The World Online

Chapter 112: Prosecution Division


On May 5th of the first year of Gaia, Ouyang Shuo went online again.

After going out to play for a while, Ouyang Shuo felt that his energy had been boosted a lot. The nerves that had been tense since rebirth finally completely relaxed.

After going online, Ouyang Shuo first studied the "Yang Family Spear Manual" that he bought earlier.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for obtaining the imperial-level exercise "Yang Family Spear Classic". Do you want to practice it?"


With a sound of swiping, the secret book in his hand turned into a white light and shot into the center of Ouyang Shuo's eyebrows. In an instant, all the training information about the Yang Family Spear poured into his mind, waiting for him to digest it slowly.

As a higher-level cheat book than the "Bajiquan Jing", the Yang Family Spear is more difficult to learn, and there is no one to guide it. If you want to get started, you need to practice for a while.

Ouyang Shuo picked up the fine iron spear in his hand, and tried to practice the moves according to the secret book, but it was really awkward. It seems that if there is a chance, I have to ask Shi Wansui and Lin Yi, two marksmanship masters, for advice. In the previous life, the halberd he used was very different from the spear in this life, so there was not much experience for reference.

Ouyang Shuo's appearance immediately alarmed Yingyou and Qing'er in the backyard.

"Brother, you are finally back." Qing'er stood in the corridor and said happily.

At this moment, Ouyang Shuo was practicing marksmanship, so he didn't have time to talk to her. It wasn't until after practicing according to the routine that he finally stopped, and said with a smile: "Yes, during my absence, have you been naughty?"

"Hmph, big brother underestimates people, why are they so naughty? Ask sister Yingyou if you don't believe me." Qing'er pouted with displeasure on her face.

Yingyou stood aside and said with a smile: "Brother, now that you've left, the whole manor's mansion feels deserted. Everyone said that it's because of the lack of you as the backbone."

"Yes, no one is arguing with them." Qing'er echoed.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head, and said, "You two girls, don't give me the ecstasy soup here. How is everything going well in the territory recently?" The last sentence was for Yingyou.

"Well, it's basically operating according to what the elder brother arranged before he left." Yingyou said vaguely.

Ouyang Shuo also knew that the backyard is not a place to talk about work, he just asked casually. He asked the two sisters to go on their own, and continued to practice the Yang family spear by himself.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ouyang Shuo showed up in his office on time.

After learning that the lord was back, all the departments rushed to report their work. In desperation, Ouyang Shuo had no choice but to call everyone into the meeting hall to discuss matters together.

Ouyang Shuo sat down at the top, looked around, and said with a smile, "I've been thankful for the past five days, everyone. If you have anything to report from each department, let's talk about it one by one, starting with the Administration Department."

Sun Yannong, the director of the Agriculture Department, was the first to get up and said, "My lord, the Agriculture Department has something to report."


"After three months of careful domestication by the breeders, among the 100 bison and 80 wild boars captured earlier, except for the ten young bison and five young wild boars that died halfway, the rest have grown up healthy and are ready for slaughter. For these bison and wild boars, please let me know how to arrange the follow-up." Sun Yannong said.

"What's the opinion of the Department of Agriculture?" Ouyang Shuo didn't answer directly.

Sun Yannong thought that he had already prepared a draft, and said: "The Department of Agriculture's opinion is that wild boars and bison should be treated separately. For wild boars, all sows should be kept. As for boars, except for two mating pigs, the rest will be slaughtered. Let them all stay and further expand the scale of farming.”

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "I basically agree with the Department of Agriculture's opinion. It's just that we can be more flexible about the handling of bison. These bison are all high-quality farm cattle. Since they have grown up, they can be placed on the pasture like this. , It’s too wasteful. I think so, this batch of bison will be handed over to Yushui Town for management. Director Sun, you have to explain clearly to Yushui Town. Calves must be distributed uniformly by Swimming Town."

"Understood, my lord is still thoughtful, and my subordinates admire me." Sun Yannong stepped back respectfully.

After Sun Yannong withdrew, Du Quan, the head of the Household Registration Department, got up and said loudly, "My lord, the Household Registration Department has something to report!"

Ouyang Shuo asked with a smile, "Director Du must have some good news?"

Du Quan nodded and said, "To tell you the truth, it's really good news. Among the refugees that were discovered this week, a very special talent appeared, named Song Yin, who once served as a prisoner."

"Prosecution officer?" Ouyang Shuo was a little confused.

"Let's let the subordinates explain to the Lord." Seeing Ouyang Shuo's doubts, Fan Zhongyan, who was born in the Song Dynasty, stood up and said, "The Song Dynasty set up some criminal and prison official affairs, referred to as "mention punishment". , Penitentiary and supervision, as well as farming and mulberry. The procurator regularly visits the prefectures and counties under his jurisdiction every year, and impeaches the malfeasance of local officials who procrastinate in judging cases and fail to catch criminals on schedule. The procurator is also responsible for handling difficult cases Cases, rehabilitating unjust prisons, and accepting appeals from the public. Therefore, it is extremely rare for someone who can serve as a trial judge not only to be familiar with local government affairs, but also to be proficient in the law and good at judging cases."

