The World Below Surface

Chapter 70


Lin Chu stood aside, expressionless.

She didn't want to watch, as if some invisible force forced her to lower her head, with her eyes open, and watch Awang eat the "fish" bit by bit.

Lili smiled even more happily, her eyes curved: "There's one more, hurry up!"

Lin Chu hummed. At this moment, nothing could be seen on her face. She even smiled slightly, with shallow dimples on her cheeks.

If you don't notice the redness in her eyes...

Lin Chuchu walked briskly back to the bridge and repeated the steps just now. At this moment, An Xingyu suddenly came back to his senses and realized something.

It used to take two men to pull up the "fish", but Lin Chu was able to catch it by himself.

The second fish was a bit more ordinary, and he threw it onto the shore in the same way. Awang roared and pounced on it without Lili asking him to speak. His teeth were extremely sharp, and he bit off the skin, flesh, tendons and bones with one bite, followed by a chewing sound that made your teeth ache.

"Okay, go back." Seeing that Awang had finished his food, Lili waved her hand and asked them to leave.

Lin Chu walked in first and strode away. The others looked at each other and immediately followed.

They had not experienced many missions, and they still retained the caring side of human nature. Lin Xueyuan trotted a few steps to catch up with her, wanting to comfort her, but he didn't know how to start. He tentatively reached out his hand, and his fingertips touched her shoulder. Seeing that Lin Chu didn't shake him off, he hugged her tightly.

She didn't know what to say, so she could only utter two words: "My condolences."

Lin Chu laughed, reached out to take off his hood, turned around and smiled at her.

She had been wearing a hood and lowering her head, and her back was facing away from everyone, so no one could see her face clearly. Her action frightened Lin Xueyuan so much that he felt a chill down his spine. "You, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Chu said in a relaxed tone: "It's cursed."

In a short period of time, her desire to explore the secrets of the village became stronger, and her desire to destroy the village guardian deity even surpassed her initial desire for knowledge.

After Lin Xueyuan confirmed that the other party was conscious, he was still a little scared when he looked at her face. Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing felt the same way. They took one look at her, rubbed their arms, and couldn't help but take another look.

Why is her abnormal condition so similar to that of the villagers

Since Lin Chu's condition was caused by a curse, are the villagers also...

Lu Yanli handed her a mask: "Put it on and say your face is injured."

He came back early and found it in the village. Lin Chu thanked him after receiving it and put it on himself, revealing an eye that was not very similar to the original one. The pupils were vertically thin in the sunlight, reflecting the metallic luster.

The group was walking on the way back to their residence. Smoke was rising from every household. Since Lin Chu was one of them in the crowd, they decided to have a meal by themselves. After declining other people's invitations, they successfully took home a lot of food from the vegetable gardens of the uncles and aunts.

Lu Yanli was born with a temperament that didn't trust others, so he took the initiative to take on the cooking task with Lin Xueyuan, while Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing helped clean up outside. Soon, An Xingyu walked into the kitchen and replaced Lin Xueyuan.

"Brother Lu, can you tell me what you saw in the forbidden area?" An Xingyu asked as he washed potatoes. The gurgling water drowned out his voice.

Although he had been there before, he only saw layers of tombs stacked up on top of each other and spread out on the hillside. An Xingyu had a hunch that Lu Yanli must know much more than he did, so he added, "You can exchange it for other information."

Lu Yanli asked casually: "For example?"

"For example, the origin of the village's guardian deity." said An Xingyu.

This aroused Lu Yanli's interest: "How did you know this?"

An Xingyu leaned over to take a look and whispered, "I saw a painting at the village chief's house."

When they were at the village chief's house at noon, An Xingyu specifically asked Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing to divert the attention of other people, and he sneaked into other rooms in the village chief's house under the pretext of going to the toilet.

The painting was hanging in the village chief's room, depicting majestic mountains and waters and five gods riding on the clouds.

Even though An Xingyu knew nothing about painting, he could see that it didn't match the whole room. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, until later he vaguely noticed something wrong with the painting.

"I took a picture of it. You can take a look." An Xingyu wiped his hands and handed the phone to the other party. At the same time, he took over the cooking job and pretended that the two of them were busy.

Lu Yanli enlarged the photo carefully and looked at it. As he looked at it, his pupils shrank.

"Did you find out?" An Xingyu said solemnly, "Also, we must do something before offering sacrifices to our ancestors, otherwise we will all die when that day comes."

Lu Yanli returned the phone to him: "I got it."

It is the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, ten days away from the first day of the Lunar New Year when we pay homage to our ancestors.

After the dinner, Lu Yanli moved out of Zhang Bo's house, and the six of them lived in adjacent houses to take care of each other.

