The World of Deities

Chapter 306: Execution match


Augutu seemed to have been prepared for a long time, quickly retracted the spear, grabbed the top of the stone wall technique with his left hand, the stone wall rose together, jumped up, stood on the top of the stone wall, and was about to attack Su ye from top to bottom.

The entire stone wall was shrouded in dust, and he suddenly closed his eyes.

"Shock technique!"

Augutu hurriedly waved his arm shield to resist, and his body was blown away by the wind mass with a bang.

"Elemental Trap: Water."

Augustu fell into the trap of misty water vapor. His eyes were obviously fascinated by the sand and dust, but he seemed to have eyes. He accurately judged the distance between himself and the bottom of the trap, and once again defeated the sharp point at the bottom of the trap with his spear. Thorn, safely down.

Silver divine power and tears flowed slowly from his eyes, mixed with fine sand and dust.

Ao Gutu opened his eyes, and the trap was completely white. He couldn't see anything, but he jumped directly onto the flat ground where Su ye was, and then onto the stone wall again.

This time, he protected his eyes with silver divine power, not afraid of sand and dust.

He froze at the top of the stone wall.

Ahead, there is a vast expanse of white mist.

Simple black iron magic, fog technique.

The gladiators sighed helplessly. This is the natural disadvantage of fighters. Unless they reach the sanctuary level, even golden fighters cannot dispel this fog in a large area.

Augutu listened attentively, and was surprised to find that his hearing was not as sensitive as before, and his ears were buzzing softly.

"What a Suye!" Augutu sighed softly.

It turned out that Su ye's continuous use of fire magic and wind magic was to use the roar and auditory hallucinations in his talent to temporarily damage his hearing.

For now.

With Augustu's rich experience, as long as his hearing is intact, even in the fog, his strength will not be greatly affected.

But now, neither see nor hear.

There seemed to be a flat ground below, but Ao Gutu knew very well that the flat ground below must have been turned into a trap. The reason why Suye made an open space before was to create an illusion.

"What if he has magic vision and can see through the fog..." Ogutu hesitated for a moment, and jumped down.

When he encountered the ground, he stepped into the air, and he kept calculating the distance between himself and the bottom of the trap in his mind.

"The bottom of the trap is five meters above the ground. I will use combat techniques to destroy the spikes about one meter above the ground..."

Suddenly, there was resistance under my feet, followed by pinprick pain, and then a slight numbness.

"It's been tricked!"

The depth of the trap is not five meters as before, but a maximum of three meters!

Augustu looked down and saw that his feet were firmly on the densely packed spikes.

The surface of each cone has a metallic luster, and there are light green spots on the surface of the cone.

Elemental Trap: Metal.

Augutu sighed softly. If he was in his heyday, he could have discovered it in advance, but he has been injured for many years and has lost the strength he used to have.

"I surrender!"

Augustu's voice echoed in the arena.

The white mist dissipated, and Augutu sat on the ground with his feet slightly off the ground. The silver divine power slowly overflowed from his feet, along with a little bit of green poison and blackened blood.

Soon, the toxin disappeared, and he covered the soles of his feet with silver divine power, and stood up.

"Chief trainer, how did he do it?" Segus was puzzled.

Augutu thought for a while and said, "From the beginning, Suye never wanted to solve me quickly. He first used the depth of the trap to create an illusion for me, making me think that the trap was always five meters deep. Then, he used his talent Power affects my hearing. In the end, I used the simplest but most core tactic, fog and traps. My vision and hearing are damaged at the same time, and after that, I am completely powerless to fight."

Augutu turned his head to look at Suye, and said, "Your future is limitless, because you did not defeat me with the power of magic, but with the wisdom of magic."

"You're being polite, I was just lucky." Suye said.

The two-meter-four man suddenly lowered his head slightly to salute, and said, "Thank you for your kindness and kindness. If you add fire elements or wind elements to the trap, it will not only hurt me, but may even completely destroy my hearing."

"They're all gladiators from an academy, so there's no need to strike too hard. What's more, if you don't have any injuries, our victory or defeat may not be known." Su ye smiled.

"You are such a humble person." Augustu said.

The eyes of the gladiators fell on Di Aotian and Wang Dahui, who hadn't made any moves from the beginning.

"I declare that Su ye has been promoted to the number one stake gladiator!" Julius said.

"Roar!" Some gladiators raised their arms and cheered, as a courtesy to celebrate the first stake.

However, except for Segus and the mages who were in high spirits, most gladiators were weak.

Julius smiled and said: "My dear little bitches, have you seen it? This arena is like a well, and you are a group of naked frogs in the well. This Sparta is just a bigger well. Now , an eagle flew over the mouth of the well, did you feel his power? Tell me, did you feel it?"

"I feel it!" the gladiator whispered.

