The World Online

Chapter 137: The Battle of Zhuolu (11)


When the army was on the march, the Yanhuang Tribal Alliance held a grand sacrifice ceremony.

The altar for offering sacrifices to heaven is located on the outskirts of Huangdi City, and is made of huge stone masonry. The altar is a square with a side length of 81 meters. It is divided into five floors, and the area decreases step by step. On the south side, there is only one step, with a total of 80 steps, leading to the fourth floor of the altar. On both sides of the steps, there are two cowhide drums.

The fourth floor of the altar is the place for the main sacrifice, with four huge torches standing at the four corners. In addition, on both sides of the steps to the south, there are also two cowhide drums.

The fifth floor of the altar is the most mysterious, five meters high, in the shape of eight trigrams and octagons, with stones picked out from the top of each corner, and a banner full of shamanism hanging down.

On the east and west sides of the altar, there are totem flags of various tribes, including tigers, leopards and wolves. On the left and right sides of the south, the flags of the Huangdi tribe and the Yandi tribe stand respectively. As for the player's lord's flag, only Ouyang Shuo, who is the representative of the alien, is qualified to set up the lord's flag of Shanhai Town on the east side.

After Ouyang Shuo set up the lord's flag, a system notification sound came from his ears.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi. The Shanhai Town lord's flag is blessed by the incense of the Yellow Emperor Tribe's altar offering sacrifices to the heavens, and derives the territory's characteristic - the protection of the gods (increases the defense of the territory by 10%)."

Ouyang Shuo was overjoyed, and immediately ordered Wang Feng who was standing beside him to remember to take back the lord's flag after offering sacrifices to the heavens, take it back to the territory, and hang it in the middle of the tower.

Around the altar, there is an empty field. The 50,000 troops of the Yellow Emperor's tribe lined up in the south of the altar. The 30,000 troops of Yandi tribe lined up to the west of the altar. The 40,000 coalition forces of small and medium-sized tribes lined up east of the altar. As for the alien troops of 8,000 people, they lined up north of the altar. Hundreds of thousands of troops densely surrounded the altar, which looked extremely spectacular.

The auspicious time has come, and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven has officially begun, and the shamans of the Yellow Emperor tribe will preside over the ceremony of offering sacrifices. After a whole set of procedures, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Immediately afterwards, the Yellow Emperor read out the call to action against the Chiyou tribe.

Finally, there is a grand dance festival. The wizard led the tribal women, dressed in make-up, dancing witch dances, singing witch songs, and chanting the curse of the forbidden bird. The soldiers around, in response to the rhythm of the witch song, danced the battle dance, which looked extremely spectacular. Let the players watching from the sidelines be shocked.

Whether it's a witch dance or a battle dance, it's all very simple, but it's just dancing your arms up and down repeatedly, and dancing left and right according to the beat. However, when you are really on the scene, you can feel the power of the wild, rough and mysterious; only then can you appreciate the wisdom of the ancient ancestors, simple and immortal.

"It was a worthwhile trip!" Bai Hua, who was at the side, sighed.

"That's right, even if you didn't get any rewards in the end, it's still worth it to experience the ancient ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven." Feng Prisonhuang echoed.

Ouyang Shuo was not as sentimental as these two beauties, and said with a smile, "That's enough? The more exciting things are yet to come."

Facing Ouyang Shuo's incomprehensible style, the two beauties gave him a hygienic eye very tacitly.

After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the Yellow Emperor mobilized an army of 120,000 soldiers and marched into the wild of Zhuolu, approaching Chiyou Village.

The 50,000-strong army of the Yellow Emperor's tribe was the central army, the 30,000-strong army of the Yandi tribe was on the left wing, and the 40,000-strong army of the small and medium-sized tribes was on the right wing. As for the alien troops of 8,000 people, they are located on the far right of the right wing.

The central army of the Yellow Emperor's tribe used bears, bears, wolves, leopards, eagles, dragons, owls, etc. as totems to drive fierce beasts to fight, which was the secret weapon of the Yellow Emperor's tribe.

As the representative of aliens, Ouyang Shuo has the right to arrange the formation of alien troops. He arranged the 2,000 people from the Shanhai League on the innermost side, the 3,000-man coalition army on the outside, and Di Chen's troops on the outside.

The innermost side looks dangerous, but it is beneficial to fight hand-to-hand with the soldiers of the Chiyou tribe and earn contribution points. On the contrary, the outermost troops had to fight each other face to face with the Alien Legion of Chi You's camp.

Although Di Chen gnashed Ouyang Shuo's teeth, he could only swallow his anger.

In ancient times, there were not many strategies in marching and fighting, and they basically went straight. The two warring parties agreed on a place, set up their formations, and with an order, the fighters of both sides rushed to the opposite side, fighting directly close to each other, without any fancy.

At most, it is to take advantage of climate change, such as heavy rain or drought. Like before, the Huangdi tribe used floods to destroy Chiyou City, which belongs to the advantage of using the terrain, and it is already a relatively high-end strategy.

Chi You Village is less than ten kilometers away from the Yellow Emperor City, and it was already known to Chi You when the troops of the various tribes gathered in the Yellow Emperor City. With such a big battle today, they couldn't escape the investigation of the Chiyou tribe.

With Chi You's temper, how could he bear such a provocation, he immediately gathered his troops and rushed out of Chi You's stronghold, intending to have a showdown with Emperor Yan and Huang.

