The World Online

Chapter 163: County planning


After dinner, Ouyang Shuo returned to his room and logged into the game.

During the game, Ouyang Shuo walked out of the room and looked at the deserted courtyard, feeling a little uncomfortable. Normally, at this time, Yingyou and Qing'er also got up one after another and began to wash up in the courtyard corridor.

Now, apart from the servants, Ouyang Shuo is alone in the huge courtyard.

Shaking off the emotions in his mind, Ouyang Shuo picked up the fine iron spear from the weapon rack, and began to practice the indestructible Yang family spear. After this period of hard training, his Yang Family Spear has finally been formally introduced.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ouyang Shuo showed up in his office on time.

Ouyang Shuo picked up the blueprints on the table and began to flip through them. This was the first draft of the overall planning of Shanhai County sent by the Construction Department yesterday. The main operator was Hao Jiancheng, assistant director of the Construction Department.

According to the planning of the Construction Department, the second city wall is six kilometers long, twelve meters high, and six meters wide.

Unlike the first city wall, the second city wall has only three sides. That is to say, on the south side of the second city wall, the city wall is no longer built, but the east and west walls are directly built to the root of the southern mountain range to integrate with the mountain range. In other words, the rocky mountains are the fourth city wall.

Because there are only three city walls, although the second city wall is much taller than the first city wall, in terms of engineering volume, it is a little more than twice that of the first city wall. With the current population base of Shanhai County, the Construction Department is confident that the construction of the second city wall will be completed within one month.

After the second city wall was built, it would cover an area of 36 square kilometers, four times the size of the old city, equivalent to rebuilding three Shanhai towns.

At the same time, the previously built moat will be transformed into an inner city river to provide sufficient water for the residents in the city.

During the period of Shanhai Township, the drinking water of residents was mainly solved by digging wells. In the future, in addition to drinking water, domestic water and workshop water can be obtained from the inner city river, which is very convenient.

The second part of the county seat planning is the re-division of the urban area.

According to the planning of the Construction Department, Shanhai County is divided into four urban areas. The area inside the first city wall is called the core area. The area north of the north city wall is called Beicheng District with the extension of the city wall to the north of the first city wall. Beicheng District is also the largest of the four districts, fully twice the area of Shanhai Town.

The east and west sides of the core area are Xicheng District and Dongcheng District respectively. These two urban areas occupy the smallest area, only half the area of Shanhai Town.

The third part of the county planning, which is also the core part, is the functional positioning of each urban area.

The core area is divided into the upper and lower halves by the north-south boundary. The southern half will be the brain of the territory, similar to the ancient imperial palace. According to the planning of the Construction Department, the southern half area is divided into three parts: left, middle and right.

Needless to say, the central part is the upgraded Lord's Mansion and the garden behind the Lord's Mansion. The left part is the future government office area, and the yamen of various departments will be concentrated in this area.

The right part is now the cultural and educational area. The Yellow Emperor's Temple, Mazu Temple, Town God's Temple, Zhaoxian Hall, Private School and Lianzhou College are all concentrated in this area. Because the core area will no longer allow ordinary people to live there, the Mazu Temple and Chenghuang Temple, two temples that need to enjoy the incense of the people all the time, will be moved from the core area to the northern area.

Similarly, private schools will also be moved out of the core area. As for the recruitment hall and Lianzhou College, they were moved to the northern half of the core area. That is to say, in the right part of the southern half of the area, only one building of the Yellow Emperor's Ancestral Hall remains. The Yellow Emperor's Temple will be the future ancestral temple, and only the lords are allowed to offer sacrifices.

The northern half of the core area is divided into left and right parts with the central axis as the boundary. On the left, there will be the college area, where the former Zhaoxian Hall and Lianzhou College are located. In the future, other academies in the territory will also be built in this area. As for the high-end market that was originally located on the left side of the northern half, it will be moved to the west side of the square, opposite to the teleportation array, one east and one west.

The right part of the northern half is now a military zone. According to the plan, only two buildings, the Military Affairs Administration and the Barracks, will be retained on the right. As for the Jiafang Division workshop, the Bow and Crossbow Division workshop, the weapons workshop and the alchemy workshop, they will all be moved out of the core area and moved to the east area for resettlement.

With the rapid development of the military industry, the military area has no room for these workshops. Therefore, it is very appropriate to place the four major workshops in the East District.

As for the west area, it is the official residence area under planning. Officials at all levels and their relatives will be placed in the official residence area. The official residence area is next to the official office area in the core area, which is convenient for officials to meet and release the office, which is now commonly known as commuting. The future official residence area will inevitably evolve into an elite area.

Finally, there is the North District, which covers the largest area. The northern area is divided into east and west areas with the central axis as the boundary, and each area is equivalent to the area of a Shanhai town. The commercial street, which was originally located on the central axis of the core area, will be relocated to the central axis of the northern district as a whole, fully doubling in size.

