The World Below Surface

Chapter 93


The winter sun is icy cold. It cannot warm you up even when it shines on you. It only makes your heart feel cold.

The street where Lu Yanli was seemed to be the least crowded place in the town. Many shops were closed and the street was empty. He kept walking forward, and met fewer and fewer pedestrians. Many of them left after he looked at them. In the end, he was the only one left on the street.

Very strange.

Lu Yanli walked and observed, with one hand on the axe handle behind him, ready to draw at any time.

That feeling of being followed is still there.

However, no matter how carefully he observed, he could not find the source of the gaze.

There was no one, not a single person left. Every household had their doors and windows closed, who could be watching him

No, or rather, what was looking at him

Passing by the window of a fashion store, the feeling of being watched became more obvious. He lowered his head slightly, walked past quickly, and then suddenly turned around.


The wind picked up a leaf and blew it away, leaving the street clean and empty.

He calmed himself down and turned back.

However, just as he turned around, there was a loud explosion, and the shop windows on an entire street exploded. Glass fragments flew everywhere, scattering beautiful fragments of light reflecting colorful rays of light in the sunlight.

Lu Yanli dodged quickly, with only a few minor scratches. But compared to his body, he was more shocked in his heart, and became more certain that there must be something following him!

That thing has been following me since I entered this town!

However, he still found nothing!

A flash of red light flashed quickly in the corner of my eye, but when I looked carefully, there was nothing, as if everything was just an illusion.


At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the upper floor of the building next to him.

Then, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a bloody corpse was thrown down from a height. Lu Yanli hurriedly dodged, and the corpse rolled a few times, just rolling not far in front of Lu Yanli, with a pale and swollen face and bulging eyes, staring at Lu Yanli with his eyes wide open.

He subconsciously looked up and saw a red figure flashing by quickly, but when he tried to catch it, he could no longer see it.

There was another scream. Lu Yanli looked in the direction of the sound and saw a glass window splashed with blood.

Get away quickly!

He ran forward desperately without looking back, and shortly after he reached the end of the street and turned the corner, a huge explosion occurred across the street.

A figure quickly left before the explosion. Just before leaving, the figure glanced in the direction where Lu Yanli left.

The figure pressed the button, and a huge explosion occurred again on the street where Lu Yanli was going. Lu Yanli had to stop and rush into another road.

It was not until he entered a new road that the explosion sound became much farther away. Lu Yanli kept moving forward. But strangely, all the glass windows on this street were broken, and glass shards were scattered on both sides of the road, forcing him to run in the middle of the road.

He realized that something was guiding his behavior.

What is this? Why not let him go that way? And why destroy all the windows

Lu Yanli was thinking while running.

Glass showcase... Glass...

What can glass do

In the sunlight, the glass fragments reflected dazzling light.

It's a reflection!

The thing behind him seemed to be afraid of what he would see through the glass window.

Thinking of this answer, Lu Yanli's heart sank.

What can be seen in the glass window? The answer is obvious. Should he try it

As soon as this thought came to mind, a sense of crisis came over him. Lu Yanli ran across another street intersection. There was a sign at the intersection asking drivers to slow down on the road near the school. He could see that there were more people there.

What shocked him the most was that there was a person among them who looked very familiar to him.

Lin Chu

She is here too

There were seven people in the group of tasks, and Lu Yanli slowed down his pace.

It's not that he didn't have the confidence to deal with these seven people, but... he would definitely get hurt, and in a bad state, and if he alerted the others, it would be difficult for him to win.

Lin Chu also saw him. Not only Lin Chu, but others also saw it.

"Who is this man? He looks a bit strange, and doesn't seem to be from a small town."

"Should we ask him to stop?"

Lin Chu walked forward a little and said, "I'll go." Then, she ran over with the flyer in her arms, raised her voice and waved it at him from a distance, asking, "Brother, do you know a man named Lu Yanli?"

Lin Chu was tipping himself off!

Why? Isn't she a tasker? Her task should also be to kill herself.

