The World Online

Chapter 148: turnaround


The Military Affairs Administration's military expansion proposal was rejected, and the meeting fell into a deadlock.

Ouyang Shuo broke the deadlock and said, "Since the army is limited, we can only start from other aspects. In any case, we are the side defending the city, and we have a geographical advantage. The most important thing right now is to strengthen the preparations for defending the city. Oil, logs, and boulders are all necessary."

Ouyang Shuo turned his head to look at Tian Wenjing, and said, "The Material Reserve Department needs to contact the quarry and the lumber mill, and ask them to put down their work in the next two days and concentrate on preparing a batch of rolling logs and boulders to be transported to the city wall. "

Tian Wenjing nodded, expressing his understanding. In fact, when the city wall of Shanhai Town was completed, the Material Reserve Department had already established a special warehouse near the city wall to store rolling logs and boulders.

Shi Wansui heard the lord mentioned fierce fire oil, and asked: "Are you going to arrange a fierce fire oil array again?"

During the monster siege battle three months ago, it was the fierce fire oil array arranged by the fierce fire oil that played the decisive role, so Shi Wansui was so impressed.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "The fierce fire oil array is too rigid. It's okay to deal with clumsy beasts, but it's totally useless to deal with cunning bandits. The fierce fire oil array is too conspicuous, and it can't be hidden from the bandits at all." Eyes, they won't be fooled, we don't even have a chance to ignite the fuel oil array. Even if a blind cat encounters a dead mouse and hides it, once the oil array is lit, the rogues can retreat calmly until the oil is burned out After that, attack again, they are not those single-minded beasts."

"Then, what does your lord mean?" Shi Wansui asked in confusion.

Ouyang Shuo didn't take it too seriously, and said with a smile: "To use fierce oil, there is a more flexible way to use the fierce oil array, and that is the fierce oil tank."

"Fire oil tank?"

"Not bad." Ouyang Shuo explained to everyone the principle and function of the fierce fire oil tank.

The fierce fire oil tank is the earliest fire-breathing device in ancient China. It uses fierce fire oil as fuel, and uses cooked copper as the cabinet. There are 4 feet on the bottom and 4 copper tubes on the top. The front of the pump is equipped with a "fire building", which contains gunpowder.

When launching, ignite the primer in the "fire building" with a red-hot burning cone, and then pull the pump vigorously to compress the air into the oil tank, so that when the fierce fire hole is ejected through the "fire building", it will ignite when heated and become a raging flame. , used to burn the enemy and incinerate war equipment.

In addition, there is also a small flamethrower used for city defense and water warfare. Copper gourds are used instead of oil tanks to facilitate portability and movement.

Fan Zhongyan, who was born in the Northern Song Dynasty, had a deep understanding of fierce fire oil tanks, and said worriedly: "My lord's idea seems to be good. However, one is too late in time, and the other is that we don't have gunpowder to ignite the fire. I'm afraid it won't work."

Ouyang Shuo nodded approvingly, and said: "Mr. is very reasonable. I don't expect to manufacture many units. After the meeting, I will go to the market to purchase the "Manufacturing Technical Manual for Fierce Oil Tanks". Before the attack, two were produced. This kind of big killer is mainly used to deal with the siege equipment of the bandits, and two are enough. As for the problem of gunpowder, I think whether it is Ge Daochang of Qingyang Temple, Or Magnus in the alchemy workshop, there are solutions. All we need is a little primer, and the dosage is very small, and they must have stock."

Suddenly, Fan Zhongyan said with a smile: "Your Excellency is thoughtful, and my subordinates admire you."

To solve the matter of defending the city, Ouyang Shuo began to discuss with everyone the issue of logistics support.

This time the rogues attacked the city, and of course they aimed at the base camp. The main attack direction of the rogue bandits will also be west and north. Especially after the moat was built in the north, Ouyang Shuo predicted that the main attack direction of the rogue bandits would be the west. On the west side of Shanhai Town, there are many settlements. Before the war comes, all the residents of the settlements must be moved back to the city to live temporarily to ensure their safety.

Ouyang Shuo handed over this big project to the Administration Department.

In addition to immigration, the establishment of civilian teams and medical teams is also urgent. The monster siege last time was nothing compared to this rogue siege. The civilian husband team and the medical team must be formed in advance, conduct proper training, and go to the city wall for adaptive training, which must not be sloppy.

Ouyang Shuo handed over this large project to the Material Reserve Department.

After the arrangements were made, Ouyang Shuo announced the end of the meeting. As for the specific tactical arrangements, it is not suitable for discussion at the military and political meeting, and a special military meeting needs to be held.

After the meeting, Ouyang Shuo called Yingyou to his office and asked her to contact Beihai Town to sell the sea salt in the first half of May in advance, so as to obtain a sum of money for the transfer of soldiers.

After opening the alliance channel, only 140 gold coins were left from the 4,000 gold coins delivered at the Wolf Mountain Mine last time.

