The World Below Surface

Chapter 57


Students walked out of the classroom one after another. The lights in the corridor flickered a few times as if they were out of contact, barely maintaining a dim brightness. Those students did not scream like ordinary students, nor were they as polite as they were during the day. Instead, they stood in the corridor and stared at him quietly.

Look at a strange man holding a mirror upside down.

Lu Yanli stopped where he was.

Turning his head slightly, he found that the students downstairs had also come up and stopped not far from him. They were all wearing school uniforms, and their faces were a little blurry as if they had been erased.

But the strange thing was that Lu Yanli did not sense any danger, and these students seemed to be just looking at him.

Ghosts don't kill people anymore

Didn’t I trigger the death mechanism myself

Or maybe, is it really that God who is blessing us

Lu Yanli himself didn't believe it.

Seeing that the group of students did not move, he waited quietly for another two minutes and slowly prepared to walk out.

Although he didn't sense any danger, he felt a little uncomfortable being among this group of students. Lu Yanli decided to find a glass window and see what was reflected in the mirror.

However, as soon as he raised his hand, all the students raised their hands in unison.

They still looked at Lu Yanli quietly, their expressions remained unchanged, but Lu Yanli still felt the physiological tremor of death at that moment.

His movements stopped immediately, his chest rising and falling slightly, trying hard to suppress the spontaneous trembling of his body.


Is it because I moved

Any action that occurs will trigger death

Lu Yanli found it hard to understand, but judging from his past experience of dealing with ghosts hundreds of times, this was not the most absurd reason. If described in human terms, the logic of ghosts is chaotic and distorted, and has nothing to do with the cause and effect reincarnation and retribution in traditional ghost stories. He survived so many missions, but he could only barely figure out some rules.

The mirror in his hand gave off an endless chill at this moment. Lu Yanli thought it was an illusion, but when he glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, he realized that it was not an illusion.

A thin layer of frost had formed on the fingertips.

The most important thing to do at this moment is to put the mirror down and leave as soon as possible, the farther the better. Although Chu Xiu was pulled into the mirror world, the price he paid for his wish had not been consumed yet, so he could not die for the time being.

Lu Yanli rubbed the smooth mirror surface with his thumb, unsure of what to do.

Just as Lu Yanli and the group of students stood face to face, motionless, the lights in the teaching building in the distance suddenly dimmed.

The group of students all turned their heads to look at the darkening teaching building with fear on their faces.

Lu Yanli's heart also trembled.

That figure... is coming to find him!

He tried to run, but the moment he raised his legs, the group of students turned their heads to look at him again, their eyes still calm and inorganic without any malice, but Lu Yanli knew that if he really took this step, he would definitely die!

Lu Yanli had to stop. At this moment, his brain was working rapidly, trying to find a glimmer of hope.

The lights gradually dimmed from far to near, like the footsteps of death slowly approaching. The group of students were inevitably agitated, but they still crowded in the corridor outside the door, unwilling to leave.

Soon, it was this building's turn.

The lights went out one floor after another.

Lu Yanli had already heard its footsteps coming up the stairs, and along with it, he began to hear the crazy beating of his chest like a drum.

He looked around again.

There is no way to go anywhere, there are no blind spots.

He felt that he had made another crazy decision, a decision that might lead to death or even worse consequences. He slowly placed the mirror flat on the ground, and then, bit by bit, flipped it over so that the front was facing up.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary mirror, reflecting the white and dim ceiling. If you look at the right angle, you can also see other students.

But Lu Yanli clearly noticed that something was different.

Before he had time to think deeply, the figure had already walked to the corner of the third floor.

The lights on the third floor went out.

In the darkness, it raised its pale face and looked straight at Lu Yanli. Somehow, Lu Yanli felt that the face looked familiar, but he was sure that he had never seen it before.

This thought flashed through his mind for only a moment, and Lu Yanli looked down at the mirror regardless, letting his face be reflected in the mirror.

Enter the mirror world, find Chu Xiu, and let him complete the game, and there will still be a glimmer of hope.

A pale hand reached out and grabbed his ankle, then pulled hard and pulled Lu Yanli into the mirror.

As soon as he landed, Lu Yanli's eyes suddenly widened.

here it is…

He was standing in a classroom surrounded by students who were sitting in their seats and looking at the blackboard attentively. On the podium, a teacher stared at him unkindly.

