appearance and continued: "But God does not really resurrect people. It just puts us back to the starting point and lets us find a new way."

Real resurrection? How is it possible? He had found so many strange things, but no ghost or god could really bring people back to life. Once you believe in their "resurrection", not only will you have to pay a higher price, but it will also be easier to drag yourself into the abyss.

This "God" is no exception.

"The origin?" Chu Xiu pondered this sentence carefully.

Lu Yanli gestured the flow of a river.

"It's like... the long river of time and space. There's a saying that people can never step into the same river twice, and God is no exception. It takes us out of the death node, and we continue to die in that time and space. Then, it puts us into another node of the river, but that river is no longer the same river. There may be another us there, or there may not be, because we are all in the same river and may intersect."

Chu Xiu nodded to show his understanding.

"Although God is kind, His majesty is inviolable. Therefore, only those who pay a price can get a chance to start over. We paid a price so we can change our future, but Shi Yan and Nie Yunzhen did not. How can they deserve God's gift?"

In other words, they "resurrected" without paying a price, but would still die.

The death trap just now was obviously aimed at them. Although Chu Xiu was also seriously injured, if the "God" really wanted to kill him, he would definitely not survive.

Chu Xiu felt very strange about Lu Yanli's tone. Just by listening to his words, it was hard not to believe that he was a devout believer. But if one saw his cold expression, no one would believe that he was really a believer.

However, whether he believed in that God or not had little to do with Chu Xiu. He was thinking about something else now.

"So, is Wen Qing also destined to die?" She clearly made a wish, why would she do the same

Lu Yanli said: "She is different. When I say she is destined to die, I mean that no matter how many times she comes back, she will kill herself again because of her own reasons." It is simple for her to save herself, but she chooses death again and again, all because of other people.

Besides, the cycle is not eternal. Making a wish requires a price. What price can Wen Qing pay to repeat it over and over again

Chu Xiu himself may have made a wish. He imitated Lu Yanli's pious appearance and asked tentatively: "God's gift must be paid for. Otherwise, it will be taken in another form?"

Lu Yanli nodded.

This makes sense. Shi Yan and Nie Yunzhen, who were supposed to be dead, were "resurrected" because of Chu Xiu, but they did not pay a price. Naturally, the "god" would find a way to take back his "gift".

"I see... No wonder we are suddenly back at the intersection, but why is there an extra car?"

There should have been only two cars colliding at the intersection, but they were inexplicably confused by the number three and firmly believed that three cars collided, which made them ignore the anomaly.

If the situation at the first intersection was the consequence of the mission game, then what was the reason for the third car appearing after the collision

Is it a mission, or is it a "god"? Or is it both

"I don't have a correct answer to this matter, I can only rely on guesses. The third car should be used to screen our dead ends, but we survived. If Nie Yunzhen and Shi Yan hadn't died, they would have died next."

Otherwise it would be hard to explain how they were all confused by the third car.

There happened to be a red light ahead, so Lu Yanli stopped the car and waited, but he did not stop talking. He asked a question that made Chu Xiu think terribly: "Are you sure you have survived your predicament?"

Chu Xiu felt a chill down his spine: "What do you mean?"

"You get what you give. How many times have you wished for it to come back again? And what did you give?"

What I mean is, after so many times, are you sure that the price you paid is enough

Lu Yanli didn't know how he escaped from the dream, but he thought it must have something to do with that "god".

"I..." Chu Xiu was speechless. He really couldn't guarantee it.

He indeed left the dream by making a wish to "God".

"So, you should be careful in tomorrow's game." Lu Yanli concluded.

It's a game that he plays alone, and it's the last day. One can imagine what price he will pay.

Chu Xiu was silent for a long time, then nodded: "Thank you."

He stared ahead, his suspicion growing deeper and deeper. When the car passed another traffic light, he suddenly asked, "Do you know a man named He Lou?"