The World of Deities

Chapter 291: Magic resistance fighter?


The shield around Aunt Taibesha's body is also made of flames, translucent, but not only the shield surface, but also a high-level monster flame bird is depicted on the shield. The shield is three feet high, and there are six shields rotating around the body.

In front of Aunt Tabertha's fire elemental shield, the flame shield on others is like a younger brother.

The mercenaries looked at each other, unable to hide the horror in their eyes.

This Suya is far stronger than previous guesses.

"You are a fire elemental master, come here." Cecil reluctantly dispelled the previous fire elemental shield.

As Cecil said, he was going to use earth protection magic for Hahnnas, but Hahnnas said: "I suggest handing over protection magic to Su Ya, and you are responsible for the battle."

"Are you sure?" Cecil asked.

"Very sure." Hannas saw the flower of the stone cone blooming on the Giant Tree Peak with his own eyes.

"Okay then, let's use magic traps."

Hannas said in a strange tone: "If you set up a trap, it's best to leave it to Suya."

"Then what should we do?" Cecil didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Protect Suya?" Hannas half-joked helplessly.

The two mages felt uncomfortable, but when the magically evolved quartzite armor appeared on Aunt Taibesha's body, the discomfort in their hearts disappeared.

"Don't forget to bless me with protective magic." The two mages said in unison.

Suye nodded and continued to release protective magic for everyone. Because of the crisis, he might have to fight the golden devil next. If the hidden magic evolves, it may be equal to indirect damage to these partners, so he didn't turn off any talent.

"Suya's talent is really strong!"

"What a reassuring child."

Soldiers keep on praising

The two mages looked at each other. It seemed that none of these warriors could recognize magic evolution. Since Su ye didn't say anything, they all tacitly helped to conceal it.

Aunt Taibeisha watched Su ye cast spells for other fighters with a smile, and there was a hint of pride in her smile, as if her child had been recognized by everyone.

After adding strong protection for everyone, the footsteps in the passage became louder and louder.

"I will release the magic trap, you guys back off a little bit, don't touch it by mistake."

After Su Ye finished speaking, he chanted a spell: "Trap technique."

Cecil hurriedly said: "Don't use traps that change the terrain. The ground here is extremely hard rock, and many trap techniques will fail..."

Halfway through speaking, the silver mage suddenly shut up.

Everyone saw that the ground of the 20-meter-wide and 30-meter-long passage collapsed, forming a large pit with a depth of 5 meters. At the bottom of the pit stood sharp quartzite cones, densely packed, floating in the air. A cold light flickered under the brilliant light.

The elements on the surface of the pit condensed to form floating soil, like a wound that was healing, and soon became exactly the same as the surrounding ground.

The soldiers stared blankly.

"Is this a bronze-level trap technique? This is obviously sanctuary magic!"

Cecil and the bronze mage glanced at each other, it seemed that he was ignorant of the power of magical evolution.

Su Ye said: "In order to prevent the devil's corpse from being destroyed too much, I don't use elemental traps to add elemental power."

"I feel like with a few more traps, we can escape safely if the other party doesn't have gold." Hannas said helplessly.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Let's retreat 30 meters, and I'll release the second one," Suye said.

Everyone retreated, and Su ye released the second trap technique.

"Devils are more afraid of ice power, do you want to add elements to soldiers' weapons?" Cecil asked.

Everyone was staring at Su ye, but Cecil was actually asking: Is your element addition also this perverted

Su ye nodded, touched Aunt Taibesha's silver sword with the tip of his right finger, and recited a spell.

"Add Frost."

With Su ye's fingertips as the center, beautiful white frost patterns spread in all directions, like snowflakes covering the entire long sword.

In the hot environment of the edge of hell, a striking white mist emerged from the entire sword.

The two mages sighed. The elemental addition of the two of them can only make the blade brighter. This additional frost is good, and its power can catch up with the enchantment.

"You are the master of ice, come here."

Soon, every warrior's weapon was covered in frosty white.

"Let's not stand by the trap. Those devils will be vigilant. We pretend to walk forward slowly so that they will rush over and step on the trap. Since there are mages in the opponent's team, I will act alone next." Kairi said .

Everyone nodded.

Suddenly, the ring in Carey's hand flashed and slowly became transparent from head to toe.

The other fighters glanced enviously at a ring in Kyrie's hand.

Suye realized that he couldn't see Kaili at all. Suddenly, at the place where Kaili disappeared, the transparent figure moved, and the surrounding light formed an unnatural distortion.

The team turned around and walked slowly outside.

The voice behind him became clear.

Suddenly, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

"Trap! There is a trap!"

"It's not a trap, it's a powerful trap! How can there be such a big pit..."

"Oh shit… "

Devil language, dwarf language and human language sounded one after another.

Only then did everyone turn around to look, and the others could only see dimly shining eyes and some shining weapons in the distance.

