The World Online

Chapter 141: The Battle of Zhuolu (15)


When the sun rose from the horizon again, Chi You's tribe, who had been fleeing in embarrassment, did not escape this time, but chose to stay in the valley.

Standing beside the frame of the Yellow Emperor, Ouyang Shuo looked at the Valley of Fierce Li in front of him, feeling inexplicable. Historically, Chi You was killed in the Valley of Fierce Li. It seems that this arduous pursuit is finally coming to an end.

"Feng Qing, Chi You didn't retreat this time, but defended instead. Is there any fraud in this?" At the critical moment, Huang Di still trusted his prime minister, Feng Hou.

Feng Hou shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, further south is the Hutuo River. I think Chi You must have guessed that there is no way to cross the Hutuo River under our noses, so he thought of fighting us to the death in the valley." As expected of the Empress Feng, she guessed Chi You's thoughts accurately.

Huang Di was overjoyed, "Okay, Chi You is seeking his own death." No wonder Huang Di was so excited, because the army was running out of food, if he continued to chase, his army would collapse without waiting for Chi You's troops to surrender. Fortunately, with God's blessing, a Hutuo River cut off Chiyou's last lifeline.

"Order the whole army to bury the pot and cook food. After they are full, launch a general attack. Take the Valley of Vicious Li and kill Chi You in one fell swoop." Huang Di said excitedly.


In this decisive battle, there is no suspense. The difference in the number of troops between the two sides is too great. The coalition forces of the Yanhuang tribes have fought so far, and there are still more than 80,000 people left. In addition, there are more than 4,000 people from the Alien Legion. As for the Chi You tribe, there are less than 8,000 people, and as for the Alien Legion, there is none.

Ouyang Shuo didn't know whether the choice of Xunlong acupuncture point was right or not. Before the battle, Xunlong Dianxue relied on the advantages of Junliang Pills to give full play to his nature as a mission madman, sweeping all the branch missions of the Chiyou camp, and won 7,500 contribution points in one fell swoop. After the battle, the 200-man troops brought by Xunlong Dianxue retreated from the battlefield early without causing any disturbance.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Yanhuang Allied Forces formally launched an attack on the Valley of Fierce Li.

The Valley of Fierce Li is like a big bag, narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. The narrow valley mouth cannot deploy troops in a large area. Therefore, the Yanhuang Allied Forces had a large number of troops in the sky, and due to the terrain constraints, they had to arrange for troops to attack wave after wave.

In order to buy enough time for the seed troops to retreat in advance, Chi You arranged all 8,000 people at the mouth of the valley, leaving no retreat for himself. At the same time, in order to boost morale, Chi You went into battle in person.

In this way, what was originally a decisive battle in the wild has turned into a tough battle.

The Yanhuang Allied Forces had an absolute numerical advantage and adopted a strategy of attacking in batches and alternately. After the wind, the coalition forces were divided into eight 10,000-man teams. Except for one 10,000-man team left as a reserve, the remaining 70,000-man teams took turns to attack. After the last 10,000 team was exhausted, it was replaced immediately and replaced with a 10,000 team. The 10,000-person team that has been withdrawn will go up again after a full rest, and the cycle repeats.

On the other hand, the Chi You tribe was not so lucky. They had to endure long battles. However, the Chi You Department is not without advantages. All the soldiers are determined to die, and their will to resist is extremely firm. The second is that when the strength of the two sides is equal, both the morale and the level of weapons are stronger than the attacking troops. As a result, Chi You's tribe actually held on tenaciously.

After being unable to attack for a long time, the Yellow Emperor became a little anxious. If this trend continues, even if the Chi You tribe can be eliminated in the end, the casualties will be heavy on his own side, which the Yellow Emperor does not want to see.

Huang Di looked around and said in a deep voice: "For the situation in front of you, do you have a good plan?"

Ouyang Shuo's heart moved, he bowed to the Yellow Emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, the Alien Legion invites you to fight!"

The Yellow Emperor's eyes narrowed, "Is it said that there are no clothes, and there are no jokes in the army. Are you sure?"

"As long as Your Majesty agrees to two conditions, I promise to take down Chi You's remnants in one fell swoop. If I fail, I am willing to accept military punishment." Ouyang Shuo was also unequivocal.

The Yellow Emperor cheered up, finally believed a little bit, and said loudly: "Okay. Tell me, what conditions, as long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you."

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "Your Majesty, you also know that the alien legions are not subordinate to each other, and it is difficult to command them in a unified way. Therefore, my first condition is that I hope that your majesty will issue a campaign mission, so that all the aliens will send their own All the troops under my unified command."

"Okay, I promise you." Huangdi didn't hesitate.

As soon as he finished speaking, a system notification sounded in Ouyang Shuo's ear.

"Battle Announcement: The Yellow Emperor issued a campaign mission [Decisive Battle]. Mission requirements: Players in the Huangdi camp agree to hand over their troops to the representative of the other people, Qiyue Wuyi, for unified command. Mission rewards: 2N points of merit, 4N points of battle contribution points, where N is the number of troops surrendered by the player."

