The World Below Surface

Chapter 71


Lu Yanli ignored Luo Ying's face which turned cold instantly, and quietly grasped the jade pendant with his hand in his pocket.

"I don't intend to betray the church, but I have to participate in the ancestor worship." He smiled and said, "After the ceremony, I will give it to you, okay?"

He didn't know why Luo Ying insisted on asking him to go back, and he thought it was not a good thing.

Luo Ying couldn't compete with him, so she could only secretly hate why she had to give him the thing in advance and why she had to tell him the function of the jade pendant. She naturally didn't know that she was affected by hypnosis, and only thought that she was too complacent and made such a mistake. Now that she heard that there seemed to be a turnaround, even though she didn't believe Lu Yanli, she couldn't help but believe Lu Yanli's words under the guidance of her inexplicable trust in him and a little bit of luck.

"Are you sure? You're going to return it to me after participating in the ancestor worship?" Luo Ying hesitated.

Lu Yanli realized that his psychological suggestion was effective, and nodded, with a timid look on his face: "Actually, I don't want to, but... I always feel that this ancestor worship is very, very dangerous." He sighed softly, "I don't want to die..."

"I swear, after the ancestor worship is over, I will definitely return the jade pendant to you. Otherwise, curse me to be unable to reach the kingdom of God and hear the gospel of God after my death." Lu Yanli added fuel to the fire.

This oath made Luo Ying feel truly relieved. She asked Lu Yanli to repeat the oath to her again before letting him leave.

Lu Yanli walked back step by step.

The problem he needs to solve now is Lili.

Lili has rarely been in the village recently, but the possibility of meeting her cannot be ruled out.

But it didn't matter, since she had an enemy from the moment she killed Yu Xianguang. Lu Yanli believed that Lin Chu would help her.

He called Lin Chu: "… It's me, is it convenient for you to come out?"

An Xingyu and the others searched for a long time but could not find Lu Yanli. Lin Chu sprained her ankle while running and planned to go back to rest. Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing sent her back. An Xingyu and Lin Xueyuan planned to go to the village to have another look.

An Xingyu wanted to know where the reservoir in the village led to and why there were so many corpses.

Were all of them killed by Lili

Judging from the frequency of her dog "eating fish", how many people did Lili have to kill to maintain such a large population in the river? Who were those corpses in their lifetime

Of course, this was just An Xingyu’s superficial reason. He wanted to know more, could those people killed by Lili be his brothers and sisters

God will bless you, and there will be no more suffering in God's kingdom... An Xingyu muttered to himself as he and Lin Xueyuan walked down a few dozen meters along the edge of the reservoir.

Their progress was soon stopped. After walking only a few hundred meters, there were a lot of bushes in front of them, and they could not move forward. The two tried to take a detour, but they walked further and further away.

"Or, let's go back?" Lin Xueyuan whispered, "Wouldn't it be good for us to stay here peacefully until the day of ancestor worship? You see, although the village is in danger, we are not..."

Although those strange things will come to them, as long as they are careful not to respond casually and do not break taboos, they will not die.

Up to now, the only person who died was Yu Xianguang. Who knows if he offended Lili? Although she felt sorry for Lin Chu, Lin Xue was very grateful to Lili. If she hadn't protected the village, she might not be able to live safely until now.

An Xingyu just shook his head and continued walking forward.

Surprisingly, this was clearly a remote place that no one cared about. Every few hundred meters, there were small houses for the five immortals to rest in, which were common in the village. An Xingyu was walking along the route where the houses were built.

He never thought that this mission was that simple, and the current peace and tranquility was just a trick. His intuition told him that if they didn't find a way out before the ancestor worship, then all of them would die in this mission.

Without exception!

Lin Xueyuan didn't dare to easily go against the boss in her eyes, so she had to follow silently. The two walked in the dense forest. Gradually, the surroundings became deeper and deeper. The rare bird calls in winter disappeared completely, and the air became more and more damp and cold, so cold that Lin Xueyuan shivered all over.

