The World Online

Chapter 15: apprentice


When Ouyang Shuo and his party passed through the village entrance, the villagers looked curiously at the little piglets in the cage.

These little piglets are only half a month old, with brownish-yellow hair and black stripes on their backs, they are really cute. While on the road, he checked the properties of these piggies.

[Mutated little wild boar cubs]: The cubs born of the wild boar king and the mutated wild boar mother have strong adaptability, delicious meat, and a three-month growth cycle.

Before he came back, Zhao Dewang had arranged for someone to build the pigsty. The pigsty is built behind the cafeteria, which is also convenient for feeding.

The pigsty is divided into an inner nest room and an outer nest room. The nest room is a place for wild boars to eat and sleep, with a length of 3.5 meters and a width of 2.5 meters. The outer nest room is a place for exercising, sunbathing, and drinking water. A drinking trough is provided, and the area is 1.5 times that of the nest type. Most of the inside and outside nests are paved with hay, which is easy to keep the pens dry and clean.

When Ouyang Shuo rushed to the pigsty with the militia carrying the pig cages, Cui Yingyou and Zhao Dewang were already waiting there. Behind the two of them stood a middle-aged man in his thirties, with an honest and reserved face. According to Yingyou's introduction, the man's name was Zhu Baocai, and he was a well-known expert in raising pigs in his original village. This time, he was selected by Cui Yingyou to be responsible for the domestication of wild boars.

Ouyang Shuo trusted Yingyou's gaze, and directly handed the "Wild Boar Domestication Technical Manual" to Zhu Baocai, and said in a gentle voice, "Master Zhu, I will leave the job of wild boar domestication to you. I hope you Work hard to breed excellent wild boar breeds for the territory. Wild boar breeding is a core industry in the territory. At the right time, we must expand the scale of breeding and establish a wild boar farm. I hope that the first farm director, You, Master Zhu, can be in charge."

Seeing how easy-going the lord is, Zhu Baocai was no longer as cautious as before. When he talked about his best pig raising technology, he seemed more confident, and said solemnly: "Please don't worry, my lord. Don't talk about anything else, it's about pig raising technology." , I still have some experience. Seeing that these little piglets are so strong and healthy, they are obviously good breeds, so I am more confident."

After explaining the matter of raising pigs and greeting Yingyou, Ouyang Shuo went straight back to his office. As soon as he sat down, Gu Xiuwen walked in. Ouyang Shuo asked him to sit down and told him what to do.

Gu Xiuwen said bluntly: "My lord, today I will work with the director of the third department to draw up the distribution of the five categories of personnel in agriculture, industry, fishery, animal husbandry and craftsmen. Please approve it, Your lord."

"Oh? The efficiency is quite high! Tell me, how do you allocate it?"

"Among the 130 farmers in the territory, 39 farmers are allocated to the farmer, led by the Land Reclamation Department, who are responsible for reclaiming farmland. The original 40 workers remain unchanged, and they are assigned to the Material Reserve Department. Fishermen are assigned 25 people, and there will be enough fishing boats until tomorrow. After that, I started to go fishing, which was also managed by the Material Reserve Department. There are only 2 herders for the time being, responsible for wild boar breeding. The artisan households are assigned 24 people. At this stage, the main work is under the leadership of General Zao Shi, the governor of Yantian Build salt pans."

Ouyang Shuo pondered for a while, and then asked: "At the shipyard, what is the construction progress of the fishing boats, do you know?"

"According to my understanding, it takes 50 units of wood to build an ordinary fishing boat, and each fishing boat can carry two fishermen to go fishing. According to the current scale of the shipyard, one such fishing boat can be built in one day. The finished one today The first fishing boat was requisitioned by General Shi to transport personnel and materials for the construction of the salt pan." Gu Xiuwen was obviously well prepared, as the clerk of the territory, it was one of his basic tasks to understand the latest developments in all walks of life in the territory.

"That's right. Let's follow this distribution plan. In addition, from tomorrow, all the refugees except special talents will be assigned to the Yantian Division. At the same time, apart from the five types of personnel, a separate salt household will be established. Household registration information and Military status is equally important, and they must be kept in high secrecy. Yantian Division must also be subject to military control. After this matter is settled, I will explain it clearly to General Shi.”

"In addition, Xiuwen, please inform me. Starting tomorrow, the meeting will be changed to once a week. The personnel participating in the meeting should also be fixed. In principle, only the chief officers of each department can participate in the meeting. If necessary, you can bring one or two deputy Attend the meeting as a non-voting delegate. If you have something to do in normal times, just report to me directly."

Gu Xiuwen nodded, seeing that the lord had nothing else to explain, he tactfully withdrew.

Early the next morning, Ouyang Shuo stopped Shi Wansui who was about to go out, and asked about the progress of the construction of the salt field.

Although Shi Wansui was a general, he was familiar with military books and knew how to read and write. Even in areas that I am not familiar with, I still have a clear mind. He said unambiguously: "My lord! After studying the "Technical Manual for Seaside Sun-drying Salt" yesterday, I have some experience in salt production. According to the "Handbook", an average of two acres of salt fields requires a salt worker , each mu of salt field can produce an average of 500 units of table salt per month. Due to the limited manpower, it is recommended to build a salt field of 100 mu in the first phase. In addition, according to the general's rough estimate, the entire beach is expected to open up nearly 10,000 mu the salt fields."

Ouyang Shuo calculated in his mind that a unit of salt sells for 20 copper coins in the market. In other words, one mu of salt field can generate a profit of 1 gold coin a month, which is quite considerable. Unfortunately, the production cycle of sea salt is as long as one month. In order to obtain the first income, there is no hope during the construction period of the secondary village.