There are many empty houses in the village. For example, after Mrs. Li died, the villagers packed up her things and burned all her clothes and belongings. The last trace of a person in the world disappeared in the curling white smoke.

Lin Chu lived near Mrs. Li’s house and could hear the sighs from the elderly neighbors next door.

Lu Yanli didn't know where Luo Ying was, and thought she was probably hiding in a corner of the village. He valued Luo Ying even more, and the fact that she could escape from Lili only meant that the "god" was protecting her.

He became more curious about "God".

Like the missing Luo Ying, Lili also disappeared all day. When Lu Yanli often went out to observe the terrain, he would run into Awang. It seemed that it was sent by Lili to protect the village. The villagers were afraid of it at first, but later they could greet it freely.

‌… Strange things happened more and more in the village. Villagers were in danger of dying while walking on the road, eating, drinking, or even sleeping in bed. In the end, there were more and more places for funerals in the village. Walking down the road, you can see that the village is decorated with white everywhere, and it is difficult to tell how many people died.

It is said that the things locked up in the back mountain are coming out to cause trouble as the New Year is coming. But what is locked up in the back mountain? The villagers are very secretive and unwilling to say. It was not until now that Lin Xueyuan and others realized that something was wrong with the villagers.

So many people died, but they just held a funeral and then continued their lives happily without even mentioning moving.

Yu Huan couldn't help it. After another child died inexplicably in the village basketball court, he asked the village chief who came to pay his respects: "There are so many strange things happening in the village, why don't you move away?"

The village chief looked angry and glared at Yu Huan for a long time, but in the end he did not get angry and sighed: "It's useless. This is our fate."

After saying this, he seemed to have aged several times, his cloudy eyes embedded in cloudy old eyes were full of sadness.

Yu Huan, who still wanted to hear the other party’s explanation, said:…

Of course he knew that the village chief was unwilling to move away. Wasn't this the answer he needed? He wanted to know the reason!

An Xingyu, who had gone to the restroom on the pretext of going to the bathroom, came back and sat down, making a subtle OK gesture.

Only then did Yu Huan keep silent.

While most people in the village went to pay their respects, Zhang Huixuan sat at home, waiting for her Aunt Zhang to prepare lunch.

He is really weak and will be out of breath after walking a few more steps. The couple worked hard to raise him, but they can't make him feel better every day. He is tortured by illness all day long, which makes him have a bad temper.

A red figure quickly floated out from the door.

Zhang Huixuan intuitively thought that Lili had returned. Seeing that the child didn't even say hello to her after returning, she thought that she was probably thinking about her "aunt" again, and she couldn't help feeling a little upset.

"Lili? Lili?" He sat for a while, but the anger in his heart had not subsided, so he simply stood up and walked towards the yard.

But there was still no sign of the little girl.

The sound of cooking in the kitchen also became quieter, with only the crackling of firewood. Zhang Huixuan recalled that the sound of cooking had not been heard for a long time.

"Mom? Is Lili here with you?" Zhang Huixuan didn't think much and walked into the kitchen holding the door frame. The next second, he froze in place, with a strong feeling of palpitations rising from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

After a long while, he finally squeezed out a few broken cries for help from his throat. However, due to extreme fear, those cries for help could not even form a complete sentence.

Inside the pot, Aunt Zhang's rotten head was still smiling at him. On a shelf beside where various condiments and dried fruits were placed, hung a piece of human skin oozing with blood, bright red, swaying gently in the breeze.

It turns out that the red shadow he just saw was this thing...

Zhang Huixuan's legs were shaking, and she turned around to escape. Suddenly, the wind outside the yard grew stronger, and the kitchen door slammed shut.

"No! Help..."

After waiting for a long time, a gust of wind blew open the kitchen door, and the wooden door shook slightly.

There was no one inside, nothing there.

Every year's end is a disaster for the village, with evil spirits rampant and weird things running rampant. The taskers have come to understand this.

"If this goes on, it will be our turn sooner or later." Lin Xueyuan felt uneasy. In the morning, she went to the stream to fetch water with a girl who was traveling with her. She watched her slip and accidentally fall into the stream which was more than half a meter high. She thought she would stand up by herself, but no matter how hard the girl struggled, she could not stand up. Lin Xueyuan went forward to pull her up, but was unable to do so. She shouted for help but it was useless. The villagers passed by them as if they did not see them, and she could not stop them.

In the end, she watched the girl drown in the stream that was not even up to her thighs, her long black hair floating in the water.

But when the funeral was held at night, the villagers seemed very enthusiastic. This contrast made her feel scared from the bottom of her heart.

