The World Online

Chapter 155: The first county in the world


The moment the black knight surrendered, a pleasant system notification sounded in Ouyang Shuo's ears.

"System prompt: Congratulations to Shanhai Town, Qiyue Wuyi's territory, successfully passed the system test and officially promoted to a first-level county."

At this moment, a golden light shot up from the Lord's Mansion, exploded in the sky, turned into a golden halo, and spread towards the surroundings. The halo extended to the new edge of the territory and disappeared again.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyi for upgrading his territory to a first-level county seat. The town-level lord's mansion is automatically upgraded to a county-level lord's mansion. Three county-level basic buildings are randomly selected, and the player can choose one of them."

"System prompt: Randomly select three buildings to complete, which are the teahouse, the Town God's Temple and the prison, please choose!"

"Choose Town God's Temple!"

"System prompt: The building is being automatically generated, please check it yourself!"

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of system announcements.

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in China to be upgraded to a first-level county seat. The reward is 2200 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in China to be upgraded to a first-level county seat. The reward is 2200 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in China to be upgraded to a first-level county seat. The reward is 2200 points of merit!"

Compared with the village and township stages, the meritorious rewards at the county stage are directly doubled.

As soon as the announcement came out, there was an uproar in China. There is no sign of Shanhai Town's promotion. Two days ago, players witnessed the failure of Bangalore Town in India and Liberty Town in the United States one after another. Everyone thought that the lord player would learn his lesson and postpone the application for territorial advancement.

Unexpectedly, Shanhai Town went against the trend. More importantly, Shanhai Town has successfully advanced. Players in China have a feeling of witnessing history.

Sure enough, immediately after the system announcement, the world announcement followed the trend.

"World Announcement: Congratulations to Chinese player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in the world to upgrade to a first-level county seat. He will be rewarded with 4,000 merit points, 4,000 reputation points, and Shanhai County will be bestowed the title of the best county in the world!"

"World Announcement: Congratulations to Chinese player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in the world to upgrade to a first-level county seat. He will be rewarded with 4,000 merit points, 4,000 reputation points, and Shanhai County will be bestowed the title of the best county in the world!"

"World Announcement: Congratulations to Chinese player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in the world to upgrade to a first-level county seat. He will be rewarded with 4,000 merit points, 4,000 reputation points, and Shanhai County will be bestowed the title of the best county in the world!"

A strong sense of collective honor emerges spontaneously from the hearts of players in China. Players in the Chinese region were very excited and impatient. They didn't want to quit the game and go to the forum to vent their emotions, so they directly spent one gold coin to shout on the national channel. Anyway, so far in the game, the cost of one gold coin is no longer unbearable.

"Level 1: Qiyue Wuyi, winning glory for the country, amazing, give me a thumbs up!!!!"

"Floor 2: How can you say that Wuyi is so good!!!!!!"

"Floor 3: It's No. 1 in the world again, it's really amazing!!!!"

"Fourth Floor: Qiyue Wuyi, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!!!!"

Of course Ouyang Shuo didn't have the energy to pay attention to the national channels, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

After the black cavalry surrendered, Ouyang Shuo ordered Lin Yi to bring the rogue cavalry to the barracks. The follow-up army reorganization plan will be discussed tomorrow.

Then, Ouyang Shuo called Ge Hongliang to his side, and asked the Military Affairs Administration to calculate the detailed casualties, and do a good job in the post-war compensation work. At the same time, he asked the Military Affairs Administration to formulate a preliminary army reorganization plan.

After finishing the order, Ouyang Shuo hurriedly ran towards the square on his green clam horse.

After receiving the system announcement, Bai Hua and the others knew the result, and instead of staying in the West Tower, they returned to the square one after another, preparing to return to their respective territories through the teleportation array.

Ouyang Shuo came to see everyone off, after Bai Hua and the others expressed their congratulations, they left one after another. They knew that Shanhai County had just been promoted, there were a lot of things waiting for Ouyang Shuo to deal with, and it was getting late, so it was not appropriate to bother. Anyway, the alliance channel has been opened. If there is anything, it is the same to discuss through the channel.

Before leaving, Feng Prison Huang told Ouyang Shuo that she had received a letter from Fei Ge, that Di Chen's Handan Town, without accident, failed to advance. Ouyang Shuo nodded, but didn't say anything.

After sending Bai Hua and others away, Ouyang Shuo had time to inspect the attributes of the upgraded territory.

[Territory]: Shanhai County (first-level county seat)

[Lord]: Qi said Wuyi (first-class earl)

[Title]: No. 1 county in the world (increase the popularity of the territory by 30%)

[Public opinion]: 94 [Public security]: 92

[Territory Population]: 10000/20000

[Refugees Refresh Speed]: 200*(1+50%)=300 people/day

[Territorial area]: 2000 square kilometers

[Territory Features]: The rate of attracting refugees increases by 50%, the rate of attracting special talents increases by 25%, the output of crops increases by 50%, the skill proficiency of production residents increases by 25%, the level of soldiers increases by 20%, and the success rate of territorial talents breaking through bottlenecks Increase by 10%.