"Lu Yanli, why did you suddenly stand up?"

The other students all turned to look at him.

Lu Yanli was very sure that this was not his school. The clothes worn by the students around him were clearly the uniforms of No. 4 Middle School. He had some impression of the teacher standing on the podium. He was one of the people who had chased him just now.

"Teacher, I want to go to the toilet." But after a moment of thinking, he was sure that there was no danger outside the door and he calmed down.

The teacher looked unhappy, but still waved his hand and let him go.

Lu Yanli walked out of the door under the gloomy gazes of his classmates. He looked up at the sky, which was dim, as if the sunlight was covered by several layers of thick dark clouds.

To be honest, he has done so many missions with those taskers and has been to this kind of alien space many times. Generally speaking, as long as you find the center of this world and solve the mystery, you can leave.

So, where is the key to the mirror world

Where is Chu Xiu? If he dies, it will be very troublesome for me to leave.

Lu Yanli walked towards the toilet, comparing the scene in front of him with the campus in his memory. Although they were exactly the same, he always felt it was a little weird and couldn't tell what was wrong.

What exactly is wrong

Soon, Lu Yanli reached the end of the corridor.

There was also a mirror hanging outside the toilet, and he saw his face in the mirror.

Only now did he come to his senses.

There were no rows of students outside the doors of the classes he had just passed, and there was no writing on the blackboard, as if they were afraid that he would find out something.

Lu Yanli looked at himself in the mirror and vaguely noticed that his appearance was a little different.

Normal people's left and right faces are not completely symmetrical. People see their opposite images in the mirror. Lu Yanli is very familiar with his face. He clearly remembers that there is a tiny mole on his left eyelid, but in the mirror, the mole is actually on his right eyelid.

Is it the result of the image in the mirror being reflected again

Lu Yanli put down his hand and took two steps back to look.

He was not wearing a school uniform, but the group of people didn't seem to notice anything was wrong.

At this moment, a figure suddenly bumped into him from behind. Lu Yanli froze suddenly, and almost instantly moved two steps forward and went straight into the toilet door.

Why isn’t it reflected in the mirror

The thing behind me...what could it be

Should I turn back

"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to class?" a voice came from behind.

Lu Yanli calmed himself down, turned around, and found that it was a middle-aged man who was staring at him in confusion.

This man... was clearly the dark shadow that appeared inexplicably on campus! At this moment, he looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, wearing a security uniform, patrolling the school and asking a student a question.

"I'll be back soon." Lu Yanli said.

He felt that this man did not look like an ordinary security guard.

Then he turned back to the sink and turned on the faucet. His mouth was pounding, but he stared at the mirror without blinking.

In the mirror, he could still only see himself.

Lu Yanli washed his hands and walked past him calmly. When they passed each other, he turned his head slightly and looked through the angled glass window in front of him. The other person was also looking at him.

Who is he? Why does he look familiar

Lu Yanli couldn't understand.

He had no intention of returning to the classroom, so he calmly walked to the other end of the corridor, pretending that the classroom was at the very end, and then turned around and ran downstairs.

"Hey, wait a minute! Didn't you say you were going back to the classroom?" The security guard didn't expect that this student would be so bold as to openly skip class, so he ran after him. But when he reached the stairs, the other person's figure had disappeared, and he still couldn't see him when he chased him to the first floor.

Lu Yanli went to another teaching building. He planned to try to find the principal's office.

Does that "God" also exist in the mirror world

When he ran downstairs, he noticed the gaze coming from behind, and looked up. The security guard was still staring at him. Lu Yanli looked at him and immediately ran to the teaching building where the principal was.

He had just gone upstairs when a figure came down. When they looked at each other, they were both stunned.

"Chu Xiu?"

"Lu Yanli?"

Lu Yanli looked at the other person suspiciously: "Why are you here?" He clearly remembered that the other person seemed to have seen some sad scene and was dragged in. He thought it was a mental demon, but now it seems that the one who dragged him into the mirror world was just the ghost that was recruited into the mirror.

Chu Xiu was also very curious: "Let's not talk about me first, why did you come in?"

Lu Yanli briefly introduced his situation. Chu Xiu, who was about to leave the building, now walked up with him, limping and struggling.

"Why are you going to see the principal? In fact, I suspect that the abnormality of the entire school is inseparable from the principal."