Di Ying's face darkened instantly, and he looked at Lin Chu with an unfriendly look. The others also quickly figured out the secret and wished they could shut Lin Chu up.

What if this is Lu Yanli? Wouldn’t she be alerting the enemy

Lin Chu put on a cheerful look that matched her appearance perfectly, and moved closer: "Brother, have you heard of it?"

The moment Lu Yanli looked at her, he realized that she really didn't intend to, or rather, she didn't intend to complete this task for the time being. He shook his head, looking innocent: "I don't know her, I haven't heard of her."

"Haven't you heard of it? What a pity." Lin Chu stared at his face and blushed slightly. "By the way, big brother, what's your name? Can I have your contact information?"

Lin Chu was a little embarrassed to look directly at the other person and acted shy.

What time is it? How can you still be in the mood to be crazy

Lu Yanli laughed in a gloomy tone, with a hint of fear on his face: "My last name is Jiang, Jiang Bai, but I can't give you my contact information, sorry."

Lin Chu groaned, her face full of disappointment. She had a baby face and a petite figure. She looked up at the man. If it weren't for this special period, it might have looked a bit romantic.

Of course, other people can't understand this.

Di Ying was almost pissed off by Lin Chu. He strode over and glanced at Lu Yanli warily: "Mr. Jiang Bai?"

Lin Chu's shoulder was pinched so hard that it hurt, and tears welled up in her eyes. She begged for mercy in a low voice with a bit of grievance, but Di Ying pinched her shoulder blade even harder, preventing her from escaping.

Lu Yanli nodded good-naturedly. His face turned pale from the long run. He took a few breaths and pointed to the back, saying, "I don't know what you are doing here, but run quickly. There have been explosions in the streets behind us."

"What explosion?" Di Ying frowned.

Lu Yanli shook his head: "I don't know either. I just went to the street to buy some things, but then there was an explosion on the street, and I had a hard time running out."

His body was not in very good condition now. He had many scratches and his clothes were torn in several places. He looked extremely disheveled, but he did look good. No wonder Lin Chu was obsessed with him.

Di Ying was unmoved. He looked him up and down, his eyes fixed on the axe he was carrying. "Excuse me, what are you carrying...?"

Lu Yanli: "An axe, what's wrong?"

No matter how you look at it, he looks like an innocent person.

He was too calm, which made Di Ying suspicious, so she waved her hand and asked him to leave.

Lu Yanli panted slightly: "I'm leaving first. Although I don't know who you are looking for, I still advise you to leave quickly. It will be terrible if there is an explosion here too." After that, he turned and left.

Lin Chu looked at his receding figure reluctantly, with a look of fascination in her eyes. Di Ying clenched his fists and suddenly called out, "Jiang Bai?"

Lu Yanli turned around: "What's wrong?"

People's subconscious reactions cannot be faked. Di Ying still felt uneasy, but it was impossible for him to just do it.

Just as they had guessed before, even if they really met Lu Yanli, they could not take action immediately. If they killed the other party and failed to find the missing person in time, it would likely lead to a disaster.

Di Ying: "Nothing, I just wanted to ask where you are going?"

Lu Yanli: "I'll go to the hospital."

After he left, several others immediately surrounded him.

"I still feel that there is something wrong with him. It's a pity that Yi Zhen is not here, otherwise we would soon know whether he is the one or not." said one of the taskers named Chen Haiqing.

Almost everyone distanced themselves from Lin Chu. At this time, he could still think about the crazy woman. He was hopeless. Chen Haiqing was especially so. She glared at Lin Chu fiercely, making her shrink back, and then continued: "Sister Di Ying, do you remember the two people who died in the wooden house this morning? Tan Xu checked and the weapon that killed them should be an axe or something like that."

Di Ying said, "Of course I know."

At the mention of Yi Jin-jin, her alarms went off again.

Before Yi Zhenzhen died, the person closest to her was Lin Chu.

Now it was Lin Chu who made such a misleading move again...

She made a prompt decision and pointed at Lin Chu: "There may be a traitor among us! From now on, everyone will take turns to watch over her! We must not let her interfere with us again."

