The World Online

Chapter 150: dawn


After arranging the affairs of Shanhai Town properly, Ouyang Shuo still hasn't heard the announcement from the world. In other words, Liberty Town in the United States either failed to advance, or was still fighting fiercely with rogues.

Ouyang Shuo found Shi Wansui and Zhao Sihu, and asked them to strengthen night inspections. Then I couldn't wait to go offline to learn about the latest situation in Liberty Town.

After going offline, Ouyang Shuo directly logged into the game forum and clicked on the American area.

What made Ouyang Shuo uneasy was that there was no news about the failure of Freedom Town's promotion on the forum, that is to say, Freedom Town is still fighting.

Jack really kept his promise and opened a live post on the forum. Just out of the need for confidentiality, the so-called live broadcast only broadcasts text and pictures, and there is no live video.

Gaia is really powerful, and the live post posted by Jack has instant translations in various languages. Although the federation has been established for some time, the two mainstream languages, English and Chinese, still coexist.

After Ouyang Shuo chose Chinese, he began to understand the details of the defense of Liberty Town.

At the beginning of the post, some basic information about Liberty Town was introduced, and a bird's-eye view of Liberty Town was also included. It can be clearly seen from the bird's-eye view that the city wall of Liberty Town adopts a design similar to that of ancient European bastions.

The essence of the so-called bastion is to change the fortress from a convex polygon to a concave polygon. This improvement makes the attacker exposed to more than one bastion surface regardless of any point of the attacking castle. The defender can use the cross Firepower for multiple strikes.

Only from the design of the city wall, we can see that Liberty Town is extraordinary.

There are 2,500 soldiers participating in the defense of Liberty Town. The number of rogues who attacked was only 6,500, which was 300 more than the number of rogues who attacked Bangalore Town. Only from the comparison of the number of troops between the enemy and us, Liberty Town has an advantage over the previously failed Bangalore Town.

The secret weapon of Liberty Town also officially debuted in this battle. It turned out to be the musket used in Europe in the sixteenth century. The specific name should be called a trigger-fired matchlock gun. This musket is a smoothbore gun with a charge in the front chamber and an effective shooting distance of 50 to 80 meters.

Compared with the rifles of later generations, the trigger-fired arquebus still has very big defects. Since the soldiers are charging the front chamber, they must be divided into six steps when preparing to shoot, which is quite cumbersome, time-consuming and unable to adopt a concealed posture. The barrel caliber is too large, the gun body is long and heavy, the shooting distance is short, and the shooting accuracy is poor. , when soldiers shoot with a gun in a standing position, they sometimes have to use a support rod to hold the gun up.

Despite such defects, compared to cold weapons, the trigger-fired arquebus is still a powerful new weapon.

With the two cards of the bastion and the musket, Jack Dawson will appear so confident.

Unfortunately, the cunning and strength of the rogue still slapped Jack hard. Of course, the system is not a fool. Because of the different history of each region, the technology tree will also be different.

Jack thought his musket was unique, but he didn't expect that the attacking bandits had formed cavalry equipped with muskets.

Ever since, the balance of war has been rebalanced. The evenly matched two sides fought fiercely from eight o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still no winner.

The system stipulates that as long as the territory can be defended for twelve hours, even if the rogues are not repelled, the system will automatically judge the defender to be victorious.

In other words, as long as Liberty Town sticks to it for another three hours, it can successfully advance.

It's a pity that the rogues are still superior in the end. After more than ten hours of continuous testing, the bandits finally found the dead corner of Liberty Town's defense. This blind spot is not a problem with the design of the city wall, but a defensive blind spot caused by Liberty Town's own hasty preparations due to insufficient troops.

The advantages of the bastion are naturally very obvious. Likewise, to take full advantage of a bastion, it is necessary to deploy more defensive troops than a typical city wall. Obviously, the number of troops in Liberty Town is still somewhat insufficient compared to the Bastion.

It's not that Jack didn't know his own defensive loopholes, but he just took a chance and thought that such a hidden loophole should not be discovered by the rogues.

Unfortunately, the cunning of the rogues is far beyond Jack's imagination.

The leader of the rogue bandits is also full of courage. Once he catches the opponent's weakness, he decisively concentrates his forces to break through, leaving no room for the opponent to breathe.

Finally, before the sky completely darkened, the bandits broke through Ziyou Town, announcing that Ziyou Town's dream of competing for the number one county in the world had officially come to an end.

After leaving the forum, Ouyang Shuo was both grateful and surprised. Fortunately, we finally saw the dawn of Shanhai Town winning the honor of being the number one county in the world. The obstacles standing in front of Shanhai Town no longer exist.

Surprisingly, with such a powerful strength in Liberty Town, it still couldn't stop the attack of the rogues. Can the Shanhai Town of tomorrow really succeed? ! I am afraid that my self-conceived comprehensive preparation will fail. Judging from the two defensive battles between Bangalore Town and Liberty Town, the rogues were too cunning to play their cards according to common sense.