"Lili has not been in the village for a while, and I don't know where she is." Yu Huan added. Although what Lili did to Lin Chu that day made them all feel cold in their hearts, at this time, she did make them feel more at ease.

Lin Chu didn't have any special reaction when he heard Lili's name, but Lin Xueyuan was very worried that she would do something extreme.

An Xingyu was still looking at his phone. No one knew what he had searched for or what was interesting. After a while, he stood up and said, "I'll go find someone. You guys can do whatever you want."

It was obvious that he was going to look for Lu Yanli. Lin Chu stood up and said, "Let's go too."

The two smartest wise men were planning to leave, and the others naturally did not want to stay. No place was safe now, and the weirdness coming from the back mountain was killing people indiscriminately. They had to stay together at all times.

But what made An Xingyu panic was that Lu Yanli was not in the village and did not answer the phone.

He... shouldn't he

An Xingyu was still hoping to get clues about Luo Ying through Lu Yanli, and he couldn't help but get anxious. If something happened to Lu Yanli, how would he contact Luo Ying

What he didn't know was that Lu Yanli was with Luo Ying at this time.

They took a villager hostage and came to the forbidden area of the village.

The two had experimented before and found that if they acted alone, they would not be able to find the way to the forbidden area and would just get lost in the forest. Therefore, the two had to force a villager to come out.

There have been many strange things happening in the village recently, so it's not surprising that another villager disappeared. After everyone arrived at the outskirts of the forbidden area, Luo Ying calmed down and looked carefully, trying to find the grave of Mrs. Li.

She needs that Pisces jade pendant.

Lu Yanli raised his hand and knocked the villager unconscious, then turned around and asked, "Can you tell me now what the Pisces Jade Pendant is used for?"

Luo Ying had already found Old Lady Li's grave. There had been many funerals in the village in recent days, and several new graves had been added. When she heard the question, she paused.

"It's not impossible." Luo Ying smiled. "Since you have made such a great contribution, it's probably okay to tell you. God won't blame you."

Then, Lu Yanli heard something extremely incredible. Even though he thought he had seen enough weird things in such a weird world, he had never heard of such a strange thing.

The origin of the legend of the Pisces jade pendant is no longer traceable. It is only said that some years ago, when archaeologists were digging an ancient tomb in a desert in the northwest, they found this Pisces jade pendant in the tomb of an unknown tomb owner. At first, they did not take this jade pendant seriously, thinking it was just some jade ornament with fine packaging.

Another thing that surprised all archaeologists was that the specifications of that tomb were different from the other tombs. It was completely symmetrical on both sides, and even had two identical coffins. The experts first concentrated on studying the identity of the tomb owner, and temporarily put the jade pendant elsewhere.

Then, something happened that surprised everyone.

One of the scholars placed a small jar of seeds brought out from the tomb next to the jade pendant. When he re-entered the institute the next day, he was surprised to find that there were two jars of seeds next to the jade pendant, and even the labels on them were exactly the same.

He thought he had misremembered and put the same label on both jars, so he studied the two jars of seeds carefully, hoping to find the difference.

‌… No matter how you study the two jars of seeds, the results are exactly the same, as if they were originally from the same jar of seeds.

This discovery shocked everyone in the institute. They tried to find out why there was an extra jar of identical seeds. After repeated experiments, they came to the conclusion that the Pisces jade pendant seemed to have the function of replication.

To support their argument, they used a little white mouse for the experiment. Then, in full view of everyone, the jade pendant gave birth to another identical little white mouse.

They tried to feed the original mouse normally and not feed the other one. After a day, both mice were still alive. Then they tried to inject poison into the original mouse. After the mouse died, the replica mouse still existed and was alive and kicking.

After about seven hours, the replica mouse also died. After checking the cause of death, it was found that it was also caused by injection of poison.

Therefore, they speculated that the function of the Pisces jade pendant was not to copy, but to bring something from another time and space into the same time and space.

This discovery was quite surprising and caused a sensation in the scientific community.

Mice can be "replicated", but what about humans

A tomb chamber can be replicated, who knows how wide the scope of its effectiveness will be

After Luo Ying finished speaking, she couldn't help but sneer: "The ancestors of these villagers were a group of tomb robbers. They robbed tombs everywhere, and finally offended the owner of this tomb. They have to guard his tomb for generations, otherwise each of their generations will not live to be ten. They are really stupid and ridiculous. They don't even know the real effect of the Pisces Jade Pendant. They only think of it as a way to ward off evil spirits and actually stuffed it into the mouth of a mutated corpse."

If the corpse was really buried with the jade pendant in its mouth, maybe in ten days or half a month, the entire forbidden area would be filled with cat-faced old ladies.

Lu Yanli just felt his throat was a little dry.

