The World Online

Chapter 158: Mixed brigade


Ouyang Shuo put aside his worries about the Military Affairs Administration for now, and announced his army reorganization plan.

"I generally agree with the opinion of the Military Affairs Administration. The soldiers who died in each battalion must be replenished as soon as possible. However, not all soldiers have to be selected from the captives."

Ouyang Shuo laid the groundwork like this, but also expressed his support for the work of the Military Affairs Administration with practical actions. None of the generals here are fools, and they should be able to understand what he meant. Before there is no suitable candidate, Ouyang Shuo must firmly support Ge Hongliang and serve as his solid backing.

Ouyang Shuo looked at Pei Donglai first, and said, "The three hundred water bandits captured will be handed over to the North Sea Fleet. In addition to replenishing fifty soldiers who died in battle, the remaining two hundred and fifty can be transferred to the North Sea Fleet reserve. The future third battalion of the North Sea Fleet will reserve troops in advance."

"Here!" Pei Donglai was pleasantly surprised. His lord clearly pointed out that the North Sea Fleet will expand in the future. He, the commander of the fleet, is naturally very excited. Pei Donglai has not forgotten his vow to eradicate the pirates of Yue'er Island.

"As for the captured second leader, Huo Liu, let's execute him on the spot. We have killed his elder brother, and there is no room for turning back, so don't leave trouble behind." Ouyang Shuo then ordered that the current him, regarding the execution, has already done so. It can be said very calmly, without any psychological burden.

"Understood!" Pei Donglai understood.

Ouyang Shuo looked around, looked at Wang Yuanfeng, and said, "The Shenji Battalion is unique. The ten soldiers who died in the battle were still recruited at the base camp. In addition, we must increase the training of the reserve troops. In the future, The city wall is not only equipped with a few bed crossbows, but the demand for bed crossbowmen is huge."

"Here!" Wang Yuanfeng looked calm.

Ouyang Shuo then looked at Shi Wansui, and said in a deep voice: "The 150 people who died in the infantry battalion were all outstanding mountain barbarian soldiers. These two battalions are the future heavy infantry battalion, so they must maintain their purity. My opinion is that one hundred and fifty people will be transferred from the Wolf Mountain Garrison Battalion to supplement the infantry battalion. As for the vacant soldiers in the Wolf Mountain Garrison Battalion, they will still be apportioned from various tribes.”

"Here!" Shi Wansui did not agree with the opinion of the Military Affairs Administration, but now that the adults are thoughtful, when it comes to his heart, naturally there is no reason to disagree.

In the end, Ouyang Shuo looked at Zhao Sihu, Zhang Daniu and other generals, and said, "The two city defense battalions and the cavalry battalion, the soldiers who died in battle should be supplemented with captives from the military affairs according to the opinion of the Military Affairs Administration."

"Here!" The three generals responded in unison.

Next, Ouyang Shuo began to announce the reorganization plan for the remaining captives, "Lin Yi!"


"After the cavalry battalion is replenished, it will immediately return to the North Camp of Friendship Town to garrison. The cavalry battalion was renamed the Pioneer Battalion, officially separated from the base camp and incorporated into the Youyi Town system."

"Thank you sir for giving me the name!" Although he was forced to leave the base camp, Lin Yi was well aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Surveillance of nomadic tribes is nothing more than a stopgap measure. From the name given by the adults, it is not difficult to see that the vanguard battalion is responsible for the sharp knife role of marching into the nomadic tribes. Its importance cannot be overstated.

"Director Ge!"


"After coming down, the Military Affairs Administration will make a special military flag for the Pioneer Battalion. The pattern of the military flag is based on the style of the Lord's Flag, and the golden dragon of the Lord's Flag is replaced with Tang Dao and Horse Lance that cross each other."


Ouyang Shuo's order made other battalion chiefs look at Lin Yi with envy. Apart from the Shenji Battalion, the Pioneer Battalion is the second battalion to be named by the lord, and now it is the first battalion to hold an exclusive military flag. This kind of honor made all the generals go crazy with jealousy.

Lin Yi smiled. This usually calm young general, at this moment, was excited and incoherent, and said: "All the soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion, thank you for giving me the flag, and I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded and continued, "Li Mingliang!"


"I order you to form a cavalry battalion from the remaining 600 cavalry bandits, and transfer the remaining 100 people to the reserve."


"The newly formed cavalry battalion is stationed in the big camp in the west of the city, and you will be the battalion commander."

"Thank you for the promotion, sir, I will live up to my trust!" Li Mingliang seemed a little excited.

Ouyang Shuo waved his hands and continued, "Sun Tengjiao, the former captain of the second squadron of the cavalry battalion, was appointed as the captain of the first squadron of the vanguard battalion; Liao Kai, the former squadron leader of the third squadron of the cavalry battalion, was appointed as the captain of the second squadron of the vanguard battalion. Guo Liang, the former captain of the fourth squadron of the cavalry battalion, was appointed as the captain of the first squadron of the newly formed cavalry battalion; Su Wang, the former captain of the fifth squadron of the cavalry battalion, was appointed as the captain of the second squadron of the newly formed cavalry battalion."

"Here!" The four of Sun Tengjiao responded in unison.

