The World Below Surface

Chapter 78


Chu Xiu received a private mission to investigate the whereabouts of a high school student named An Xingyu.

He sometimes does some work similar to that of a private detective, but since he was involved in the mission incident, he has not done any work for a long time, and has been running around all day. It was only after the client asked his friend to find a connection that he was able to find the person.

If he heard that the disappearance of this high school student seemed to be related to the cult he had been investigating, he would also accept it.

As soon as he entered the police station to find out what happened, he bumped into a short girl when he came out. He didn't pay much attention to her and hurried out, anxious to see the scene.

Chu Xiu had investigated many times before and finally found some traces. An Xingyu's usual activities were normal, but sometimes he would go to some strange and remote places, such as abandoned factories, closed schools, etc., and he would leave after midnight.

This feature made it difficult for him not to think of the missions he had experienced.

Perhaps, he is also a tasker.

The latest traces were traced to the university town where four murders had occurred. Obviously, this was another new mission, except that none of the four dead people was named An Xingyu. He searched all the surveillance cameras around him, but did not see any trace of Li Xingyu.

Where did An Xingyu go

He took a long-distance bus to the university town, and after several transfers, it was almost dusk when he arrived at his destination. Chu Xiu got off the bus and slowly looked for the way.

Classes were over at the nearby school, and groups of college students were walking out. The food street was bustling with activity, and Chu Xiu seemed a little out of place standing among the group of young people.

He walked towards the scene.

The alley was very remote, and after turning several corners, Chu Xiu finally found the alley entrance with yellow tape. He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but Chu Xiu always felt that the alley was a little dark, as if it had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Several days had passed and there were no police guarding nearby. Chu Xiu looked around, used the wall beside him, kicked his legs and flipped over.

He knew that the police had already searched the place and he might not be able to find much information, but he still planned to come and take a look.

At the end of the alley, four figures were circled with chalk, and there were faint traces of blood. The fishy smell in the air had not yet dissipated. It was hard to imagine what had happened here.

Chu Xiu squatted down and searched carefully, trying to find some clues missed by the police, but he failed. The police took away almost all the clues they could take away. He couldn't find anything, so he became discouraged. He dug out some blood-stained soil and put it into a storage bag, then left in a hurry.

"Is that so, Brother Chu? I heard that you believed in the Omniscient God Religion before? Now you want me to contact a master for you?" The person on the other end of the phone was surprised, "Who are you looking for?"

Chu Xiu didn't explain too much, just said: "I've been studying these things recently, you know more about this. Please!"

The friend on the other end of the phone agreed to come.

My friend was very efficient. After three days, he got the contact information of a master who was said to be quite famous.

"Yes, this is a very famous guardian deity in Northeast China. She is quite special and is still a child."

"Child?" Chu Xiu repeated, finding it a little unbelievable.

"Yes, it's a child." The friend took out a cigarette and lit it, with wisps of white smoke floating in the air. "But don't underestimate him, he is very effective."

After contacting his friend, Chu Xiu rushed to the village he mentioned.

Along the way, Chu Xiu learned that the guardian deity of the village usually appeared in the form of animals, and would occasionally "descend" upon a specific person. In the past, this role was usually played by older women, and the deity's life would not be affected after the deification.

But the one in front of him...

After taking a plane, a bus, and finally a bullock cart, Chu Xiu finally entered the village. The whole village gave Chu Xiu a gray feeling. Only the little girl in the red dress in front of him was almost the brightest color in the village.

She was different from all the villagers with sad faces. She glanced at Chu Xiu coldly, and only smiled after the latter took out a lot of cash.

She looks like a little girl, and of course, her delicate and beautiful appearance makes her stand out from other children in the village.

Her father hurriedly put the money away. The little girl motioned him to follow her. The two of them came to an empty secret room, and she asked Chu Xiu to sit down.

"Bring the things here." The little girl finally spoke her first words.

Chu Xiu understood and took out a handful of soil from a storage bag from his bag, which was still stained with blood.

"What do you want to know?"

Chu Xiu was very respectful: "I want to know what happened in this place five nights ago."

The little girl took the soil and nodded: "Close your eyes, remember, stay calm."

The latter closed his eyes obediently.

It was dark. Suddenly, he heard some sounds.

There was the sound of the whistling wind and a few people talking quietly. Gradually, the voices of the conversations became louder, and in the endless darkness and chaos when I closed my eyes, a picture vaguely emerged.

He... he "saw" it.

Several people walked into the alley, two women? And four men, six in total, and they were talking about the mission.

The picture gradually became clear.

As expected, he saw the person he was looking for—An Xingyu.

An Xingyu was also a task executor! He also went to the scene that day!

