The World Online

Chapter 167: Weapons Specialist


In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo took the time to go out.

He is going to visit a person, a person who is crucial to the future development of the territory.

Ouyang Shuo took a taxi to an old city in the suburbs of Jiaozhou. In modern society, this kind of city is already a forgotten area, similar to the shantytowns two hundred years ago.

Due to the sharp decline in the global population and the complete social welfare system, the old city is almost a ghost city. People who live here are generally misfits from society.

After Ouyang Shuo got off the car, he followed the memory of his previous life and walked on the streets of the city. On both sides of the street, there are basically dilapidated shops that have long ceased to operate.

When he saw a weird billboard, he felt certain, it seemed that the person in his previous life really did not lie. Ouyang Shuo strolled into the alleyway, walking on the pitted concrete floor, with high walls on both sides, above the walls, covered with moss or other vegetation.

After walking for nearly 500 meters in the alley, Ouyang Shuo finally saw a similar billboard hanging crookedly on the gatehouse of a small courtyard.

The billboard is made of a piece of iron sheet, and it is full of rust. On it, a bullet spinning at a high speed is spray-painted. If you don't look carefully, you can't recognize it. Production of such bullets was completely stopped fifty years ago. It means that thermal weapons using gunpowder as a combustion-supporting material have officially bid farewell to the stage of history, and will be replaced by laser weapons that are more convenient and efficient, have higher lethality, and have stronger battery life.

Looking at this billboard, Ouyang Shuo was a little dazed.

If there is no accident, the person living inside is his previous life. In the game, apart from a few brothers and sisters, he is one of the few close friends.

His name is Liu Mo, a very common name, and his ID in the game is Bullet Out. Here is a man who is out of step with the times, obsessed with hot weapons that have retired from the stage of history. From the initial hobby, it gradually became fanatical, almost to the point of obsession.

In order to study hot weapons and restore hot weapons in reality, he ran away from home, broke up with his girlfriend, and moved to the old city in the suburbs alone.

This stay lasted for ten years, and it was not until the interstellar emigration that Liu Mo walked out of that small courtyard.

At that time, his girlfriend was already married and had children. The disheartened Liu Mo is in the game, doing nothing. It is difficult for his talent to be used in the game.

Ouyang Shuo accidentally met Liu Mo during a mission. Coincidentally, the two hit it off very well and became friends naturally.

During the chat, Liu Mo mentioned his experience in reality, which left a deep impression on Ouyang Shuo.

That's right, Ouyang Shuo came here specially to find Liu Mo this time, one is to get to know this friend from the previous life again, and the other is to invite him to his territory to engage in thermal weapon research.

In the late game, muskets and cannons are the protagonists of the war. When history is deduced to the Ming Dynasty, warships must be equipped with artillery in order to be able to dominate the ocean.

The system has strict restrictions on the technology tree, and it is difficult for players to break through the limitations of their country's history.

In Europe and the United States, the regions that relied on the industrial revolution, the birth of muskets belongs to the normal technology tree. Just like the last Liberty Town defense battle, the arquebus had already appeared on the stage.

But in China, although the Ming Dynasty already had muskets and cannons, because of the restrictions on muskets and cannons in the Qing Dynasty, these technologies not only did not develop further, but regressed.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to manufacture muskets and cannons that are truly powerful and practical in China.

First of all, similar technical manufacturing manuals cannot be found in the market or auctions. Even with the free system of the game, the things created are still blank slates and do not have real lethality.

The appearance of alchemist Magnus opened a door to success for Ouyang Shuo.

Magnus is an NPC with a Western background, that is to say, he can gradually climb up according to the Western technology tree on his own. That is to say, if Magnus, an alchemist, and Liu Mo, an expert in thermal weapons, work together, they can bypass the technical manufacturing manual and create lethal guns and cannons.

Of course, this must be much more difficult than the direct use of technology in the West to manufacture manuals. But, at least, this provided a possibility, worthy of Ouyang Shuo's investment and expectation.

In future naval battles, Ouyang Shuo does not want to fall behind.

