The World Online

Chapter 106: attacked


On April 6th, Feng Prisonhuang finally raised another 500 gold coins through the currency exchange platform, and she mailed it to Ouyang Shuo immediately without delay. Along with the gold coins, there is also a thank you letter.

After receiving the gold coins from Feng Prison Huang, Ouyang Shuo called Yingyou and Yang Yun, the lobby manager of the Universal Bank. In addition to keeping five hundred gold coins as spares, he handed over all the remaining one thousand gold coins to the Four Seas Bank.

Ouyang Shuo looked at Yingyou and said, "Using this fund, the Finance Department will do two things well. One is to set up bank branches in the three subsidiary territories of Beihai Town, Yushui Town and Youyi Town, and provide financial support for them. Provide low-interest loan services to the people in the territory. The second is to increase support for handicraftsmen, workshops and shops, encourage them to expand their business scale, and promote the economic prosperity of the territory."

Yingyou nodded and said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, with this injection of funds, the Finance Department can finally do a big job this time. The detailed economic stimulus plan will be presided over by Mr. Xu, Director of Commerce. Under the current situation, it has been formulated very well. Before, it was only limited to the pressure of funds, and it has not been implemented.”

"That's good." Ouyang Shuo nodded in relief, turned to look at Yang Yun, and said, "I recognize your work ability. Now I will give you a heavier burden. Among the three subordinate territories, Beihai Town It started the earliest, and it is expected to be promoted to a second-tier township in the near future. Therefore, what I mean is, you will go to Beihai Town in person to preside over the branch of the Four Seas Bank there. How about it, do you have confidence?"

Yang Yun said excitedly: "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

"Okay, we need this kind of self-confidence." Ouyang Shuo praised, and then said to Yingyou: "I won't interfere with who is assigned to the two bank branches in Yushui Town and Youyi Town. "

"Don't worry, big brother!" Yingyou was still so crisp.

In the next ten days, the army in the base camp will go out to sweep the bandit camps and water villages in the territory while reorganizing and training, so as to enhance the actual combat experience of the troops.

After several bloody battles, eight squadron leaders were promoted to junior generals. So far, all the squadron leaders in the Shanhai Town Army have deserved their names, and they no longer have to wear the title of acting squadron leader. Of the seized funds and materials, Ouyang Shuo withheld 1,500 gold coins, and handed over all the rest to the Material Reserve Department and the Finance Department.

After two sweeps, there was not a single living rogue in the 1,000 square kilometers of Shanhai Town. Even wild boars, bison and other wild animals suffered and were killed by the army. The end of this sweep means that the previously formulated spring offensive plan has officially come to an end.

There are frequent good news from the army, and the government is not far behind. After more than a month, the territory renewal project was finally successfully completed. The wide bluestone roads, rows of blue brick and red tile buildings, and the magnificent town square all declare the prosperity and prosperity of Shanhai Town.

After the upgrade of the advanced shipyard is completed, the construction of the Mengchong battleship will begin immediately. Up to now, two Mengchong warships have been delivered to the naval battalion, and one can be built in an average week. And a Mengchong battleship can carry a squadron of sailors, so at least three more ships need to be built to meet the needs of the navy battalion.

In addition, good news came from each of the three subsidiary territories. Beihai Town was the first to be promoted to a second-class township, and its population limit was raised to 5,000. For this reason, Ouyang Shuo deliberately spent 1,000 gold coins to directly purchase a large-scale port architectural drawing, and asked Beihai Town to start the Beihai Port project. Such a huge construction project, with the strength of Beihai Town, even if it goes all out, it can't be completed in less than a month.

Like Ferries and Docks, Ports are special buildings. Small port architectural drawings cost 10 gold coins, and so on. Large port architectural blueprints cost 1,000 gold coins, fully twice that of advanced shipyards.

It will take half a month for Shuishui Town to be promoted to a second-tier township. Fortunately, the nearly 5,000-acre pekoe tea garden on the top of Nanfeng Mountain has been completed. Late March to early April is the season for picking pekoe tea leaves. Of course, Zhao Dexian will not miss it. He immediately arranged for tea farmers to pick tea leaves. It is now nearing completion.

Not surprisingly, Baihao tea is recognized by the system as a specialty of the territory and can be sold through grocery stores. In order to promote the economic development of Swimming Town itself, Ouyang Shuo put the pekoe tea plantation under the jurisdiction of Swimming Town, and the profits obtained were transferred to the fiscal revenue of Swimming Town.

Zhao Dexian was also acquainted. After the tea garden was built, he circled the top few pekoe tea trees separately and designated them as tribute tea. They were not sold to the outside world, and they were dedicated to the lord's mansion.

As for the last Friendship Town, all basic buildings have been completed. Now we are concentrating on digging the moat, because the project is huge and it will be some time before it is completed. At present, Friendship Town's external industries are almost zero, and it needs continuous support from the base camp to maintain its operation.

