The World Online

Chapter 128: The Battle of Zhuolu (2)


In Huangdi City, after experiencing a small disturbance, the registration point returned to calm.

Ouyang Shuo successfully reunited with Bai Hua, Mu Lanyue and Siege Lion. To his surprise, Feng Prison Huang also chose the Yellow Emperor's camp.

Based on the tacit understanding between the original Handan Six Hegemons, it is impossible for Feng Prison Huang to not know that Di Chen will choose the Yellow Emperor's camp. Just like Chun Shenjun and Zhanlang, they led the Spring and Autumn League and the Jagged League in a very tacit understanding, and collectively chose the Chiyou camp. It doesn't make sense to say that it is for the same camp as Ouyang Shuo. After all, Ouyang Shuo didn't tell Feng Prison Huang what camp he would choose.

Feng Prison Huang's title is the third-class earl, leading five hundred soldiers. After the registration was completed, she took the initiative to walk to Ouyang Shuo and the others, and said with a smile, "Why, Lord Wuyi, are you surprised by my little sister's choice?"

Ouyang Shuo nodded, and said bluntly: "That's right. I have to wonder if there is an inner ghost in our Shanhai League and tipped you off. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence."

"Ahem." The siege lion beside him choked on Ouyang Shuo's words. As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. In fact, it was the Siege Lion who told Feng Prison Huang about Ouyang Shuo's camp choice.

Ouyang Shuo looked suspiciously at the siege lion, and said in surprise, "Isn't it? I really got it wrong, siege lion, you traitor, you value sex over friends."

The siege lion smiled embarrassedly and said: "Ahem, brother Wuyi, this, haha, the weather is really nice today. Should we talk about more positive topics? The number of troops here far exceeds that of Dichen, isn't that a good thing?"

Mulanyue stood aside, and said teasingly: "You have obviously fallen into someone else's beauty trap, and you still feel good about yourself here. Brother Lion is so shameless."

The siege lion blushed, and said coyly: "I said Yueyue, I don't want to bury your brother like this."

"Okay, it's almost time. Let's meet up with the troops and leave the city early to find a suitable place to set up camp, otherwise we will have to sleep in the wilderness tonight." Ouyang Shuo didn't want to pursue this matter.

After gathering the troops, the team of 2,000 people walked out of the city in a mighty manner.

In addition to Bai Hua, Tsing Yi and Hong Ying also came to Lingxi Town this time. Among the four major female roles, only Violet stayed on the main map to guard her home. The 300-man troops that Bai Hua brought were all cavalry. And the historical figure of Lingxi Town finally appeared this time. He was Zhang Liao, one of the five sons of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.

Zhang Liao, courtesy name Wenyuan, was born in Mayi, Yanmen. A famous general of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. Once subordinate to Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo, and Lu Bu. After the battle of Xiapi, he surrendered to Cao Cao. After that, he fought with Cao Cao and made great achievements in battle. Together with Guan Yu, he defeated Baimawei, descended Changxi to the East China Sea, attacked Yuan Shang in Yecheng, led the vanguard to kill Wuhuan Shanyu Tadun on Bailang Mountain, and defeated Liu Yi, Huainan Meicheng, Chen Lan and others in Liaodong.

After the Battle of Ruxu, Cao Cao appointed Zhang Liao, Li Dian, Le Jin and others to guard Hefei. Zhang Liao repelled Sun Wu's attacks many times. In the 20th year of Jian'an's Battle of Xiaoyaojin, 7,000 people defeated 100,000 troops and almost captured Sun Quan alive. After this battle, Zhang Liao shocked Jiangdong and became famous. One of the famous generals of all ages.

After Cao Pi ascended the throne, he still ordered Zhang Liao to guard Sun Quan. In the second year of Huangchu, Zhang Liao stationed in Yongqiu and fell ill. During Zhang Liao's serious illness, Sun Quan was still very afraid of him. In the third year of Huangchu, Zhang Liao lived up to expectations and defeated Wu general Lu Fan when he was ill. In the same year, he died of illness in Jiangdu, posthumously named Ganghou, at the age of fifty-four.

In Luofeng Town, besides Phoenix Prisoner, there is also Qingluan among the core players. In Luofeng Town's 500-man army, in addition to 300 sword and shield soldiers, there are also 200 archers. The leader is a junior general Di Qiu.

As for Mulanyue and the siege lion, the siege lion led a hundred primitive sword and shield soldiers. On Mulanyue's side, Mu Guiying commanded a hundred archers.

Therefore, in an army of 2,000 men, there are altogether 500 cavalry, of which 50 are heavy cavalry; 1,500 infantry, of which 100 are heavy infantry; 600 sword and shield soldiers; Three hundred crossbowmen. In addition to the three historical generals Shi Wansui, Mu Guiying, and Zhang Liao, leading this army, there are also counselors like Ju Shou, and the lineup can be called luxurious.

Among the five territories, only Luofeng Town looks a bit shabby, with neither historical generals nor famous counselors. The reason is that, like Feng Prisonhuang, the representatives of big forces who skipped the village building task and directly obtained the silver-level village building token, while gaining an advantage, they also lost the qualification to get the summoning talisman. Therefore, Luofeng Town of Phoenix Prisoner Huang has not had a single historical talent so far.

