The World Online

Chapter 129: The Battle of Zhuolu (3)


As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

Ouyang Shuo was judged to be a representative of the Yellow Emperor's camp, which is undoubtedly a great benefit for the Shanhai League. On the contrary, for the Handan League headed by Di Chen, it was like a bolt from the blue. The two factions, which were originally evenly matched, decided to judge in an instant.

At the registration point, some lord players, after seeing Feng Prison Huang joining the Shanhai League camp on behalf of Luofeng Town, have already started trying to contact Ouyang Shuo, wanting to join the Shanhai League camp.

As soon as the battle announcement came out, some lord players who hadn't dispersed became more eager. They didn't care whether Ouyang Shuo agreed or not, they directly led their troops and followed behind the large troops of the Shanhai League.

For these players, Ouyang Shuo didn't want to reject them all. To win this battle, it is impossible to rely solely on the strength of the Shanhai League. If you can unite the players in this faction by your side, it will undoubtedly increase your chances of winning.

Of course, things couldn't go as smoothly as he thought. First of all, the Handan League represented by Dichen will never cooperate with Ouyang Shuo. Besides, in the past half a year or so, apart from managing their own territory, Di Chen and the others also began to try to infiltrate other territories. Therefore, in the Yellow Emperor's camp, there are still some Dichen's best friends or interest alliances, and they will not easily join Ouyang Shuo.

Second, generally speaking, lord players are more conceited. Many of them are either the heirs of large and medium-sized forces, who in reality belong to the son-in-law group, and it is difficult to obey the leadership of others; or they are top professional players, whose achievements in the adventure mode have reached their peak, and they start to play territory management model, so there is no shortage of unruly people.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to unite all players of the same camp. Ouyang Shuo didn't dare to have such an extravagant hope. In his plan, if he could gather an army of 5,000 people, it would be considered a success.

Therefore, Ouyang Shuo did not refuse these players who took the initiative to show their favor. Of course, before finding out their details, Ouyang Shuo would not rashly allow them to join his camp.

Ouyang Shuo said that after we find a suitable place to set up a camp and settle down, we will discuss cooperation with everyone. Ever since, a group of people walked out of the Yellow Emperor City mightily. It is the first time that the wild scene is truly shown in front of the players, which cannot but be shocking.

Now is summer, the season with the most vigorous vitality in a year. In the endless wilderness, there are overgrown trees, thorns everywhere, and lush weeds. Those unknown weeds fully covered the knees of adults. A gust of monsoon blows, setting off waves of green. Among the grass fluctuating with the wind, all kinds of beasts screamed together, and there were countless tigers, leopards and wolves, which was extremely dangerous.

Seeing such a scene, Ouyang Shuo naturally did not dare to go far. He ordered Lin Yi to lead a cavalry squadron, and together with the secret agents of the Military Intelligence Department, look for a suitable place to set up camp near the Yellow Emperor City.

In ancient times, when marching and fighting, setting up camps was very particular, and it was not sloppy. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" has a saying: Every army likes to be high and hates to be low, Guiyang is cheap and Yin is low, and health care is practical, and the army is free from all diseases, so it is said that it will surely win.

That is to say, the general garrison always prefers dry highlands and avoids damp lowlands; pays attention to sunny places and avoids shady places; near water and grass areas, the supply of military supplies is sufficient, and the soldiers are free from all diseases. ensure.

In addition, try to avoid jungles or rivers. Considering that Chi You's camp was attacking from the southeast to the northwest, Ouyang Shuo deliberately explained that he should try his best to find a suitable location in the west of Huangdi City. In this way, it can not only avoid being used as cannon fodder in a frontal conflict, but also serve as the flank of Huangdi City and rush to the battlefield quickly.

An hour later, Lin Yi and his party turned back.

Lin Yi dismounted quickly and said: "My lord, we found a hillside to the west of Huangdi City. About five kilometers south of the hillside, there is a big river. The tributaries of the big river are very close to the hillside, so it is convenient to get water. The general thinks that this is the A suitable place to camp."

Ouyang Shuo nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Okay, everyone is here, let's go!"

After the team arrived at the campsite, they immediately started to get busy.

First, they had to cut or burn all these annoying weeds to create a large enough space. Second, get nearby woods, cut down trees, and build camps.

In order to ensure the safety of the garrison, a temporary wooden wall was built around the barracks. The production method is to cut two rows of trunks first, one row is long and the other row is short, burn the bottom of the trunks and bury half of them in the soil. The long trunks are arranged in a tight row outside, and the short trunks are arranged in a row inside. Wooden boards are placed between the two rows of tree trunks, which are divided into upper and lower layers, so that the part of the long tree trunks grows into a parapet. The upper layer of the wooden boards can allow soldiers to patrol and watch, and the lower layer can store defensive weapons and allow soldiers to rest.

