The World Online

Chapter 115: Bright armor


The adjustment of the army was completed, and the temporary military affairs conference held in Friendship Town came to an end.

After the meeting, Ouyang Shuo did not return to the base camp, but accompanied by Zhou Haichen, officially started the inspection tour of Friendship Town.

Walking on the streets of Friendship Town, Ouyang Shuo began to calculate the cost of this military expansion. The first is the one-time compensation fee for the mountain barbarian warriors. There are three batches of mountain barbarian warriors, a total of 1700 gold coins. Plus a one-time subsidy of 500,000 units of food, another 500 gold coins. Then there is the job transfer fee. The job transfer fee for 1,000 infantry is 500 gold coins, and the job transfer fee for 100 cavalry soldiers is 150 gold coins. The total is 650 gold coins. All of these fees add up to 2850 gold coins, and the 3,000 gold coins reserved before will be spent all at once.

The next morning, Ouyang Shuo came to the mayor's office of Youyi Town to listen to Zhou Haichen's report on the business with nomadic tribes.

Zhou Haichen invited Ouyang Shuo to sit down at the head of the table, and sat down by himself, and said, "My lord, there is a medium-sized tribe in the north of Youyi Town, called Tianfeng tribe. This tribe has more than 3,500 people, and the area of pasture reaches 1,500. One hundred square kilometers, which is larger than our territory. The head of the Tianfeng tribe is called Dari Achi. He is thirty-five years old. It is said that he is a descendant of the Mongols. In Mongolian, it means suppression, which shows the ambition and ambition of this leader."

"After the completion of the moat, the subordinates sent the administrative director of Friendship Town as an envoy to visit Dari Achi with gifts. Although Dari Achi was surprised by the arrival of the envoy, he did not do anything extraordinary Action. After accepting the gift, he received him very friendly. What made people laugh and cry was that when the envoy came back, a group of cavalry from the Tianfeng tribe appeared on the other side of the moat, menacing. But, when they saw the wide moat , the tall city walls, and the military camps stationed outside the city, I was dumbfounded, and then I just returned angrily. This Dari Achi is really not an easy person, and the city is extremely deep."

"What's interesting is that not long after the cavalry left, the Tianfeng tribe sent an envoy, saying that they wanted to discuss trade with us. For a while, it was difficult for the subordinates to draw conclusions. This Dari'achi gourd What kind of medicine is sold inside. I wanted to report to you, my lord, but I never thought that the lord's mansion said that you have something to retreat, so I adopted a delaying strategy. Fortunately, my lord, you came back in time. Please let me know how to deal with it. "

Ouyang Shuo frowned, and said, "From your description just now, this Dari Achi is probably a duplicitous character. In my opinion, it's still inappropriate to expose the existence of the headquarters. Let's do it this way, and you will be responsible for it." Trade with the Tianfeng tribe. We only need green clams and horses. As for the exchanged materials, whether it is grain, salt, or iron ore, tea, or even Sanhua wine, they can all be traded. The specific scale in the middle is right. It's up to you to decide. The general principle is that as long as you can get a green clam horse, it is acceptable to give them a small profit."

Zhou Haichen was surprised, and said excitedly: "Understood, please rest assured, my lord!"

"In addition, you should be careful when choosing the place for the transaction. You can build a temporary transaction place next to the moat so that both parties can feel at ease. The first transaction should be within this week as much as possible." Ouyang Shuo instructed. As for why it is within a week, it is naturally to cooperate with the follow-up military operations.


Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "Hai Chen, it seems that you were right to choose you to preside over Friendship Town. After two days of observation, I found that the construction of Friendship Town is well-organized. Even if it is always facing the threat of northern nomadic tribes, the people's hearts will be greatly improved." It's still stable. Under such circumstances, you can still think of opening up trade routes, which is very remarkable!" Ouyang Shuo finally came to a conclusion for this inspection.

Having received the high praise from the adults, Zhou Haichen seemed very excited, and said: "The subordinates can be what they are today, thanks to the cultivation and promotion of the adults. If you don't dare to claim credit, you must do your best to guard and shepherd for the adults."

"So, I'm so relieved!" Ouyang Shuo finally said.

On May 8th, Friendship Town conducted its first transaction with Tianfeng Tribe.

According to the price quoted by the Tianfeng Tribe, a high-quality green clam horse is worth 5 gold coins. Converted to the supplies in Friendship Town, it would be 5,000 units of grain or 2,500 units of salt, or 1,000 units of iron ore or 500 units of Sanhua wine. Therefore, the purchasing power of the green clam horse is very terrifying.

Because it is the first transaction, both parties are more cautious. The Tianfeng tribe is willing to exchange 100 high-quality green clam horses for 100,000 units of grain, 2,500 units of salt, 60,000 units of iron ore, and 10,000 units of Sanhua wine, which is equivalent to asking for another batch of salt.

Zhou Haichen kept in mind Ouyang Shuo's instructions, and would rather suffer a small loss than get the green clam horse. Therefore, this transaction can be regarded as a happy one. Here in Friendship Town, get the coveted green clam horse. For the Tianfeng tribe, with only 100 war horses, they got more supplies than they could have imagined before.

