The World Online

Chapter 16: secondary village


For the next three days, system announcements in China kept ringing. Among the Handan Six Hegemons, Feng Qingyang, Feng Qiuhuang, and Sha Pojun have upgraded their territories to second-level villages.

Only Wolf Warrior, who is a representative of the military's youth faction, is not like the other five people who can use real credits to buy game coins from players unscrupulously, and has not yet been upgraded to a second-level village.

Everything in the territory seemed very peaceful, and the carpenter's workshop promised by the carpenter Lu Guangzhi had also been built. Under the leadership of Zhao Dexian, the Agricultural Reclamation Department successfully reclaimed a total of 500 mu of simple farmland on the north side of the territory, near the Friendship River area.

[Simple farmland]: Weeds are removed, and the farmland that has been simply treated can grow various crops.

Under the supervision of Shi Wansui, the construction of Yantian was also successfully completed. 40 salt workers have been stationed in the salt fields and began to lead seawater into the salt fields and use sunlight to dry the salt. The opened salt field was officially named Beimu Salt Field by Ouyang Shuo.

As for the wild boar, Zhu Baocai did not disappoint. After a short period of discomfort and panic, the twelve little piglets have now fully adapted to life in the pigsty. It is just around the corner to develop wild boar breeding into a new industry in the territory.

On the fourteenth day of the first month of the first year of Gaia, at eight o'clock in the morning, all the core personnel of Shanhai Village were already sitting in the meeting hall, waiting for the historic moment.

After Gu Xiuwen registered the last 8 refugees from the first-level villages, Ouyang Shuo ignored their information and thought about the territory upgrade in his heart.

A flash of white light flashed across the room, and in the middle of the meeting hall, a golden stone tablet slowly rose from the ground again. Ouyang Shuo pressed his right hand on the front of the stele, and a system notification sounded.

"System prompt: Check the upgrade conditions of Shanhai Village..."

"Condition 1: The population reaches the upper limit of 200 people, meeting the requirements!"

"Condition 2: All basic buildings are completed and meet the requirements!"

"Condition 3: The lord's title is at least a second-class baron, which meets the requirements!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyi. All the upgrade conditions for the Shanhai Village built by Wuyi have met the requirements. Do you want to upgrade?"


On the stone tablet, the golden light shot up into the sky again, exploded in the sky, turned into a golden halo, and spread towards the surroundings. The halo extended to the new edge of the territory and disappeared again.

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the sixth lord in China to be upgraded to a second-level village. The reward is 600 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the sixth lord in China to be upgraded to a second-level village. The reward is 600 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the sixth lord in China to be upgraded to a second-level village. The reward is 600 points of merit!"

This time, the wolf warrior in the "Six Hegemons of Handan" was surpassed by Ouyang Shuo, and history began to shift.

The announcement sounded, and there was an uproar in the game. The players speculated one after another, who is this player named Qiyue Wuyi, who can actually challenge the status of the Six Hegemons of Handan.

It has been half a month since "Earth Online" opened its server. The identities of the Six Hegemons of Handan gradually surfaced after numerous gossips from players, and they are no longer as mysterious as they were at the beginning. The more you know the identity of the Handan Six Hegemons, the more frightened everyone is.

There is no shortage of careerists in China, not to mention that "Earth Online" represents far more than a game. Even those careerists who have considerable influence in reality dare not think much about the status of the Six Hegemons of Handan.

Now, Ouyang Shuo has successfully picked a member of Handan Six Hegemons. This made those careerists ready to move, and the situation in China suddenly became confusing.

In Chixue Village near Jianye City, a burly young man with a resolute face sat violently in the village chief's office with a gloomy face. He was the Wolf Warrior. I saw him angrily saying to another young man standing beside him: "Fuck, don't worry too much. Go offline immediately and buy game coins at all costs."


At the same time, in Bawang Village near Quanzhou Prefecture, after hearing the system announcement, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes showed a playful evil smile, and said to himself: "Heh, someone actually surpassed Handan Liuba. From this point of view, they are not invincible! Hehe, it seems that my Overlord Village will become worthy of its name, haha~~~"

All of a sudden, inside and outside the game, there was a turmoil.

At this moment, Ouyang Shuo didn't have time to care about other people's thoughts. His territory upgrade operation had not been completely completed yet.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyijian Shanhai Village for upgrading to a second-level village. The Lord's Mansion is automatically upgraded. In addition, three village-level basic buildings are randomly selected, and the player can choose one of them."

"System prompt: Randomly select three buildings to complete, which are the village-level ancestral hall, the village-level private school, and the village-level granary. Please choose!"

"Choose a village-level granary!"

"System prompt: The building is being automatically generated, please check it yourself!"

A flash of white light flashed, and the golden stele slowly sank into the ground again.

After telling everyone to wait a little longer, Ouyang Shuo took the opportunity to check the properties of the village.

[Territory]: Shanhai Village (secondary village)

[Lord]: Qi Yue Wuyi (third-class Viscount)

[Title]: None

[Public opinion]: 80 Law and order: 75

[Territory Population]: 200/500 [Refugees Refresh Speed]: 10*(1+50%)=15 people/day

[Territory area]: 50 square kilometers

[Territory Features]: The rate of attracting refugees increases by 50%, the rate of attracting special talents increases by 20%, the output of crops increases by 50%, the skill proficiency of production residents increases by 20%, the level of army soldiers increases by 20%, and the success rate of territorial talents breaking through bottlenecks Increase by 10%.

