The World Online

Chapter 164: Home Office


In the afternoon, Shen Zhui walked into the lord's office.

Until he sat down, Shen Zhui didn't know why the lord called him here.

The conversation between Ouyang Shuo and Tian Wenjing last time was naturally kept very secret, except for the person concerned, no third party knew about it. Tian Wenjing is not a talkative person either, he will not take the initiative to mention this matter to Shen Zhui before the adults have solved the mystery.

Ouyang Shuo smiled and pushed a cup of hot tea to Shen Zhui's coffee table, and said, "Don't be nervous, it's a good thing." Speaking of which, although Shen Zhui was promoted by Ouyang Shuo, the serious conversation between the two was still It was the first time, no wonder Shen Zhui was nervous.

Shen Zhui's face softened, and his uneasiness eased.

"I have seen your performance in Yantian Division. It is very good. Now, there are more important responsibilities to be entrusted to you. Are you willing to leave Yantian Division?" Ouyang Shuo praised Shen Zhui without hesitation.

Shen Zhui's heart trembled, he is now the director, and he didn't dare to think about what the more important burden would be, so he said mechanically: "But according to your lord's orders."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, he still had the strength to say, "If you are allowed to take over the Material Reserve Department, do you have confidence?"

Even with Shen Hui's usual calmness, he couldn't hold back when he heard the news.

Being able to be valued by Tian Wenjing, Shen Zhui has his own advantages. Although the news from the lord was too shocking, Shen Zhui quickly adjusted his situation and said carefully: "Honestly speaking, this problem, my subordinates I dare not even think about it. Compared with the four directors, whether it is ability, experience or qualifications, the subordinates are far behind, so I dare not have such extravagant hopes."

"Don't you dare?" Ouyang Shuo's expression was inexplicable.

Shen Zhui gritted his teeth, knowing that if he refused again, it was very possible that he would miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although the temptation is huge, Shen Zhui still has reason.

Think about it, among the four directors of Shanhai County, which one is a simple person.

Needless to say Director Fan and Director Tian, historical celebrities, real bigwigs. Being the director is already a talent, so naturally it doesn't matter whether you are competent or not.

Director Cui, the lord's adopted sister, the daughter of a merchant family, has rich experience in business, and the oldest chief official in Shanhai Village, no matter in terms of ability or qualifications, she is the top choice.

Director Ge, the most junior of the four directors. Even so, the ability to lead a large refugee camp and stand in the wilderness is beyond doubt. Not to mention, before living in the wilderness, he had a wealth of military service experience. Even so, recently there have been rumors that are not conducive to Director Ge, saying that if it is not for the unconditional support of adults behind him, Director Ge will not be able to restrain the Yingzheng below.

Every director is a giant in the territory, how can ordinary people covet it.

Shen Zhui knew that he did not come from a major, before coming to Shanhai Village, he only went to a private school for a few years and learned a few big characters. The advanced study of the Eight Classics was completed in Lianzhou College. In the territory, not to mention Tongsheng and Xiucai, but Juren and Jinshi, there are no less than five people.

As for seniority, among the dozen directors, he is also a junior. Even among the three directors of the Material Reserve Department, his qualifications are the least.

The only thing worthy of praise is my little research spirit and modesty and eagerness to learn. However, this kind of quality does not constitute the core competitiveness. After all, in the officialdom, the focus is always on the result.

So, Shen Zhui really didn't have the confidence, let alone the confidence, to take over the burden of the Director of Material Reserves.

Shen Zhui gritted his teeth, became cruel, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, my lord, my subordinates dare not."

Unexpectedly, not only was Ouyang Shuo not angry, but he laughed out of relief, "That's right, it's really good."

Shen chased the foggy water at the head, and said doubtfully, "My lord?"

Ouyang Shuo straightened his expression and said, "Do you know why I praised you?"

"My lord, please clear up the confusion!" Shen Zhui said with a solemn expression, showing the courtesy of a student.

Ouyang Shuo accepted it calmly, and said: "Promoting you to the position of director is a risky move. Your concerns are also my concerns. If you are hot-headed and rashly accept it, then I really have to think carefully about it." , Is it really appropriate to put you in such an important position? If a person can have a clear understanding of himself and resist temptation, he is worth cultivating. Earlier in the army, I made it clear If you have expressed your opinion, you should only judge a hero based on his or her seniority. In the officialdom, this principle also applies.”

"It is undeniable that the timing of promoting you to the position of director is still a bit immature. But there is no way, now the director of the field has a more important burden. The material reserve department must elect a successor. According to the field department He thinks you are the most suitable, and I also agree with Director Tian’s judgment. Your appointment will be announced at the government affairs meeting on the 25th of this month. Before the official appointment, I still don’t feel at ease. I want to have a good talk with you, and by the way, it is also a test for you."