Is he still alive? Chu Xiu was excited for a moment, and the picture immediately flashed. He thought of what the little girl said, and immediately calmed down and did not move.

But why does that young girl feel a little familiar

Chu Xiu suddenly recalled, is this the girl he bumped into in front of the police station a few days ago

It turns out she is the same. I guess I can go find this young girl and ask for information.

Chu Xiu continued to look and heard the girl's self-introduction.

Lin Chu... Is she the one who shines bright

Time seemed to pass a long time, yet also seemed to pass quickly, and he "saw" that midnight had arrived.

The screen flickered for a moment, like the snowy screen on an old TV. After a short moment, almost a second, there were only five people left on the field.

Only Lin Chu was alive; the other four were all dead. The young man named Yu Xianguang fell to the ground, blood flowing from his body, soaking a small area of land.

An Xingyu's whereabouts are unknown.

Why is this happening? Where did An Xingyu go?!

In previous missions, people would always come back, alive or dead. Chu Xiu thought that since An Xingyu could use this short moment to leave quickly, there was only one possibility—he did not leave.

The more you think about this conclusion, the more frightening it becomes.

The picture became blurry again and gradually went dark.

Chu Xiu slowly opened his eyes and sincerely thanked the little girl in front of him. The little girl waved her hand, signaling him to leave quickly.

As the year draws to a close, red lanterns are hung up outside, but there is no festive atmosphere in the village. When Chu Xiu left, he felt that the whole village was as lifeless as an old man in his twilight years.

He consolidates the information and sends it to the client.

That day, An Ruban returned home.

The streets are decorated with lights and are bustling with activity. Even though the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival has gradually faded in recent years, it is still something to be happy about to be able to have a holiday.

Anru couldn't be happy.

The New Year is almost here, and An Xingyu still hasn't been found. He still... Thinking of this, he sighed deeply.

"I'm back." He knocked on the door, but as expected, no one answered. An Ru thought his wife was home again, so he didn't pay much attention. When he entered the house, he found her sitting on the sofa in the living room, in a daze, with red eyes.

"What's wrong?" His voice softened.

His wife slowly turned her head to look at him and forced a smile.

"An Ru, tell me. Was it true that Xiao An was not involved in the murder case in the university town a few days ago?" She asked slowly.

"No! Who told you?"

An Ru's reaction was perfect, but as someone who had been sleeping with her husband for decades, how could she not understand her husband

An Ru was very excited: "Did the private detective you hired tell you that? He is a liar, you have to believe him."

"Liar? You are the liar. You are lying to me again. I know. You are lying to me again..." She murmured to herself, "Xiao An obviously went to that alley, didn't he? He went there, didn't he?"

"If he can find out, you police officers can find out too, right? But you didn't tell me because you also know where he went, right?" Her eyes became a little bit more ferocious. "If you tell me, I will find him myself."

"An Ru, you lost my son." She stared at her husband, speaking each word softly and gently.

Anru stared at his wife's strange eyes and could not say anything.

What she said... Of course it was true. The police found some hair and fingerprints at the scene. After testing, they found that the hair of one of them was An Xingyu's!

Another world.

Lu Yanli didn't know where the mission participants were going this time, he just wanted to get away as much as possible.

He didn't know what was so special about him. In previous missions, whether he was willing or not, he was always accidentally involved and forced to participate at certain critical points.

In the end, he simply took the initiative to participate, trying to find the rules in the tasks and the truth behind the changes in the world. With a goal, life seems to have hope.

I hope this time I can meet...

Sitting on the train heading to another place, Lu Yanli prayed silently as there were rarely any weird and strange events.

My eyelids twitched.

But he always felt that something unexpected would happen.

The drive north was long, and Lu Yanli leaned back in the soft chair and closed his eyes to rest.

I heard the sound of the TV in the train. This archaeological discovery was indeed amazing. The texts in the tomb did not belong to any dynasty in history. Scholars speculated that it might be a small country that was not recorded in the books. The customs, language, religious beliefs and other information revealed in the cultural relics were of great archaeological value.

More importantly, most of the cultural relics in the tomb are well preserved and do not require a lot of effort to restore.

To this end, a small number of cultural relics will be exhibited in the local provincial museum after being restored by experts.

He was closing his eyes when he suddenly heard an even more shocking news.

As the excavation progressed to the later stage, the main tomb chamber was finally excavated. However, what was shocking was that there was a body of an underage male in the main tomb chamber, and his clothes were clearly those of a modern human!

Lu Yanli suddenly opened his eyes!

For some reason, the TV station released some images. In the main tomb chamber, a young boy was curled up in front of the shrine. He was still very decayed, and the clothes he was wearing were of a very modern style.

A young couple sitting opposite Lu Yanli were also watching the TV on the train. The girl was surprised: "Really? Archaeologists actually unearthed a modern human?"