[Territory Fund]: 10 gold coins

[Territory resources]: 3100 units of grain, 1800 units of wood, 800 units of stone, 300 units of iron ore

[Territorial Army]: Militia Squad (10 people)

[Territorial Industry]: Beimu Salt Farm (100 mu)

[Political Index]: 25/100 (determines administrative efficiency and affects public opinion)

[Economic Index]: 10/100 (determines the degree of trade prosperity, related to taxation)

[Cultural Index]: 10/100 (determines the degree of education development and affects the quality of residents)

[Military Index]: 20/100 (determines military strength, stable relationship)

[Basic buildings]: village-level lord's mansion, primary market, simple fence, village-level canteen, village-level toilet, small wooden residential courtyard (10 blocks), primary blacksmith shop, primary grocery store, primary lumberyard, primary quarry, Simple farmland (500 mu), primary barracks, pigsty, carpentry workshop

[Special Buildings]: Ferry, Wharf, Primary Shipyard

[Hidden building]: Mazu Temple (sealed)

List of basic construction buildings:

[Village-level ancestral hall]: A place for worshiping ancestors. Construction conditions: ancestral hall architectural drawings, 80 units of wood, 40 units of stone. Build time: one day.

[Village-level medical clinic]: A place where villagers seek medical treatment. Construction conditions: junior doctor, architectural drawings of the hospital, 60 units of wood, 20 units of stone. Build time: one day.

[Village-level private schools]: Private early childhood education institutions set up in villages. Construction conditions: Xiucai, private school architectural drawings, 150 units of wood, 80 units of stone. Build time: two days.

[Elementary martial arts gym]: A folk amateur martial arts training place based on villages. Construction conditions: Martial arts, martial arts building blueprints, 100 units of wood, 100 units of stone. Build time: two days.

[Village granary]: A warehouse for storing grain. Construction conditions: granary construction drawings, 400 units of wood, 200 units of stone. Construction time: three days. (Note: This building has been randomly generated.)

[Junior tailor shop]: A shop that sews clothes for others. Construction conditions: junior tailor, tailor shop construction blueprint, 40 units of wood, 20 units of stone. Build time: one day.

[Primary Mining Farm]: Accelerate the collection speed of ore resources, and produce an average of 2 units of iron ore/person/day. Construction conditions: 40 units of wood, 20 units of stone. Build time: one day.

[Simple Arrow Tower]: Primary defense facility with weak defense. Construction conditions: 80 units of wood, 10 units of stone. Build time: one day.

He briefly analyzed that in order to be promoted to a third-level village, three conditions must be met. The first condition is the population cap. There is no other good solution for the time being. It can only rely on refreshing refugees. It is estimated that it will take 20 days to reach the full population cap again.

Population is the biggest weakness of Shanhai Village, which is the inherent deficiency of individual players. The third condition is that the knight title has met the requirements, so there is no need to worry about it.

The most difficult thing is the second condition. Basic building construction requires three small conditions. First of all, there is no need to worry about building materials, and the current storage capacity can be satisfied. Secondly, the special talents needed for basic construction, with the current territory characteristics "the rate of attracting special talents increased by 20%", as long as Ouyang Shuo waits patiently, he won't have to wait.

The biggest difficulty was the architectural drawings. 5 gold coins for each basic building blueprint of a second-level village on the market, and a full 25 gold coins if you buy all the architectural blueprints for ancestral halls, medical halls, private schools, martial arts halls, and tailor shops. Ouyang Shuo finally, like other lords, had to worry about gold coins.

After analyzing the attributes of the village, he had time to take everyone to visit the upgraded Lord's Mansion. The courtyard house has undergone great changes, and its floor area has nearly doubled.

The whole courtyard became more refined. The main hall has been expanded from the original three rooms to five rooms, and the rooms are also more spacious than before, and even the furnishings have been upgraded to a higher level. In the middle of the main hall is still the meeting hall, and the ground is no longer the mud floor before, but is paved with stone slabs.

The one next to the meeting hall on the east side is still the office of the village chief. The difference is that there is a row of bookshelves in the office, and there are a lot of books on it. The newly added rooms on the east side house the administrative offices. Now, Gu Xiuwen and the other chief officials also have a fixed office space.

The one on the west side of the main hall is still Ouyang Shuo's bedroom, and the one next to the meeting hall is a dining room. From now on, people in the courtyard no longer have to go to the cafeteria with the villagers, and can open a small stove.

The wing rooms on the east and west sides have been expanded from two to four.

Taking advantage of everyone's presence, Ouyang Shuo began to rearrange everyone's accommodation. The first room in the east wing is still lived by Shi Wansui. In the future, Gu Xiuwen, Zhao Dexian and Zhao Dewang will be arranged to live in order.

The first room in the West Wing is naturally Cui Yingyou's residence. Next came Erwazi and Doctor Song, and the last room was temporarily vacant. In addition, when the medical center is completed, Dr. Song will move to live in the medical center. People like Zhao Youfang and Zheng Shanpao have already moved to the logging camp and quarry respectively.