The World Online

Chapter 116: Operation Dawn


On May 9, the military operation code-named "Dawn" officially kicked off.

After five days of preparation, the City Defense Battalion of Swimming Town, the City Defense Battalion of Friendship Town and the Second Battalion of Infantry of the Base Camp have all been adjusted in place. At the same time, the only cavalry squadron in Swimming Town and the two cavalry squadrons in Friendship Town have also joined the cavalry battalion to start joint training.

In order not to overwhelm others, the location of the joint training was not chosen in Friendship Town, but in the open area on the west side of Shanhai Town, very close to the infantry battalion.

Originally, Lin Yi suggested that before starting the operation, cooperate with the infantry battalion to go abroad to destroy one or two battalions of rogue bandits, so as to train the troops to cooperate in actual combat, but Ouyang Shuo rejected it.

One thing is that all the troops dispatched this time are cavalry, and the main force of the attack is the cavalry battalion, so there is not much coordination problem. Before the second action, if any military action is taken, if any accident occurs and additional casualties are caused, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss. This "Dawn" operation was no small matter, Ouyang Shuo had to be cautious, he was absolutely unwilling to rush into the battle with a tired army.

In order not to attract the attention of the Tianfeng Tribe, this military operation is going to cross the Friendship River from Shanhai Town, and go straight to the center of the small tribes on the west side. It must be a one-shot kill.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the naval battalion stationed in Beihai Town boarded the Mengchong fighting ship, went upstream and docked at the bank of the Friendship River in the south of the small tribe.

At the same time, the 800 cavalry who participated in the "Dawn" operation set up camp on the other side of the river.

The next day, at four o'clock in the morning, the troops began to cook.

At five o'clock in the morning, the troops with men and horses crossed the Friendship River on the Mengchong fighting ship. After a short rest, we started heading straight to the nomadic tribes in the west. In order to ensure the secrecy of the operation, the mouth of the man was tied, the mouth of the horse was bound, and even the hooves of the horse were wrapped in sackcloth. Along the way, it was quiet, and the advancing troops were like ghosts.

After the troops moved forward slowly for five kilometers, they began to divide into four groups.

The middle road, of course, is the cavalry battalion responsible for the main mission of this operation. The No. 1 Squadron, which has been equipped with green clam horses, serves as a forward force. A squadron of the first squadron, fifty cavalrymen wearing Mingguang armor, led by squadron leader Li Mingliang, ran at the forefront. In order to avoid the reflection of the round guard and attract the attention of the enemy, all the round guards are wrapped in linen, so there is no light at all.

The Swimming Town Cavalry Squadron, led by battalion commander Zhang Daniu, began to detour and move forward. In this operation, they were responsible for intercepting the route of nomadic tribes fleeing north. The north is the direction leading to the Tianji tribe, and it is also the direction where the enemy is most likely to flee, so the responsibility is the heaviest.

On the right, the No. 1 Cavalry Squadron of Youyi Town, led by Hu Yibiao, the camp leader, ran eastward. To the east of the enemy is the Tianfeng tribe, the chance of fleeing in this direction is relatively low, the main thing is to prevent being noticed by the Tianfeng tribe. So, equally, is the responsibility.

On the left, the No. 2 Cavalry Squadron of Friendship Town, which was also a newly formed cavalry squadron this time, ran westward under the leadership of the squadron leader. There are no other tribes to the west of the enemy, so it is the easiest, but just in case.

Every troop on the attack was followed by at least one military intelligence officer who worked diligently as a guide. After working hard for a period of time, the Military Intelligence Department has already mastered the terrain in this area. At the same time, in order to facilitate contact at any time, Xi Zuo also carries a messenger hummingbird.

At 6:30 in the morning, all the ministries arrived at the designated locations.

This time Ouyang Shuo went out with the army as usual. I saw him riding an elite green clam horse and wearing a military commander's Mingguang armor, as if he was a heroic young general. Beside Ouyang Shuo was Lin Yi who was also riding an elite-grade green clam horse, wearing a sergeant Mingguang armor.

"Report!" The orderly in front shouted in a deep voice.


"Report, sir, the vanguard troops have approached the enemy camp, and there is no abnormality for the time being, please give instructions!"

"There are all of them, keep going!" Ouyang Shuo said.


Twenty minutes later, the troops merged with the vanguard.

Li Mingliang rode his horse to Ouyang Shuo's side and said, "My lord, everything is going well."

Ouyang Shuo nodded and looked up into the distance. Nomadic tribes, with the exception of large tribes like the Tianji tribe, have fixed settlements. Other small and medium-sized tribes generally live in no fixed place. Now that summer has begun, it is a great time for grazing. Wherever the sheep go, their tents will be moved there.

Therefore, the nomadic camp in front of me did not have the tall walls of the Central Plains cities, nor even simple fences, but a temporary settlement composed of tents one after another. Ouyang Shuo roughly counted, there are a total of hundreds of tents, some big and some small, the further inside, the bigger the tents. The largest tent in the center should be the tooth tent of the tribal chief.

