The World of Deities

Chapter 305: Mage Knife


Another silver mage sneered: "Don't dream. Magic evolution can double the distance of a line of magic. Unless the golden mage uses the flying technique in advance, as many mages as Suye stabs at a rock, as many mages die. You know magic Does evolution have another name? It's called Mage Chopper, because it's as easy for a mage with magic evolution to kill a mage of the same level as chopping vegetables. However, Su Ye's power is a bit stronger, and high-ranking mages and fighters have also become vegetables."

"Continue!" Augustu said.

The second Silver Warrior played reluctantly.

Su ye gave up building the earth fortress and directly placed a trap technique under the feet of the silver warrior.

"I surrender!" the Silver Warrior yelled as he fell.

There is only one last battle left.

Everyone looked at the third silver warrior, chief trainer Aogutu.

Augustu walked towards the battlefield and said: "I can only fight with all my strength for three minutes. After three minutes, if I can't win, I will definitely lose. All of you should carefully observe the battle between the two of us."

"Yes!" All the gladiators responded in unison, with radiant spirits and eyes like lights.

"Finally, I can see the chief trainer himself doing his best!"

"Yeah, he hasn't shot with all his strength for almost half a year."

"It is said that he once drew with Aristotle."

A hundred meters away, Augustu stood still. His bronzed skin was covered with a layer of delicate and sickly khaki. In the dark night, his eyes were even dimmer than ordinary soldiers.

"It's time to start." Augustu said.

Augutu's square face was like a rock, facing Su ye.

Suye said: "If I'm dealing with ordinary silver warriors, I don't need servants, but if I deal with a particularly powerful gladiator like you, if I don't use servants, it's not only underestimating the enemy, but also stupid."

Augustu nodded, and said, "Even Aristotle relied on his miraculous servants to defeat me."

Su ye was stunned for a moment. Aristotle, that pervert, was no longer here, so he pretended to beep again indirectly.

"How many miraculous servants did Teacher Aristotle have?" Suye asked.

"When he was in the silver rank, there was one servant of miracles and two servants of miracles."

Su ye suddenly felt warm in his heart. In terms of servants, he was finally not completely crushed by Aristotle.

Su ye first called out the flame goblin.

"How can a goblin wear eight magic rings!" Segus swears again.

"It's the eight rings of fireball." A mage added.

"That's worth more than my whole body!" Segus's face was full of despair.

The gladiators looked at Su ye with weird eyes.

"Summon the Black Iron Servant!"

Wang Dahammer, who was riding a sheep, appeared aggressively from the magic circle.

"He's still a knight with a crown on his head and shining armor. I said Suye, are you here to show off your wealth?" Segus shouted.

The heavy gladiators looked at Su ye with the same hatred.


The Black Demon Sheep suddenly gave Segus a disdainful look, then tilted its mouth and kept chewing.

"I seem to hear this sheep calling me a poor man..." Segus was dumbfounded.

"Hahahaha..." the gladiators laughed.

Wang Dachui said very politely: "You heard it wrong, human beings, it's not scolding, it's just stating a fact."

Everyone laughed again.

Su ye really wanted to kick Wang Sledgehammer, and after getting some benefits from the devil's ancient battlefield, he started to float away.

Ao Gutu's eyes fell on Di Aotian and Wang Dahui's crowns.

"Both of them are servants of miracles..." Augustu said.


The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Baa..." The Black Demon Sheep turned his head and scanned the audience.

The gladiators were dumbfounded.

The mages sighed softly.

"It's nice to have money."

Su ye looked up at Augutu.

"Your status is unusual, and I will do my best."

This time, Su ye directly released a large number of trap techniques, forming a large ring of traps with a width of 60 meters. Instead of adding water elements, metal elements were added to make the stone cones in the trap sharper and tougher.

Su ye really wanted to add dark elements, but it was a pity that dark elements, like light elements, could not be added without a separate magic tree root.

Then, Su ye applied protective magic, magic armor, rock skin and rock shield to himself.

Su ye looked up at Augutu.

"It is not an honor for me to attack you as a bronze mage with a silver body, but you are powerful, and I am wounded, so I am barely equal. All gladiators, watch carefully!" Augustu said and moved forward slowly. Walking, it seems that mercury flows quickly, and soon wraps the whole body, forming a silver and bright divine body protection.

"Quicksand technique!" Su ye raised his hand, and a large piece of yellow quicksand fell at the foot of Aogutu 80 meters away.

A surprising scene appeared, and Augustu seemed to be completely unaffected, and accelerated his pace.

Suye's eyes fell on Augustu's feet, and he felt emotional in his heart that Sparta was indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. With so many talents in quicksand, it could only slow him down a little.

"Swamp spell!"

After Augustu rushed out of the range of the quicksand technique, a black swamp appeared under his feet.

He walked on the swamp like he was walking on flat ground, but the mud in the swamp was constantly shaking slightly.

"Master, this person's fighting skills are superior to mine, be careful!" Wang Dahammer hastily reminded.

"How much more than you?" Suye asked.

"A lot!" Wang Dahammer looked serious.

Di Aotian nodded vigorously.

"As expected of the Chief Instructor of the First Academy." Suye smiled and looked at Augutu who quickly ran out of the swamp.

