The World Online

Chapter 105: showdown


April 5th is the Chinese traditional Qingming Festival.

After breakfast, Ouyang Shuo took Bing'er to the cemetery to visit the graves of his relatives. To his surprise, his aunt Lin Jing made a rare trip this year to return to Jiaozhou from Shanghai to visit the graves of his grandparents. The night before my aunt left Jiaozhou, the two had an in-depth conversation in her hotel room.

"Xiao Shuo, you still refuse to tell me your ID in the game?" Lin Jing asked angrily.

Ouyang Shuo looked embarrassed, Auntie obviously wanted to have a showdown with him. After experiencing the last system auction, Ouyang Shuo found himself becoming more and more confident. In particular, the establishment of the Shanhai League made his power in the game more stable.

Looking at this relative in front of him, Ouyang Shuo had a complex expression, sighed, and finally chose to believe her, and said solemnly: "Auntie, I can tell you my ID in the game. But you have to promise me that you can't tell me again. Anyone, including your partner Xie Siyun."

"Even Si Yun can't tell?"

"That's right!"

"What are you doing, it's so mysterious." Auntie was a little annoyed.

Ouyang Shuo had to be cautious, and said again: "Auntie, I need your clear answer."

Lin Jing was taken aback, feeling Ouyang Shuo's determination, she calmed down and said, "Okay, I promise you, I will never reveal your game ID to anyone, including Si Yun. Can you tell me now?" ? Xiao Shuo, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, let me see how I deal with you."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, he still understood my aunt's character. Just like his deceased mother, he has inherited his grandmother's excellent qualities, and he never regrets what he promises to others.

"Have you heard of Qiyue Wuyi?" Ouyang Shuo asked.

"That's for sure, who doesn't know him, the first lord of China. What, you work under him?" Auntie asked curiously.

Ouyang Shuo coughed and said calmly, "I'm just Qiyue Wuyi."

"What?" My aunt stood up in surprise, and said in disbelief: "What did you say, you said you are Qiyue Wuyi? Today is not April Fool's Day, don't lie to me."

Ouyang Shuo had anticipated his aunt's reaction, and said calmly, "Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you about this?"

Lin Jing looked at this nephew in disbelief, like looking at a little monster. Seeing that Ouyang Shuo was still calm, she murmured just now: "No wonder, no wonder you don't want to tell me your ID, that's why. God Now, what a freak is this!"

Ouyang Shuo's expression turned embarrassing, he was really helpless towards this big aunt, and said with a wry smile, "Auntie, I'm your nephew, does anyone say that?"

"It's hard, isn't it? The outside world is guessing, Qiyue Wuyi is the descendant of a mysterious family, who would have thought that it is a commoner like you." Auntie was still a little excited.

Ouyang Shuo chuckled and said, "Prince and general, would you rather be kind?"

Lin Jing was startled again, looked at Ouyang Shuo seriously again, and said in a rare way: "Yes, it seems that my aunt really underestimated you before. Xiao Shuo, it is no accident that you have achieved such achievements."

Ouyang Shuo didn't want to get entangled in this topic, so he asked instead: "Auntie, you called me to join this game before, but do you know any inside information?"

As expected, Lin Jing was distracted by Ouyang Shuo's question, and explained: "That's right. Both Siyun and I participated in the internal testing of this game. According to Siyun's guess, this game should be very unusual, unreasonable or There are too many anomalies, and it is by no means as simple as one game. Therefore, the studio decisively ended other games and devoted itself to this game.”

Ouyang Shuo nodded, admiring Xie Siyun's determination. With incomplete information, Xie Siyun was able to make a correct judgment based on her own self-awareness, and she really deserved to be the head of the second largest mercenary group in China.

"For this game, I also learned about it by accident. I dare not say anything else, at least your choice is correct. In addition, I want to remind you that the currency exchange platform has not been opened now? If you If the studio is not short of money, try not to sell those gold coins that you got so hard to get." Ouyang Shuo reminded tactfully.

Lin Jing looked puzzled and asked curiously: "Why? Isn't the purpose of our studio playing games just to make money by selling game coins? Xiao Shuo, do you know something about the fact that you have achieved such success in the game? , tell auntie quickly."

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "I've already finished what I can say. It's up to your studio to decide whether to listen to the suggestion just now. As for other news, don't ask me, auntie. I said it. In this world, there is no impenetrable wall. If you don’t pay attention, you may lose everything. For the sake of safety, it’s better for us to have less contact in the future, whether in the game or in reality. Everything, just wait for the time!"