"It turns out that Director Tian's vision is correct, and children can be taught. Don't worry about it. It's a good thing to have pressure. You must learn to turn pressure into motivation. Don't be shy, work hard for me, and prove to the world that our Shanhai The county has the ability to train the director independently. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, let go of your hands and feet, if something happens, I will bear it for you. I am your strongest backing."

Ouyang Shuo's words penetrated Shen Zhui's heart thoroughly. Even if there is a sea of swords and flames in front of him, as long as the adults give an order, he dares to jump down without hesitation.

Shen Zhui stood up, knelt on the ground alone, and bowed solemnly to Ouyang Shuo.

Shen Zhui's eyes were full of tears, and he said emotionally: "Please rest assured, my lord, I will live up to your trust." He has already decided to resist all pressure and do a good job as the director.

Ouyang Shuo got up, helped him up, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Masters, why are you crying? Hold back your tears and work hard for me to show myself."

Shen Zhui suppressed tears and said loudly, "Here!"

On May 25th, Shanhai County Council Hall.

Shanhai County's government affairs meeting in May was held on time. In addition to the four directors and their subordinate directors, the chief officials of the three subsidiary territories of Beihai Town, Yushui Town and Youyi Town attended the meeting.

Under the layout of the Department of Culture and Education, the conference hall has completely changed.

At the top of the meeting hall, a step was raised, which divided the hall into two areas with high and low levels. The raised area is covered with a red carpet. A sandalwood table was placed on the carpet. The table was only half a meter high, flat in the middle, and raised at both ends. On the table, there are pens, ink, paper and inkstone.

Behind the table, there is an armchair. The backrest of the chair is arc-shaped, and the part extending left and right is the armrest, which is very simple. Behind the chair stands a foldable landscape screen.

Below the meeting room, on the left and right sides, there are three low desks placed vertically. On the table, tea and seasonal fruits are prepared. The back of the table is also covered with carpets, but there are no armchairs.

The four directors, lined up on both sides, knelt behind the table. Behind the director, the directors of the subordinate departments sat on their knees. The last two desks are temporarily empty. Behind the table on the left, there are three chief officials of the subsidiary territories. Behind the case table on the right are the three directors of the audit department, public security department, and punishment department.

Ouyang Shuo sat at the top, with his body upright, looked around, and said, "Before the formal discussion of government affairs, I will announce the adjustment of the organization and the appointment and dismissal of personnel."

The heads of the departments below all looked calm. They have expected that after the territory is upgraded, the adults will definitely increase their moves and adjust the organization, which is just the meaning of the question.

"I have decided to establish the Department of Internal Affairs to be responsible for territorial security, judiciary, prisons, auditing, and population management. The independent Public Security Department, Criminal Prosecution Department, and Auditing Department are all under the jurisdiction of the Internal Affairs Department. In addition, the administrative department under the The Household Registration Department is placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Internal Affairs.”

The blockbuster dropped by Ouyang Shuo was once again beyond everyone's expectations. The Department of Internal Affairs governs all key departments, and it can be predicted that its status is completely comparable to that of the Administration Department. In particular, the Department of Household Registration was transferred from the Administrative Department to the Internal Affairs Department. One plus and one minus, the two departments each have four divisions, which can be said to be evenly matched.

The establishment of the Internal Affairs Department was based on Ouyang Shuo's reference to the functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in modern society, combined with the reality of Shanhai County. The duties of the Internal Affairs Department are mainly related to territorial security affairs.

The only exception is the Audit Division.

How to give full play to the functions of the audit department has always been a question for Ouyang Shuo.

If the Audit Department is directly upgraded to the Department, it will be a bit thin and insufficient. If the Audit Department is allowed to operate independently, it will be lower than the Finance Department in terms of administrative level. It lacks authority and is not conducive to carrying out work. After careful consideration, Ouyang Shuo decided to assign the Audit Department to the Internal Affairs Department.

When Ouyang Shuo announced the establishment of the Internal Affairs Department, Tian Wenjing already knew it. Not surprisingly, the adults should want to take the post of Director of the Interior. Compared with the material reserve department whose status has been declining, the newly established interior department is of course more attractive and more suitable for him to display his talents.

Sure enough, Ouyang Shuo began to announce personnel adjustments, saying, "Appoint Tian Wenjing as the Director of the Interior, and at the same time remove Tian Wenjing from the position of the Director of Material Reserves."

Tian Wenjing got up immediately, walked to the middle of the hall, bowed and saluted, and said: "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

This personnel appointment did not surprise everyone.

Among the territories, the only ones who can take on this important task are Fan Tian. Fan Zhongyan is already the Director of Administration, and it is only natural that Tian Wenjing is in charge of the Internal Affairs Department. Now, the two finally returned to the same starting line.

The only thing to look forward to is who will take over the position of director of material reserves. This position is also tempting.