The World Online

Chapter 118: North Sea Fleet


Ouyang Shuo didn't know about the conversation that took place in the tent of the Tianqi Tribe, and neither did Dari Achi, the head of the Tianfeng Tribe.

In the Lianzhou Basin, the tooth tent of the Tianfeng Tribe.

"Huqitu, what do you think of the extermination of the Tianlian tribe?" Dari'achi asked.

Sitting under the dental tent was a young military general who was less than thirty years old. He was tall and straight, with a firm and handsome face. His slightly curly hair added a bit of masculine charm to him. He is Hu Qitu, the only commander of the Tianfeng tribe, who commands all the troops of the Tianfeng tribe except the chief's personal guard.

In fact, after receiving the news that the Tianlian tribe was exterminated, Hu Qitu rushed to the scene of the incident as soon as possible. According to the traces left at the scene, his speculation is basically the same as that of General Lakshin of the Tianji tribe. The only difference is that Hu Qitu knew that his tribe did not do this.

In Hu Qitu's eyes, the whole thing seemed confusing. The surrounding tribes seemed to have no motive to commit the crime, but this happened just like this.

"Patriarch, this matter is very strange. The general suspects that some tribe wants to blame us, so they deliberately committed such a shocking crime beside us." Hu Qitu said cautiously.

Dari'achi frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, this person has ulterior motives, and he clearly wants to provoke our relationship with the Tianji tribe."

"Then... Patriarch, look, who could have done it?" Hu Qitu asked back.

Dari'achi shook his head and said, "It's hard to say. It may be the tribe in the west, or it may be the tribe in the north. There is even a possibility that the Tianji tribe did it themselves."

"Tiandu tribe?" Hu Qitu exclaimed.

"That's right." Dari'achi said with a cloudy face, "That old fox of Monk can't do anything to suppress us medium-sized tribes. Don't forget, he is a bloody butcher. As long as he can create a way to suppress us What does a small tribe mean to him as an excuse."

Hu Qitu still couldn't let go, and said: "Patriarch, the last general still doesn't understand. If it's really Tianji tribe, then at this time, they should have sent someone to question us. But until now, there is still no movement. No."

"Yes, this is what puzzles me the most. That's why I don't understand it even more." Dari'achi said in a deep voice, no matter how deep his city was, he couldn't see the fog in front of him clearly.

"Could it be that new neighbor who appeared in the south did it?" Hu Qitu said boldly.

Dari'achi was startled, then shook his head, and said, "Probably not. First, they don't have the strength, otherwise they wouldn't be able to defend the city. Second, they have no motive to commit crimes. It's not like you don't See, they still hope to maintain normal trade with us nomadic tribes."

Hu Qitu himself didn't believe it, he just said it casually. Hearing the patriarch's explanation, all doubts disappeared immediately. Unfortunately, the biggest mystery has still not been solved.

"No matter what, since it has already happened, there will definitely be a follow-up. As for how the situation will change in the future, it is hard to say now. However, no matter how the situation changes, it will eventually return to the contest of strength." Da Ri'achi summed it up and said solemnly: "Huqitu, the army must not relax for a moment. During this period of time, you have to strengthen the patrolling of the border. In addition, in order to strengthen the strength of the army. You can consider continuing to cooperate with Friendship Town in the south. Keep up the trade and get as much iron ore as you can."

"Here!" Huqitu said loudly.

After Huqitu left the Yazhang, Dari'achi looked at the top of the Yazhang, as if he could see through the Yazhang, saw the distant sky, saw the pearl in the center of the basin—Shenjuan Lake, and muttered to himself : "The storm is coming, God of the grassland, is this the opportunity for the rise of our Tianfeng tribe?"

On May 11th, at the port of Beihai Town.

After a month of construction, Beihai Port, the port of Beihai Town, was officially completed. Beihai Port is located near the mouth of the river. It is a natural port with a natural sheltered bay for ships to berth.

Beihai Port is a military port, which is mainly used by the naval forces for berthing, replenishment, shelter, and support for combat, technology, and logistics. Therefore, Beihai Port, also known as the naval base, has corresponding equipment and defense facilities. The navy barracks have been moved here after the Beihai Port was built.

At present, Beihai Port also serves as a fishing port for fishing boats to berth, anchor, take shelter from the wind, load and unload catches, supplement fishing needs and living supplies, and can also carry out processing, storage and transportation of catches, maintenance of fishing boats, manufacturing of fishing gear and crew rest etc.

The sea area to the south of Beihai Port is the Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea. The largest island in the Beibu Gulf is naturally Qiongzhou Island. After being enlarged ten times in the game, it covers an area of about 350,000 square kilometers, which is 1.5 times the size of the Lianzhou Basin. In addition to Qiongzhou Island, there are also some small islands and reefs in the Beibu Gulf.