"You bastards, eggless eunuchs, I didn't hear that." Julius' complexion changed suddenly, his eyes were cold.

"I feel it!" All the gladiators shouted vigorously.

"Very good, just feel it," Julius returned to smiling, "Tomorrow, our First Academy will participate in many gladiatorial matches, but the first stake or bronze level can only participate in five of them. One One beast fight, one execution match, three ten-man matches, I asked Su Ye to participate in five consecutive matches, do you have any objections?"

"No!" All the gladiators were convinced.

"So, how should you congratulate the birth of the new No. 1 stake gladiator?" Julius' voice spread throughout the audience.

"Roar!" All the gladiators raised their arms, clenched their fists, and yelled loudly, stretching their necks with blue veins.

The look of doubt on Su ye's face was fleeting.

"Let's go, my dear magician and friend of the first stake, let's go back and talk about cooperation." After saying this, Julius took off his beard, put his arm around Su ye's shoulder and walked back smiling.

All the gladiators stared at Su ye's back, full of thoughts.

Julius didn't say this to Su ye, but to the gladiators present.

Even the chief trainer does not get this kind of preferential treatment.

Su ye walked in with Julius, turned his head, and glanced at Longkou Terrace.

The figure of the gladiator king had disappeared.

Su ye and Julius returned to the living room.

Julius slammed into the sofa that might fall apart at any time, and said with a smile, "Do you have any concerns about the execution match?"

Su ye nodded.

"Why?" Julius asked.

"Sparta's execution match uses various methods to kill captives or prisoners. It is determined by the cheers of the audience. Whoever has the highest voice wins?" Suye asked.

"Yes. Aristotle's call for execution is always the highest," Julius said.

"In battle, I don't mind killing people. I'm even willing to take the initiative to deal with people who may kill me. However, it's not that I can't do it, but I don't want to do it." Su Ye said.

"For you, we will choose truly heinous criminals, not captives, or people with minor crimes." Julius said hastily.

"I have to understand why I kill. I can kill criminals in the execution ground, but the killing is to satisfy the audience, meet your requirements, and meet the rules of the arena, so I don't want to do it. Because today I tortured and killed to satisfy the audience Others, next time, may do more cruel things for something else."

Julius thought for a while, and said: "As far as the execution competition is concerned, you must either complete the massacre to compete for the first place, or give up the first place."

"As far as I know, the winning streak doesn't count execution matches or Warcraft battles, but only normal battles," Su Ye said.

"Yes, the winning streak is not counted, but if you lose, the winning streak will be terminated."

"I must have other choices." Su ye said.

"I'm sure you'll think of the right way, but you can't give up on the execution. When you take the oath, you lose your choice." Julius smiled.

Su Ye said: "No, I still have a choice, I can choose to buy you, I can choose to threaten you with the interests of the cooperative firm, I can choose to escape from the arena, I can choose to contact Aristotle to persuade him, I can give up my status as a student of Plato Academy, I can ask for help from the Magic Council, and I can even fight my way out here... You see, I have too many choices."

Julius half-jokingly said: "I often have this feeling in front of Aristotle, as if other people's mouths are the mouths, and my mouth is a meat ball. So, are you refusing to participate in the execution match? "

Su Ye smiled slightly and said, "Of course I will go, and I will even compete for the championship of the execution competition, because just now, I got a new choice through thinking."

"Human beings are always full of lies."

"Human beings are always showing different colors." Su ye smiled.

"You won! I can't say no to Aristotle, and I shouldn't try to convince his students!" Julius said helplessly.

Su ye smiled and took a sip of water.

"How to set up the blacksmith shop and the firm? I will send someone to select the site tomorrow." Julius said.

Suye thought for a while and said, "I don't need a blacksmith shop. I need a shop that sells items, two warehouses, and a workshop. One warehouse stores raw materials, the other stores finished weapons, and the workshop completes the final finishing of weapons. Assembly. I am only responsible for the production of weapons, as for the required raw materials, accessories, warehousing, transportation, sales, assembly, procurement, etc., it is up to you to solve.”

"It looks like I paid far more than I thought."

"More people lined up to pay," Su ye said.

"So, how to distribute the Dragon Slayer Firm, you call it... joint stock system?" Julius said.

"It seems that you know my firm very well. I plan to divide Dragon Slayer Firm into 100 shares. Since I contribute the most, I should take 90 shares." Suye said.

Julius widened his eyes and said, "Are you a dragon slayer or a dragon devourer? 90 shares? You can figure it out! That is to say, I, Julius, has a mild temper. If I replaced it with a grumpy guy, the tip of the spear is already on the ground." up your throat."

"Then what do you say?" Su ye smiled.

"Although you have the power of the mighty dwarf king, I have to deal with so many links... Let's do it, half of each person. The 50 shares in my hand are not only for myself, but also for the group of evil dragons behind me." Zhu Lisa Road.

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