The road has come to an end.

An Xingyu looked up suddenly, and saw a mountain in the distance.

An Xingyu couldn't describe the appearance of this mountain. He stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up, but he couldn't see the top of the mountain even though his head was almost touching his shoulder blades. The mountain was dark, full of dark rocks. Unlike the lush forests around it, there was no green on the whole mountain. In the gloomy winter day, the whole mountain seemed to be filled with a chill.

However, they didn't see the mountain at all just now.

An Xingyu knew that there was something strange about it, so he cautiously took one or two steps forward, trying to touch the mountain. But as soon as he took a step forward, a huge and majestic chill made him shiver violently, and a strong feeling of palpitations came over him.

He had never had such a clear awareness as he did now: if he went any further, he would definitely die!

This forced him to take two steps back.

Looking back, Lin Xueyuan was also trembling. An Xingyu approached her, and the warmth of a living person from her body made him feel more at ease. He asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Xueyuan took two quick breaths and lowered his voice: "I was planning to take a photo just now, but the camera couldn't take a picture!"

"How is that possible?" An Xingyu blurted out.

Unconvinced, he stood further away and turned on the camera on his phone to aim it at the mountain. However, what the screen showed was completely different. It was just white and there was nothing there.

He pressed the shutter button and pulled up the photo, but it was still a blank piece of waste film.

"Let's go quickly? This place is too strange." Lin Xueyuan begged him.

For some reason, she didn't dare to look at the mountain for too long. She always felt that if she got close to it, something terrible would happen.

It cannot be seen from a distance, cannot be touched, and cannot be photographed... Is this the back mountain that the villagers are talking about

What is locked up in the back mountain

An Xingyu was very uneasy. He felt uncomfortable all over, dizzy and had a swollen head. There was a feeling of anxiety rushing around in his body, almost breaking through his throat and releasing it as a shout.

He wanted to rush over and give it a try.

His chest heaved violently. An Xingyu suppressed his impulse and turned his head forcefully: "Let's go."

Lin Xueyuan didn't say anything, but silently walked two steps away from him. What she didn't say was that An Xingyu's hideous face just now was no different from that of a demon.

Of course, she did not see her own face, which was pale and gloomy, just like a demon.

After they left, a little girl in a red dress slowly emerged from the mountain.

Her originally tender and fair face was twisted and hideous, her eyes were dark without a trace of white, and she stared at the two people who were walking away with a look of resentment.

After a while, the little girl disappeared.

It was not until she was back in the sunlight that Lin Xueyuan felt alive again. An Xingyu walked a few steps ahead of her. The two of them were jogging forward. As she was running, her shoelaces were caught by a small bush and Lin Xueyuan almost fell.

A pair of hands supported her.

"Thank you. I'll just tie my shoelaces." Lin Xueyuan didn't look up. She smiled and squatted down to tie them. This time, in order to prevent the laces from getting loose, she tied a knot before standing up again.

However, when she stood up, she found that An Xingyu, who was originally standing in front of her, was gone!

In an instant, Lin Xueyuan felt as if she was in an icy cave. Her heart trembled violently and she could hardly believe her eyes.

It was just tying shoelaces. An Xingyu was not the kind of person who would abandon his companions. Where did he go

"An Xingyu?" Lin Xueyuan froze in place. Fear made her almost unable to make a sound. She could only shout weakly, "Where are you?"

“Don’t scare me… Please, come out quickly!” Lin Xueyuan almost cried out loud. She tried hard to control the huge fear that was pouring down like a tidal wave, and took a step forward.

"An Xingyu? An Xingyu?"

After taking the first step, the rest became much easier. Lin Xueyuan ran out, her steps getting faster and faster. Finally, a familiar figure appeared in front of the road. She was overjoyed and ran over immediately.

"An Xingyu! I was scared to death. Why are you walking so fast?"