Most of these islands and reefs are uninhabited and belong to places where birds don't shit. However, there are also some islands that have formed a relatively complete ecosystem, have inland lakes or inland rivers, have sufficient fresh water, and have basic living conditions. Such an island naturally became the most ideal pirate stronghold.

Especially after the game map has been expanded tenfold, many islands and reefs as big as sesame mung beans in reality have instantly become islands suitable for human habitation. It is precisely because of this that Ouyang Shuo ordered the naval battalion to start surveying the surrounding waters as soon as possible. He didn't dare to draw conclusions easily based on his experience in reality.

In the northwest corner of the Beibu Gulf, near the border between Vietnam and China, there is an island called Yue'er Island. Yue'er Island covers an area of about 50 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the territory of a second-level village. In reality, it would be a small island with an area of only five square kilometers.

On Yue'er Island, there lived a group of pirates, about 3,000 in number. This group of pirates called themselves Black Sharks, and the leader was Blackbeard. Because Yue'er Island is geographically closer to Vietnam, the main target of their plunder is the fishing villages along the coast of Vietnam.

On the coast of Vietnam, among the lord player groups, Blackbeard's reputation has long been spread far and wide. In the five months since the game started, there must have been no fewer than thirty player villages destroyed by Black Shark pirates.

Of course, Black Shark pirates would not dare to provoke the system cities along the coast.

On this day, I don't know why Blackbeard went crazy. He gave up his previous plundering habits and planned to plunder the coast of China in the north.

Needless to say, before Black Shark's pirate ship approached Beihai Town, it had already been spotted by the Mengchong Douship, a navy battalion patrolling the nearby waters. The soldiers on the warship, seeing the pirate ship approaching from the opposite side, did not dare to neglect. While preparing to meet the enemy, they fired emergency signal flares.

This time Blackbeard took a total of three pirate ships, carrying more than 300 pirates. Seeing a regular warship like the Mengchong Battleship already surprised Blackbeard. When I looked at the Beihai Port that had been built in the distance, I was even more surprised. This kind of battle is only available in system cities.

On the other side, seeing the signal flare fired by the patrol boat, Pei Donglai immediately led the remaining four Mengchong fighting ships out of Beihai Harbor. Mengchong boats are narrow and long, with fast speed and strong maneuverability. They are specially used to attack enemy ships.

For the Mengchong battleship, the entire cabin and boards are covered with cowhide, which can be used for fire prevention. Several oar holes are opened on both sides for inserting oar boats and rowing for oarsmen. There are three layers of cabins above the deck, which are also wrapped in raw cowhide to prevent enemy fire. There are crossbow windows and spear holes on all sides of each cabin, which can be used to attack enemies from all directions.

Therefore, in less than twenty minutes, when Blackbeard was still hesitating, the four Mengchong battleships brought by Pei Donglai had joined the patrolling warships.

Seeing the superior sailing performance of the opponent's warship, coupled with the fact that the strength of the enemy and us has reversed, without knowing the strength of the opponent, Blackbeard is very cautious, but he can afford to let it go, and immediately ordered the pirate ship to turn around return flight.

Seeing that the other party was about to flee, Pei Donglai ordered the naval battalion to pursue it for a symbolic five kilometers, fired a few rounds of arrows, and then ordered the naval battalion to stop the pursuit and return immediately.

The reason why Pei Donglai did this was that the strength gap between the enemy and us was not that big, and it was difficult to form an overwhelming advantage. The two naval battalions have not experienced actual combat, and if they really want to get entangled, they may not be able to defeat these experienced pirates.

There is a saying in the art of war that poor pirates should not chase after them, let alone a group of pirates who have not lost their combat effectiveness at all.

After returning to Beihai Port, Pei Donglai immediately strengthened the sea patrol force, changing from one warship to two warships, and the five warships took turns to perform patrol tasks.

After arranging the defense, Pei Donglai wrote down what happened today into an official letter and sent it to the base camp, asking the lord to make a decision.

On May 12th, Ouyang Shuo received an urgent letter from Beihai Town's naval battalion.

After reading the official letter, Ouyang Shuo was thoughtful. There is no doubt that Beihai Town has been exposed to pirates. From then on, Beihai Town could no longer sit back and relax and develop with peace of mind.

In order to guard Beihai Town and ensure the safety of this strategic location. Ouyang Shuo wrote back to Pei Donglai, requesting the navy to immediately expand another navy battalion and formally form the North Sea Fleet. At the same time, Pei Donglai was required to find out the details of these pirates as soon as possible, and it was best to be able to detect their lair.

For pirates, only by wiping out their vital forces and completely destroying their base camp can they truly rest easy. Otherwise, who knows if they will pop up out of nowhere one day and make a surprise attack on you, then Beihai Town will develop with peace of mind.