Fortunately, since the establishment of the Audit Department, the sea salt from the Beimu Salt Field no longer needs to be transported to the base camp for sale. It can be sold directly at the market in Beihai Town under the supervision of the Audit Department. By tomorrow afternoon at the latest, the base camp will receive funds from the Beimu Saltworks.

After seeing Yingyou off, while there was still some time, Ouyang Shuo went to the high-end market and spent 20 gold coins to buy a copy of "Manufacturing Technical Manual of Fierce Fire Oil Tank".

Then spend another 20 gold coins to purchase a batch of fierce fire oil.

Back at the Lord's Mansion, it was already six o'clock in the evening. Ouyang Shuo handed over the "Manufacturing Technical Manual of Fuel Oil Tank" to the clerk, Bai Nanpu, and asked him to send it to the weapon workshop overnight, and ordered Xu Kun, the chief officer of the weapon workshop, to study it overnight and strive to start manufacturing tomorrow.

After the confession, Ouyang Shuo went back to the backyard and went offline to rest.

After going online the next day, Ouyang Shuo has been restless.

Because today is the time for the town of Bangalore in India to undergo a system test. Lord players around the world are silently paying attention to the world announcement.

At this time, the most nervous person is not Ouyang Shuo, but Jack Dawson from the American district. His Liberty Town will be tested by the system tomorrow. Once Bangalore Town advances successfully, then Jack Dawson will be nothing.

Ouyang Shuo suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and on the surface he still sat and guarded the lord's mansion with a calm face.

The war machine in Shanhai Town has already started to run at full capacity.

Countless rolling logs and boulders were continuously transported from the lumber field and quarry outside the city to the city through wooden oxen and horses. Then, with the help of the civilian team, they were transported to the city wall one by one.

The two infantry battalions of the camp in the west of the city have left the camp and officially entered the city. Under the guidance of the city defense battalion, he became familiar with the various defensive facilities of the city wall. As for the cavalry battalion and the city defense battalion of Shuishui Town, they will not move in until tomorrow, so as to minimize the risk of defense in the subsidiary territories.

The five Mengchong warships of the first battalion of the North Sea Fleet have already entered the canyon and temporarily docked at the pier of Shanhai Town. Taking advantage of this time, the combat readiness department transported bundles of arrows to the warship.

Likewise, bundles of arrows were carried over the walls.

Two bed crossbows with three bows and eight cows have been installed on both sides of the west tower, and four ordinary bed crossbows are installed on both sides of the north tower. The soldiers of Shenji Battalion, under the leadership of Yingzheng Wang Yuanfeng, began to correct and shoot each bed crossbow one by one.

Shanhai Town has issued a martial law order. All personnel entering and exiting the city must go through strict inspections to prevent rogues from infiltrating in advance. Tomorrow, after all the residents of the settlements have moved into the city, a curfew will be implemented in an all-round way. The entire city is only allowed to enter and not to exit.

Under the leadership of Director Li Tie, the Public Security Department stepped up patrols in the city and strictly investigated all crimes.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, there was no system announcement. Ouyang Shuo couldn't bear the tense atmosphere anymore, and after a hasty confession, he went offline early.

After logging out, Ouyang Shuo didn't leave the room, he directly turned on the optical computer and logged into the game forum.

Sure enough, the forums in India were very lively, with all kinds of gossip flying all over the place.

"The success of Bangalore Town is imminent, and the number one county in the world is beckoning to Diwala!!!"

"Bangalore Town failed to defend, and completely withdrew from the competition for the number one county in the world!!!"

"Travelers are like a tide, Diwara admits that he is not prepared enough!!!"

"The last wave of attacks, whether Bangalore Town can defend successfully, will soon see the outcome!!!!"

"The rogues are too cunning to use authentic tactics to successfully break through the defense line of Bangalore town!!!"

The news on the forum is contradictory, and I don't know which one is true and which one is false. It seems that it is impossible to know the truth of the matter until the last moment.

At this time, Ouyang Shuo calmed down. He no longer paid any attention to these gossips, but began to practice the "Huang Di Nei Jing" in his room.

After two days of training, Ouyang Shuo's dantian already had eight strands of golden internal energy. After going online yesterday, Ouyang Shuo has confirmed that a trace of golden internal energy represents a little internal energy in the game.

Now he can practice once a day, and run four circulatory cycles each time, producing four strands of golden internal force. In other words, under normal circumstances, it would take him twenty-five days to reach the full 100-point internal energy value on the first floor. It can be seen that the difficulty of cultivating imperial-level exercises is average, but you must know that this is only the first level.

Two hours later, Ouyang Shuo finished his work.

At this time, regardless of whether Bangalore Town is successful or not, there should be definite news.

Ouyang Shuo logged on to the forum again, and the headline on the home page of the India section was a huge red headline: Bangalore town fell short, and Diwara dreamed of becoming number one in the world.

Ouyang Shuo breathed a sigh of relief, Shanhai Town finally ushered in a turning point, now the only obstacle standing in front of Shanhai Town is Liberty Town which will be tested tomorrow.