After listening to Fan Zhongyan's explanation, Ouyang Shuo realized that it was a big deal to mention a criminal officer. Putting it aside in modern society, it is a combination of multiple identities and functions such as the provincial prosecutor general, the director of the public security department, the president of the provincial high court, and the commander of the provincial military division. Moreover, he is directly responsible to the central government and has no direct subordinates at the local level.

After understanding the responsibilities of the prisoner, Ouyang Shuo immediately became very interested in this prisoner named Song Yin. He smiled and said to Du Quan: "Since this Song Yin is so good, Du Quan Why don't the director invite him here and let me meet him."

"Here!" Du Quan turned and walked out of the conference hall. In less than five minutes, Du Quan led a middle-aged man back in. This middle-aged man, in his thirties, was wearing a corseted cotton robe. He had a tall and straight figure, his face was cut like a knife, his eyes were cold, and his forehead wrinkles were extremely obvious. He looked more like a military officer than a scribe.

"Xiaomin Song Yin, my lord!" Song Yin immediately saluted and said hello under Du Quan's gesture.

"Please, Mister Song!" Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, taking the opportunity to check his attributes.

[Name]: Song Yin (Gold Level)

[Identity]: Resident of Shanhai Town

[Occupation]: civil servant (juren)

[Loyalty]: 75 points

[Commander]: 20 [Force]: 25 [Intelligence]: 55 [Politics]: 65

[Speciality]: Jealousy like hatred (increase majesty by 15%), redress injustice (increase case resolution efficiency by 15%)

[Evaluation]: He once served as a criminal officer, has rich experience as a local official, is familiar with the unspoken rules of officialdom, is proficient in the law, and is good at judging cases. The nature is so rigid, the posture of the sky is steep and straight, the energy is clear, and the straightness is not scratched.

As expected, he is a rare talent. Ouyang Shuo nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Sir, you are a great talent. Since you have served as a prison officer, how about setting up a prison department in Shanhai Town to be in charge of judicial affairs and prisons? How about Mr. taking up the post of Director?"

Based on the actual situation of Shanhai Town, Ouyang Shuo made a limitation on the duties of the Criminal Prosecution Division. He did not completely copy the official system of the Song Dynasty, but only retained the two duties of justice and prison, similar to the combination of the judicial office and prison in modern society.

Song Yin bowed again and said, "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will live up to your trust!" As a seasoned criminal judge, Song Yin certainly understood the deep meaning of Ouyang Shuo's words just now.

After going through the episode of just mentioning the criminal officer, the rest of the divisions will continue to report.

Director of the Construction Department Zhao Dewang, the former Zhaojiagou member who successfully replaced Zhao Youfang and became a popular person with the lord because of his ability to handle affairs, got up and said, "My lord, the Construction Department has something to report!"


"The Gale Valley Army Horse Farm has been remodeled, and the construction department's next task, please arrange it!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded. He was very satisfied with the efficiency of the construction department, and said with a smile: "The next goal of the territory is to be promoted to a first-level county seat. Therefore, the next task of the construction department is to prepare the overall planning of the county seat in advance. Including the preparatory work for the second city wall."

"Understood!" Zhao Dewang nodded.

After the construction department's report was completed, the report of the administrative department came to an end.

Ouyang Shuo turned his head to look at Tian Wenjing, and asked, "Is there anything to report to the Material Reserve Department?"

Tian Wenjing nodded, looked at Zheng Shanpao of the Chariot and Horse Division, and motioned for him to get up and report.

Zheng Shanpao got up immediately and said, "My lord, the Chariot and Horse Division mainly reports two things."


"The first thing is about the Gale Valley Army Horse Farm. Director Zhao has just said that the infrastructure of the Army Horse Farm has been established. The Chariot and Horse Division has also started training army horse breeders and hoarding fodder. It can be said , the preparatory work has been basically completed, the only thing missing is the stallion." Zheng Shanpao said.

Ouyang Shuo nodded without expressing his opinion, and signaled Zheng Shanpao to move on to the next thing.

"The second thing is related to land transportation. Since the arrival of wooden oxen and horses, the problem of long-distance transportation of materials has indeed been solved very well. However, with the increase in the population of the territory, we still don't have transportation such as horse-drawn carriages, which is a bit inconvenient. That's right, so I want to ask adults to coordinate." Zheng Shanpao continued.

Ouyang Shuo suddenly realized that this was his negligence, he only thought about transporting supplies, but forgot about the carriage. It is said that the post station built in the second-level township stage is still a decoration.

"Director Zheng reminded me well. This is my negligence. How about this? The Department of Chariots and Horses chooses a place and asks the Department of Construction to build a workshop for processing carriages by hand. As for the technical manual for manufacturing carriages, I will discuss them after the meeting. Go to the market and buy it." Ouyang Shuo said.

"Here!" Zheng Shanpao said excitedly.