"What?" Lin Chu was stunned, but the others were not stupid and they also had some doubts about her. Seeing that Di Ying was almost certain of her guilt, they naturally ignored her explanations and tied up Lin Chu's hands with a rope, and two people took turns to watch over her.

On the other side, Lu Yanli did not go to the hospital, but came to the town library.

Strangely enough, ever since he had the idea that he couldn't see his own reflection, the explosions that had been following him immediately stopped. Even the library was not his choice, but whenever he went in another direction, a small explosion would immediately occur there. He was forced to come to the library.

It's just like a hunter setting out a net and then driving prey into the net from somewhere else.

What information does the person behind him want him to obtain in the library

Lu Yanli walked into the library. The administrator was a sleepy old man who sat in front of the computer with his back to the window. When he heard someone coming in, he waved his hand and let him in without even registering.

The library in the town is well built and you can feel its spaciousness just standing at the door.

that is…

Lu Yanli knocked on the small window and asked the administrator where the local chronicles were, but all he got was silence.

The old man didn't pay attention to him. He was still lying on the table listening to the radio, from which was playing the sound of opera singing.

Lu Yanli could only look for it by himself, passing through row after row of bookshelves.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed.

He remembered!

After the last mission was completed, because all the taskers died, he was favored by supernatural phenomena for a short period of time. Therefore, he replicated another self through the Pisces jade pendant, essentially summoning his future self.

His future self had left him a message, asking him to go to the psychic town, and he wanted to take away a jade pendant.

The moment he took the jade pendant, his future self drew a few numbers on the palm of his hand.

His future self must have used some psychological suggestion on himself, so that he would not remember it in time. Until now, when he stared at the code on the bookshelf, he finally remembered the string of numbers.


He found the corresponding book.

It is a very ordinary children's picture book. From the surface of the picture book, it tells the story of the emperor of a country.

Lu Yanli flipped through the picture book, and his pupils shrank again.

This brushstroke... There's no doubt about it, this picture book is his work!

He immediately turned and walked towards the door, knocking on the glass window of the keeper's cabin: "Hello, can I borrow this book?" He planned to use the meaning of borrowing to ask when the book was compiled. In this way, he could roughly know which time period his future self came from.

The old man was still lying on the desk with his back to him, as if he didn't hear him.

"Hello? Hello?" Lu Yanli called a few more times, but still got no response. A bad guess came to his mind.

He reached out and pushed the old man.

The old man fell to the ground, his glasses fell off, revealing his bulging eyes and a face with ferocious veins. He looked extremely scary.

Lu Yanli suddenly recalled that when he came in just now, the old man waved to him with his back to him...

Is it really him waving

This answer sent chills down one's spine. Lu Yanli calmed himself down, looked around, and finally pushed the door open and walked in.

The place for the old man to rest and work is not big, it is a small room of five or six square meters, with a bed and a set of tables. Usually, he can rest by closing the windows and drawing the curtains. After Lu Yanli walked in, the already cramped space became even smaller.

But he didn't care and searched on the computer according to the book number.

He found out the time when the books were put into storage.

January 20th.

January 20th is exactly the time when this mission starts.

Today is February 2nd. He entered the Psychic Town on February 1st. So why did he in the future draw a book about the past

He was planning to search for something else, but his eyes stayed on the computer, and accidentally, he vaguely saw his own reflection...

Before he could confirm, he saw a blood-red color all over his eyes. Lu Yanli immediately turned his head away and stopped looking.

He is still frightened.

What exactly is it

The lights in the library seemed to have a short circuit, flickering and making a slight crackling sound. Lu Yanli took the books and hurriedly left the library.

Not long after he left, the library exploded.

"What happened? Why did the explosion happen suddenly?"

Jiang Yu was originally leading his team to the town library to look for clues, but they were delayed by a street explosion on the way and had to take a detour. Who knew that just as they walked past the street and saw the library sign, the library exploded right in front of them

It makes people wonder if someone is targeting them.

Inside the library, paper books were extremely thin and the explosion quickly caused a fire. Fortunately, there were no other buildings in the area where the library was located, otherwise the entire street would have caught fire.

