The World Online

Chapter 151: Raiders Siege the City (Part 1)


On May 20th of the first year of Gaia, Shanhai Town.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning hit Shanhai Town, the sleeping beast of war had fully awakened, baring its fangs to the silent wilderness.

The First Battalion of the Beihai Fleet marched to the river at the junction of the moat and the Friendship River, guarding the waterway throat and preventing water bandits from attacking along the moat.

Under the leadership of Yingzheng, the soldiers of each battalion rushed to their respective defense areas and stood ready. They knew that there would be a fierce battle waiting for them.

In the backyard of the Lord's Mansion, Qing'er walked back and forth anxiously in the courtyard, which was quite different from her usual temperament, "Sister, do you think Big Brother can stop the attack of the rogues this time?"

Sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard, Yingyou took a sip of pekoe tea that Siqin had just brewed, and said calmly, "It must be able to block it. When did Big Brother ever fail?"

In fact, Yingyou was equally nervous, but as an older sister, she couldn't show it.

"Well, but I'm still a little worried. Brother Smelly, you don't allow us to go out." Qing'er complained to Ouyang Shuo on the surface, but she was actually very moved in her heart.

This attack by rogue bandits is no different than the previous monster siege. Once the city is broken, Shanhai Town will be looted. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Ouyang Shuo purposely did not arrange anything for Yingyou and Qing'er, so that they could stay at the Lord's Mansion with peace of mind.

Ouyang Shuo had already greeted Lin Yue from the martial arts hall, and asked him to lead the disciples of the martial arts hall to temporarily station in the Lord's Mansion and take on the important task of guarding the Lord's Mansion.

At 7:30 in the morning, the five allies Feng Prisonhuang, Bai Hua, Xunlong Dianxue, Mulanyue, and Siege Lion appeared in the teleportation array in Shanhai Town.

Ouyang Shuo, dressed in military uniform, greeted them in the teleportation formation. They came to Shanhai Town this time as observers, watching the whole process of defending the city, and accumulating experience in advance for the promotion of their respective territories.

The reason why Feng Prison and Huang could make the trip was thanks to Mulan Yue.

Mulanyue learned that Shanhai Town was going to welcome rogues to attack the city today, and clamored on the alliance channel to watch the excitement.

After all, Mulanyue was young, innocent and cute, she said whatever came to her mind, and never thought about whether this kind of request would embarrass Ouyang Shuo. People like Bai Hua and Phoenix Prisoner would never make such a request.

Ouyang Shuo admired Mulan Yue's frankness, and after thinking about it for a while, he nodded in agreement. Now that Mulanyue has been promised, naturally she can't treat one more favorably than another.

Among the five, only Feng Prisonhuang came to Shanhai Town for the first time. It's just that time is urgent now, and there is no extra time for her to visit.

After leaving the teleportation formation, Ouyang Shuo led Bai Hua and others to the west tower. The chief general Shi Wansui and his deputy Zhao Sihu, who were in charge of the defense to the west, had climbed the tower earlier than them.

The Lord's Flag of Shanhai Town fluttered in the wind in the morning light, and the golden dragon shone brightly under the sunlight. Everyone in Shanhai Town will unite under this banner and defend the territory to the death.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, smoke billowed from the sentry tower in the distance. Everyone knows that the bandits are coming.

In Ouyang Shuo's ears, a system notification sounded on time.

"System prompt: The test of the rogue siege in Shanhai Town has officially begun. There are 6,700 rogues in total for this attack. Player Qiyue Wuyi, please prepare for the battle in advance."

Ouyang Shuo cursed secretly, 6,700 people, 200 more than yesterday's Liberty Town, I really don't know what the basis of the system is, it's because Shanhai Town has wiped out too many bandit battalions before, just To arrange for such a large number of rogues? Really a headache.

A mighty army of rogues appeared on the vast plain west of the city. When the army arrived three kilometers west of the city, they stopped and began to set up camp.

There are three leaders in command of 6,700 bandits. The big leader, Huo Da, commanded two thousand elite rogues and three thousand ordinary rogues, all of whom were infantry; Hundred water bandits.

Appearing to the west of Shanhai Town were the six thousand rogues led by the chief Huo Dang and the second chief Heiqi. As for the three leaders, Huo Liu, of course, brought seven hundred water bandits down along the Friendship River.

After setting up the tent, the black rider came to Huo Du's tent and asked, "Brother, how should we fight this battle?"

Huo Di was a middle-aged man, about thirty-five or sixteen years old, with a very gentle appearance, not at all like a bandit leader. Only the brothers of the Rogue Camp know how cruel this leader of his family is.

Huo Di frowned, "As you can see, this small town in front of you is not simple. Not only does it have a tall city wall, but even the moat has been dug."

The black knight nodded, "Yes, just now I rode around and found that only the west side can be attacked, and the other sides are very difficult. I think the opponent must have a plan in mind and will definitely deploy heavy troops to defend the west side It may not be easy for us to successfully take down the city gate."

