The World Online

Chapter 134: The Battle of Zhuolu (8)


Ouyang Shuo clicked on the battle contribution list, and saw that he was alone at the top of the list with 500 contribution points, followed by a series of blanks, waiting for other players to fill in.

The opening of the battle contribution list marks that the battle of Zhuolu has entered the fast lane.

At this moment, Di Chen was trying to follow suit and get on the line. When he heard the announcement of the battle, he said angrily, "Fuck, that guy is one step ahead again. Why is he so lucky every time?"

"It's just bad luck." Sha Pojun said from the side.

"Anyway, after this battle is over, I'll immediately apply to be promoted to a first-level county seat, and see how he keeps jumping around." Dichen said gloomyly. He obviously couldn't let go of what happened at the last auction.

"Could it be too hasty?" Fenghua Juedai said with a frown.

Di Chen shook his head and said, "I can't wait any longer. If I wait any longer, I think Shanhai Town will also apply for promotion. At that time, it will be too late to regret. This time, we must suppress Qi Yue Wu Yi's arrogance, or else , Is there any place for us to speak in this China region?"

Fenghua was peerless and silent. From her point of view, Dichen had been thrown into chaos by Qiri Wuyi recently, and he was like a demon. He couldn't listen to her advice at all. This was really not a good sign.

Ouyang Shuo walked out of the palace and found Bai Hua and the others who were still looking for missions in Huangdi City.

"Wuyi, have you received the mission?" Bai Hua asked.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "That's right. Just now, I received two missions, one is to send a letter to the Yandi tribe and one is to investigate the Chiyou tribe. Among them, the B-level side mission [Investigation] can be shared, and we can complete it together."

"That's great, we've wandered around the city without any clue." Bai Hua said with a smile.

Ouyang Shuo clicked on the mission panel and started mission sharing.

"System prompt: Please select the sharing object of the B-level side mission [Reconnaissance]. Friendly reminder: The sharing object cannot exceed five people."

"Baihua, Phoenix Prisoner, Mulanyue, and Siege Lion."

"System prompt: The number of people sharing is four. After completing the mission, the mission initiator will receive a 50% reward, and the four mission participants will each receive a 25% reward."

This is the benefit of task sharing. Although Ouyang Shuo's own reward is halved, the team's rewards add up to more. And if the task completion rate is high, there are additional rewards.

"This time the scouting mission will be led by Red Eagle and Siege Lion. I will arrange the scouting team to cooperate with a cavalry squadron." Ouyang Shuo said.

"Don't you go and see for yourself?" the siege lion said suspiciously.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "No, I'm relieved to have you and Hongying. Besides, I still have to deliver letters to Yandi tribe, so I'm too busy."

"Oh well."

After discussing the candidates for the mission, Ouyang Shuo left Bai Hua and Feng Prison Huang to continue searching for side missions in Huangdi City, and returned to the camp with the siege lion and Mulanyue.

After returning to the camp, Ouyang Shuo simply explained to Song San of the Military Intelligence Division and Sun Tengjiao, the captain of the Second Squadron of the Cavalry Battalion, and asked them to cooperate with the Red Eagle and the Siege Lion to complete the investigation mission.

As for Ouyang Shuo himself, he took Mulanyue and the First Squadron of the Cavalry Battalion to the Yandi Camp, the stronghold of the Yandi Tribe.

The Yandi Tribe is located to the west of Taihang Mountain, about ten kilometers away from Huangdi City. There is no road between the two places, the weeds are luxuriant, and the mountains are rugged, making it extremely difficult to travel. Ouyang Shuo and his party set off at 10:30 in the morning and did not arrive at Yandi Camp until 2:00 in the afternoon. Fortunately, along the way, they didn't meet any scouts from the Chiyou tribe.

The architectural style of Yandi Camp is very similar to that of Huangdi City. When Ouyang Shuo arrived at the gate of the city, the gate guard stopped them and scolded, "Who is here? Tell me your name."

Ouyang Shuo cupped his hands slightly on the horse's back, and said loudly, "I am the representative of Qiyue Wuyi. I am ordered by His Majesty the Yellow Emperor to deliver a letter to Emperor Yan. Please let me go."

The guard at the city gate did not relax, and said, "What evidence do you have?"

Ouyang Shuo immediately dismounted and handed over his identity token.

The guard took the token and glanced back and forth. He didn't know how he could distinguish the authenticity from the fake, so he nodded and said, "The token is correct, let's go into the city. However, the troops you brought can only be stationed outside the city. "

Ouyang Shuo nodded to express his understanding, this is already a practice, he was not surprised. Ouyang Shuo turned around and said to Li Mingliang, the squadron leader of the No. 1 Cavalry Squadron, "Captain Li, find a place nearby to set up camp. Based on the time we arrived, I'm afraid we won't be able to make it back today. We have to spend the night in Yandi Camp."


Ouyang Shuo led Mulanyue and Wang Feng into Yandi camp, following the guards.

Because it was a letter from the Yellow Emperor, the guards did not dare to neglect it, and directly took Ouyang Shuo and the three of them to the palace of Emperor Yan's camp to meet Emperor Yan.

