The World of Deities

Chapter 294: do not move!


The two teams of black and dark red collided like two torrents.

Under the starry sky, the blood is soaring.

Far away, outside Changsong Town, a young sanctuary mage was floating in the air, using a crystal ball to watch the two crazy teams.

He has black curly hair, a dull face, and there seems to be mist in his eyes.

"Is Suye's luck so good? First he hired that guy, and then he met two teams of idiots..."

Under the night, the caravan entered Changsong Town.

The townspeople on the road watched the team curiously, even more curious about the devil.

Cecil led people to escort the two devil captives to the golden mage Ronald's residence, while Hannas led people to the civic hall, and then took a few people to find the mayor.

The rest of the caravan stood chatting outside the Civic Hall, and occasionally someone passed by.

Su ye was chatting with Aunt Tai Beisha when she suddenly noticed that she was distracted.

"Aunt Taibeisha, what's wrong with you?" Suye asked.

Aunt Tabertha smiled and said, "It's nothing."

After a while, Hahnnas came back with the mayor, and after paying the rent for the civic hall, everyone entered the civic hall.

People of higher status take their seats around the large table, while the rest stand behind.

"Okay, let's count the harvest!" Hannas laughed loudly.

Everyone stared at Su ye excitedly.

Next, everyone made an inventory. The Red Flame Stone Mine King was worth about 20,000 Golden Eagles, the corpses of various devils were worth about 80,000 Golden Eagles, and the equipment on those mages or devil warriors was worth about 30,000 Golden Eagles.

After discussing, everyone finally decided to get Jin Xiongying and expressed their willingness to sell everything to Su ye. However, because Su ye contributed the most in the battle, he took half of the reward from Red Stone Town, and he only needed to pay 11,000 Golden Eagles to buy the Red Flame Stone.

In the end, Su ye paid 55,000 Golden Eagles and got all the spoils.

Su ye paid on the spot, and the team was assigned on the spot.

Su ye had a lot of harvest, everyone in the caravan cheered, and both sides were happy.

At the same time, Su Ye silently counted Wang Dahammer's harvest in Devil's Mountain. After a rough calculation, the total value of the Golden Eagle was about 900,000. Including the previous spoils, the total harvest exceeded one million!

Not long after, Cecil came back and said that Master Ronald had sent a message to Miletus that someone would go to Devil's Mountain tonight. If there was no accident, they could return to Redstone Town to retrieve the goods tomorrow.

Everyone cheered loudly, and soon, the food and drinks ordered by Hahnnas were delivered to the civic hall.

As a result, everyone in the caravan began to eat and drink to celebrate this harvest.

Everyone started to party.

Even Wang Dachui, Di Aotian and the two little goblins went crazy, drinking, shouting and even dancing with the rest of the people, making the atmosphere of the scene extraordinarily lively.

When the celebration started, Su ye realized that Aunt Taibeisha was not there.

It was a long time before Aunt Tabertha was found sitting in the Civic Hall again, drinking a whole glass of ale with her head raised.

Seeing Aunt Taibeisha put down her wine glass, Su ye was stunned.

Aunt Tabertha sat there dejectedly, her eyes were reddish and the corners of her eyes were moist.

Su ye hurried over and sat beside her.

"Aunt Taibeisha, what's wrong with you?" Suye asked.

Aunt Tabertha bowed her head and said nothing.

Her hands were shaking.

Seeing that she was unwilling to speak, Su ye could only accompany her quietly.

She kept her head down, stopped drinking, and occasionally shed tears silently and wiped them away.

Su ye looked at this kind aunt distressedly, but didn't know what to do, so he could only continue to accompany her silently.

"I'm by your side. If you want to cry, you can cry." Suye said softly.

Aunt Taibeisha couldn't bear it suddenly, and cried while hugging Su ye.

Su ye patted Aunt Taibesha on the back lightly.

People nearby heard the crying and looked over.

Su ye hurriedly waved his hands to tell them not to disturb.

So some people took the initiative to stand beside the two, with their backs to block them, so as not to be seen by others.

In the noisy environment, Su ye occasionally patted Aunt Taibersha's back lightly, or comforted her in a low voice.

After a long time, Aunt Tai Beisha seemed to have finished crying, and said in a low voice, "Little Suya, you can go out with me for a walk."


Aunt Taibeisha picked up the sword beside her, lowered her head and walked in front, and Su ye followed.

After leaving the civic hall, the night breeze was cool, Su ye took out the cloak from the ruined space, and put it on for Aunt Taibeisha.

Aunt Tabertha seemed to have no feeling, and walked forward slowly.

Finally, the two came outside the town and walked slowly around the town.

In the moonlight, Aunt Tabetha's eyes were swollen like peaches.

Suye looked at her and found that her gaze was extremely complicated, with confusion in grief and panic in anger, as if all kinds of emotions were intertwined, making a mess of threads that could not be untied.

After walking for a while, Aunt Tabesha said slowly, "I'm sorry, little Suya, I remembered something very sad, so I couldn't control it and disturbed you."

"Don't disturb." Su ye smiled.