Lin Jing looked at Ouyang Shuo as if she was looking at a stranger. She couldn't imagine when a boy who was quite simple before became so mature that he could say such words. She seemed to see Xie Siyun's figure on Ouyang Shuo's body.

"What do you mean by timing?" Lin Jing finally couldn't hold back and asked curiously.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head again and said, "The Buddha said, don't say it, don't say it."

Lin Jing was dejected, she gave up pestering Ouyang Shuo, and said helplessly, "Well, since you are so persistent, you must have your own reasons, and my aunt will not force you. Knowing that you are so good in the game, my aunt will Don't worry. As for your suggestion just now, I will think about it after I go back."

"Thank you, Auntie, for your understanding." Ouyang Shuo said happily.

"Okay, I can't stay in Jiaozhou too much, I'll fly back to Shanghai early tomorrow morning. You should go to bed earlier!" Auntie finally said.

"Okay, auntie, go to bed early, good night!" Ouyang Shuo stood up and said goodbye.

"Good night!"

After leaving the hotel, Ouyang Shuo didn't take a taxi home, but chose to walk back. Anyway, the hotel is not far from Tianyuan Community. Walking on the busy street, looking at the colorful and bustling night scene, Ouyang Shuo thought deeply. After the showdown with his aunt, his heart suddenly became much more relaxed, as if a heavy shackle had been lifted. It is really tiring for a person to guard such an important secret.

During this period of time, the game was turbulent, but the reality was also not calm.

Last time, the news that Song Wen acquired the territory according to the method provided by Ouyang Shuo was first known by the Song Consortium's ally, the Ruan Consortium. Ruan Ping quickly followed this method and successfully acquired a third-level village. Next, the news spread rapidly among the circles of medium-sized forces.

All of a sudden, there was a wave of territory acquisitions in the game. Every day there are so-called lucky people who become billionaires overnight and create one after another myths of getting rich overnight. Among these people, there are naturally those who are unwilling to be lonely, and take the initiative to go to forums and even mainstream media to show off.

In this way, the news that the consortium acquired the game territory at a high price was exposed one after another, pushing the game "Earth Online" to the forefront. The public is curious about the magic power of this game, which allows these consortiums to invest regardless of the cost.

Ordinary people just watch the fun, and at most there are those who are curious or ambitious, so as to join the army of games. And those medium-sized forces that didn't get the inside information and countless small-scale forces couldn't sit still, and racked their brains to inquire about the news, wanting to know the truth behind the matter.

In a humanistic society like China, the whole society is a big network, and the relationship between forces and forces is intricate. After deliberate inquiring, these secret news can no longer be concealed, and spread to small forces in advance. In doing so, further fueling the wave of takeovers in the game.

Such a large-scale change has finally aroused the vigilance of the public. Some people with a keen sense of smell questioned the federal government one after another, asking the government to come forward and give everyone an explanation.

When things got to this point, the federal government could only speed up immigration preparations while doing a good job in crisis public relations. As for the so-called statement, of course there is no such thing. The government publicly stated that the acquisition of the game territory is completely a spontaneous business activity of the enterprise, and the Federation will not intervene.

Ouyang Shuo never thought that he would unintentionally trigger such a chain reaction, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

When I got home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and Bing'er hadn't slept yet. The little girl has been listless all day today, completely unable to cheer up. Only when I saw my aunt, I was a little happier. Ouyang Shuo knew that Bing'er was a child with a lot of thoughts. On a day like today, he must be missing his parents.

After coaxing Bing'er to sleep, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. After washing up briefly, Ouyang Shuo hurriedly logged in to the game. In the game, it was also Ching Ming Festival. Early in the morning, the Military Affairs Department had already visited the cemetery on behalf of Ouyang Shuo, the lord, to visit the graves of the fallen soldiers.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Dexian, the mayor of Shuishui Town, sent someone to report that the medicine farmers in the town had found a large wild tea plantation on the high mountain in the south when they were out collecting medicine. According to the medicine farmer's description, the back of the leaves of the tea tree is covered with pekoe, which should be the famous pekoe tea in Guangxi.

Ouyang Shuo cheered up, this pekoe tea is still very famous even in modern society. Now, the basic building tea garden in the third-level township is considered to be located.

Such tea trees themselves need to grow on high mountains, among the clouds. Therefore, Ouyang Shuo didn't consider transplanting, but directly ordered Zhao Dexian to bring professional tea farmers to inspect it. If the situation is true and it is indeed pekoe tea, then a tea garden will be built directly in the mountains.