Ouyang Shuo knew that the upper limit of the population of a second-level village was 500 people, and there was a gap of 300 people. According to the speed at which refugees are recruited in the territory, it can reach full population in 20 days. As a result, the funds for the construction of the secondary villages are still not available, and it seems that we have to find a way from other aspects.

Shi Wansui stood aside, watching the lord in a daze, his face was happy for a while, and tangled for a while, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

Ouyang Shuo came to his senses and asked, "When will the first phase of the 100-acre salt field be completed? You don't have to worry about the manpower. I already explained it to Xiuwen yesterday."

Shi Wansui's expression relaxed, "According to the current progress, the construction can be completed tomorrow afternoon."

"Very well, I'm waiting for your good news. Go get busy!"

After sending Shi Wansui away, Ouyang Shuo started today's work. Suddenly, another system announcement sounded.

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Chun Shenjun for becoming the second village lord in China to be upgraded to a second-tier village, rewarded with 1,000 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Chun Shenjun for becoming the second village lord in China to be upgraded to a second-tier village, rewarded with 1,000 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Chun Shenjun for becoming the second village lord in China to be upgraded to a second-tier village, rewarded with 1,000 points of merit!"

As expected, the Tianhe Consortium has strong financial resources, and it is no accident that Mr. Chunshen became the second village lord in China to be upgraded to a second-level village.

No longer feeling emotional, Ouyang Shuo knew that the most important thing for him now was to do the things at hand well. Today he plans to do nothing else, just do one thing. That is to visit all the skilled talents in the territory one by one and encourage them to recruit apprentices.

Among these skilled talents, Zheng Dahai, a senior shipbuilder, has recruited 4 apprentices and does not need to visit. Zhao Youfang, a junior carpenter, and Zheng Shanpao, a junior mason, were both classified as civil servants and no longer suitable for recruiting apprentices.

Yu'er actually recruited two young merchant apprentices, a man and a woman. The male apprentice's name is Qian Lifei, who was originally the bastard son of the landlord's family. After the village was looted by bandits, he was exiled to Shanhai Village. The female apprentice is Du Xiaolan, who was originally the young daughter of a small businessman's family. You'er felt sorry for her, so she took her by her side and taught her carefully. Both of them were temporarily arranged by You'er in the Material Reserve Department to act as her assistants.

The first person Ouyang Shuo visited was Doctor Song who lived in the courtyard. As the first high-level skilled person to appear in Shanhai Village, he has not yet recruited an apprentice, which makes him a little dissatisfied. I thought to myself, I provided him with food and drink, and let him live in the lord's mansion, which is a symbol of the power of the territory. You old man is fine, except for occasionally going out to gather herbs and prepare some golden sore medicine, you don't do anything else.

When Ouyang Shuo came in, Doctor Song was reading medical books in his room, leisurely. Seeing him coming in, he said indifferently: "I don't know if my lord is coming. I don't know how to welcome the old man. Don't blame my lord. I don't know why my lord came to see me."

Seeing Doctor Song's attitude, Ouyang Shuo felt even more disgusted. It's just that there is a need for others now, so I had to patiently say: "Recently, the affairs of the territory are busy, and I have neglected the old man. Please don't blame the old man!"

A touch of emotion flashed across Dr. Song's face, and he said, "My lord, you are serious. I am just an idle savage, and there is nothing wrong with staying alone. As the head of a village, your lord naturally puts government affairs first."

Hey, now Ouyang Shuo understood and found the crux of the problem. This old man seems to be far less indifferent to fame and fortune than he has shown, and he is calm and calm. The few polite words he said obviously had to be listened to in reverse.

The meaning is also very obvious. We live in a small courtyard, and everyone else has found a job, but the old man and I are alone. When I first came here, you, the lord, treated me with great respect and caring. Now that I have other helpers, don't worry about me. For so many days, there was not even a word of greeting. Even that girl Cui Yingyou was so busy that she didn't have time to come and see me. Old man, I have become a transparent person, not even as good as a second child, how can I not be angry

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! This old man looks like a fairy, but his heart for fame and fortune is so important. Hey, that's okay, as long as you have desires. I'm afraid that you are really calm, and you don't know where to start.

Therefore, Ouyang Shuo smiled slightly, and said casually: "Soon, the territory will set up a special medical institution called the official medical office, which will be fully responsible for the medical affairs of the territory. In order to establish the official medical office as soon as possible, there must be enough There are many doctors. The old man is a wild crane, so he shouldn't be chattering. However, there are few talents in the territory, and no one will share my worries!"

Doctor Song was really moved, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, don't be like this. I am under the care of my lord, so I should share my worries for you. Although I don't have great talent, I can still teach three or four apprentices."

Ouyang Shuo laughed, "Okay, I don't have to worry about the old man coming out of the mountain."

Once old man Song is dealt with, other skilled talents will be much easier. For junior blacksmith Li Tiezhu and junior chef Li's couple, Ouyang Shuo promised to arrange a separate small courtyard for them to live in at the right time. The couple immediately and happily agreed to each recruit two apprentices.

Li Fugui, the shopkeeper, already recruited an apprentice yesterday, so he is not needed. Ouyang Shuo promised to build a carpentry workshop for Lu Guangzhi, an intermediate carpenter who just arrived today, and at the same time gave him the "Manual of Manufacture of Compass Vehicle Technology" bought in the market to study, and immediately agreed to recruit two apprentices.

After a round of lobbying, Ouyang Shuo's mouth was parched. However, all this is worthwhile, adding ten apprentices to the territory at once. Including voluntary recruits, the total number of apprentices in the territory reached seventeen. After these apprentices leave their teachers, there will be a small explosion of talents in the territory.