Compared with the palace in Huangdicheng, the palace in Yandiying is more magnificent. For a long time, the Yandi tribe of Gain was the largest tribe in the Shennong clan. Even though it declined later and was defeated by the Huangdi tribe and the Chiyou tribe, the palace built before is still not comparable to the rising star of the Huangdi tribe. , retaining the last trace of dignity and glory of Yandi tribe.

After being notified by the guards, Emperor Yan received Ouyang Shuo, the messenger, in the main hall.

Emperor Yan, who was sitting on the throne in the main hall, was rather older, and looked to be in his forties or fifties. Compared with the Yellow Emperor, who was in his prime, he was already showing signs of aging. Yandi's tribe respected fire, so most of the tribe's people wore dark red sackcloth. As for how they dyed it, there was no way of knowing.

Compared with Huangdi, Yandi's face is extremely handsome, it's not difficult to imagine his demeanor when he was young, his hair is combed in an orderly manner, and even his beard is well groomed. Obviously, compared with Huangdi's slovenly appearance, Yandi paid more attention to his own image.

Emperor Yan's forehead is tied with a tie, wrapped with a pearl and jade chain, and in the middle is a slender piece of jade. Although the white hair can be clearly seen, and even the beard is starting to turn white, Emperor Yan still looks very energetic, especially those piercing eyes, which seem to be able to see through all the world. The former king still tried his best to maintain the majesty of Emperor Yan's tribe.

On the left side of the main hall, there is also a woman in her thirties sitting. She was wearing a black linen dress, with long hair over her shoulders, and a large string of white ornaments made of unknown materials hanging on her chest. On the top of the pendant, there is also a huge jade tablet.

The most conspicuous thing is the painted face of the woman. The paint is stroked with black and filled with white, which are located in the middle of the brow and chin respectively. The painting between the eyebrows looks like an arrow pointing downwards, divided into three sections. The painting on the chin looks like a ribbon, with five dots in the middle, four black dots up and down, and a red dot in the middle, which looks extremely mysterious.

Ouyang Shuo speculated that this woman should be a witch from Emperor Yan's tribe, second only to Emperor Yan.

"Would this stranger be called Wuyi (Mulanyue), and pay homage to His Majesty Emperor Yan." Ouyang Shuo and Mulanyue bowed and saluted.

"Exemption. The Yellow Emperor sent you here, what do you have to say?" Emperor Yan said gently.

Ouyang Shuo took out the letter and said respectfully: "The decisive battle is imminent. His Majesty the Yellow Emperor implores Emperor Yan to gather troops and rush to Huangdi City to join the army. This is a letter written by His Majesty the Yellow Emperor."

Ouyang Shuo handed the letter to the guard at the side.

Emperor Yan took the letter from the guard and opened it. After being silent for a long while, I just said, "I already know what the Yellow Emperor means. Tomorrow, I will lead my troops to join the Yellow Emperor City. You can go with the army."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In the ears of Ouyang Shuo and Mulanyue, the system notification sound of completing the task came.

"Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for completing the D-level side mission [delivering letters], the special reward is 200 points of merit and 400 points of battle contribution."

Because this task was taken by Ouyang Shuo and Mulan Yue together, it was not a shared task, so both of them got the same task reward. In this way, Mulanyue became the second player to be on the battle contribution list, making her belly laugh out loud.

At this moment, a seven or eight-year-old girl ran out from behind the main hall. She was younger than Xuanyuan Mei of the Yellow Emperor's tribe, but she was more beautiful and graceful. A pair of smart big eyes, matched with exquisite facial features, looks cute and lovely. She also wore a wreath on her head and a pair of little red shoes on her feet, making herself look beautiful.

"Girl, didn't you see that the father is receiving guests? Why are you so reckless?" Emperor Yan said pretending to be angry when he saw the little girl.

The little girl was not afraid of Emperor Yan at all, ran up to Emperor Yan, sat on his lap, grabbed Emperor Yan's beard, and said crisply: "Father, you don't even play with me."

Emperor Yan loved the youngest daughter very much, and said helplessly: "Didn't you see that the father is busy, can I play with you later, good girl."

The girl turned her head to look at Ouyang Shuo, and said angrily, "You are a bad person, you stole my royal father."

Ouyang Shuo would not be angry with this girl who left a strong mark in the myths and legends, that is, the legendary Jingwei in later generations. He took out a doll from his storage bag and said with a smile, "It's me. No, I offended the little princess. A small gift for Her Highness, I hope His Highness will not be angry."

When the girl saw the puppet in Ouyang Shuo's hand, her eyes were straightened. She had never seen such an exquisite toy before, and she immediately fell in love with it.

To Ouyang Shuo's surprise, the girl didn't run over to get the gift, but turned to look at Emperor Yan. Obviously, the girl's level of understanding far exceeds Xuanyuan Mei's.

Seeing her father nodding, the girl happily jumped off Emperor Yan, ran to Ouyang Shuo, took the doll that Ouyang Shuo handed over, and said crisply, "You are a good person, girl forgive you."

Ouyang Shuo smiled slightly, "As long as the princess likes it."