After calming down, Ouyang Shuo walked out of the bedroom and started his routine running.

When Ouyang Shuo returned home with breakfast, Sun Xiaoyue had just finished washing. Yesterday's battle in Liberty Town was so sensational that even a professional player like Xiaoyue had heard about it.

Sun Xiaoyue walked to the dining table, picked up a deep-fried dough stick, took a bite, and said gossipingly, "I heard that Liberty Town in the American District failed to advance to the promotion yesterday."

Ouyang Shuo gave a absent-minded hum, and continued to eat his buns.

"Hey, I was talking to you, are you listening?" Xiaoyue was a little dissatisfied with Ouyang Shuo's perfunctory.

Ouyang Shuo nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Listen, listen."

"Hmph, no sincerity at all."

Ouyang Shuo raised his head helplessly, and said, "Elder Sister, the matter in the American region has nothing to do with us, what are you doing with that trouble, if you fail, you will fail."

"Aren't you also a lord? You don't even care about this. Is it because your territory level is too low, and there is still a long way to go before you get promoted?" Sun Xiaoyue said sarcastically, not to be outdone.

"Yes, yes, it's still a thousand miles away." Ouyang Shuo decided to give in.

"You." Sun Xiaoyue was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, at this time, Binger just got up, the little girl was sleepy, and muttered in a daze: "Bad brother, what are you talking about, wake up Binger."

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "Honey, it's time to get up too, go wash up quickly. After breakfast, brother will take you to school."

"En." The little girl nodded and walked into the bathroom.

After such a commotion, Ouyang Shuo and Sun Xiaoyue stopped bringing up the topic just now and ate breakfast in silence.

On the way to school, Binger suddenly took Ouyang Shuo's hand, and said crisply: "Brother, did you quarrel with Sister Xiaoyue this morning?"

Ouyang Shuo was taken aback, this girl is still so sweet and sensible, making her feel distressed. He patted the little girl's head, and said dotingly: "It's okay, I just quarreled a few words. After going back, brother and sister Xiaoyue apologize, okay?"

"En." The little girl immediately became happy, "My brother is a boy, so he should be more generous."

Ouyang Shuo nodded her forehead and said with a smile, "You are a big kid."

The little girl giggled and didn't speak. A warm current flowed in Ouyang Shuo's heart inadvertently. Nothing can compare to Bing'er's smile.

Ouyang Shuo suddenly knelt down and said to Binger: "Come on, brother will carry you to school."

"Yeah." Bing'er got excited immediately, and the little girl jumped on the spot, lying firmly on Ouyang Shuo's back like an octopus, her delicate little face was brimming with happiness.

When Ouyang Shuo came back from school, he saw Sun Xiaoyue lying comfortably on the sofa, flipping through a fashion magazine. Because she was at home, Xiaoyue dressed casually. She wore a loose white T-shirt with a cartoon pattern on her upper body, and a pair of ultra-short jeans on her lower body. She showed off her long, slender white legs to Ouyang Shuo without reservation. before.

Ouyang Shuo had watched such a scene countless times, and he had become immune to it, so he asked casually, "No class this morning?"

Sun Xiaoyue's interest was obviously not high, and she lazily said: "Well, there is only one class in the afternoon today."

"I'm sorry about what happened in the morning." Ouyang Shuo took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Sun Xiaoyue was startled, and finally raised her head, looked at Ouyang Shuo in surprise, her face turned warm instantly, and said, "Forget it, I forgive you. Seeing that you are absent-minded, did you encounter any difficulties?"

Ouyang Shuo waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Sun Xiaoyue curled her lips, but she didn't get to the bottom of it. Her attention returned to the fashion magazine, and she muttered, "Machismo."

Ouyang Shuo didn't care about Xiaoyue's muttering, went back to his room and began to practice "Huangdi Neijing".

At noon, in order to express his apology, Ouyang Shuo specially cooked some good dishes. After Sun Xiaoyue finished eating, she looked satisfied, and the grievances in the morning were completely dissipated, and she went back to school.

In the evening, when Binger came home from school, she was very happy to see her brother and sister Xiaoyue reunited. When eating, the little girl purposely brought the bowl to Ouyang Shuo's side, and sat down next to her brother.

Ouyang Shuo naturally saw through Bing'er's small thoughts at a glance, the little girl was expressing silent support for her brother's generosity during the day.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head amusedly, picked up a spare rib, put it in the Binger bowl, and said with a smile, "Honey, eat more."

"Well, thank you brother." The little girl said sweetly.

The tacit understanding between the brothers and sisters is really enviable to others.

After dinner, Ouyang Shuo didn't stop for a moment, went back to his room and logged into the game.