After a while, Aunt Tabertha said, "We've known each other for so many days, but I still don't know anything about you. Can you tell me your story?"

Su Ye smiled slightly and said, "I guess many of you can guess the fake name I use. There's no way, I'm in danger now. But since it's Aunt Taibesha and you want to hear it, let me tell you about it." .My name is not Su Ya, but Su Ye."

Aunt Tabetha's body trembled slightly.

Under the moonlight, shouts could be heard in the twinkling town, and in the woods outside the town, the leaves rustled in the breeze.

The weeds on the ground seemed to have hoarfrost, reflecting the moon in the sky.

Su ye looked into the distance with a smile on his face.

"I'm a very ordinary kid, when I was young, I just liked to play around..."

"It wasn't until my parents were murdered that I was completely sober, so I made my first money using the gourmet recipes left by my parents..."

"I offended Andrea in the small game, then Carlos framed me..."

"Later I entered the Giant's Hill with my friends..."

"After leaving the Giant Hills, we went to Gray River Town. I may not tell others about this, but I don't know why. I trust you very much. I will briefly talk about Zachary..."

"After that, Lake's death... I don't want to talk about it, but, for some reason, I also want to find someone to talk about these things. This matter has been held in my heart for too long..."

"After that was the gladiatorial match that I will never forget in my life..."

After talking about his experience, Su Ye sighed and said, "Thank you, Aunt Taibesha, I feel much better after telling you this."

"It turns out that you have gone through such a painful struggle." Aunt Taibesha looked at Su ye with tears in her eyes. Deep in her eyes, there was a deep pain hidden.

"So I don't know how to persuade you, because each of us is in pain, and no one in the world will really understand ourselves."

"Then..." Aunt Taibeisha's voice trembled, "Then... then what do you think of Luo Long?"

"I don't know, because I still don't know what he went through. Just like I said to him in the arena, I have reached out to him, but he still holds the sword. No matter on that day or now, I I really hope that before he makes the most extreme choice, he can consider a very simple question, that is, to find at least three possibilities and choose carefully. If he can think more before killing Lake, even come Ask me, everything will be different." Suye said slowly.

"If he came to you and asked before killing Lake, how would you answer him?" Aunt Tabetha asked.

Su Ye sighed softly, "I thought about this question many times when I was on the boat. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured it out."

Aunt Taibeisha looked at Su ye quietly.

"If Luo Long came to me, I would tell him who do you admire, respect, and like the most? What would that person do if he encountered this?"

"Who do you think Roron admires the most?" Aunt Taibetha asked.

Su ye was stunned for a moment, then looked at Aunt Taibeisha in confusion.

She lowered her head.

Su Ye replied, "I don't have much communication with Luo Long, but I also know that he admires his father very much. So, I should ask him what would his father do if this happened to him? I believe, Rollon would have made a better choice."

"What a good boy, what a good boy..." Aunt Tai Beisha murmured to herself with her head bowed and her long hair covering her face.

After a while, Tabesa slightly raised the sword in her hand, and said slowly, "Your elemental attachment is very powerful, and the frost attachment took a whole day to disappear. Can you help me with the metal attachment?"

Suye nodded and said, "However, I have a metal talent called 'toxicity'. The blade will be poisonous to a certain degree. Be careful not to cut yourself."

"Hmm." Aunt Tabesha was still looking at the divine sword in her hand.

Su ye's index finger was on the back of the sword, and a faint bronze color was added to the divine power sword, and the two edges became brighter and brighter.

Aunt Taibeisha waved her hand, and the long sword swept across the weeds, and the broken grass flew in a uniform manner.

The fresh smell of grass juice wafts in the night wind.

"Your magic is really powerful." Aunt Taibeisha looked at the long sword quietly.

The moonlight all over the sky is on the edge of the sword.

At this moment, a deep voice sounded.

"Suye, if you dare to move, my spear will pierce your neck. Don't doubt the power of a golden warrior."

Su ye's body was stiff and motionless, but his brain was spinning wildly.

Aunt Tabertha looked surprised and even angry, but she restrained herself immediately.

"Very well, slowly raise your hand, take off the rings in your hand, one by one slowly, then loosen, and slide down naturally. Don't play tricks, as long as you have the slightest movement to cast a spell, I will kill you!"

"Okay." Su ye calmly and slowly raised his hands, took off the magic rings in his hands, let go of them, fell on his body, and flicked them into the grass.

"Okay, Tabetha, thank you for leading him out, you can come here." The man's voice sounded again.

"You..." Su ye turned his head to look at Aunt Taibeisha in disbelief, but out of the corner of his eye, he could only see the milky luster disappearing into the night.

"Don't move! If you move again, I'll kill you!" the man growled.

Suye's mind was in a mess. All kinds of experiences with Aunt Taibeisha kept appearing in his mind. There was nothing wrong with it. Aunt Taibeisha had never been hostile and always had good intentions. She couldn't possibly harm herself. How could this be...

"Okay, you can turn around now." The man's voice was full of joy.

Su ye raised his hand and turned around slowly.

A bearded man in gray leather armor held a spear in his right hand, surrounded by golden divine power, only three inches away from his throat.