To express their gratitude, the Tianfeng tribe presented three additional elite-level green clam horses, whose attributes were 40% higher than the perfect green clam horses.

[Name]: Perfect green clam horse (dark gold level)

[Load]: 120 kg

[Speed]: 60km/day

[Consumption]: 4 units of grain/day

[Comment]: According to legend, the green clam horse is the product of the marriage of the ancient god insect green clam and wild horse. Therefore, the Qingfu horse inherited the spirit of Qingfu, running like the wind, psychic and knowing the way, and it is the most top-level war horse.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the top war horse. Its load is directly twice that of ordinary war horses, and its running speed is also faster. Only such horses can carry heavy cavalry wearing bright armor.

[Name]: Elite-level green clam horse (purple-gold level)

[Load]: 168 kg

[Speed]: 84km/day

[Consumption]: 5 units of grain/day

[Evaluation]: The elite among the green clam horses, it is extremely suitable as a mount for generals.

Ouyang Shuo handed over the one hundred green clam horses to the First Squadron of the Cavalry Battalion for use. As for the three elite-level green clam horses, they were divided among Ouyang Shuo himself, Lin Yi, and Li Mingliang, the captain of the First Squadron of the Cavalry Battalion.

With the Qingfu horse, the Mingguang armor forged by Jiafangsi can finally come in handy. According to the complexity of forging, Mingguang armor is divided into four grades: soldier Mingguang armor, sergeant Mingguang armor, general Mingguang armor, and commander Mingguang armor. At present, the highest level that Jiafang Division can forge is the military commander Mingguang armor.

[Name]: Soldier Mingguang Armor (Gold Level)

[Type]: heavy armor

[Weight]: 36 kg

[Defense]: 55

[Toughness]: 50

[Comment]: On the back of the armor's chest, there are oval-shaped metal armor plates called round guards. They can reflect dazzling light under the sunlight, hence the name Mingguang armor.

[Name]: Sergeant Mingguang Armor (Dark Gold Grade)

[Type]: heavy armor

[Weight]: 40 kg

[Defense]: 70

[Toughness]: 55

[Evaluation]: Compared with the soldier's Mingguang armor, the production process of the sergeant's Mingguang armor is more complicated.

[Name]: General Mingguang Armor (Purple Gold Level)

[Type]: heavy armor

[Weight]: 45 kg

[Defense]: 85

[Toughness]: 60

[Evaluation]: Compared with the sergeant's Mingguang armor, the manufacturing process of the general's Mingguang armor is more complicated and expensive.

So far, Jiafang Division has only forged a set of general Mingguang armor, which is naturally specially forged for Ouyang Shuo. It took more than a month for Wang Zir, chief officer of the Jiafang Division, and Mu Qingsi, a master tailor, to forge it after five failures. This kind of success, on the one hand, has an element of luck, and on the other hand, it also has the blessing of Qing'er's master-level skills, otherwise there is no possibility of success.

Wang Zi also took this opportunity to break through to a master blacksmith in one fell swoop. As for the highest level Commander Mingguang Armor, Ouyang Shuo speculated that it would be possible to forge it at least until both Wang Zi and Qing'er were promoted to Grandmaster.

With this set of general Mingguang armor, the leather armor Ouyang Shuo wore before was finally useless, and he gave it to Zhao Sihu. Ouyang Shuo checked his personal attributes again.

[Name]: Qiyue Wuyi

[Title]: National Scholar (Increase the favorability of historical figures by 25%)

[Territory]: Shanhai Town

[Occupation]: Military general (part-time)

[Level]: Level 45

[Merit]: 15400/25600 [Title]: Second Earl

[Reputation]: Reputation spread far and wide (12850/100000)

[Root bone]: 18 [Intellect]: 21 [Fuyuan]: 5 [Charm]: 8

[Commander]: 59+10 [Force]: 22+5 [Intelligence]: 14 [Politics]: 51

[Talent]: not activated

[Cultivation method]: "Bajiquan Jing" (entering the room), "Yang Family Gun Jing" (first glimpse)

[Art of War]: "Six Secret Teachings" (Wu Tao Volume)

[Skills]: Advanced Gathering, Basic Shipbuilding, Intermediate Diplomacy, Advanced Scouting, Advanced Weapon Proficiency, Basic Riding, Basic Spear, Basic Archery

[Mount]: Elite-level green clam horse (purple-gold level)

[Accessories]: Ring of Courage (Black Iron Level), Brutal Power (Silver Level)

[Equipment]: High-quality compound bow (gold level), high-quality refined iron sword (gold level), high-quality refined iron spear (gold level), general Mingguang armor (purple-gold level)

[Special Items]: Bloodthirsty Talisman, Stamina Talisman, Marching Talisman, Substitute Doll

During the battle during this period, Ouyang Shuo's level increased by another 5 levels, reaching level 45. At the same time, meritorious service points and prestige points have also increased to varying degrees.

As for the savage power in the jewelry, it is a necklace with a pair of thumb-sized wild boar tusks. Naturally, it was made by the alchemist Magnus from the pair of wild boar king's fangs. The attributes are as follows:

[Name]: Savage Power (Silver Level)

[Attribute]: Increase the force value by 5 points

[Evaluation]: It was made by senior alchemist Magnus from the fangs of the wild boar king.