Taking the lowest 100 people as the calculation, the task reward alone is 200 merit points and 800 contribution points. In addition, the contribution points obtained by these troops on the battlefield are also included in the names of their respective lords. No player could resist this kind of naked temptation. Even Di Chen couldn't bear to give up these mission rewards, he gritted his teeth and accepted the mission, and obediently handed over his troop command.

Ouyang Shuo went on to say: "Your Majesty, relying on a 4,000-strong alien army is indeed a little weak. Therefore, my second condition is like hoping that Your Majesty can arrange for two generals, Li Mu and Chang Xian, to lead 5,000 soldiers." The elite, cooperate with the Alien Legion, and launch an attack together."

After hearing Ouyang Shuo's conditions, the Yellow Emperor was more confident in Ouyang Shuo's plan, nodded and said, "Okay, it seems that you are really not crazy, I promise you."

"Thank you for your trust." Ouyang Shuo knew very well that as long as he wins this battle, it will be enough to establish his absolute advantage. This battle of Zhuolu is already in his pocket.

Ouyang Shuo turned around and returned to the Alien Legion, summoned Bai Hua and others, and began to assign tasks.

"It is difficult for the cavalry to perform well in this tough battle. Therefore, the main force should be sword and shield soldiers and archers. I suggest that General Shi Wansui be the main general and General Mu Guiying be the deputy general. What do you think?"

Bai Hua and the others were more and more convinced of Ouyang Shuo, so they naturally obeyed.

After obtaining the consent of his allies, Ouyang Shuo began to arrange for the reorganization of the Alien Legion. In his plan, it is necessary to ensure the absolute command of Shi Wansui and Mu Guiying. Therefore, not only Ouyang Shuo himself will not play, but other generals will also not be considered.

Fortunately, most of the remaining alien troops are allies of the Shanhai League. Di Chen's Handan League had only 500 people left, and suffered the heaviest loss. As for the casual players, there are only two hundred players left. The remaining 3,300 people are all the Allied Forces of Mountain and Sea.

Among the 3,300 people, there are 1,600 left in the 2,000-member core force of the Shanhai League. With more than half of the casualties of the Alien Legion, it is extremely rare for the Shanhai League to maintain a one-fifth casualty rate. Among the 400 people who died in battle, they were mainly sword and shield soldiers and cavalry. As for the crossbowmen, they were almost unscathed.

According to the final statistics, there are 4,000 Alien Legion, 2,000 sword and shield soldiers, 1,500 crossbowmen, and 500 cavalry. The cavalry unit experienced two assaults before and after, and suffered extremely heavy losses. In this tough battle, Ouyang Shuo directly excluded them.

After the reorganization of the Alien Legion was completed, Li Mu and Chang Xian had already selected troops, leading 2,500 people each. Under Ju Shou's suggestion, 2,000 sword and shield soldiers acted as the front army and were arranged at the forefront of the Chinese army, acting as the magic needle of Dinghai to confront Chi You head-on. 1,500 archers and crossbowmen acted as the rear army, arranged behind the sword and shield soldiers to provide fire support. Li Mu's troops were deployed on the right flank. Chang Xian's troops were deployed on the left flank.

After the arrangements were made, and when a team of 10,000 people was withdrawn as usual, Ouyang Shuo didn't intend to give Chi You's troops a chance to breathe, and directly pushed up the final trump card.

Before leaving, Ouyang Shuo found Shi Wansui alone, and had a secret conversation with him for a few minutes. Even Bai Hua and the others didn't know the content of the conversation.

The final decisive battle has finally arrived.

Chi You's troops, who were exhausted, trembled when they saw the sword and shield soldiers standing in the front. The well-equipped sword and shield troops made up for the gap in strength and morale. Especially the few squadrons at the forefront, this time Ouyang Shuo spared no expense to push the three infantry squadrons in Shanhai Town to the forefront of the team. The elite mountain barbarian fighters did not lose the slightest bit in the face of the fighters of the Jiuli tribe.

As for Chi You himself, he was taken over by Shi Wansui, which can be called trump card versus trump card.

Seeing Ouyang Shuo's formation, the other players couldn't say anything out of line. Ouyang Shuo knew very well that if he wanted to win the respect of the players, he had to stand up at critical moments and learn to suffer losses.

The crossbowmen troops in the rear were the first to attack.

Under Mu Guiying's wonderful and precise command, the 1,500 crossbowmen let Chi You's tribe see the great power of the strong bow and hard crossbow from later generations, the super long range, super penetrating power, The defenseless Chi You tribe, like wheat, was harvested row by row.

The sword and shield troops led by Shi Wansui were firmly resisting the front, unable to advance an inch. The left and right wings were stopped by two generals, Li Mu and Chang Xian, leading elite troops. The helpless Chi You could only watch helplessly as his sons and daughters fell under the strong bows and crossbows of strangers. The unwilling Jiuli warrior, before falling down, looked at the arrow stuck in his chest, his eyes were full of confusion.

Even Emperor Yan and Huang, who were standing in the distance, couldn't help trembling after seeing the power of the Alien Legion. Huang Di sighed in his heart, he still underestimated these strange people before. Fortunately, they don't belong to this world, otherwise, it's really hard to say who they respect.