[Political Index]: 55/100 (determines administrative efficiency and affects public opinion)

[Economic Index]: 50/100 (determines the degree of trade prosperity, related to taxation)

[Cultural Index]: 52/100 (determines the degree of education development, and is related to the quality of residents)

[Military Index]: 58/100 (determines military strength, stable relationship)

[Affiliated territories]: Beihai Town, Shuishui Town, Friendship Town

[Territorial Fund]: Four Seas Bank

[Territorial Association]: Textile Association

[Territorial industry]: Beimu Salt Farm, Wolf Mountain Mine, West City Ranch, Gale Valley Army Horse Farm

[Territorial specialties]: Lianzhou Sanhua wine, colored silk, pekoe tea

[Special Buildings]: Lianzhou College, Qingyang Temple, Sangu Restaurant, Beihai Port

[Hidden buildings]: Mazu Temple (sealed), Recruitment Hall, Huangdi Temple

List of basic buildings:

[Teahouse]: A place for tea drinking, rest, entertainment and communication. Construction conditions: Dr. Tea, tea house architectural drawings, 4000 units of wood, 8000 units of blue bricks, and 2000 units of stone. Construction time: seven days.

[Rouge gouache shop]: A shop that sells rouge gouache. Construction conditions: Merchant, rouge gouache shop architectural blueprint, 2000 units of wood, 4000 units of blue brick, 2000 units of stone. Construction time: five days.

[Town God Temple]: A temple used to worship the God of Town God. Construction conditions: architectural drawings of Town God's Temple, 5,000 units of wood, 8,000 units of blue bricks, and 4,000 units of stone. Construction time: ten days. (Note: This building is automatically generated.)

[Earth Temple]: A temple dedicated to the God of Earth. Construction conditions: architectural drawings of the Earth Temple, 4,000 units of wood, 5,000 units of blue bricks, and 4,000 units of stone. Construction time: seven days.

[Prison]: A place where prisoners are held. Construction conditions: Prison architectural drawings, 4000 units of wood, 5000 units of blue bricks, and 5000 units of stone. Construction time: seven days.

Compared with the township stage, the territory attribute panel in the county stage has become more refreshing. Among the basic buildings, except for the buildings with names and surnames, the rest of the basic buildings do not appear on the property interface.

Entering the county stage, basic buildings are no longer the focus of the lord's attention. On the contrary, the lord should pay more attention to the territorial industry and territorial specialties, these two are the differences between the territory and the slave.

In addition, compared with the third-level townships, there are other interesting changes in the first-level counties.

The first is the refresh rate of refugees. The basic value has been increased from 50 per day in the township stage to 200 per day, and the corresponding population limit has also been greatly increased.

According to the characteristics of Shanhai Town, it only takes one month to reach the population limit of a first-level county, which is faster than a third-level town.

This is the characteristic of the game. It is difficult to cross a large level in a territory, but it is much easier to cross a small level.

Of course, the reason why it can be so fast is also related to the powerful characteristics of Shanhai Town. If it is based on the basic value, it will take fifty days to reach the upper limit of the population of a first-level county, which is almost twice that of Shanhai County. In the later stage, with the increase of the basic value, the powerful attributes of Shanhai County will be more effective.

In terms of basic buildings, five new basic buildings have been added in the first-level counties. Compared with the township stage, the number has decreased a lot. The main types of basic buildings, especially agricultural and commercial buildings, are relatively complete in the township stage. The county stage is just to expand the number and scale.

The five basic buildings, the tea house and the rouge gouache shop are commercial buildings and are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce; the Temple of the City God and the Earth Temple are cultural buildings and are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Culture and Education. As for the prison, it is naturally under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Division.

For the basic buildings of the first-level county, each architectural drawing costs 200 gold coins. In addition to the automatically generated Town God's Temple, 800 gold coins are also required to purchase the architectural blueprints.

In addition, the granaries, private schools and ancestral halls at the township level also need to be upgraded to the county level. Among them, the ancestral hall was renamed Huangdi Temple, so there is no need to upgrade it, but it saves a lot of money. You know, the ancestral hall can be upgraded to the level of the ancestral temple.

The remaining granaries and private schools have been upgraded to the county level, which is already the highest level. In other words, there are no similar base building upgrades at the county level.

The granary and the private school belonged to the basic buildings of the second-level village. The architectural drawings at the county level cost 500 gold coins each, and a total of 1,000 gold coins.

The high-level building of the shipyard can be upgraded to a super-class shipyard, but the super-class shipyard needs a master-level shipbuilder. Zheng Dahai, the director of the Shanhai County Shipyard, has advanced to the master level with the help of the Mengchong battleship, but there is still a long way to go from the master level.