In the original village building mission, the player who obtained the bronze-level village building token can only get a gold-level special talent reward. Players who have obtained black iron-level village building tokens have a 1% chance to receive king-level summoning charm rewards. As for the player who has obtained the silver-level village building token, a king-level summoning talisman will be rewarded 100%.

There are 10,000 places for village building tasks in China, about 1,000 people who failed the task, about 7,200 people who got bronze level village building tokens, 1,800 people who got black iron level village building tokens, and silver level village building tokens. Only five people. Therefore, through the task of building a village, there are only more than 20 people who have been rewarded with king-level summoning charms.

Mulanyue and Siege Lion both obtained black iron-level village building tokens, but they were both lucky to be rewarded with king-level summoning charms. As for Baihua and Xunlong Dianxue, they all obtained silver-level village building tokens. The other three silver-level village building tokens, if nothing else, should have been obtained by Xiong Ba, Piao Ling Huan, and て砆.

In the last territorial defense battle, among the top twelve territories in China, except Ouyang Shuo's Shanhai Village, which used gold-level village-building tokens, the other eleven territories were all silver-level village-building tokens. This is also currently known, all silver-level village building tokens in China. As for whether anyone has obtained a silver-level village building token through other means, it is not yet known.

Just as he walked out of the city gate, Ouyang Shuo heard an announcement.

"Battle Announcement: In this battle of Zhuolu, a total of 105 territories will participate, with a total force of 18,000. Among them, the Yellow Emperor camp has 40 territories with a total force of 8,000; the Chiyou camp has a total of 65 territories with a total force of 10,000."

Sure enough, more players chose the Chiyou camp for the rich rewards of reversing history. If Ouyang Shuo hadn't chosen the Yellow Emperor's camp, the gap in strength between the two sides would have been even greater.

What's more interesting is that the top twelve territories in China, with six on each side, are tied. On the side of the Yellow Emperor's camp, there are six people, Ouyang Shuo, Di Chen, Feng Qiuhuang, Sha Po Jun, Bai Hua and て Xing. On the other side of Chi You's camp, there are six people, Chun Shenjun, Feng Qingyang, Zhan Lang, Xiong Ba, Piao Ling Huan, and Xun Long Dian Acupuncture. Coincidentally, the original Handan six tyrants also happen to have three people on one side.

At first glance, the two sides seem to have reached a tie in terms of high-end combat power. In fact, the Yellow Emperor's camp has already split into two opposing factions, the Shanhai League and the Handan League. On the other hand, in Chi You's camp, the Spring and Autumn League headed by Chun Shenjun and the Jagged Alliance formed by Zhanlang have the possibility of cooperation.

Therefore, no matter in terms of the number of troops or the comparison of high-end combat power, the Yellow Emperor's camp has already lost first.

"Battle Announcement: Because the Yellow Emperor's camp is weaker than the Chiyou camp, according to the battle rules, the Yellow Emperor's camp automatically gains a 10% bonus to increase the defense of the troops."

As soon as the above announcement came out, the players in the Yellow Emperor camp breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the balance strategy of the system. Only when the forces are evenly matched can we fight. Otherwise, the gap between the two sides is too big, so there is no need to fight. In this way, in future battles, it is very likely that the camp will choose one side, which is something the system does not want to happen.

Generally speaking, the basis for system compensation is the difference in troop strength between the two sides. The gain effect may be to increase the defense power of the troops, or to increase the attack power or movement speed of the troops.

In addition, if the gap between the two parties is too large, there may be profit and loss effects. For example, let the dominant party weaken the defense, attack or movement speed of the troops.

"Battle Announcement: According to the rules of the battle, the person with the highest title in the camp will automatically be awarded the title of representative of the alien. The representative of the alien has the right to directly meet with the leader of the camp and attend the military discussions of the camp. If the title is equal, the meritorious value depends on how much."

"Battle Announcement: According to the test results of title and merit, the representative of the alien from the Huangdi camp is Qiyue Wuyi, a second-class earl. The representative of the alien from the Chiyou camp is Chun Shenjun, a third-class earl."

As soon as the announcement came out, the players were in an uproar. Although the title of Alien Representative cannot lead the player's army, the two rights he possesses are all coveted.

Meeting the leader of the faction directly means that the player can get in touch with the core figures of the faction, and it is easier to trigger the task of conquering historical figures.

In addition, you can also gain a sense of presence in front of the camp leader, and even offer advice and suggestions. The benefits of it all depend on how the player grasps and operates it, which cannot be described in words.

Listening to the faction's military discussion means that the player has entered the military core of the faction and can understand the combat deployment and combat plan of the faction. Such intelligence is very critical to the subsequent deployment arrangements of oneself and allies. Even, if the timing is right, they can also speak at the military conference and strive for more benefits.

It can be said that these two rights have included the core interests of the campaign system, how can it not be envied and envied. Players with a little brain understand at this moment that the alien representative of this camp, if nothing else, is the leader of the player team, and there is nothing wrong with following him.