The World Below Surface

Chapter 87


In the past, after the missionaries left, his world would return to normal, including himself.

‌It’s now…

Lu Yanli reached out and touched his left eye, which was still stinging. He closed his other eye, and the vision in his left eye was dim and blurry, and he couldn't see clearly.

The impact of the mission actually extended beyond the mission!

The mummies in the museum jumped up, their friends chased them, children screamed and ran around, a little girl was dragged into the glass exhibition stand, her parents smiled as they watched the girl gradually shrivel up, and reached out to hold their daughter out.

The girl jumped down from her parents' hands, ran out, and bumped into Lu Yanli.

"Brother, are you crying?" She smiled, and her dark eyes on her shriveled face stared at him.

Lu Yanli turned his head to look at the mirror. In the reflection, the bloodstains at the corners of his eyes had not yet disappeared, making him look a bit eerie and scary.

Before the girl could say anything, Lu Yanli had already left.

After he left, everyone in the museum stopped what they were doing, turned their heads in unison, and quietly watched his departing back.

The strange silence made Lu Yanli feel creepy for a moment. He opened the door without looking back and walked down the stairs quickly.

It was different from before! Those people's eyes... were all fixed on him, with vague glances, full of malice, following him like a shadow.

It was as if he was suddenly noticed by everyone.

Lu Yanli knew clearly why.

This is a pattern he has figured out. If all the members of his team are wiped out in a mission, he will inevitably be targeted by supernatural phenomena within a short period of time.

Just like now…

A girl in clown costume came bounding over, her face covered in comical thick oil paint. The red paint went up from the corners of her mouth to her ears, as if she was laughing. But if you look closely, you can see that there are two big cuts at the corners of her mouth.

What's even more terrifying is that there's another person's nose stuck on his nose. From a distance, it looks like a red ball stuck on it.

"Going on a trip?" The ugly girl stood in front of Lu Yanli and handed him a flyer.

Lu Yanli didn't want to look, but his hand suddenly turned strangely and came right in front of Lu Yanli.

It was a tourist flyer about a town, known as a retro town, where one could experience the most pristine natural scenery and the most simple customs and practices.

"Sir, are you really not going to come and play?" The ugly girl grinned, revealing two rows of gums at the corners of her cut lips.

"Are you really not going to take a look?"

"Let's go and have a look..."

A doll came wobbling over to Lu Yanli in a pumpkin carriage, circled around him, and sang nursery rhymes in its childish voice.

Lu Yanli didn't keep quiet. The girl just stood in front of him, staring at him with her black eyes without blinking. The corners of her mouth that were raised on both sides slowly drooped down, and the malice in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Come... take a look..." He stretched out his arms.

There was a human face painted on the cover of the flyer, but it was not ugly, but a Chinese-style opera mask with heavy ink and color. The face smiled at Lu Yanli, then opened its mouth and began to sing.

The people around him were listening fascinatedly, but Lu Yanli heard nothing. He knew that it would be terrible if he could also hear some things.

"Go... Go..."

Lu Yanli reached out and took the flyer.

The girl laughed very happily, jumped into the pumpkin carriage that the doll was riding, and turned into another doll. The two dolls with long eyelashes and strange faces sang a song and left in the carriage.

Only Lu Yanli stood in the middle of the road, holding the ominous flyer.

He knew that he had to go.

"Yi Zhenzhen, come out for a moment."

During the morning reading class, the head teacher suddenly called Yi Zhenzhen out. After Yi Zhenzhen left, there was a big commotion in the class. Because the head teacher looked very unhappy. The last time the head teacher looked so unhappy was because a student he taught disappeared unexpectedly.

Yi Zhenzhen was always silent in class, nothing special, so everyone guessed for a while, and then the English teacher came in with a gloomy face, and the students immediately started to memorize words obediently.

No one knew what happened. Yi Zhenzhen suddenly burst into tears and went back to the classroom to pack her things. I heard that she was going to ask for leave to go home for a few days.