On April 15th, an urgent report came from the Langshan Mine. The Haifeng tribe brought people to the Langshan Mine to wreak havoc and clashed with the Langshan garrison camp, killing and injuring more than 40 people.

After Ouyang Shuo got the news, he was outraged and threatened to retaliate and teach the Blizzard Tribe a lesson.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Shanhai Town Council Hall.

Ouyang Shuo summoned the Military Affairs Department and three battalion officers to hold an emergency military affairs meeting. He looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone must know that the attack on the Wolf Mountain Mine is a naked provocation to Shanhai Town. The Gale Wind Tribe must be severely punished, and it must not be tolerated."

"My lord, just give me an order. This time, I must steal the Gale Tribe's lair." Shi Wansui, the most fiery, was the first to ask for a fight.

"That's right. My lord, the City Defense Battalion is willing to serve as the forward." Zhao Sihu was not far behind.

Only Lin Yi's face was full of depression, and he said unwillingly: "My lord, the cavalry battalion invites you to fight!"

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said directly: "This expedition to the Haifeng Tribe, the route is either mountainous or jungle, which is not suitable for cavalry operations. This time the cavalry battalion will stay at the base camp and take over the guarding task of the city defense battalion. During this time, we have frequently suppressed bandits. I have already formed a blood feud with all kinds of rogues. I don't want to be taken away by rogues after I go out to fight. General Lin, the cavalry battalion has a great responsibility, so don't take it lightly."

"Yes!" Lin Yi said helplessly.

Ouyang Shuo also ignored the two militants, Shi Wansui and Zhao Sihu, but turned his head to look at the Military Intelligence Department, and asked, "Did the Military Intelligence Department collect information on the Haifeng Tribe before?"

San Gouzi, who had officially changed his name to Song San, stood up and said, "My lord, since the Haifeng tribe rejected our cooperation invitation, the Military Intelligence Division has begun to consciously collect their intelligence."

"Very good, how are you? Let me introduce their situation!" Ouyang Shuo said approvingly.

Song San began to report, saying: "In this mountainous area at the junction of Lianzhou and Lingnan, there are a total of 95 mountain tribes, large and small, divided into two large areas, the southern and the northern. Headed by a tribe of ten thousand people, all we encounter now are mountain barbarians on the edge of the southern region."

"There are a total of forty tribes in the southern area, and their strength is weaker than that in the northern area. The Tengu tribe is the head. Below the Tengu tribe, there are four large tribes with less than 5,000 people and more than 5,000 people, and medium-sized tribes with less than 5,000 people and more than 3,000 people. There are ten tribes, and twenty-five small tribes with less than 3,000 people. Therefore, it is conceivable that, as one of the only four large tribes in the southern area, the Haifeng tribe is the natural overlord in this area, and naturally they are not convinced by the Xuanniao tribe. Medium-sized tribe."

"The Haifeng tribe has more than 5,400 people. They use Haifeng as their totem and Huan as their surname. The leader of the tribe is Huantai. He just took office and is said to be less than 30 years old. As the main force of the tribe, the hunting team has Eight hundred people. The subordinates speculate that the attack on the wolf mountain ore should be done by the Galewind Tribe hunting team."

Ouyang Shuo was satisfied with the general situation of the Military Intelligence Department. It is undoubtedly convincing that the Military Intelligence Department can analyze the motives of the Gale Tribe attacking the Wolf Mountain Mine from the overall distribution of the mountain barbarians.

"How about the geography of the Haifeng Tribe? And what about the fortifications of the cottage?" Ge Hongliang was obviously concerned about these issues.

Song San nodded and said: "The Haifeng Tribe is located 20 kilometers east of the Xuanniao Tribe. The location of the tribe is similar to a valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one exit in the west. At this exit, the Haifeng Tribe built a checkpoint. Therefore, if you want to break through the Gale Tribe, you must first win the checkpoint."

Ge Hongliang frowned. This kind of terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is really tricky. He asked unwillingly: "How high are the mountains on three sides? Can you climb over them?"

Song San shook his head and said with certainty: "That's impossible. Although the mountain is not comparable to ours, it is still five or six hundred meters high. Moreover, the mountain is full of dense forests, making it difficult to pass through, let alone climb over."

"Since this is the case, there is only one way left to attack. As long as we win the checkpoint, then the Galewind tribe will be the turtle in the urn, and let us ravage it." Ouyang Shuo said suddenly.

Ge Hongliang nodded and asked, "My lord, which tribes are you going to arrange to participate in this operation?" Several other generals also looked at Ouyang Shuo eagerly.

Ouyang Shuo did not disappoint everyone, and said loudly: "This time the attack on the Gale Wind Tribe will be based on the infantry battalion and the city defense battalion, with the Langshan garrison battalion as an auxiliary. The garrison teams of Swimming Town and Friendship Town will be Don't move out, stay at home and watch over!"

Shi Wansui and Zhao Sihu looked excited, only Lin Yi beside him was extremely disappointed.