More than 200,000 troops from both sides met unexpectedly in the field of Zhuolu, and the distance between them was less than one thousand meters. The queue stretched horizontally stretched for several miles, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

Standing on the chariot, Huang Di shouted to the opposite side: "Chi You, today is your death day."

Not to be outdone, Chi You shouted: "Huangdi, you have to use your tongue. Who is the overlord of the Central Plains depends on today's battle. You just wait to submit to me, and I will spare your life when the time comes."

The eighty-one brothers standing next to Chi You laughed together, mocking as much as possible.

Emperor Yan couldn't stand it anymore, looked at Huangdi, and said, "Huangdi, give an order."

Huang Di nodded, raised the sharp stone sword in his hand, swung it forward, and said loudly: "Kill!"


The soldiers on both sides roared and ran to the opposite side. With a short distance of one thousand meters, the two sides collided in less than two minutes. In an instant, flesh and blood were flying, and blood flowed like a river. If you look down from the air, you will find that the two torrents are strangling each other on a front that is several miles long, and they are inseparable.

Compared with simple and direct wars between tribes, battles between alien legions require much skill. The cavalry unit is the first to charge, followed by the sword and shield soldiers, and then the archers.

After the two sides took over, Ouyang Shuo kept an eye out. He ordered Zhang Liao to lead a 500-man cavalry unit to avoid the Alien Legion on the opposite side, directly insert into the Chiyou tribe diagonally opposite, and cooperate with the tribal coalition forces to launch a charge. Order Mu Guiying to rectify the archers and cover the charge of the cavalry.

As a result, Dichen led his allies and was inseparable from the opposite Xiongba and others, but Ouyang Shuo led his direct descendants to frantically earn contribution points. If it wasn't for killing the soldiers of the Alien Legion, they could still earn battle contribution points. Ouyang Shuo reckoned that Dichen would go crazy.

The well-equipped cavalry unit, under the double cover of archers and tribal coalition forces, unexpectedly tore a hole in the left flank of Chi You's camp. Especially the fifty heavy cavalry running in the front, they are simply beasts in the world, like an arrow, tearing the enemy in front of it to pieces. Lin Yi, who was leading the battle, was covered in blood, like a devil coming out of hell.

Although the warriors of the Chiyou tribe were known for their bravery, they had never seen such an army, and after a little resistance, they all became timid and did not dare to approach. In this way, the 500-man cavalry troop shuttled back and forth on the left flank of the 20,000-man Chi You tribe, as if entering a land of no one.

Seeing this good opportunity, the Yellow Emperor made a decisive decision and ordered Chang Xian to lead 5,000 people to reinforce the right wing, trying to crush the left wing of the Chiyou tribe in one fell swoop.

With Chang Xian's reinforcements, the cavalry led by Zhang Liao became even more handy. Compared with Lin Yi, Zhang Liao's strategic vision and tactical literacy are obviously better. He ordered the troops not to be greedy for merit and not to love fighting, with the main goal of defeating the enemy's large forces. As long as you see signs of the opponent's assembly, immediately break them up, and prevent the opponent from regrouping.

Seeing that Ouyang Shuo's troops were majestic on the battlefield. Di Chen and Chun Shenjun are not fools either. Although they can earn contribution points in the civil war of the Alien Legion, the loss ratio is too large, and the gains outweigh the losses. The two sides went so far as to strike out in a tacit understanding, each leading their own troops, rushing towards the opposing tribe's army, harvesting contribution points without interfering with each other.

Standing aside, Ouyang Shuo couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the strange behavior of the Alien Legion. Sure enough, none of the representatives of these great powers was a fuel-efficient lamp, and none of them could be easily controlled by him. I have the advantage this time, but I rely on my identity as a representative of a foreigner.

Chun Shenjun and Zhan Lang led the alien army, just in time to intercept Chang Xian's troops who came for reinforcements. For a while, the battlefield fell into a stalemate again.

Now that the Alien Legion had stopped fighting, Ouyang Shuo made a decisive decision and ordered the remaining Alien Legion to advance forward, cooperate with the previous cavalry unit, and strangle the Chi You tribe's left-wing army.

The entire battlefield is like a chess game, interlocking. Ouyang Shuo took the lead on the right wing, which eventually caused a chain reaction, and the Yellow Emperor's tribe began to gradually grasp the initiative on the battlefield.

The troops of both sides fought all day long, and did not stop until evening.

The originally green field has been stained red with blood. There are severed arms and limbs everywhere, broken knives, guns and axes, which are stuck everywhere. Against the backdrop of the setting sun, it looks even more tragic.

Bai Hua, Mu Lanyue and other women couldn't bear the bloody scene of the battlefield for a long time, and retreated to the rear early. Even Ouyang Shuo himself, although he had experienced bandit suppression several times before, was still a little uncomfortable seeing the scene in front of him.

When retreating, Dichen passed by Ouyang Shuo and said coldly, "Brother Wuyi, you're so calculating, I admire you so much."

Ouyang Shuo smiled slightly, and casually said, "Thank you, Brother Dichen, for your compliment. I will truthfully report Brother Dichen's achievements to the Yellow Emperor during the military meeting tonight."

Di Chen's expression froze, only to think of Ouyang Shuo's privileges, he snorted coldly, turned around and left without looking back.