The World of Deities

Chapter 295: You deserve it too?


Aunt Tabetha stands on the left side of the bearded man, holds a sword in both hands, placed on the left side of her body, and lowers her head slightly.

Long, wavy hair covered her eyes.

Her shoulders trembled slightly.

"Tabetha, I've known you for so many years, and you've always been soft-hearted. However, it's a good job for you to lure him out." A strange smile appeared on the man's face.

Su ye stared into the man's eyes, waiting for the opportunity, looking for a flaw.

"What, you still want to fight back? Unfortunately, I have already got the words out of Tebessa's mouth. The terrible legend named Akedes has left. Fortunately, I didn't act with the teacher, otherwise I would be killed by him too How about your arrogance in the arena?" The golden warrior's bronze spear approached another inch.

"You know the price of killing me." Su ye stared into the man's eyes.

"Yes, I will definitely face the pursuit of the masters. However, killing you is tantamount to avenging my teacher. At the same time, I will be protected by a large number of nobles. I only need to hide in the temple, and no powerful mage can hurt me. At that time, I only need to sacrifice once, and I can be promoted to the sanctuary, and even hope to become a legend. At that time, who can kill me?" The smile on the golden warrior's face grew stronger.

"I think you still have other options, which are not life-threatening but can also reap a lot of wealth." Suye said slowly.

"I don't need wealth. And Taibeisha promised me that as long as I can solve the murderer of his child, she is willing to be my mistress. You don't know the position of Taibeisha in our hearts back then, but unfortunately in her heart, I am A despicable robber. If I don't kill you, how can I get her?" The golden warrior's eyes were full of evil thoughts.

"I don't believe Aunt Tabertha would say that. Aunt Tabertha was with you before?"

The golden warrior smiled and said, "I know you are delaying time, but it doesn't matter. After the teacher was killed by Akedes, I ran away desperately and fled to this small town, looking for opportunities. But I didn't expect that I met Tai Beisha . Then I sent a letter to her asking her to meet me outside the town."

"I didn't directly say that you killed her son. Let me first say that her son is dead. I know the murderer, and I can kill the murderer. If she wants to avenge her son, she will be my lover for ten years .She is a gentle woman and a kind mother. How could she not want to avenge her son, so she nodded and agreed. I know she is reluctant, but who told her to be soft-hearted? "

Su ye stood there blankly, looking at Aunt Taibeisha in disbelief.

The raised hands trembled slightly.

The golden warrior showed a satisfied smile, and said, "After she agreed, I told you what I knew and the grievances between you and Luo Long. You killed Luo Long on the west bank of the Aegean Sea, and you killed Luo Long on the east coast of the Aegean Sea." Kishi met Taibetha, it was so interesting, so I didn't kill you immediately, because, I would like to see your reaction."

"Aunt Tabetha, I'm sorry..."

Su ye looked at Aunt Taibeisha, who was covering her face with long hair, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't speak a word.

The golden warrior smiled and said, "After all, you are Luo Long's good tablemate, and Tabetha doesn't want to see you die miserably. If you have anything else to say, hurry up and I'll give you a happy ending. I believe, My kindness will be exchanged for Tabetha's sincerity."

The scenes of getting along with Aunt Taibeisha flashed through Suye's mind, and he suddenly said, "Aunt Taibeisha, you didn't know that I killed Luo Long before, but you suspected that I was Suye, right? You should have Heard about me from Roron, that's why you're so nice to me, right?"

Aunt Tabersa reached out to wipe the tears on her face, still lowered her head, and said in an extremely depressed voice, "Although I haven't gone out for many years, I'm not stupid. Your voice is a standard Athenian accent, and Hannas is so afraid You, I just heard about the 'Violet Restaurant' from other nobles, and the tableware you took out is just the symbol of the beauty of the dragon. Your skillful dining movements are the best proof. You The magic book is exactly the same as Luo Long's. It is the standard style of Plato Academy, but your name is hidden. Su Ya and Su Ye are originally names derived from the same vocabulary. Your age also happens to be in the second grade. grade."

"The most important thing is that what Luo Long said is exactly the same as what Luo Long said. You are not an ordinary commoner. Luo Long has always said that you have noble temperament and master-like wisdom. He said that he really wants to learn from you, but he is a little embarrassed... But, at that time, I only thought of you as fleeing or practicing, so I wanted to treat you better and treat you as my child, a child like Luo Long. But, I didn't expect that you killed him, you killed him …”

Aunt Tabesha suddenly broke down in sobs, covered her face with her left hand, and wept continuously.

The golden warrior sighed softly, but his eyes were always on Su ye.

"Aunt Tebetha..."

Su ye never felt sorry for Luo Long.

When he threw the two thousand golden eagle to the ground, Su ye no longer felt guilty.

But now, Su ye felt sorry for Aunt Tabesha.

She is so kind and gentle, even if she just suspects that she is Luo Long's classmate, she will help her with all her strength, and even treats herself like a nephew, meticulous.

