The World Online

Chapter 140: The Battle of Zhuolu (14)


When the ministers were helpless in the thick fog, Ouyang Shuo stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have something that can break through the fog."

Huangdi's face brightened, "What is it? Present it quickly."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, took out the compass car from the storage bag, put it in front of the frame of the Yellow Emperor, and explained: "This thing is called the compass car. No matter where the car turns, the wooden man's hand always points to the south. When starting out, set the wooden You can walk through the fog if you show the direction of people.”

"Is this thing really so miraculous?" Huang Di hesitated.

Ouyang Shuo smiled confidently and said, "Your Majesty will know after a test."

Huangdi signaled to Fenghou who was standing aside, Fenghou understood, and stepped forward to try the guide car. Needless to say, the result is naturally fulfilled. So far, the compass car that Ouyang Shuo had been preparing since he entered the game finally came into use. It was really a long move.

Huang Di was also a courageous person. Once he was sure that the guide car was useful, he did not hesitate to reorganize the troops. Under the guidance of the guide car, people pulled people, lined up, and plunged into the fog.

On the way, Bai Hua and the others stared at Ouyang Shuo as if they were monsters. In the end, Bai Hua still couldn't help asking: "Wuyi, how did you know that the compass car will be used in this battle?"

Ouyang Shuo shook his head amusedly, knowing that they would ask questions, and said, "Actually, I'm not sure either. Ever since I found out that the first battle was the Zhuolu Battle, I checked the historical materials about it. You know , this battle has actually been mythologized. What is the truth of history can only be a relatively reasonable inference from some clues. In the description of this battle, I most What interests me is the compass cart invented by the Yellow Emperor."

"Obviously, at that time, the Yellow Emperor should not have been able to make a compass car. It should be the people of later generations who, after inventing the compass car, added this honor to Huangdi. There are many other things like this. At that time, I was in I think, since there is such a record in history, maybe the Yellow Emperor’s troops were trapped in the fog at that time. However, they should use other methods to break through the fog, such as using wild animals to lead the way. I was thinking, If a guide car can be manufactured and brought to the battle map, it might be able to receive miraculous effects. Sure enough, the fog still appeared. However, it was caused by the mountain fire, not the thick fog that Chi You opened his mouth in the myth. It's as simple as that, it's just a fluke."

Ouyang Shuo's words are of course nonsense, he just took advantage of his rebirth and made preparations in advance. However, it is impossible for him to tell everyone like this, he can only make up a white lie.

After listening to Ouyang Shuo's explanation, everyone admired Ouyang Shuo even more.

"Brother Wuyi is so powerful, everyone is a little bit adored." Hei Mulanyue said with a nympho, if Ouyang Shuo really believed her nonsense, he must have seen a ghost.

Bai Hua was also full of admiration, she gave a thumbs up to Ouyang Shuo, and said, "Wuyi is amazing. You can seize the opportunity just from some clues in history. I see, your sensitivity is comparable to that of Xunlong's acupuncture points." Compared with that task madman, he is not far behind."

Ouyang Shuo didn't want to get entangled in this aspect, so he said, "Okay, everyone, stop complimenting me, and focus on your journey. In my opinion, there is still a big battle waiting for us through the fog."


As Ouyang Shuo said, when the Yanhuang Allied Forces, under the guidance of the compass car, passed through the thick fog, they saw that not far ahead, Chi You's troops were resting in place.

Even after beating Chi You to death, he did not believe that the Yellow Emperor's army could pass through the fog so easily. Therefore, they rest assured in place. Chi You was still thinking that after the troops had rested, they would return to the carbine and catch Huang Di by surprise. Unexpectedly, the other party miraculously passed through the fog. This was a huge blow to Chi You, and his morale was greatly reduced for a while.

On the contrary, after the Yan-Huang Allied Forces passed through the fog, they were more convinced of the Yellow Emperor and respected him like a god. They didn't know that the compass car was donated by Ouyang Shuo, and they thought it was the Yellow Emperor showing his might.

Under the ebb and flow, the superior and the inferior will make a judgment.

Huang Di made up his mind not to leave any chance for Chi You, and directly ordered the troops to kill Chi You's troops. The great war started again, this battle was fought in a dark world, the sun and the moon were dark, and blood flowed like rivers.

Chi You's troops retreated while resisting, hoping to get rid of the fate of being chased again. The Yanhuang Allied Forces were chasing after him, and they were about to wipe out the opponent before giving up.

A chasing battle lasted for a whole day, and the two sides did not stop fighting until night fell. So far, Chi You's tribe has less than 50,000 people. On the other hand, the Yanhuang coalition forces still have more than 100,000 people, and the gap between the two sides has further widened. As for the Alien Legion, the opponent also suffered heavy losses. Some lord players, because they feel sorry for their troops, have already taken their troops and fled from the side. Anyway, the Yellow Emperor's target was Chi You, and he only chased after the fleeing Alien Legion symbolically, and stopped there.