"Have you found the green clam stallion?" Ouyang Shuo asked, this time it was the question he was most concerned about.

"If we find it, we'll lock it up in their stable." Li Mingliang said excitedly.

"In this case, let's attack!" Ouyang Shuo turned to look at Lin Yi and said coldly.

"Yes!" Lin Yi stood on the horseback, bent over and put on a bow, lit a specially prepared rocket, and shot towards the enemy camp. I saw the flaming sharp arrow across the sky and directly hit the tooth tent in the distance, and the flames shot up into the sky immediately.

Lin Yi's rocket is like a signal flare. Five hundred cavalry, according to the previously divided areas, bent their bows and set arrows one after another, shooting rockets at the enemy camp. Almost in an instant, except for a few survivors, hundreds of tents were all on fire, and the flames filled the sky, rushing to the sky.

Many of the enemies in the tent were still asleep and burned to death. There were also alert sleepers who were awakened one after another and rushed out of the tent in panic. Some calm soldiers rushed out of the tent with weapons in hand.

Seeing this, Lin Yi put back his bow and arrow, took out his fine iron spear, and shouted: "Cavalry battalion, kill!" He was the first to charge into the burning camp.

"Kill!" Five hundred cavalry raised their weapons and rushed forward. Only Ouyang Shuo was still standing there, calmly watching the whole battle situation.

The cavalry wandered between the tents, and whenever they saw someone running out, they would slash and kill, and the scene was extremely bloody. Ouyang Shuo rode outside and did not participate in the massacre. As a modern person, even after five years of experience in the previous life, he still cannot kill without changing his face. In particular, many of the targets of the massacre were ordinary people who had no power to resist.

Power is poison, which can corrupt anyone and make him hard-hearted. At this moment, Ouyang Shuo deeply realized the difference between adventure players and lord players. He was deeply aware of what kind of transformation he had undergone in less than half a year.

In order to suppress the provocations of the Gale Wind Tribe and establish prestige in the surrounding mountain tribes, he would not hesitate to choose to send troops to the Gale Wind Valley and choose bloody suppression.

In order to obtain green clam horses and form a regiment of heavy cavalry, he chose to slaughter the entire tribe without hesitation. Although he didn't participate in it himself, his hands were still stained with blood.

The only consolation is that he silently reminded himself that this is a game, and they are just NPCs, just a bunch of data. Use this as a fig leaf for your conscience.

The flowers in the sky, the screams, and the helpless shouts are mixed together to form a scene of human tragedy. Surrounded by the flames, Ouyang Shuo's face became more and more blurred.

Looking at it from another angle, the soldiers of the cavalry battalion were all excited when they saw the lord standing at the door. They know that the adults are watching them, watching his sons fight the enemy bravely.

Although the nomadic tribes organized several counter-offensives successively, under the suppression of the No. 1 Squadron as the vanguard, they returned without success each time and were brutally suppressed.

After half an hour, someone finally couldn't bear it and started to escape outside. Lin Yi then arranged for the Fifth Squadron to attack and hunt down those who escaped.

There were those who didn't know what to do, when they ran away, they saw Ouyang Shuo standing outside, and wanted to fight. It's a pity that Ouyang Shuo's combat power is no longer that of Wuxia Amon. Ordinary nomadic warriors are not his opponents at all, and they are easily taken care of by him.

An hour later, the massacre was finally coming to an end. Except for the mopping up of the first squadron, the other four squadrons have been sent out by Lin Yi one after another to cooperate with the pre-arranged security forces to hunt down those who escaped and ensure that no one will be left alive.

"My lord, do you want to arrange the scene so that the Tianfeng tribe can be blamed?" Lin Yi rushed to Ouyang Shuo and asked aloud.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "No, just burn it all without leaving any traces. We are not familiar with the nomadic tribes, and we don't understand their fighting methods. Setting up the scene is likely to be self-defeating. The biggest doubt , is nothing. In this case, the Tianqi tribe will judge possible enemies from the perspective of the biggest beneficiary. The Tianfeng tribe next to it will naturally become the biggest suspect. They have absolutely no such ability, guess Come to us. You know, we have just traded green clam horses with the Tianfeng tribe, and we have no motive for committing crimes."

Lin Yi looked at Ouyang Shuo admiringly, and said, "My lord is more considerate!"

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and clean up the battlefield, retreat as soon as possible, otherwise things will change later."


At ten o'clock in the morning, the troops from all walks of life converged again. This operation was perfect, and none of the enemies survived. After rendezvous, the troops set off back with the captured spoils.

In this "Dawn" operation, in addition to the one hundred green clam stallions captured, there were also 300 perfect green clam horses and four elite green clam horses, which can be described as a bumper harvest.

In addition, there are more than 1,000 sheep and more than 3,000 sheepskins.