"It is indeed related to him, and also to that 'god'." Lu Yanli explained, "There is also a statue of the god in his office."

"Why are they everywhere?" Chu Xiu realized the seriousness of the matter.

The game a few days ago was completely chaotic and illogical because of its involvement. If this game also has its shadow, wouldn’t it be…

The two men quickly arrived at the principal's office. After knocking on the door and hearing no one respond, they pried the lock open and entered, then closed the door behind them.

There was no one in the office and I didn't know where the principal had gone.

"Where is the statue you mentioned?"

Lu Yanli came to the bookcase and raised his chin slightly.

Chu Xiu walked forward, made all the necessary preparations, and gently opened the cabinet door.

The bright red statue looked like blood, and it was impossible to tell what she looked like. One could only describe her as weird, distorted, etc.

Chu Xiu immediately closed the cabinet door.

"It's time to fulfill the promise you made before." Lu Yanli gestured.

Judging from his expression, he was actually planning to let Chu Xiu take the statue away directly.

"We are still in the mirror and haven't gotten out yet. Can we wait until we get out to talk about it?" Chu Xiu said, "I will never regret it. I will record a video as evidence."

Lu Yanli thought for a moment and slowly shook his head.

What he wanted to know was whether the "God" in his own world could have an impact on the people in another world. When he finished the game and left directly, where could he find him

Chu Xiu looked embarrassed.

He was about to argue with the other party again when the sound of a lock being unlocked suddenly came from outside the door.


The two looked at each other, and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes, and immediately dodged. Fortunately, the principal's office was large enough and luxurious enough, with a lot of furniture, so it was not a problem to hide two people.

At this moment, one of them was hiding behind the curtains of the wall-mounted bookcase, and the other was hiding under the tea table, observing carefully through the gaps.

Unexpectedly, the person who came in was not the principal, but a man of medium height with a hood on his head, so his face could not be seen clearly.

Lu Yanli recognized the person and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is it him

Who is he? What is he doing here

The man slipped into the office, his eyes sharp as he looked at the furnishings inside. He went straight to the desk and looked through the documents on the desk, then opened the drawer and searched for something.

After searching through several drawers, he began to rummage through the safe, trying to unlock it. After fiddling with it for a while, he actually managed to open it!

He reached in and pulled out a stack of documents. Just one look at them made him very happy. When he was about to take out his camera to take pictures, the door was suddenly pushed open!

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?" The dean pushed the door open and shouted angrily.

The man ran away and rushed downstairs. The dean hurriedly chased him, but he only had time to close the door and the documents were scattered all over the floor.

Lu Yanli and Chu Xiu looked at each other, walked forward tacitly and picked up the documents.

"This..." After taking a look, they both felt a little dizzy.

All the words on the document are reversed! How can this be read

Lu Yanli took out a small mirror that he carried with him, placed the edge of it next to the paper, and began to read word by word.

As he spoke, their expressions became increasingly solemn.

This turned out to be a waiver letter written by a parent, which said that his child had an accident at school. Although the parent was very sad, he decided not to hold the school responsible.

The next one is still a liability release.

Order another one, still.

The two took out a thick stack of documents, and found that they were all the same, but the names of the parents and students were different.

"How many things happened in this school?" So many waivers are needed.

If you scroll down further, you will see a lot of experimental records.

The recorded data above surprised both of them.

"On x-month-x-day of x-year, two students from Class 1 (2) of Senior High School went to Yinming Road and their whereabouts are unknown..."

"On x month x day of x year, three students from Class 18 of Senior 1 went to the Dark Road. Three days later, two students returned and one was missing. One of them became mentally ill and stayed home from school..."

"On x-month-x-year, all students in Class 3 (2) went on an outing to Yinming Road. The whereabouts of the class teacher was unknown, and one student was missing. The remaining 49 returned a week later. According to follow-up tracking, the physical conditions of the 49 students are as follows..."

Looking at picture after picture, Chu Xiu felt cold all over.

Even though he had long since lost his humanity due to the long-term mission and the death of his sister Chu Xian, he had never imagined that the school would use students for such an experiment.

The person just now should be here to pick up the lab report.

Like Chu Xiu, Lu Yanli was also shocked, but what shocked him was another thing.

He saw a familiar face and name on one of the missing persons reports.

An Xingyu.

This discovery was so shocking that it even made him have difficulty breathing.