Affected by this, more and more alien troops sneaked away in the dark. In the end, only the troops of the Spring and Autumn League and the Jagged League were left. The combined number of the two teams was less than 4,000. The reason why they stayed was because they wanted to continue to make money in battle contribution points and keep the top ten positions in the battle contribution list. The second thing is that they have other thoughts. As the saying goes, a crisis is an opportunity. Maybe at the last moment, Chi You will issue some special tasks to them. Therefore, neither Chunshen Jun nor Zhan Lang are willing to leave just like that.

On the plain of Zhuolu in the dark night, no one dares to march. Not to mention the question of whether it can be seen or not, the various ferocious beasts that come out to look for food in the dark are enough to make people frightened.

Therefore, in the wild wilderness, you must form a group at night, light a bonfire, and arrange a special person to watch the night, so that you can feel at ease, otherwise, you will be looking for a dead end.

Even so, Huang Di did not relax his surveillance of Chi You's tribe. Once the opponent makes a change, no matter what, they must attack immediately.

Fortunately, Chi You didn't get overwhelmed, and the two sides spent a difficult night.

In view of the current situation, players like Ouyang Shuo didn't go offline at all, and just rested in the tent overnight. Otherwise, if you don't get the time to go online, it will be a real tragedy.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, Chi You's tribe on the opposite side began to pull out their camp.

When the Yellow Emperor got the news, he immediately ordered the army to move out of the camp. Both sides are aware of the situation in front of them, and they are both racing against time, and there is no room for any mistakes. Last night, all the soldiers were sleeping in their clothes, and all their luggage was packed and placed beside them to ensure that they were ready to leave at any time.

When the sun had just risen from the horizon, in the vast Zhuolu Plain, a chasing battle related to the survival of the tribe had already been staged again.

The orange-red sunlight cannot bring any warmth to the soldiers of Chi You's tribe. Like onions, they were sliced off layer by layer by the Yanhuang Allied Forces chasing after them. What flows in the hearts of the soldiers of the Chi You tribe is a cold despair.

At this time, even Lord Chunshen couldn't bear the casualties of his troops. After discussing with Xiongba, he decisively led three thousand allied troops, left the battlefield from the side, and withdrew from the competition this time. Now the Alien Legion remaining by Chi You's side is only less than a thousand troops from the Jagged Alliance. Wolf Warrior is a soldier, and he is absolutely not allowed to be a deserter.

It's a pity that not everyone has the sense of honor of a soldier like Wolf Warrior. What's more, the other members of the Jagged Alliance are not military forces. At first, they respected the choice of the leader of the war wolf. In the afternoon, when the battle situation became more and more unfavorable, these allies finally couldn't bear it, and abandoned the wolf war one after another. In the end, only 300 direct line troops from Chixue Town remained.

This chase, which was destined to be recorded in the annals of history, lasted for four full days, and both sides were running out of ammunition and food. The Chi You tribe went all the way south, even when they passed Chi You Village, they didn't dare to make any stops, and fled resolutely towards the base camp of the Jiuli tribe in the south.

On this day, Chi You fled to the Valley of Ji Li. Further south is the Hutuo River. The Hutuo River originates from the territory of the Yandi Tribe, meets another tributary, the Fuyang River, and flows into the Bohai Sea. The base camp of the Jiuli tribe is still south of the Fuyang River.

Chi You knew very well that the Yellow Emperor would not allow himself the opportunity to cross the Hutuo River. If they continue to escape like this, they are doomed to be wiped out. As the leader of the Jiuli tribe, he has the responsibility to leave fire for the tribe.

That night, Chi You gathered the dozen or so surviving brothers together, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the Yellow Emperor is determined to kill me. I can't be so selfish and take everyone to a dead end. For the sake of the tribe To reproduce, I decided to fight to the death with the Yellow Emperor in this valley of fierce Li. You are all brothers of my Chiyou, and I cannot let Jiuli's bloodline be cut off. Therefore, I will choose four people, lead some elites, and take advantage of the darkness , leave the valley, cross the Hutuo River, and then cross the Fuyang River, all the way south, and take our clansmen and escape to the deep mountains. Which of you is willing to take on this important task?"

"Big Brother, I won't go, I want to fight side by side with Big Brother."

"I'm not going either."

"If you don't go, even if you die, you will die with Big Brother."

None of Chi You's brothers were cowards, and none of them were willing to retreat first. Chi You was moved and helpless, but in the end he appointed four more flexible brothers and forced them to retreat.

After finalizing the candidates, Chi You sent someone to find Wolf Warrior, and issued him an A-level side mission, asking him to escort these elites and escape from the Valley of Fierce Li.

Zhan Lang was surprised and delighted, his persistence finally paid off. You know, the basic rewards for A-level side missions are 500 merit points and 3200 battle contribution points. This trip is really not a loss.