The World Online

Chapter 111: bid farewell


Seeing that the May Day holiday was about to come, after Ouyang Shuo sorted out the affairs of the territory, he began to think about how to arrange the holiday, whether to take Binger out for a few days.

After thinking it over and over again, Ouyang Shuo still decided not to log in to the game during the May Day holiday, but to focus on traveling with Binger.

The reason why Ouyang Shuo made such a decision was due to his considerations.

In a game, the development of Shanhai Town has entered a period of adjustment. The four major sectors of politics, economy, culture, and military all need time to settle, and there will be no major moves for the time being. Even if he is not in the territory, there will be no troubles if Fan Zhongyan, Shi Wansui and other civil servants and military generals preside over it.

Second, in reality, it seems that there is still half a year to bid farewell to the earth. People have feelings. As a native of the earth, as long as one thinks of the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, it will be a farewell from now on, which can only be seen in dreams. This kind of feeling is really hard for people who don't know the truth to understand. Therefore, Ouyang Shuo thought, taking advantage of this holiday, to take a farewell trip.

After making up his mind, Ouyang Shuo began to prepare for the trip.

In the council hall of the lord's mansion, Ouyang Shuo convened four directors and four battalion officers to discuss the matter. He looked around for a week and said, "I called everyone here temporarily to make an announcement."

"Good news or bad news?" Yingyou said jokingly.

"None." Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "Starting tomorrow, I will retreat for five days. During my absence, Shanhai Town will be entrusted to you."

Don't be surprised, if the player is offline for a long time, in the eyes of the NPC, it is a retreat. As for practical issues such as what to do in retreat, whether to eat or not, the players should not worry about explaining it themselves. The omnipotent system master will give the NPC a reasonable explanation.

"Before retreating, there are some things I need to explain to you all." Ouyang Shuo said with a smile.

"My lord (lord) please give me instructions!"

"First of all, the Military Affairs Administration and the Cavalry Battalion. During my absence, you can try to contact those nomadic tribes alone. My opinion is that the two small tribes on the east and west sides should be mainly suppressed. For the medium-sized tribes in the middle, cooperation is the priority. If possible, get a batch of excellent green clam horse stallions as soon as possible, and raise them in the Gale Valley." Ouyang Shuo looked at Ge Hongliang and Lin Yi and said.

"Please don't worry, my lord. The focus of the Military Affairs Administration for some time to come is the construction of the Gale Valley Army Horse Farm. Regarding how to obtain the green clam stallion, the Military Affairs Administration has already had a preliminary idea. The specific plan needs to be further inquired by the Military Intelligence Department. , and the follow-up actions of the cavalry battalion." Ge Hongliang responded.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait and see." He turned his head to look at Pei Donglai who had come from Beihai Town, and said, "General Pei, the Mengchong Battleship has been built at the Naval Camp. You can start heading to the sea. You have to explore the basic situation of the nearby sea area, to see if there are any islands and the like. In addition, you should not take the pirates lightly. Although it is still calm so far, I never believe that there will be no islands in this sea area. Pirates exist."

"Yes, please don't worry, my lord. The general is also planning to take the boys from the navy battalion to the sea for a while, so that they can see the world and experience the storm at sea. These boys haven't been down seriously yet. As for the sea, this is not acceptable. As for the pirates, I will pay attention to it in the end." Pei Donglai got up and said.

"Okay. With General Pei's guarantee, I'm relieved." After Ouyang Shuo finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Sihu and said, "Zhao Jianjun, for the city defense battalion, I only have one request, and that is to strengthen the city's defense operations in a targeted manner. Training. Our soldiers are used to field battles or siege battles, but they have no experience in how to defend the city. This is not possible. Don't look at the peacefulness outside. One blow. That is because they did not gather together. Once they gather together, they are not easy to mess with. Therefore, as the guards of the base camp, we must strengthen the training of defending the city. Let the soldiers be familiar with various city wall facilities, so that they know what they are , operate proficiently, don’t cram.”

Zhao Sihu got up, and after saluting, he said solemnly: "Obey, please rest assured! The general will definitely strengthen training and resolutely safeguard the safety of the base camp."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, looked at Shi Wansui, and said, "General Shi, I'm assured of you and the infantry battalion, so I won't make any special explanations. I just hope that our heavy infantry battalion in Shanhai Town can take shape soon .In addition, when I am away, the military is headed by you. If you encounter difficult problems, you must coordinate and handle them properly."

"Yes, my lord, please rest assured!" Shi Wansui said loudly.

After arranging the military affairs, Ouyang Shuo left the four directors alone, and continued, "When I'm not around, the civil servants are headed by Mr. Xiwen. When encountering difficult problems, the directors can negotiate to resolve them."


"For the Finance Department, with the increase in fiscal expenditure, it is also a problem to effectively supervise it and ensure that the funds are used in place. I hope that during this period, the Finance Department can have a preliminary opinion. Make a decision." Ouyang Shuo said to Yingyou first.

