The World of Deities

Chapter 302: Whoops


"Adding protective measures is too troublesome, so you should take it easy," Julius said.

Suye said helplessly, "Then don't use offensive magic."

"Brother, your level of ridicule is quite high!" the man shouted again.

Some laughed, others frowned.

All the magician gladiators present looked at Su ye with some sympathy. Magicians were proud, but in the arena, magicians were inherently weak because the environment was too single.

However, instead of laughing, those old gladiators kept looking at Su ye carefully.

"The people in front get out of the way, leaving a space big enough for two people." Julius said.

Everyone hastily separated to the two sides, and retreated slowly like sand pushed aside by both hands.

Su ye and the black iron soldier walked forward together.

The two sides stood still when they were thirty meters apart.

The black iron warrior had a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right. He had a short sword stuck in his waist on his right side. He arched his back slightly and stared at Su ye intently.

His whole body was shrouded in the color of black iron.

Su ye nodded slightly. As expected of Sparta, even a novice gladiator gave him the feeling that he had reached the standard of a powerful warrior in Athens.

"Start!" Julius said suddenly.

The black iron warrior on the opposite side sprinted with all his strength, his eyes fixed on Su ye.

"Wall of Stone."

As Suye said, he stretched out his right arm, and pointed his right index finger at the black iron warrior opposite him.

A khaki circular magic circle floated in front of the finger.

The Black Iron Warrior adjusted his gaze downwards slightly, looking for the location where the stone wall technique emerged.


The gray-white quartzite wall broke through the ground from the feet of the black iron warrior, like a sea dragon emerging from the water, rising rapidly.

The Black Iron Warrior was about to dodge, but the dense ground talent took effect, and before he had time to dodge, he was hit by a stone wall.

He let out a soft cry, a slight pain came from his leg, and then his body was knocked into the air.

He tried to adjust his body, but his aching legs knocked him off balance, and he fell to the ground on his back.

"Stone Wall!"


The moment the Black Iron Warrior landed, the second stone wall hit his back heavily and rose.


The black iron soldier spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes went dark, he spun around in the air, fell to the ground and passed out. The mage who is proficient in the water system hurried forward to treat him.

In just a few seconds, the battle is over.

The gladiators present stared blankly at this scene, without realizing what happened.

The mage-gladiator stared at the quartz stone wall.

"The rising speed of this stone wall technique is comparable to rock assault."

"Magic quartzite, and whether it is density, hardness or other aspects, is far stronger than ordinary quartzite."

"His magic is very weird, a bit like the legendary magic evolution, of course, it may also be a strange talent or blood power."

Julius smiled and applauded a few times, and said, "Very good, Su Ye defeated the novice gladiator of the fifth stake level, and is qualified to challenge the official gladiator of the fourth stake level, who will be next? Don't worry, Su Ye He is a very kind mage, and he will try to avoid serious injuries."

"I come!"

The gladiators of the many fifth stakes shouted loudly.

"You!" Julius pointed to a familiar excellent black iron warrior.

The other gladiators nodded lightly. It seemed that Julius did not release the water. In the entire gladiator academy, this gladiator was enough to rank in the top ten in the fourth stake.

Both sides stood still.

"Start!" Julius' voice sounded.

The stone wall rises on the ground, and the warriors fly in the sky.

After the fifth stone wall was knocked out, the Black Iron Warrior fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

Everyone's eyes were numb.

"This is already the lightest injury." Su ye said to Julius.

"You are such a good man." Julius praised sincerely.

The gladiators fell silent.

"Brother, we underestimated you, I admit my mistake." The person who laughed at Su ye just now said loudly.

Many gladiators nodded helplessly and looked at each other.

This mage is a bit unusual.

Those number one stake gladiators and trainers frowned slightly, discussing in low voices.

"I feel the pressure."

"Originally only the silver mage could catch my attention."

"Be careful with this bronze mage."

Julius laughed and said, "Su ye defeated the fourth stake member and officially became the fourth stake level gladiator. Now... who is the number one trainer on duty today?"

"Master, it's me, Augustu." A silver warrior came out.

Su ye saw that a typical Nordic strong man was tall and strong, with bulging muscles. He was 2.4 meters tall, but the leather armor all over his body was dirty, and the oil he wrung out could fry a pot of vegetables.

However, his skin is not as shiny as other fighters.

All the gladiators looked at him respectfully, the chief trainer of Augustu, his status in the arena was second only to the gladiator king Komodes.

"You choose three members of the third stake, the best gladiators, and let this damned, arrogant magician see our Spartan warriors!" Julius roared.

"Roar!" All the gladiators raised their arms in unison and roared in unison.

Su ye smiled slightly, but liked what Julius said.

"Boss Ogutu, let me be the first! I want to see the strength of this buddy! See if the first two suckling pigs have released water." The soldier who first laughed and then admitted his mistake shouted loudly.

Augustu nodded slightly, and chose two more powerful bronze warriors with the third stake.