Augutu rushed to the edge of the trap area, jumped forward suddenly, and swiped his legs alternately in mid-air. He jumped thirty meters, crossed the first trap, and landed in the second trap.

Before landing, Augustu in mid-air held the spear in his hand and stabbed at the trap stone cone at the landing point.

A silver light flashed on the surface of the spear head, and the powerful silver divine power exploded, and the white light flickered. With the spear head as the center, all the trap stone cones within a radius of one meter were blown to pieces.

Seeing that he was about to land on it safely.

Su ye's voice sounded.

"Rock Spike."

The flower of the stone cone with a radius of more than 5 meters rushed out of the ground, but Aogutu swung his spear again, his combat skills exploded, the silver light flashed, and a small piece of stone cone was blasted, and his feet landed firmly on the broken stone cone section superior.




The gladiators shouted excitedly.

"Sure enough!" Suye really didn't expect that this silver warrior had such rich experience, such a strong grasp of timing, and such powerful skills, which other silver warriors couldn't do at all.

"You are only a bronze mage after all. If you are promoted to silver, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me." After Augustu finished speaking, he exerted force on his feet, and the stone cone shattered, and he jumped forward.

This time he only jumped more than ten meters before starting to descend.

"Water arrows all over the sky!"

Su ye reached out and pointed, and saw dense water arrows falling continuously, covering a radius of three meters, and because of the thick fog talent, it seemed to become a white fog column, which happened to be at the landing point of Augutu.

When the sky filled with water arrows formed, Augutu just arrived at the landing point and rushed into the water mist.

Ao Gutu blasted the stone cone on the ground again with his spear, and the shining silver power broke through a large swath of fog.

"Vine technique!"

Before Augustu fell to the ground, the vines had already begun to grow upwards and entangled Augustu's spear.

"Hmph!" Aogutu suddenly shook his spear, and Yinliang's divine power exploded, tearing apart the vines. He landed on the vine with both feet, and before the vine restrained him, he jumped up quickly, rushed into the air, and was about to land on the flat ground under Su ye's feet.

"Shock technique!"

Su ye pointed to Augutu.

The moment they heard the incantation, the mages were puzzled. The punching technique is wind magic, which can form a strong wind. The distance is short, but the power is strong.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it can only affect the Bronze Warrior, it's just the wind, it's impossible to affect the Silver Warrior.

A cyan wind group with a radius of five meters rushed over quickly.

Cohesion, solidification, sharpness, rapidity, sharp turn, auditory hallucinations, ear-piercing and cutting, the eight talents are all in full swing, only the rare talent stripping is not activated.

Condensation and solidification make the wheals not like wind, but more like water masses.

The sharpness, sharp turn and cutting make the edge of the wind group spin rapidly, and there are more wind blades that the impact technique does not have at all.

Haste and magic acceleration make the already fast wind mass incredibly fast.


Under the disbelieving gazes of everyone, Aogutu raised his arm shield, as if being hit by a giant fist, he flew backwards with a huge roar.

The two talents of auditory hallucinations and ear piercing are like needlepoints pricking his ears.

He didn't show the slightest pain, but frowned slightly.

Augutu flew backwards for a few meters, and was about to fall into the trap covered with sharp cones. He immediately adjusted his body, bombarded the sharp cones with his shield, and was about to land.

"Rock Spike!"

Augustu's reaction was far beyond anyone's imagination. Before the flower of the stone cone pierced him, he pulled out his spear again and used combat skills to blow up the stone cone. His movements were smooth and smooth, as if he had judged everything in advance.

Su ye sighed inwardly. As long as magic is shot, the direction, speed, and strength can all be predicted. In the eyes of this kind of veteran, there are no secrets at all, and they can be avoided completely.

"Fireball!" Su ye cast the spell again.

A huge fireball flew towards Augustu.

Seeing that Augutu suddenly swung the shield wrapped in divine power at Fireball Technique before the Fireball Technique exploded.


The fireball technique exploded, and the roaring talent made the fireball make a loud sound far beyond normal.

Augustu frowned again.

I saw flames bursting all over the sky, and where the flames fell, the magma was boiling hot.

There was no flame and magma on Augustu's body, but the entire shield was surrounded by magma, and silver light burst out from the shield, and then he shook it hard, throwing out the divine power and magma flame together.

The moment they saw the magma flame, everyone glanced at Su ye with goodwill in their eyes.

Ordinary fireballs carry magma, so if a fire element trap is used, the whole trap will be covered with magma, and Su ye can completely cooperate with the magma to kill Aogutu.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a powerful magician!" Aogutu jumped to Suye again without any discouragement.

The four servants looked at Augustu and Su ye at the same time, waiting for Su ye's order.

"Shock technique!" Su ye raised his hand to form another huge wind group.

This time, Augustu, who had been prepared for a long time, thrust out the spear.

A silver whirlwind suddenly emerged from the shiny spearhead, resembling an eagle. With a flap of its wings, the eagle's beak smashed through the blue wind mass.

Augutu descended from the sky, resisting the auditory hallucinations and piercing discomfort, and aimed his spear at Su ye's face.

"Stone Wall!"

A wall of quartz rock rises between the two of them.