Rollon be damned.

But Aunt Tabetha didn't deserve this kind of torture.

"Confess to Tabetha. After confessing, I will send you to the underworld." The golden warrior raised his head in satisfaction, and the golden divine power on the spear became more intense.

Su ye looked at Aunt Taibeisha quietly.

Suddenly, Aunt Tabertha asked in a low voice, "If Luo Long asks you for help, what choice will Luo Long make if you say that sentence?"

"I believe that he will become a hero like his father." Suye's tone was extremely soft.

Doubt appeared in the golden warrior's eyes. He glanced at Tai Beisha, then turned his eyes away to stare at Su ye, and slowly exerted force with his right hand.

In the dark night, the moonlight flashes suddenly.

Holding swords in both hands, Tabetha twisted to the right, her wavy long hair swayed, and her silvery long sword pierced through the sky like a crescent moon, cutting open the golden warrior's neck.

"Well… "

The head of the golden warrior flew out, and blood erupted into the sky.

The unbelievable expression on his face is gradually solidifying.

The night wind blew Tabertha's long brown-black hair, the moonlight shone on her face, and two light silver tear stains were clearly visible.

The lavender in her eyes shone like jewels.

A little red splashed down under the corner of her eyes, like a mole of tears.

His eyes were as cold as ice.

"My child made a mistake, but Su ye defeated him with fair means. You, a bloody robber, are worthy of me as a lover?"

Tabetha threw down her sword, her cold gaze shrouded in mist.

"Aunt Taibeisha..." Su ye looked at the woman under the moonlight.

Tabetha turned around slowly, her back to Su ye.

"You go, one of my children is dead, and I don't want the other..." Aunt Tabetha was crying in the last few words.

Su ye stared blankly at Aunt Taibeisha's back.

"Luo Long owed you his life, and I will pay it back for him." Aunt Tabesha said.

Su ye remained motionless.

"Go away!" Aunt Tabetha suddenly shouted angrily.

Su ye remained motionless.

Suddenly, Tabetha covered her face and wept loudly.

Su ye rushed over, opened his arms, and hugged her tightly as if in the civic hall.

Aunt Taibeisha struggled frantically, but she still couldn't escape Su ye's embrace.

After a while, Aunt Taibeisha suddenly hugged Su ye and burst into tears.

Su ye patted Aunt Taibeisha's back lightly, without saying a word.

After crying for a long time, Aunt Tabetha suddenly wanted to break free again.

Su ye hugged it hard.

Aunt Tabertha said helplessly, "I want to wipe my face."

Her voice was hoarse and weak.

"Water making."

Su ye held the water polo and wiped Aunt Taibesha's face clean.

"Healing technique!"

Su ye used water bronze magic, and put his right hand on Aunt Taibesha's eyes, and the light shimmered.

Aunt Tabertha closed her eyes obediently, feeling the cool water flowing on her skin.

After a while, Su ye withdrew his hand.

Aunt Tabertha's swollen eyes left only a trace.

Aunt Taibeisha looked at Su ye with complicated eyes, and sat down slowly.

Su ye sat beside her.

The two quietly looked at the moon in the sky.

After a while, Aunt Tabertha said softly, "I began to suspect that you were Su Ye the next day, and I tried it a few times, and you were exactly what... Luo Long said. So, from then on, I Treat you as my child. You don’t know, Luo Long never talked about other classmates in front of me, and he never praised others, including Eugene, including people from the demigod family. However, after he decided to participate in the city-state competition, he Come to me for advice."

"He told many things about you, how you resisted being bullied by other students, how your grades improved step by step, how you helped Holt, how you didn't care about Palos, how you were discussing matters Hall defeated Carlos aboveboard... Yes, exactly as you said just now. He said that you are a trustworthy friend and an example worth learning. He said that no one in Plato Academy can be his friend except you .”

"Do you think I didn't kill you because Luo Long owed you a life? Or because Luo Long regarded you as a friend? Or because you defeated Luo Long fairly? Neither."

Su ye looked at Aunt Taibeisha quietly.

Aunt Tabertha looked up at the bright moon in the sky, tears streaming down her face.

"In the lobby of our house, there is a chair that only the head of the family can sit on, but half of that chair is broken. Do you know how it was broken?"

Su ye shook his head.

"My husband, Roron's father, broke it. Do you know why he smashed the back of the chair?"

Su ye listened quietly.

"Because Luo Long's grandfather, the head of Luo Long's family, Leobo, forced the young Luo Long to personally kill the slave he met outside. Because little Tom stole Luo Long's things."

"What?" Su ye looked at Aunt Taibeisha in disbelief.

"However, that memory was too painful for Luo Long, so he kept changing his memory to deceive himself. When he grew up, he believed in the changed memory. He always thought that Old Turner killed Little Tom."

"When he still had that memory, he once cried in my arms and said that he didn't want to see any of his friends die again."