"Hey, buddy, look at me, yes, it's me, my name is Segus, and I'm destined to become a great gladiator! My goal is to be the gladiator king!"

Su ye smiled and looked at this vigorous young man with long light red hair, which was as eye-catching as a big rooster.

His eyebrows are faint, but his eyes are huge, like two big bull's eyes, his nose is flat and collapsed, his mouth is very wide open, and his big neat teeth are exposed when he speaks.

There seemed to be an unquenchable flame in his eyes, and even a faint moonlight reflected on his face.

Like most gladiators, he wears leather armor and carries a shield and short sword.

"Let's start, big bull's eye." Su ye said.

"How do you know my nickname? Am I so famous?" Segus looked blank.

Many gladiators couldn't help laughing.

The two sides walked to a distance of fifty meters.

"Your stone wall spell is useless to me, let's use another spell." Segus said proudly.

Suye nodded and said, "I never underestimate my opponents, especially bronze warriors of the same rank. Don't worry, I won't use the stone wall technique on you."

"Okay!" Segus' complexion changed after he finished speaking, and he stared at Su ye closely.

At this moment, Su ye felt like he was in the jungle, stared at by a fierce tiger.

Su ye nodded secretly in his heart. Every bronze warrior was killed in a sea of swords and blood. If he was approached by this Segus, his life would be in danger.

However, he shouldn't be able to get close.

The mage gladiators cast spells one after another, and the suspended lights flew above the battlefield one by one.

The battlefield was illuminated brightly, just like daytime.

"Start!" The voice of chief trainer Ao Gutu sounded.

Segus took a deep breath and trotted slowly.

"Swamp spell!"

A huge swamp with a radius of fifteen meters appeared ahead.

The gray-black mud squirmed slowly, and mud bubbles emerged one after another, and exploded one after another, making a soft puffing sound.

The gladiators involuntarily let out soft cries, and the mages looked dull, including the three silver mages.

"Swamp spell is just, after I am promoted to bronze, this kind of magic can only barely slow me down, whoops... I x..."

Everyone was surprised to see that Segus was stepping on the swamp quickly with the bronze power of his feet at the beginning, but after only a few steps, his feet suddenly fell into the mud like sprained feet, and soon sank knee.

With Segus' funny scolding, everyone wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

"It's nothing! Even if I fall into the swamp spell, it can only sink to my waist at most and slow down my speed. I have a way to avoid your magic, ouch... I x..."

The swamp was chest deep!

Segus panicked, mobilized all the bronze divine power in his body, used the bronze combat technique, and slammed down with the battle shield.

The bronze light burst out on the battle shield, enveloping the battle shield, turning into a huge light shield, forming a terrifying impact, and falling into the mud.

At the moment when the light shield hits downward, Segus wanted to use the reaction force to break free from the mud.

However, there was no scene of mud splashing as imagined.

The light shield sank in.

"Ouch... I x..."

Segus and all the gladiators were dumbfounded.

"It's the fall of talent. It's really possible to drown people." A silver mage couldn't help but whisper.

At this time, the swamp technique had submerged to Segus' neck.

"Segus, surrender!" a gladiator joked.

"No, I don't believe that I can be drowned by the swamp spell!"

Everyone thought about it, and it is true that no one has ever been drowned by the swamp technique.

Many people looked at Su ye.

"If you don't surrender, you are likely to be the first person to be drowned by the swamp technique, because the first eighteen people who were drowned were devil warriors."

All the gladiators froze.

Some young gladiators were chilled all over.

"I, Segus, even if I die, I cannot surrender to a mage of the same rank!" Segus yelled.

However, the gladiators in the arena counted one by one, either rolling their eyes, or looking up at the sky, or smiling, or stretching out their hands to their foreheads.


Segus's head was also submerged, leaving only his long reddish hair.

Like a cockscomb dropped in a mud puddle.

The mud shook violently.

Suddenly, two arms rushed out of the swamp, first they clenched their fists, and then stretched out their index fingers at the same time.

Standard gladiator surrender posture.

With a wave of Su ye's hand, the effect of the swamp technique was dispelled.

Segus lay on the ground, wheezing.

The gladiators looked at him with smiles.

"Segus, didn't you say that you would not surrender to a mage of the same rank even if you died?"

The scene is full of joy.

"You laugh at me so much, I am very sad. Whoever dares to laugh at me again, I will betray the warrior and seek refuge with the magician!" Segus sat on the ground and acted shamelessly.

"But we don't want you." A silver mage laughed.

Everyone roared with laughter.

Segus gave everyone a blank look, stood up obediently, and then secretly glanced at Su ye. He was relieved to find that Su ye was not looking at him.

"Next." Augustu said coldly.

The two met, and the black iron warrior moved forward.

After a second.

"Swamp spell!"

Ten seconds later.

Looking at the swamp submerged up to his neck, the second bronze warrior reluctantly stretched out his index finger and surrendered.