My deskmate, who had sat together but had only spoken a few times in a year, asked me about our relationship, but I just shook my head and refused to say anything. I put on my schoolbag and left in a hurry.

The head teacher sent me back, and looked at my face worriedly all the way.

“Zhenzhen, you are a good child, you have to…you have to face it strong. Your mother would definitely not want to see you like this…” The head teacher organized her words several times, but felt like she was rubbing salt into the other person’s wounds. Then she sat in the back seat of the car without saying a word.

After being silent for a long time, he added: "If you need anything, the teacher said everyone will help you."

Yi Zhenzhen still didn't say anything.

She even cried silently, with red eyes all the way to the police station. After going through a bunch of formalities, her class teacher accompanied her to identify the body.

At just one glance, Yi Zhenzhen burst into tears and could hardly stand. Several police officers present also felt uncomfortable and turned away to wipe their tears.

The head teacher went to listen to the situation.

The body was found in a haunted house in an amusement park. There were six other people found, three women and four men. It is said that the reason for the discovery was that a forensic student came to play in the haunted house and found that the props in one of the rooms were not right. He called the police when he came out, and it turned out that there was a real body in the haunted house. Now, the haunted house has been temporarily stopped and is under inspection.

Although everyone knows that, it is very likely that like several previous unsolved cases, the murderer will be missing and will end up committing suicide.

"It's impossible for him to commit suicide. What must have happened?" Yi Zhen said sincerely.

The police officer advised: "Think about it. Is there anything wrong with you recently? For example, have you converted to a religion?"

Recently, there have been many new cases, all of which are related to cults. For example, when seven or eight people died abnormally, the first thing they thought of was the increasingly rampant cult.

Yi Zhen really thought about it for a long time, and then slowly shook her head.

Then, the police showed several photos of other victims in the incident. Yi Zhenzhen still said she didn't know them.

After a lot of trouble, it was getting dark and the class teacher accompanied Yi Zhenzhen out of the police station.

Before he could figure out how to comfort Yi Zhenzhen, the other party spoke first: "Teacher, I'm fine. I'll take a few days off to deal with the aftermath, okay?"

The head teacher couldn't persuade me, so after giving me instructions for a long time, he turned back every three steps and left.

A tall, thin man followed.

He was Chu Xiu.

He was always paying attention to the new abnormal death incidents in various places. When he heard for the first time that seven people had died abnormally in a certain place, he knew that another mission had arrived.

There haven't been many tasksers sharing on the website recently. Those who were usually happy to share have gradually lost their enthusiasm, and some have even started to promote religious ideas, which were quickly deleted and banned by the website's founder.

He was a little worried.

Those missions, is it because they are simply unwilling to share, or because they did not survive the mission at all? Therefore, no one knows what their mission is.

Just like this time.

After Chu Xiu followed Yi Zhenzhen and found her home address, he turned around and left to check the surveillance footage of that place.

It's no wonder the police thought it was a cult, because the footage from the haunted house surveillance was really weird. Seven people entered the haunted house, and everything was normal at first, everyone was chatting, but the next second after midnight, everyone in the group died suddenly.

Once again... total defeat.

I don’t know what kind of mission they took on this time, but no one came back.

In recent days, the missions everyone has taken on have become more and more bizarre and dangerous, and the worlds they have visited have also become increasingly strange. Not only are they spaces similar to our real world, but sometimes there are even scenes like in apocalyptic movies.

More people died, but on the contrary, new people joined in an endless stream, and the number of tasks not only did not decrease, but increased steadily.

Chu Xiu’s last mission was to a strange underground world. Except for him, everyone else was newcomer. The mission was quite difficult, and he was the only one who survived.

He reached out his hand and touched the red mark on his face, and thought of someone.

The other world they were taken to on quests was not always the same place. No matter where he went or what kind of NPCs he met, he had never met someone like Lu Yanli... I don't know how to describe him.

He even had a vague premonition that the other party had already noticed the abnormality of the external things in the terrifying world he was in.