As soon as she saw her companion, the anger in her heart finally dissipated, and Lin Xueyuan slowed down her pace and walked over step by step. She realized that her calf was burning with pain, probably because she was scratched when she was running just now.

But none of these can compare to the feeling of relief of surviving the disaster.


Lin Xueyuan suddenly thought of something.

If An Xingyu had been walking in front, who was the person who helped me just now

This thought made her tremble again. Seeing An Xingyu waiting in front, Lin Xueyuan shook her head, threw away the terrible thought, walked over quickly, and patted his shoulder: "Please wait for me."

An Xingyu paused and turned his head.

His face seemed to have been peeled off, with knotted red muscles all over it. No one could see his eyes, and the moment he turned his head, those eyes, filled with hatred and coldness, stared at her intently.

Yes, it’s a ghost!

Lin Xueyuan then realized that the touch of his hands was extremely cold.


The screaming stopped abruptly.

An Xingyu and Lin Xueyuan jogged all the way until they saw the edge of the woods, then they slowed down.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong with the latter.

Lin Xueyuan seemed to have lost her soul, her eyes were dull, and she was just a body being dragged forward stiffly by him. An Xingyu called her tentatively, but it was no use. Her eyes were still dull and she did not respond to him.

What's going on

I reached out to feel his breath, and he was breathing, so he wasn't dead. But as his eyes gradually turned white, it was obvious that he was in a bad situation, and if he didn't come up with a solution, he might die soon.

An Xingyu was anxious but helpless. He gritted his teeth, carried the man on his back and ran back to the village to ask Lili for help.

It was also the cold air from the back mountain that eroded An Xingyu, otherwise he would never seek death like this. In previous missions or horror movies, there were too many cases where the person on his back suddenly turned into a ghost. An Xingyu should have left her and ran, but he didn't dare to do so.

If we really leave her in the woods, some strange and uncontrollable things will definitely happen!

He ran wildly with Lin Xueyuan on his back, and gradually, he began to lose strength. However, his strong desire to survive made him dare not stop.

He ran all the way and finally reached the edge of the other side of the road. He took a big step and came into the sunlight.

He left the woods.

But at this moment, he felt the arms wrapped around his neck tightening.

The touch on my back gradually became colder, not like that of a living person.

It was not until now that An Xingyu realized that the things she was carrying were abnormally light, not what a normal adult woman should feel.

In order to complete the task, most of the taskers would exercise regularly to make themselves run faster when being chased by ghosts. Lin Xueyuan was the same. She did not pursue weight loss. Moreover, no matter how much she lost, she could not be this light.

An Xingyu took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He still walked forward with the thing on his back, lifted his hands upwards to relax his arms a little, and then walked towards the reservoir step by step.

"Lin Xueyuan, are you feeling better?" He didn't dare to reveal himself, so he had to make small talk.

The thing on my back was cold, stiff, and made no answer.

He walked towards the river step by step. When he was nearly a hundred meters away from the broken bridge, a small red figure suddenly jumped out from the bridge.

It’s Lili!

An Xingyu had a feeling of being saved. From a distance, he could see Lili throwing something into the water.

Like... a person.

Lili noticed An Xingyu's gaze, and she didn't know what she was thinking about. She laughed excitedly and waved at him.

The arms that were wrapped around An Xingyu's neck relaxed and hung in front of his chest, swaying as he ran.

An Xingyu ran to the river, and without even looking, he threw the things on his back into the river, splashing a large amount of smelly water.

He slowly calmed his breathing, raised his head and said to Lili, "Thank you."

Lili giggled and pointed into the river, motioning him to look over there.

Only then did An Xingyu have time to look at the things he had thrown down.

It was an unknown monster with long thin limbs, no facial features, a pale body, and was floating in the river.

But... what made An Xingyu even more unbelievable was the other body next to it.

The person had just died, so it was easy to tell who it was from the distorted face.

