The World Online

Chapter 162: problem


real world.

During breakfast, Sun Xiaoyue mentioned to Ouyang Shuo about the establishment of the Luoyue Club.

"It's so fast!" Ouyang Shuo was a little surprised.

"That's necessary."

"How about it, how many people were recruited yesterday?"

Mentioning this, Sun Xiaoyue felt a little discouraged, and said embarrassingly: "Except for a few of my friends, there were less than ten people who joined the club yesterday."

"How did this happen? Could it be that the conditions you set for joining the guild are too high?" In the previous life, Ouyang Shuo also played in the guild. They sworn brothers and sisters and jointly formed the Liangshan mercenary group. The head of the group was his elder brother Song Pu. People gave him the nickname Little Song Jiang. I don't know if the Liangshan mercenary group will appear in this life.

As for the entanglement with Song Pu in the previous life, it disappeared with the rebirth.

Ouyang Shuo was not sure how he would feel if he saw Song Pu again, whether he could still arouse the hatred in his heart, or if he was just like a stranger.

Sun Xiaoyue shook her head and said helplessly: "When recruiting people, I discovered that the qualified players were basically picked out by the large guilds, and the rest were basically single players who were determined not to join the guild. You can't take in some crooked melons, or players who are aiming at the characteristics of the guild."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, "You're right, I'd rather be short than excessive."

"But I can't get anyone, what should I do?" Sun Xiaoyue was still a little stubborn in her bones, unwilling to fail.

Ouyang Shuo took a sip of soy milk, raised his head and said, "Don't worry. Those single players who are determined not to join the guild just don't want to be bound by the guild. In fact, they are the most calm and potential group of people. This group of people , is our key target. To deal with them, we must first remove their guard. Let them see clearly that [Luoyuehui] is a gathering place for a group of life professional players. There are no restrictions on members, and there is no need to They go to complete the guild mission. Anyway, we don't plan to upgrade the [Lunar Moon Society], and don't ask to join the territory in the future, just let nature take its course."

Sun Xiaoyue's eyes lit up, she suddenly became enlightened, and said with a smile: "You are right, you can really try it. But, in this way, it is very likely that in the end, the bamboo basket will be empty."

Ouyang Shuo smiled confidently, "Don't worry, as long as they join the club, they won't be able to escape from my grasp."

Sun Xiaoyue curled her lips and said, "Cut, you're playing tricks again. You'll be the one to cry if you screw up."

Ouyang Shuo ignored Sun Xiaoyue's nagging, looked up at Bing'er, and said, "Honey, are you done eating? Brother will send you to school after eating."

Bing'er was fighting with the fried egg, and when she heard Ouyang Shuo's urging, she immediately swallowed it into her mouth in one gulp, but just like this, she couldn't speak again, which made the little girl anxious.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head amusedly, and said, "Don't worry, eat slowly."

The little guy chewed hard a few times, and finally swallowed the egg into his stomach. He took the paper towel handed over by Ouyang Shuo, wiped his mouth delicately, and said with a smile, "You're full, brother, let's go." He picked up the cute little schoolbag on the sofa in the living room, and walked towards the door first go.

On the way, Bing'er looked up at Ouyang Shuo, frowned and said, "Brother, you and sister Xiaoyue have been discussing games all the time recently, and Bing'er can't understand."

Ouyang Shuo patted her on the head and said, "Because it's a game played by grown-ups, it's right if you don't understand it."

"Oh. Bing'er still thinks that playing hide-and-seek with Xue'er is more interesting."

Speaking of this, Ouyang Shuo felt a headache, "What's more, Xue'er has been mischievous by you recently, last time you secretly hid my socks."

"Hee hee!" The little girl smiled like a little fox, but she actually asked Xueer to do it.

"At school, you can't be so naughty."

Bing'er was a little unhappy, and muttered: "I'm so good at school, the teachers all praise me."

"That's good." Ouyang Shuo looked up and saw that he had already reached the school gate, "Here, go in by yourself. When you come home from school, be careful on the road."

"Well, I got it. Goodbye, brother!" Bing'er waved to Ouyang Shuo, and walked into the school bouncingly.

After returning home, Ouyang Shuo began to practice routinely.

Since learning the "Huangdi Neijing", Ouyang Shuo has rarely practiced Bajiquan in reality. As for the Yang family spear, there is no condition for cultivation at all. Fortunately, internal strength is fundamental.

After finishing the work, it was almost noon.

After lunch break, Ouyang Shuo turned on his optical brain and logged into the forum. He found the anonymous post he had made to see if anyone had replied.