"You mean, that jade pendant can bring things from the future to the present?"

If this effect is applied to humans, wouldn't it be a cure

Isn’t that what the omniscient God does

So, it needs a Pisces jade pendant

What does the jade pendant have to do with it

He was always good at acting, even though his heart was so excited that it was about to burst out of his throat, his face remained calm. Luo Ying glanced at him and nodded: "Of course, this is why we need to take the jade pendant."

She sighed and said, "Such a magical treasure must be dedicated to our God."

Lu Yanli did not refute but walked over to help her. Soon, Mrs. Li's grave was almost dug up, revealing a coffin covered in mud.

This time, unlike last time, the coffin was buried upside down, with the head down and the tail up, to prevent the corpse from resurrecting. It can be imagined that the corpse inside was also upside down, unable to jump.

"What should I do now?"

Luo Ying deliberately attracted mice to trick old lady Li into resurrecting her body. If the jade pendant was taken away rashly, the same thing would probably happen again like last time.

Luo Ying's eyes were filled with fear. She gritted her teeth and said, "Let's move quickly this time. Close the coffin immediately and bury it quickly. Nothing will go wrong." She looked around and said, "Nothing will go wrong in this forbidden area."

As he spoke, most of the dirt on top of the coffin had been shoveled away, revealing the thick base.

Luo Ying held on to the top while Lu Yanli continued to shovel the soil, little by little, until he reached the head.

Then, the two worked together to slowly lay the coffin flat. Thanks to the soft soil in this forbidden area, it was not difficult to dig, otherwise they would have needed to spend more time.

The thick coffin was nailed tightly, and Luo Ying began to pry it open using special tools.

She pulled out the nails one by one, saying, "This jade pendant has the effect of suppressing things temporarily. Perhaps because it has been with Lili for so long, it doesn't have this function in essence."

As the words fell, the last nail was pulled out.

Luo Ying hesitated, but finally said, "Let's push it open together?"

They stood in the grave, starting from the beginning and pushing it open little by little.

As soon as they pushed open a crack, a strong and rich stench poured out. The two were prepared and moved away at the same time. After most of the seemingly substantial poisonous gas had dissipated, they continued to push down little by little.

Just in case, it was only partially pushed open, revealing Mrs. Li's swollen face with pointed mouth and fangs.

After being buried for a few days, the body gradually rotted.

This time, Luo Ying didn't need to say much. Lu Yanli put on gloves consciously, reached out carefully, and quickly took out the jade pendant from the corpse's mouth.

At the same time, Luo Ying pushed the coffin lid shut!

This time there was no big mess. Soon, the two heard some noises coming from inside the coffin. Luo Ying immediately put the nails back one by one. She was unwilling to hand the tools to Lu Yanli to let him do it, so she just nailed them hard herself. Fortunately, there was not much noise in the coffin, and soon the nails were basically nailed back in place.

"Next, we need to bury the coffin upside down again." Lu Yanli wiped the jade pendant clean and put it in his pocket.

When he heard about the effects of the jade pendant, he no longer planned to hand it over.

He lifted the coffin from the tail with great effort, and the two men straightened it little by little, and then immediately filled it with soil.

During the whole process, the sound inside the coffin became weaker and weaker.

While burying the coffin, Lu Yanli was thinking about another thing.

Who is the owner of this tomb

He asked this question, and Luo Ying shook her head: "This matter is not something that someone of my level can know."

She raised her head and looked toward the top of the hill surrounded by circles of tombstones. Her eyes were still gentle and calm, without a trace of curiosity.

"Our mission is to get the Pisces Jade Pendant. As for exploring this tomb, other people will do it." This sentence was to persuade Lu Yanli not to think too much.

Lu Yanli nodded.

"Okay, now give me the jade pendant. I need to take it back." Luo Ying said that, but she needed to do another thing. Lu Yanli didn't need to know about this matter.

All he needs to do is be a target in the village.

Lu Yanli had no intention of handing it over: "Don't worry, we can wait in the village until we worship our ancestors before returning."

"Don't you want to know what they are offering sacrifices to their ancestors? Besides, the mission you told me at the beginning was not to get the jade pendant."

Luo Ying immediately looked unhappy: "Do you want to go against God's will?"

Lu Yanli shook his head and said in a relaxed tone: "No, no, no, why would you think so? Besides, is it God's will or your will that you are violating?"


Luo Ying vaguely realized that the other party seemed to know her intention, and gritted her teeth.

She had not expected that this usually cowardly and docile person would actually disobey orders. According to her original plan, after taking the jade pendant, she would immediately contact the other disciples waiting outside the village and let Lu Yanli deal with Lili's anger.

‌, the jade pendant is now in his hand.