It's Lin Chu...

Like the other corpses, her eyes were gouged out, leaving two black holes in her eye sockets, but she could still see the fear on her face. She was mixed in with a pile of rotten, swollen corpses, and soon she would become the same as those corpses.

An Xingyu couldn't believe that Lin Chu died just like that, but the facts were before him and he couldn't help but believe it.

How is that possible

Lili clapped her hands with a smile: "Come here, come and catch fish! Awang is hungry."

An Xingyu couldn't disobey her orders, so he had to do the same as last time.

As expected, he fished up Lin Chu's body.

Facing Awang's excited eating, An Xingyu lowered his head slightly, thinking about something. Unexpectedly, Lili misunderstood him. Her smiling face immediately fell and she said coldly: "I'll watch! This is what happens when you don't obey!"

An Xingyu suddenly came back to his senses and stared at it carefully.

Something happened to Lin Chu. Where are Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing who sent her back

Lin Xueyuan and Yu Xianguang were both dead, leaving only the three of them.

Lu Yanli, where did he go again

In Shangxian Village, at Uncle Zhang's home, everything was dressed in white, and one could tell at a glance that a funeral was going to be held.

Uncle Zhang was sitting in the audience crying loudly. In the mourning hall, there were two black-and-white photos. The faces in the two photos were somewhat similar, and it was obvious at a glance that they were related by blood.

Lu Yanli stood beside him and comforted him softly.

"You just left like that... without even waiting for me... how can I live?" The middle-aged man cried so hard that he couldn't even sit up. Most of the paper money was soaked by his tears. It took a while for it to burn in the brazier.

"Please accept my condolences." Lu Yanli said a few words of comfort and then helped to work inside and outside the mourning hall. There have been many funerals in the village recently, and the villagers have become accustomed to it. Many people even simply don't cook, and go out to eat at a banquet when it's time for dinner.

Lu Yanli was entrusted by the village chief to come to Zhang Bo's house to help receive guests.

After he stepped out of the door, the two portraits of the deceased placed in the mourning hall blinked and smiled.

Afterwards, the eyes of the two people in the photo gradually tilted to the lower left, staring at the middle-aged man who was sitting in front of the mourning hall and crying.

Uncle Zhang was still crying. The pain of losing his wife and son in middle age had turned most of his hair white overnight. He looked very pitiful.

In the photo, two faces moved and poked their heads out.

Slowly, two white figures emerged from the photo. They still had the same kind smile as in the portrait and extended their hands to Uncle Zhang.

"Xiao Lu, thank you for your hard work today. Uncle Zhang is very sad and sometimes says nonsense. Don't take it to heart." The village chief also came. He has been very busy these days, running around everywhere, and he looks much more haggard.

Lu Yanli smiled gently: "It's okay. Besides, I was also grateful for the help from Uncle Zhang's family when I first returned to the village."

"Okay, good boy." The village chief patted his shoulder. "It's not a good idea to leave him alone in there. We should go in and deal with things later. It's been a mess these days. We have to bury him quickly."

A group of people were having a banquet outside, chatting and talking. When everyone at each table had almost finished their meal, a group of strong middle-aged laborers stood up, knocked on the door and went in to help carry the coffin.

The strange thing was that the yard was empty and Uncle Zhang, who had been crying in the audience just now, was nowhere to be seen.

The brazier was overturned, and a pile of ashes fell to the ground with traces of dragging on it.

In the mourning hall, there were only three portraits, and the family of three in black and white were all smiling at the guests in unison.

The villagers were so frightened that they didn't dare to enter for a while.

This... this is clearly haunted!

After a while, the three photos smiled in unison.


I don't know who shouted and who ran away. Once there was a leader, the second one followed. A group of people swarmed out. Those who played the suona didn't even bother to pick up their instruments and crawled out of Zhang's house.

Lu Yanli was the last one to run outside. On the way, he met Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing. They watched the villagers running away, were stunned for a moment, and then immediately followed suit.