Why is he so special

Chu Xiu didn't understand, but he still insisted on carrying out his promise and living with the statue. What relieved him was that after the strange phenomenon happened that day, no other strange things happened.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"Hello? Sister Lin?" Chu Xiu picked up the phone and the caller ID showed it was Lin Chu.

Lin Chu was very polite on the other end of the phone and asked him to meet the next day as he needed to discuss some matters regarding the mission.

Chu Xiu sensed that the other party had some ill intentions, but he claimed that he could handle it, so after a few words, he agreed. He was a little worried, so he took out the parts from the safe at home, quickly assembled the gun, and filled it with bullets.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Chu was standing in the box, the muzzle of the gun pointed at the back of Yu Huaiyao's head. An Ru fell to the ground with a pool of blood on his head.

"If you are a smart person, you will know what to say and what not to say." After Lin Chu hung up the phone, he looked at Yu Huaiyao coldly, "Whether you believe it or not, Yu Huan's death has nothing to do with me."

Yu Huaiyao turned his back to me and raised his hands: "Since you have nothing to do with it, why can't you tell me how he died?"

"Huh? Didn't I tell you? Killed by a ghost, do you believe it?" The muzzle of the gun moved forward and hit Yu Huaiyao's head roughly. Lin Chu's eyes were full of ferocity that didn't match his cute appearance. "You lost your relatives and friends, and so did I. I advise you, if you really want to avenge them, don't come to interfere with me."

"Revenge..." Yu Huaiyao muttered these two words softly, "What exactly do you want to do?"

The answer I got was a powerful blow to the back of my head from the butt of a gun, and the last words I heard before I passed out: "It's none of your business."

Lin Chu put away his gun, squatted down to make sure the two men were still breathing, then climbed out of the box window and fled along the alley.

The waiter waited for a long time and finally came up to knock on the door when the restaurant was about to close. As soon as the door of the private room was opened, the waiter screamed and called the police immediately.

It was the weekend, and the girls in a class were sitting together watching TV on a class TV. They were all obsessed with a male star, and at that moment, an interview with that male star was playing on TV.

"Everyone, love me as you love your own life, love me with your own life!" said the handsome man with a smile.

"He is so handsome..." The girl closest to the screen blushed.

"He told us to love him with our lives, but we already love him very much." A girl in the back row said, "I have already dyed a red string with my own blood as the fan club said, and tied a lucky knot for him to pray for blessings."

"Me too, me too. I also tattooed his name on my forehead. I did it myself, one needle at a time, without any anesthetic."

The squad leader stood up suddenly, opened his arms, and said enthusiastically: "Don't you understand? To love with our life means to dedicate our life to him as well."

He pointed outward with his hand: "If we all jump off the roof together, won't it be shocking enough? If he knew, he would be very happy, right?"

“That’s right!”

"That makes sense! It's rare that the teacher isn't here right now, so let's go now?"

"But… "

"No buts! Don't you love him?"

"No, no, I like him the most!" The girl who was questioned stood up immediately, "Let's go, let's hold hands and dance together."

"Okay! Hold hands and dance together!"

Thirty-one girls in the class walked onto the school rooftop, held hands, shouted the same man's name, and jumped down.

"It is reported that 31 female students from a certain university committed suicide by jumping off a building. The cause is unknown. The death toll is currently 31. The specific situation is still under further investigation..."

Lin Chu listened to the news and gradually frowned.

What's wrong with people these days? Why are there so many strange news

All the news should be printed and recorded in a book.

The records were a thick stack, and just the strange cases that happened in the city a few months ago took up three pages. It was hard to imagine how many there would be if the scope was expanded to the whole country or even the whole world.

Looking at his watch, he saw that the date Chu Xiu had arranged was almost here. Lin Chu opened the drawer, took out his pistol, loaded it with various homemade drugs, left home, and drove to a park.

He silently repeated Chu Xiu's name, and unknowingly, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.