Ouyang Shuo didn't favor one over another, and the remaining four squadron leaders were evenly assigned to two cavalry battalions. The difference is that the vanguard battalion will be a heavy cavalry battalion, while the newly formed cavalry battalion will be a light cavalry battalion.

After arranging the cavalry, Ouyang Shuo looked at Shi Wansui again, and said, "General Shi, I order you to form an archer battalion and a spearman battalion from the remaining rogue captives, and transfer the remaining rogue captives to the reserve service." Two infantry battalions, plus the newly formed cavalry battalion, archer battalion and spearman battalion, form the first mixed brigade in Shanhai County, and you, general, will be the brigade commander and sit in the camp west of the city."

Shi Wansui lifted his spirits and said loudly: "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded, and then announced the personnel adjustment of the mixed brigade, "The first battalion of the mixed brigade, that is, the first battalion of the original infantry battalion, is the battalion of Shihu; The third battalion of the mixed brigade is the newly formed cavalry battalion, and the battalion is Li Mingliang; the fourth battalion of the mixed brigade is the newly formed spearman battalion, and the battalion is Zhao Yan; the fifth battalion of the mixed brigade is the newly formed archer battalion , Yingzheng Jiang Kai."

"Thank you for the promotion, sir, I will live up to my trust!" All the generals shouted in unison.

So far, among the infantry, most of the squadron leaders who have been promoted to junior generals have basically been promoted to battalion officers. The battalion is just a hurdle, and the brigade commander who goes up further needs to be a mid-level general.

More importantly, for these junior military generals transferred from ordinary soldiers, it will be much more difficult to advance again than formally trained generals such as Lin Yi and Sun Tengjiao. Most of them will stop at junior generals, and they will never be able to advance again in their lifetime.

Only those who are truly gifted can be promoted to mid-level generals again through acquired training to stimulate their potential, coupled with certain opportunities.

Just when the generals thought that the reorganization of the army had come to an end, Ouyang Shuo had no intention of adjourning the meeting, and continued, "The upgraded Lord's Mansion has an additional school field, which has been officially named Wuying Academy. This also means So, it's time to form a lord's personal guard. The establishment of the pro-guard is tentatively set as a squadron. The members of the pro-guard are not recruited again, but selected from the active battalions. To become a member of the pro-guard, you must It is the elite among the elite of the army, and requires proficiency in bow and horse and extraordinary martial arts."

"Please rest assured, my lord, the mixed brigade will definitely recommend the most elite fighters to participate in the selection of the personal guards." The newly appointed mixed brigade commander Shi Wansui was the first to express his opinion.

"Five hundred sons of the Pioneer Camp, let the adults choose." Lin Yi followed up and expressed his opinion.

Immediately afterwards, the city defense battalions were expressing their positions one by one.

For the formation of the pro-guard team, all generals fully support it. Among the generals present, which one was not selected by Ouyang Shuo himself. Now that the adults want to form a personal guard team, each of them can't wait to send the best fighters in their battalion to be selected. For soldiers, being able to enter the personal guard is a supreme honor.

Ouyang Shuo smiled gratifiedly and said, "The specific selection should be handled by the captain of the personal guard."

"Wang Feng!"


"Appoint you as the captain of the pro-guard, responsible for the selection of pro-guard members."

"Thank you for your trust, Sir, I will live up to my trust!" Wang Feng said excitedly.

Just now the generals of the infantry were adjusted, and the captains of all the squadrons of the infantry battalion were promoted, but there was no arrangement for Wang Feng, which was confusing. You know, among all the squadron leaders, Wang Feng is one of the best.

As the eldest disciple of Bajiquan master Lin Yue, Wang Feng's potential is greater than that of Zhao Sihu and other camp leaders. It will definitely not be a problem to be promoted to an intermediate general in the future. As for high-level generals, it depends on the chance.

Now, the answer is finally revealed.

Although Wang Feng is still the squadron leader, anyone with a discerning eye knows that his weight as the squadron leader is heavier than that of an ordinary battalion leader.

From the understatement of the adults just now, it is not difficult to guess that every member of the future personal guards will be an elite soldier beyond the ninth rank. The pro-guards are no longer limited to a single type of arms, but must master various skills such as riding, archery, and fighting, which belong to a comprehensive type of arms.

That's right, in Ouyang Shuo's eyes, the future personal guards are the special forces in reality, the elite among the elites in the military, and the sharp knives among the sharp knives. It was precisely because of such strict requirements that Ouyang Shuo limited the establishment of the personal guards to a squadron.

Shi Wansui, Lin Yi and other generals who participated in the Battle of Zhuolu were not surprised by your lord's arrangement. During the Battle of Zhuolu, Wang Feng was by his side almost inseparable, but he was already fulfilling his duties as the captain of the personal guard ahead of schedule.

If any other general served as the captain of the personal guard, it would be difficult to convince other generals. Only Wang Feng, no one will object.

The military has always worshiped the strong, and when it comes to martial arts, Shi Wansui is naturally the number one. Below Shi Wansui, the three young generals Lin Yi, Sun Tengjiao and Wang Feng are the strongest. Even Pei Donglai, a mid-level general, was slightly inferior to the three of them.

Therefore, it is really appropriate for Wang Feng to be the captain of the personal guard.