"There is no floating light in their team, it seems that all of them have dark vision." Cecil said.

Suye stared at the devil's team and said, "The good news is that the other party does not have a gold rank, but the bad news is that there are a lot of them. There are three human mages, and it is impossible to judge the specific rank without wearing a badge, but it seems that there is at least one silver rank." Mage. There are also four or five human warriors. Perhaps because they have lived underground for a long time, their complexions are a little pale. The most are devils, with more than a hundred in number. There are six silver devils, more than ten bronze devils, and the rest are black iron. A few Devil mage. There are more than 20 underground dwarves, all warriors with hammers. Besides, this is only on the ground. Not surprisingly, there are about 20 or 30 devils or dwarves who fell into the trap."


Everyone was silent.

"Little Suya, how can you be so powerful?" Aunt Taibesha looked at Suye with sparkling eyes.

"He's far more powerful than you imagined, and I'm especially jealous of him." Hannas made no secret of his sour tone.

The two magicians stared blankly ahead, motionless.

Already numb, how about love.

"According to the previous plan, use traps and long-range attacks to consume them first, and try not to fight in close combat. They have many fighters, and we suffer a lot in close combat."

"What are they doing now?"

Suye looked forward and said, "They have used magic to trigger the second trap, and then cast the stone wall technique in the trap, using the stone wall as a bridge, to quickly pass through the trap."

"It seems that the opponent has been trained by an orthodox mage. Using the stone wall technique to solve trap magic is a textbook technique. In other words, there may be a very large force behind the opponent. After we return to Hongshi Town, we must leave immediately, and then Inform the mages of Miletus." Cecil said.

Everyone nodded.

"Quicksand technique." Su ye raised his hand, and a large whirlpool of quicksand appeared in front of him, blocking the entire passage.

The quicksand rotates slowly.

The Devil Brigade screamed angrily and rushed over, seeing that it was just quicksand, instead of slowing down, they rushed over faster.

The mages behind the devil warrior looked at each other, nodded slightly, and released the quicksand technique together. The way to stop quicksand is very simple. Use quicksand on the opposite side to form the opposite force and turn quicksand into pure sand.

Dozens of devil warriors rushed into the quicksand and walked forward with super fast speed, but before running a few steps, their calves fell into the quicksand. At first they were able to pull out their legs and continue running, but soon their entire waist fell into it , struggling with all my might.

"It seems to be dragged by something!"

"Something grabbed my foot!"

More than a dozen devils and underground dwarves struggled and exclaimed, twisting desperately like kelp in the undercurrent, sinking deeper and deeper.

Both sides were dumbfounded. The quicksand technique is an impeding magic, not a killing magic, but why do you feel that these devils will die in the quicksand

The mages on the opposite side successively used quicksand skills that rotated in opposite directions, but their quicksand skills not only did not stop Su ye's quicksand skills, but made Su ye's quicksand skills stronger.

"This quicksand technique is wrong..."

All the devils sank at an unbelievable speed, finally whimpered a few times, were completely sucked in by the quicksand, and disappeared.

"Use Wall of Stone!" a dark mage shouted.

I saw stone walls erected in the quicksand, and the stone walls were successively broken by the quicksand, which also blocked the power of the quicksand.

Several devils went into the sand to salvage their companions, but what they found were corpses with sand flowing out of their mouths and noses.

"Kill the humans!"

"Kill the humans!"

An even crazier team of devils stepped on the top of the stone wall and rushed over.

Several huge fireballs flew from the depths of the tunnel.

Three of the fireballs are extraordinarily huge, the size of a human head, and are different from ordinary fireballs. The color of the inside and outside of ordinary fireballs is similar, but the color of these three fireballs is getting darker from the outside to the inside.

"Lie down! It's an explosive fireball of the silver rank!" Cecil shouted.

Aunt Taibeisha hugged Su ye violently, and then fell to the ground with him.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

Three bursting fireballs exploded one after another, with a powerful impact and flames scattered, the passage vibrated, and dust flew up.

"Why were you motionless just now? You still have too little combat experience, so be careful in the future. Fortunately, I have been by your side." Aunt Taibeisha quickly got up and reached out to pull Suye up.


Su ye stood up helplessly.

When the fireball flew over, I had two ideas, one was to use the stone wall technique to block the fireball, and the other was to stand still and see how my defense was.

It turned out like this.

"Suya's protective magic is so strong!"

"No damage."

"Even leather armor can't be burned through."

"Such a strong explosive fireball was weakened by the shield to the apprentice level."

The soldiers' morale was boosted. While talking, they backed up slowly while protecting the mage, and stared at the charging devil warrior.

The three silver devil mages and human mages in the distance talked in a low voice, showing surprise on their faces.

One of the bronze mages couldn't help shouting: "Why did you send so many magic resistance fighters? Why did you come here!"

The mercenaries looked at each other, who is the magic resistance fighter

It took a while to realize that the other party had misunderstood.