In the past, the ghosts in the village only harmed people in private. Everyone knew that the number of deaths in the village was a bit too high, so high that it was abnormal. But when Lili was around, she could always suppress it, and there had never been a situation where the evil spirits appeared in public.

Where's Lili? Where did she go?!

An Xingyu was about to walk from the reservoir to the village when he suddenly heard a commotion in the distance. When he walked closer, he heard the villagers crying and shouting as they came towards him.

Isn’t it said that villagers don’t usually come to the reservoir

An Xingyu was puzzled. Soon, the villagers came closer and saw An Xingyu standing on the shore. The villager who was running in front stopped his car and shouted from afar: "Have you seen Lili?"

An Xingyu shook his head, afraid that they couldn't see it, and shouted back: "She's gone!"

He was right. After Awang finished eating, Lili disappeared. An Xingyu didn't know where she went.

"It's over, who will protect us now?" One of the middle-aged women who was running in front sat down on the ground and burst into tears, "The village is haunted... My second son died so tragically..."

"What a useless guardian deity! He is well fed and well provided for at ordinary times, but disappears when he is needed!"

"Aren't we nice enough for her?! Why doesn't she come out?"

"She doesn't even want her own father and grandparents, so how can she protect us? I think we should find someone else. Isn't it said that Mrs. Li's granddaughter who is studying abroad can also be used? Tell her to come back quickly."

The strange incidents that had occurred continuously for several days had already made the villagers feel uneasy, and today they had completely ignited the fear that had been accumulating in their hearts. The older generation had some taboos, and the younger ones all shouted for someone else to take over.

An Xingyu ran closer and heard many villagers talking without any scruples. He had vague guesses in his mind.

Can the guardian deity be replaced

So, how did Lili get on in the first place

The villagers said that she didn't protect her father and grandparents. Does that mean that Zhang Bo's family is dead

There were too many villagers, and he barely found Yu Huan and Xie Ziqing. After the three of them reunited, An Xingyu lowered his voice and told them the details of Lin Chu and Lin Xueyuan's death.

"Now there are only three of us..." Yu Huan's face was filled with horror.

An Xingyu nodded: "Don't be discouraged, we still have hope. By the way, have you seen Lu Yanli?"

Xie Ziqing said: "He's behind, didn't you see him before?"

An Xingyu shook his head and refused to mention anything about his discovery of the "back mountain". He planned to discuss it with Lu Yanli.

Since Xie Ziqing said so, An Xingyu walked against the flow of people. Soon, he saw Lu Yanli standing not far behind the villagers, leaning against a tree and waiting.

"Why are you here? By the way, I have something to tell you." An Xingyu ran towards him and repeated what he had just told Xie Ziqing and Yu Huan, wanting to hear his opinion.

"Lin Chu is dead?" Lu Yanli was extremely surprised and muttered to himself, "This shouldn't be the case. She is..."

An Xingyu also found it incredible: "But, I saw with my own eyes that Lili threw her into the water, and then she asked me to fish, and I took Lin Chu..."

He closed his mouth and started asking other questions.

"The village is no longer safe. It's hard to say whether it will be our turn next." An Xingyu was a little worried. "The biggest problem is that we have no idea of the conditions under which ghosts kill people. The previous rule that you won't die if you turn a blind eye is probably no longer valid. There is at least one ghost in Zhang Bo's funeral hall. Lili is not here. What should we do?"

Lu Yanli said: "It's not necessarily a dead end. Have you forgotten? There is a place in the village where there are no ghosts."


Lu Yanli spat out two words: "Forbidden Land."

An Xingyu's eyes lit up.

Indeed, they had also been to the forbidden area and saw with their own eyes that Old Mrs. Li, who was originally in a state of zombie-like state, immediately calmed down as soon as the coffin entered the forbidden area.

From this point of view, the forbidden area is indeed a good choice.