When camping, a team of 50 people is used as a unit, and everyone's tents are facing each other. Drainage ditches must be dug around the tents and between the camps. Soldiers are strictly prohibited from running around between camps, and tents are not allowed to run around in the camp. Dig a public toilet in each camp area, far away from water sources and food storage places, and at the same time, a certain distance from the barracks, but not too far, so as not to prevent the officers and soldiers who use the toilet from returning to the team in time. In each camp area, there should be enough space for drills and military movements.

It was not until noon that the camp was cleared. While the troops were still cutting down trees and digging ditches, Ouyang Shuo asked Wang Feng to lead an infantry squad to follow him.

In the middle of the camp, Ouyang Shuo took out the camp tent that he had bought before, and asked the soldiers to help him set up the camp first, so that everyone could concentrate on discussing matters. Otherwise, there will be chaos everywhere, not in a good shape.

Compared with the marching tent, the camping tent is five times the size of it. It is a bit like the tooth tent of the nomadic tribe. It can accommodate twenty or thirty people. There is no problem at all, otherwise, it is not worthy of its expensive price.

After setting up the tent, Ouyang Shuo then took out the custom-made seats and benches from the carpentry workshop, and set up a simple command headquarters.

Seeing Ouyang Shuo continuously taking out items from the storage pouch as if by magic, and Mulan Yue following behind him like a curious baby, she opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "Ah, brother Wuyi, your storage bag Why is the pouch so big, it can hold so many things."

Ouyang Shuo explained with a smile: "My storage bag has been expanded to 1000 cubic meters, of course it's bigger." Ouyang Shuo didn't want to get entangled in this issue, so he said quickly: "Okay, the tent is also set up, let's go Call other people over and discuss together what to do next."

"En!" Mulanyue nodded cutely.

Among the camping tents, Ouyang Shuo sat in the middle. On the left and right sides are Phoenix, Baihua, Mulanyue and Siege Lion. Behind the four of them are their respective assistants.

"Now that we have settled down initially, what are your plans for the next step?" Ouyang Shuo asked.

Feng Prison Huang is so shrewd, among all of you present, she is the only one who does not belong to the Shanhai League. Presumably there has been a negotiation within the Shanhai League before, but Qiyue Wuyi actually asked about Luofeng Town's plans.

Feng Prisonhuang nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "What is the plan of Lord Wuyi, I can't help but say it directly. Since we have joined your camp in Luofeng Town, it means that we fully obey the arrangement of Lord Wuyi."

Ouyang Shuo nodded approvingly, and said, "Lord Phoenix Prisoner is really straightforward, so I'll just say it straight."

"Pfft!" The girl Mulanyue laughed suddenly, seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, she said a little embarrassedly: "I heard Brother Wuyi and Sister Fenghuang, it's funny that the lords come and go like this."

Feng Prison Huang suddenly realized, smiled and said to Ouyang Shuo: "That's true, let's get rid of these honorific titles. My little sister's real name is Feng Wu, Brother Wuyi, don't meet outsiders."

Ouyang Shuo nodded and continued: "For the convenience of command, my opinion is that the troops of our five families should be combined and commanded together. Specifically, the troops are divided into three groups: cavalry, sword and shield soldiers, and crossbow soldiers. I suggest that General Zhang Liao serve as the commander of the cavalry, Lin Yi and Hongying as the deputy generals, General Shi Wansui as the commander of the sword and shield soldiers, the siege lion and Wang Feng as the deputy generals, General Mu Guiying as the commander of the crossbowmen, Zhao Sihu and Di Qiu Serve as deputy general. Jushou serves as military adviser, Qingyi and Qingluan serve as deputies."

The reorganization plan proposed by Ouyang Shuo has taken care of every aspect. It not only ensures the core position of Shanhai Town, but also takes care of the interests of all allies. Of course, the premise of everything is still meritocracy.

As for the cavalry, they are mainly the troops of Shanhai Town and Lingxi Town. The arrangement of one master and two lieutenants ensures the smooth command of the troops, and the soldiers below are more acceptable.

In terms of sword and shield soldiers, Shi Wansui has absolute authority, and at the same time, he also takes care of the interests of the weaker siege lions, and arranges him as the deputy general to command a squadron of his own sword and shield soldiers.

The last is the crossbowmen. Originally, the five hundred crossbowmen in Shanhai Town were the absolute main force. But Ouyang Shuo took the initiative to give up the dominance of the crossbowmen and handed it over to Mu Guiying. Such an arrangement is precisely the full trust in this female general, she is indeed more suitable to be the main general than Zhao Sihu. Since the other two hundred archers were from Luofeng Town, Ouyang Shuo arranged for Di Qiu from Luofeng Town to be the deputy.

Here, it may be that Luofeng Town is at a disadvantage. There are 500 troops empty, but because of the lack of famous generals, they can only give up the dominance of the troops. This was also the reason why Ouyang Shuo hesitated before. He didn't reveal his reorganization plan until Feng Prisonhuang made a clear statement.