The western half of the area is a residential area. In addition, the three buildings of Chenghuang Temple, Mazu Temple and Private School will also be moved to residential areas. Considering that the West District will be the hardest hit area when the crime occurs, the yard where the Department of Public Security and the Department of Prosecution jointly work will also be moved to a residential area to maintain the law and order of the territory nearby.

Future residential areas will inevitably evolve into areas where the middle class and even rich people gather. Because most of the people living here are workshop owners or shopkeepers of major shops. They were the first batch of residents, developed together with the territory, and accumulated more and more personal wealth. It is difficult for latecomers to surpass them.

The eastern half of the area is the commercial area. All major handicraft workshops will be relocated here. According to the principle of nearby management, the Four Seas Bank, the Commercial Department and the Taxation Department will all be relocated here. Compared with the current commercial area, the area of the planned commercial area has been expanded by four times, which is enough for major workshops to expand their business scale.

After reading the county town plan of the Construction Department, Ouyang Shuo couldn't help but be overwhelmed. Hao Jiancheng, a young man, not only fully understood his intention, but also acted boldly and thoroughly.

According to this county plan, the territory will not need to readjust the plan for a long time to come. Just fill in the corresponding area little by little according to the existing plan.

Just as Ouyang Shuo was admiring the construction department's plan, the clerk Bai Nanpu walked in and said, "My lord, Director Xu is asking to see you outside the door."

Ouyang Shuo was taken aback, and quickly said, "Please come in."


Xu Shuda rarely walked into Ouyang Shuo's office. The director of culture and education, Zhengyin Jinshi, managed Lianzhou College in an orderly manner. Therefore, Ouyang Shuo seldom interfered with the work of the Department of Culture and Education.

"My lord!" Xu Shuda bowed to Ouyang Shuo after entering.

Ouyang Shuo nodded with a smile, and gestured with his hand, "Shu Da, sit down!"

"My lord, I have a request, please approve it." Xu Shuda cut to the chase.


"My subordinates request that the chairs in the conference hall be removed." Xu Shuda said solemnly, obviously this matter was very important to him.

Ouyang Shuo was taken aback again, which was unusual, and asked calmly, "Why?"

"As the level of the territory and your master's title increase, you must always maintain the majesty of the lord. If it is like before, everyone sits in chairs to discuss matters, regardless of seniority, which violates the etiquette system and is inconsistent with the etiquette."

Ouyang Shuo frowned, "Shu Da, you mean to let everyone stand?"

Xu Shuda shook his head and said, "If you, my lord, would like to provoke your subjects and don't want them to suffer standing up, then you can follow the ancient system and arrange low tables in the meeting hall, and everyone sit on the floor."

Only then did Ouyang Shuo feel relieved.

Rites, in ancient society, occupied an important position. Among the six parts, the Ministry of Rites accounts for one, which is evident from this. It is the foundation of the Confucian "rule of virtue" and the foundation of the rule of feudal rulers.

Confucianism attaches great importance to the role of ritual in regulating people's behavior, and puts forward the slogan of "ruling by ritual". Confucianism believes that everyone abides by the code of conduct that is in line with their status and status, so that they can be "declared according to etiquette" and achieve the goal of "the monarch, the minister, the minister, the father, the son, and the son" as Confucius said. Conversely, if one abandons the rituals but does not use them, one will "go into a coma if one fails to practice the rituals."

In order not to easily break this situation, Confucianism advocates a code of conduct of "each in his own right": for the rulers, etiquette requires the king to follow the example of ancient times, governing the country and handling family affairs like Yao, Shun and Yu. From eating and changing clothes, there is a set of established procedures; for ordinary people, there are countless kinds of etiquette: crown ceremony, evening ceremony, guest ceremony, funeral, etc., everything must be strictly followed. And Confucianism realizes its enlightenment through such a comprehensive system of social norms.

As a player territory, it is of course impossible to completely copy this etiquette system. Not to mention anything else, just take Yingyou as an example, if she acts according to Confucianism, then she will not be allowed to come to the stage at all.

The system in Shanhai County was designed by Ouyang Shuo. Many places have borrowed from the modern knowledge system, which seems incompatible with the feudal society, and it is even more impossible to copy the Confucian system.

However, it is undeniable that Li can indeed play an active role in maintaining the rule of the lord and maintaining the stability of the territory. The key lies in how to get rid of the dross of Confucian rule of ritual and extract its essence.

Shanhai County has not set up a special organization to regulate and guide the behavior and etiquette of all classes in the territory.

At this time, the Secretary of Culture and Education, or Xu Shuda, can take the initiative to stand up and correct the inappropriate places. More importantly, Ouyang Shuo was very pleased to be able to make flexible adjustments according to Ouyang Shuo's values.

Ouyang Shuo looked at Xu Shuda with a smile, and said, "Shuda, your proposal is very good, and I approve it. The layout of the conference hall will be handed over to the Department of Culture and Education, and I will instruct the Material Reserve Department to cooperate with you."

"Here!" Xu Shuda rejoiced, he was undoubtedly lucky to meet a lord who is good at accepting advice.