"Fire! Explosion!" Residents living nearby screamed.

"Call the police quickly!"

Some people called the fire department, but the answer they got was that there was an explosion in the town today, and there was a shortage of police force, so they were told to solve it themselves.

Jiang Yu stared at the raging fire, and the flames seemed to burn from his eyes to his heart.

There must be secrets in the library that they need, so it was destroyed before they arrived, in order to prevent them from finding clues.

It’s either a ghost or man-made!

Jiang Yu's face looked a little grim. He looked around, noted the locations of nearby shops and cameras in the corners, and said, "Let's go back."

A tasker named Zhang Yun asked: "Shouldn't we go look somewhere else?"

Jiang Yu shook his head: "No, let's find an Internet cafe now."

He needs a computer.

Of course there are Internet cafes in the town, and there are computers in the library, but they should have become a pile of scrap metal at this moment. Jiang Yu randomly found an Internet cafe, registered simply, and quickly checked the positions of several cameras he had just observed, and after confirming them, he began to hack into the cameras.

Soon, the surveillance footage was called up.

The surveillance showed that a tall, thin young man carrying an axe walked out of the library. Not long after he left, the library exploded.

"This man is highly suspicious." Jiang Yu made a conclusion after just one look.

As he spoke, he sent the man's image to every surviving tasker, asking them to be careful when they saw this man.

After a while, Di Ying sent him a message.

Jiang Bai...

Is the name Jiang Bai really his

"Sister Shen Zhu, if we really want to go to the police station to look for information, why do we come so late?" asked a tasker who followed Shen Zhu.

Shen Zhu's body stiffened slightly, and then he replied: "The police will never give us the information, so we can only take it by force when they are off work and there are fewer people."

"I've inquired about it. There were several explosions on the street today. Most of the police went there to deal with it. Only a few stayed behind. If we are careful, we won't even alert them."

This does make sense, so no one else asked any further questions.

Shen Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she didn't know what she would encounter when she came to the police station. She was sure that Yan Haoyue was dead. In the countless missions in the past, she knew very well that the evil spirits who died in the mission and then transformed into evil spirits had no wisdom at all and would not experience the same horror as before.

Because, they will become terror.

It was dusk.

In winter, it gets dark early. By four or five o'clock, it's already dark all around.

Shen Zhu looked at the police station door with fear in his eyes.

She knew that Yan Haoyue was dead. She received a call from the dead, and there was no way for her to survive, but she was unwilling to accept it, unwilling to die in vain.

Even if I die in the next second, I have to do something!

Thinking of this, Shen Zhu's eyes flashed with determination, and he led his team to sneak into the police station.

"Now let's go find the archive. Once you find the information, remember to notify others, and then take photos for archiving." Shen Zhu assigned the tasks, "The focus is on missing cases and deaths that have occurred in recent years. Be sure to take photos."

As for Lu Yanli, their disadvantage was that they didn't know what he looked like.

The taskers all agreed and went their separate ways.

After a while, a tasker found the data room.

To be honest, most people who have experienced this mission know some tricks to unlock locks, and they easily pried open the locks and sneaked in.

"There are too many files. How long will it take to find them?"

"Let's read it in chronological order. I feel like it shouldn't take too long to find the missing person."

"I also think that it is very likely from this year or last year, otherwise the residents of the town would not have reacted so strongly. If it has been a long time, they will always forget it. Everyone, please look for this year's files."

The proposal of one of them was agreed by everyone, and the taskers quickly found the files of the past two years, spread them on the table, and slowly looked through them.

The door of the data room was closed without them noticing, but they didn't notice and continued to check.

"This town is so weird."

"Not to mention the missing cases, there are a lot of death cases. The psychic town... is it really not normal?"

The various bizarre cases of disappearance and death recorded in the files broadened their horizons. If these happened in their world, they would have caused an uproar long ago. However, the people in the psychic town did not feel scared and could continue to live there

Just as they continued to search, the lights in the data room began to flicker and made a slight crackling sound.

A distorted black shadow slowly emerged.