Yingyou nodded and said, "Brother, don't worry. Director Xu also raised this issue with me before. After being reminded by the elder brother, it is indeed a critical moment. When the elder brother comes back, the Finance Department will give a preliminary opinion."

"That's good." Ouyang Shuo said, looking at Tian Wenjing, and said, "I'm very relieved that Director Arita is in charge of the Material Reserve Department. It's just one thing, the negotiation with the Shanman tribe cannot be stopped. Those who have cooperation Interested mountain tribes can first provide some food to lower their guard against our Shanhai Town."

"Please rest assured, my lord!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded, looked at Ge Hongliang, and said, "Apart from the construction of the Gale Valley Army Horse Farm, there are two other things that the Military Affairs Administration must pay close attention to. One is that the intelligence and investigation activities of the surrounding rogues should not be interrupted, but should be accelerated. The second is that the Jiafang Division and the Bow and Crossbow Division should continue to train skilled personnel. The future military industry will be extremely large, and the more such skilled personnel the better.”


Ouyang Shuo looked at Fan Zhongyan at last, and said, "Sir, I have worked hard for you during this time."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will live up to my trust!"

"If that's the case, I'm relieved." Ouyang Shuo finally said.

Hearing that Ouyang Shuo was going on a trip, Xiaoyue clamored to join, and with Binger helping the situation, Ouyang Shuo could only obediently surrender.

Regarding where to go to play, the three of them disagreed again. Xiaoyue wants to go to Lijiang, Yunnan, and visit the magnificent mountains and rivers there. Bing'er wanted to go to Shanghai, saying that she wanted to see her aunt. Ouyang Shuo saw through Xiaonizi's mind at a glance, she didn't want to see her aunt, she was clearly eyeing the Disneyland in Shanghai.

As for Ouyang Shuo himself, he wanted to go to Mount Tai. Mount Tai is the symbol of the Chinese nation, the epitome of splendid oriental culture, the place where the idea of the unity of man and nature rests, and the home of the spirit of the Chinese nation. Therefore, when he was about to leave the earth, he certainly wanted to go back to Mount Tai. Such a place is his first choice for this farewell trip to the earth.

Fortunately, in modern society, science and technology are highly developed, and the transportation system is not comparable to that of two hundred years ago. For this kind of long-distance travel, the most suitable means of transportation is not an airplane, but an air train. Taking the sky train not only has the speed comparable to that of an airplane, but also enjoys the scenery along the way because of the low-altitude flight.

Because there is enough time, a full five days. In the end, Ouyang Shuo decided to follow the travel route of Jiaozhou→Modu→Mount Tai→Lijiang→Jiaozhou to take a quick trip across the country.

Since the showdown between Ouyang Shuo and his aunt Lin Jing last time, the two had occasional contacts, but the relationship has eased a lot. My aunt learned that Ouyang Shuo's brother and sister were visiting Shanghai, so she specially set aside two days to take them to visit Shanghai. Of course, the focus of the visit is still Binger's favorite Disneyland, which finally fulfilled the little girl's fairy tale dream.

After leaving Shanghai, the three of Ouyang Shuo took the air train again and went straight to Mount Tai.

The scenery of Mount Tai is famous for its magnificence. The overlapping mountains, thick and heavy shapes, the setting off of pines and boulders, and the change of clouds and smoke make it both majestic and bright, and quiet and mysterious. The natural Mount Tai shows the magic of nature. The Mount Tai of culture testifies to the sanctity of culture.

Feeling the magnificence of Mount Tai, Ouyang Shuo's heart seemed to be baptized once again.

In order to watch the sunrise, Ouyang Shuo was cruel and took two beauties, big and small, to live in a high-end hotel on the top of Mount Tai. In the early morning, Ouyang Shuo took Bing'er to watch the sunrise together. The little girl was woken up early by her brother, she seemed extremely reluctant, her face was confused, she was extremely cute.

On a cloudy morning, standing on the top of Mount Tai, looking at the misty sea of clouds, there is a colorful halo of blue inside and red outside, reflecting the whole figure or head shadow inside, like a colorful aura above the head of a Buddha statue. The halo is extremely shocking.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Bing'er was no longer confused, she opened her small mouth wide, and said crisply: "Ah, what a beautiful sun, it's as red as a big apple." Looking at the red sun, you can think of apples.

After leaving Mount Tai, Ouyang Shuo made a detour to Qufu, the hometown of Confucius. Among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, four of them left traces of activities in Qufu and created a developed ancient civilization. It is also the capital of the State of Lu, the hometown of Confucius, and is known as the Holy City of the East.

Leaving Qufu, they came to the last stop, Lijiang, Yunnan. Feeling the beautiful landscape of Lijiang is really incomparable compared with the wilderness in the game.