Sure enough, someone has noticed this post. However, everyone felt that Ouyang Shuo was playing tricks, probably fabricated to attract attention. There are those who are not polite, and even more bluntly, saying that the host has played games and ruined his brain, and he can't even tell the difference between games and reality.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head amusedly. It seems that in the game, there are still too few people who can learn the real cheats, and they haven't seen this post yet.

In the forum, such posts, and posted anonymously, can easily sink to the bottom and be forgotten. Ouyang Shuo couldn't push up the post with a high profile, otherwise the intention would be too obvious.

However, Ouyang Shuo was not worried. Only one or two people who have practiced authentic cheats notice this post, then it will definitely become popular again. He still has this patience.

On the forum, the news of Shanhai County's promotion is still the hottest topic. In addition, the news of the failure of Handan Town's promotion was also picked up by the players. Poor Dichen, once again became a stepping stone.

The successful promotion of Shanhai County once again stimulated the world's major lords. The panic caused by the successive failures of Mikasa Town, Bangalore Town and Liberty Town has been greatly eased. At least everyone knows that the promotion task can still be completed, and it is not a real death task.

It is foreseeable that the next wave of promotion applications will come again.

In addition, the promotion process of Shanhai Town also aroused the curiosity of many players. Before, whether it was Mikasa Town, Bangalore Town, or Liberty Town, when they were promoted, they were relatively high-profile and did not block the news. Liberty Town even took the initiative to live broadcast the whole process.

Only Shanhai Town kept a low profile. When applying for promotion, no one knew about it except the members of the Shanhai League. The specific course of the war is even more ignorant.

Everyone is very curious about how Shanhai Town completed such a difficult test task. Unfortunately, this will become a mystery again. Shanhai Town, which was originally gradually clear, is covered with a veil of mystery again.

After exiting the forum, Ouyang Shuo began to search for historical materials, especially the information about the next battle, and the search was particularly detailed. In his previous life, he had never participated in a battle, so he didn't have much advantage. That being the case, we can only look for opportunities from the pile of old papers.

In the evening, Sun Xiaoyue came back from school and brought new news.

"Remember my two roommates from before?"

"You mean Qin Ruo and Pan Qiaoqiao?"

"Yeah, I remember it quite clearly. Do you have any thoughts about them? Let me declare in advance that they are all celebrities." Sun Xiaoyue said sourly.

"What, please, don't play the piano carelessly, okay?" Ouyang Shuo really couldn't understand what the girl was thinking.

Sun Xiaoyue snorted arrogantly, "I'm just giving you a vaccination." Then she patted herself on the head and said angrily, "By the way, I almost forgot the business. What I want to say is that at school today, When we were chatting, chatting and chatting, we talked about the game "Earth Online."

"Recently, this game has sparked a lot of discussion in reality, and it has become a hot topic on the hot search list. I didn't hide anything, and told Qin Ruo and Qiaoqiao what I was already playing. Now The two of them are also clamoring to play, saying that they want to see what magic power this game has."

"Just play!" Ouyang Shuo said indifferently.

Sun Xiaoyue froze, feeling as if she had punched the air. "What? People are helping you out of kindness, but you don't care."

"Help?" Ouyang Shuo was confused.

"That's right. Think about it, if Qin Ruo and Qiaoqiao enter the game, their boyfriends will definitely join in too. In this way, if I pull them all into the Luoyuehui, it will strengthen the guild's strength. "

Ouyang Shuo smiled wryly, and said, "You're thinking too well. First, they don't necessarily play life professions; second, even if they play life professions, they are just rookies among rookies, newcomers among rookies, who can How effective is it? Taking a step back, even if they are very talented, there are only four of them, a drop in the bucket. So, the focus should still be on the method I mentioned this morning."

"Oh." Sun Xiaoyue was immediately discouraged by Ouyang Shuo's analysis.

Science men, sometimes have such a low EQ, they only analyze it from a rational point of view, and they never expect that there is a lot of enthusiasm in it.

Ouyang Shuo didn't want to see Sun Xiaoyue discouraged, so he said comfortingly: "Don't be discouraged either. At least, your passion for working hard to develop the guild is worthy of recognition. Besides, no matter what, Qin Ruo and Pan Qiaoqiao's joining can also make your game journey more exciting, isn't it. Many times, don't think about things too utilitarian, just be happy."

"En." Being comforted by Ouyang Shuo, Sun Xiaoyue's depressed mood was relieved a little, but she no longer had the enthusiasm she had at the beginning.

At this moment, Bing'er jumped out suddenly, and said to Ouyang Shuo, "Brother is a big fool."

Xue'er, who was flying in the air, also joined in the fun, and said crisply: "Big idiot, big idiot."

Ouyang Shuo was speechless, and said with a wry smile, "I, who am I offending?"

Sun Xiaoyue finally burst out laughing when Binger made such a fuss.