The boy said, "Who knows if it was a tomb robber? Experts said there was a hole."

"But the experts also said that he was a minor. How could a minor commit tomb robbery? It's too likely."

The boy scratched his head, equally puzzled: "If his family is very poor... it is impossible. Maybe his accomplice ran away?"

While they were still guessing, Lu Yanli's heart sank completely.

An Xingyu... Why does he stay in this world

Even if he died in the tomb, should he return? What made him stay here

The more information he got, the more he felt like a blind man groping in the dark, searching for part of the truth but never finding it.

The train was moving forward in the wilderness. Outside the window, the beautiful and lush trees were rapidly receding. Night was gradually falling, and the almost unchanging green plains in the distance were gradually dyed with the night.

Finally, it slowly drove into the platform.

It was already late at night. Lu Yanli picked up his small suitcase and walked off the train with the crowd. The cold wind blew past, and many people shivered and wrapped their clothes tightly.

Not far behind him, a group of men and women also got off the bus.

"Do we really have to join the archaeological team? Can we wait for them to dig it out?"

"How silly! How long will it take for the experts to dig slowly? You must sneak in first and search slowly."

They were afraid of attracting other people's attention, so they had to talk in low voices.

"I just searched the news. Although many things were dug out, there was no Pisces jade pendant. This means it must be still inside."

The slightly plump man slapped his thigh and said, "They've already driven to the main tomb chamber and you still say there's nothing? Now that it's not broadcast, we should just keep it a secret. Come to think of it, if it's an ordinary thing, they might have specially asked us to look for it."

Outside the train station, there were taxi drivers soliciting passengers, and many people were returning home near the end of the year. Lu Yanli waited in line for a long time and finally got a ride. Before he could tell his destination, the door of the other rear car was quickly opened, and a slightly fat man who looked to be in his thirties squeezed in, followed by a thin man wearing glasses, and a young woman also sat in the front passenger seat.

"Well, buddy, since we can't get a taxi at this time, how about we share the ride?" The slightly fat man said very familiarly. Before Lu Yanli could speak, he said to the driver, "Master, since there are so many people, give us a discount."

The girl in the passenger seat also fastened her seat belt. She glanced at the back seat and couldn't take her eyes off it. She turned her head and smiled sweetly at Lu Yanli: "Handsome guy, you are so nice. Let's just treat it as making friends and getting to know each other?"

The driver was obviously tempted and glanced at Lu Yanli hesitantly in the rearview mirror, but due to the station's rules he couldn't kick anyone out.

Lu Yanli had already leaned back in the back seat and closed his eyes. "Master, xx Hotel on xx Road, please hurry up."

He didn't even look at the three people who suddenly squeezed into the car. The girl's expression was frozen on her face, and the slightly fat man's outstretched hand stopped in the air.

The atmosphere in the car was a little awkward for a moment.

Once the guests got on the bus, the car couldn't stay there. The driver stepped on the accelerator and drove out. The thinner man with black-framed glasses tried to smooth things over: "What a coincidence, we also booked that hotel. This is on our way."

The driver felt relieved and drove faster.

Seeing that Lu Yanli had no intention of paying attention, the few people didn't want to make themselves bored, and started to chat among themselves. Lu Yanli had heard too much ghosts and wolves howling, so he didn't mind enduring more than an hour of nonsense. After arriving at the hotel, he paid his fare and got off the car.

"Why is an NPC so arrogant..." the slightly fat man said in a low voice with a look of disdain on his face.

He thought the man didn't hear it, but Lu Yanli, who went to the trunk to pick up the luggage, heard it clearly.

He took a deep breath, took the box as if nothing had happened, and entered the hotel.

Of course... even if I were a thousand miles away, I would still run into them.

"Okay Cao Yi, you're still looking at him after everyone has left. He's just a pretty boy NPC." Seeing that the girl was still staring at the other's back, the chubby man looked at her even more contemptuously.

"Fei Hongsheng, can you please shut up? What's it to you? You've been chattering all the way, aren't you annoyed?" The girl named Cao Yi retorted.

"Haha, don't cry and beg men to help you when the time comes. Why are you still wearing high heels at this time?" Fei Hongsheng was unwilling to give in.

The man with black-framed glasses was annoyed: "Have you had enough? Do you really think this is fun?"

Cao Yi's attitude immediately softened, and he muttered, "It was obviously him who caused the trouble first, Brother Jing, why are you blaming him?"

Jing Tao felt his forehead throbbing and didn't want to say anything. He shook his head and sighed as he entered the hotel.

Not long after, another car arrived and the group of seven finally reunited. After being assigned rooms, they each prepared to go upstairs and check in.