Huo Di shook his head and said: "There is a saying in the art of war that disadvantages are advantages. Since the opponent has arranged this way, then we don't need to bother with other thoughts. We simply concentrate all our forces and concentrate on attacking Ximen. I don't believe it. Can't take down a broken city gate."

"Big brother is brilliant!"

"Also, let me tell you that in addition to assembling the siege equipment, I will take out some of my sons and rush to the moat to start building the pontoon bridge." Huo Di said.

The black knight looked puzzled, and asked, "Brother, didn't you just say to gather all your troops and attack Ximen? Why did you arrange for people to build a pontoon bridge?"

Huo Di smiled mysteriously, and said: "Soldiers are deceitful. What is false is real, and what is real is false. We want to attack Ximen with all our strength, but we must not let the other party see through our intentions easily. When the other party sees us building a pontoon bridge, they must not Dare to relax the defense in the north. In this way, the opponent's forces can be effectively contained."

Heiqi looked admiring, and said: "Brother is still smart, okay, I will give orders."

Huo Dang waved his hand, said with a smile: "Go."

Outside the camp, the rogues were already assembling the various siege equipment they had brought, including ladders, trebuchets, and chariots specially used to break through the city gates.

If Ouyang Shuo saw these instruments, he would definitely be dumbfounded. The system is too cheating, how could a gang of rogues have such professional siege equipment.

The first is the ladder, which is not a simple wooden ladder. The aerial ladder assembled by the rogues has wheels underneath, which can be pushed and driven. It is equipped with anti-shields, winches, grapples and other appliances, which are very sharp.

Catapult, a big killer in siege warfare, uses the principle of leverage to throw stone bombs. The catapult assembled by the rogues is not the most primitive catapult that requires dozens of people to pull the rope to throw the stones. It is a catapult with its own counterweight. When throwing, you only need to hold one end firmly, put a stone ball on it, and after releasing it, the counterweight sinks, and then use the principle of leverage to throw the stone ball rapidly.

When the war started, the west side of Shanhai Town was abnormally peaceful. The rogues were preparing unhurriedly, without the slightest intention of launching an attack immediately.

It was the River of Friendship that first broke out in conflict.

The three leaders, Huo Liu, led seven hundred water bandits down the river in more than ten warships. Sail to the junction of the Friendship River and the moat, and meet the North Sea Fleet guarding here unexpectedly.

The five Mengchong battleships of the North Sea Fleet used a one-two-two formation to guard the Friendship River and completely block the river. Pei Donglai's flagship was at the front. Seeing the water bandit fleet approaching from the opposite direction, Pei Donglai did not hesitate at all, and immediately ordered the messengers to play the semaphore and order all to attack.

In the era when warships were not equipped with artillery, there were not many ways of water warfare. It's nothing more than long-range archers shooting, or boarding battles.

Since the formation of the Crossbow Division, the crossbows in the Shanhai Town Army have been far stronger than the bows and arrows used by bandits in the wilderness. Therefore, relying on the advantage of the range, before the water bandits could react, the North Sea Fleet had already launched the attack first. Row after row of arrows rained towards the water bandit warship.

The warships of the water bandits are just ordinary ships with limited protection. Most of the water bandits are in the open air, and there is no canopy to cover their heads. Therefore, several rounds of arrow rain from the North Sea Fleet immediately caused heavy losses to the water bandits.

The three leaders, Huo Liu, are also a ruthless character. In the face of the North Sea Fleet's attack, they do not retreat but advance, and order the fleet to speed up. It is necessary to shorten the distance between the two sides so that they can launch a counterattack.

These water bandits, of course, are also ruthless characters, driving their warships and rushing towards the North Sea Fleet.

Pei Donglai himself had stayed in the water village for a long time, and even many soldiers of the Beihai Fleet were prisoners of the water village transferred from other jobs. He was naturally very familiar with the water bandits.

Facing the water bandits rushing up, Pei Donglai didn't panic and ordered the troops to continue shooting. When the distance between the two sides was about to enter the range of the water bandits, Pei Donglai decisively ordered the fleet to speed up.

At this time, the superior performance of the Mengchong battleship was fully revealed. Before the water bandit on the opposite side could react, it had already rushed to the water bandit's warship.

The powerful Mengchong battleship smashed the water bandit's warship into pieces. Taking advantage of the other party's panic, Pei Donglai decisively gave the order to start a boarding battle.

The soldiers of the North Sea Fleet are themselves transferred from water bandits. After a long period of training and fighting, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, they are already able to completely torture water bandits. Moreover, a Mengchong battleship can carry a hundred sailors. And a water bandit warship can only carry sixty water bandits at most.

Therefore, in one-on-one boarding battles, the North Sea Fleet has the upper hand regardless of quantity or quality.

The Friendship River is only thirty-five meters wide and cannot accommodate too many warships. Therefore, although the water bandits have an advantage in the number of warships, there are not many warships that really confront the Beihai Fleet head-on.

In less than half an hour, the North Sea Fleet crippled the five warships in front of the water bandits. Seeing that something was wrong, the water bandits behind immediately turned the bow of the boat and fled.

Pei Donglai did not order the pursuit, but completely cleared the five warships that had been destroyed.