There are seven people, three women and four men. The only ones who need attention are one woman and two men. The other four are either ordinary or are examples of being brainless.

Lu Yanli was sitting in the room, and the tablet was broadcasting the scene in the elevator. The seven people were still arguing, and finally they shut up after the tallest and biggest man roared.

It's been... a long time since I've seen such a tasker.

Lu Yanli ignored them and jumped to other pages, continuing to collect information about the tomb, focusing on the reports of the newly unearthed modern male corpse.

The pictures released by the media were blurred. After Lu Yanli processed them many times, he finally made the picture clearer. He could see that the trouser leg of the male corpse was torn, revealing a part of his calf, and a red mark could be vaguely seen on his calf.

On the other side of the wall, the two women in the corridor were still angry.

"What's going on? What we are going to do is unlucky, and we are asked to stay at the very end of the hotel, at the very end of the corridor. Is it possible to live there?"

Another woman was equally indignant: "They said the rooms at the end of the hotel would be sealed off? Why were they selling them to us? They also said there were no more rooms. I guess they thought we were outsiders and were easy to bully."

Another tall and thin woman who was not too young asked calmly: "So, are you going to change rooms now?"

"Of course we have to change it. The second-to-last one is better than the one at the end, right?" The young girl who spoke first took out a lip gloss from her small bag, lightly applied it on her lips, and gently licked her long hair. "The second-to-last one is probably still awake. Let's ask him."

The oldest woman was nearly 40 years old. She had calm eyes and fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She nodded and said, "Feel free to do whatever you want. I'll go in first." After that, she picked up her small suitcase and swiped her card to check in.

The two young girls pouted, one of them knocked on the door, and the other went into the room to pull her out to avoid delay.

Lu Yanli heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" he asked, standing at the door.

"Hello, can you open the door?" A woman's voice came from outside the door.

Lu Yanli fastened the door chain: "What's the matter?"

"Can we talk at the door? I'm a girl, how can I treat you?" The voice seemed a little shy.

Lu Yanli recognized the other person's voice as the one who was in the taxi just now.

There was a slight sigh, and another voice sounded: "Excuse me, sir, we have booked a room, but it is not big enough for us now. Can we switch?"

Lu Yanli didn't have much stuff, and he always kept himself ready to escape at any time, so he basically didn't take out anything from his suitcase.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Lu Yanli knew what was going on immediately and agreed to come without thinking.

He put the tablet in his bag and left.

As soon as he opened the door, Cao Yi was stunned.

Is this the handsome guy in the taxi? She was about to talk to him excitedly, but he had already yelled at the old woman Yi Yun: "Which room are you changing to?"

Yi Yun smiled gently and pointed to the end: "That's the one. I'm so sorry. Thank you so much."

Lu Yanli didn't say much, just nodded to her and entered the room.

It is said that when staying in a hotel, try not to choose the last room in the corridor, otherwise it is easy to trigger some supernatural events.

Before leaving the room, he attached a bug to the door of the room.

He wondered what would happen.

Lin Chu had just woken up when Chu Xiu came to the door.

She had just stayed up all night, looking up all the information about the omniscient God and pasted it on the wall of her house. She was just about to sleep for the whole day when someone knocked on the door in the afternoon.

Lin Chu was irritable, rubbed his hair, stood up and opened the door.


"I'm looking for Hua Deng Chu Shang." A man's voice came from outside the door.

"Wrong place." Lin Chu was about to go out.

Yu Xianguang's portrait and urn were still placed in the living room. She didn't want to hear anything about the mission at all.

The knocking on the door continued. "I'm looking for Lin Chu. I have something important to ask you."

"It's about An Xingyu. Can you please open the door so we can talk?"

Hearing this name, Lin Chu was in a trance for a moment.

"Ahh—" She grabbed her hair hard, combed it neatly with her five fingers, and opened the door.

"Is it you?" Lin Chu still remembered the young man she bumped into at the door of the police station.

Chu Xiu nodded to her and said gently: "I have some questions about An Xingyu's mission. I want to ask them. Is it convenient for you to answer them?"

Lin Chu's performance was flawless. After looking him over and making sure he had no ill intentions, he nodded and said, "Come in."

After putting on his slippers and entering the living room, Chu Xiu was immediately shocked.

The white walls of the room were densely covered with sticky notes, and upon closer inspection, they were all related to ghosts and the supernatural.

"So you are also a tasker, right?" Chu Xiu confirmed it at a glance and asked.

Lin Chu scratched his head: "I guess so."

"Then do you know An Xingyu?"

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it.” Lin Chu denied it.

"Hey, six days ago at the night, you clearly appeared in the university town near City X, and An Xingyu was there too."

Lin Chu: "... Okay, we know each other, what's wrong?"