Putting aside his thoughts, Ouyang Shuo stepped forward and knocked on the gate of the courtyard.

"Who is it?" A surprised voice came from inside the door, with a rich tone. Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in overalls, with a scruffy beard and hair like a bird's nest, opened the courtyard door.

Ouyang Shuo was taken aback, because the game image was modified by Gaia, and with this outfit, Ouyang Shuo couldn't be sure whether the person in front of him was the Liu Mo he was looking for.

"Hi, my name is Ouyang Shuo. Excuse me, are you Teacher Liu Mo Liu?"

The middle-aged man was also startled, and said in surprise: "Yes. How did you find this?"

Ouyang Shuo felt relieved, looking at his friend's appearance, he was not only a little funny. In the game, Liu Mo talked about his past, and the most talked about were the two billboards, without any description of his clothes. Ouyang Shuo reckoned that even he himself didn't know what state he was in.

Ouyang Shuo didn't answer Liu Mo's question, but said with a smile, "Why, why don't you invite me in?"

Liu Mo was bold, and he was not afraid of Ouyang Shuo's plans, "Please come in!"

After entering, the entire small courtyard is a museum of thermal weapons. All kinds of rifles and pistols are placed in a mess. In addition, there are very professional machine tools and other machinery and equipment, which are indispensable for the manufacture of guns and ammunition.

Seeing that Ouyang Shuo seemed to be interested in these guns, Liu Mo seemed a little excited.

He also stopped asking why Ouyang Shuo knew his name and how he found it here, and began to enthusiastically introduce the performance parameters of various guns to Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo can understand Liu Mo's mood, such recognition is very important to him.

It has to be said that in modern society, people who can still have such an understanding of thermal weapons, except for those who specialize in the development of weapons, probably belong to Liu Mo in front of me.

The point is that Liu Mo is not only rich in theoretical knowledge, but also very strong in practical skills. It is only in the surveillance corners of the old city that Liu Mo can tolerate Liu Mo practicing his hobbies in this small world.

Of course, the reason for monitoring the blind spot is also because Liu Mo has no subjective tendency to use these weapons to cause harm to other people. Otherwise, Gaia would have notified the police long ago to bring Liu Mo under control.

After visiting Liu Mo's gun museum, Ouyang Shuo just mentioned the purpose of coming here, and said with a smile, "You should have watched the president's televised speech this morning, right?"

Liu Mo was taken aback, "What TV speech?"

Ouyang Shuo fainted, he really didn't know it. For this kind of people, they are usually brought directly onto the spacecraft by the federal government in the end.

"Can you access the Internet here?"

"Of course, otherwise how would I check the information."

"Look on the official website of the federal government." Ouyang Shuo said helplessly.

"Look at what?"

"You see, it's absolutely important." Ouyang Shuo began to talk to Liu Mo in the tone of a friend from his previous life.

Liu Mo didn't care, and didn't know if it was because he finally met someone who agreed with him. He obediently turned on his optical brain and logged in to the official website of the federal government.

On the homepage of the official website, the detailed rules on immigration are placed in the most prominent position. "Interstellar immigration?" Liu Mo turned his head in doubt and looked at Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo nodded.

Liu Mo was taken aback, and began to read carefully.

Five minutes later, after Liu Mo finished reading, he looked at Ouyang Shuo in shock, and said uncertainly, "Is this true?"

"Of course. This morning, the Federation President also delivered a televised speech, and the video of the speech should be available on the official website." Ouyang Shuo could understand Liu Mo's doubts.

Liu Mo clicked on the official website again and found the video. After watching it, he was completely silent.

Ouyang Shuo left Liu Mo ten minutes to clear his thoughts, and then said, "No accident, the government will distribute the game pods starting tomorrow. What are your plans?"

Liu Mo smiled wryly, and said, "What plans can I have? For a person like me who is not tolerated by society, it makes no difference whether he immigrates or not."

"Don't say that, at least, you still have family, don't you?"

Liu Mo was silent again for a long time, before he murmured to himself, "Yes, you are right, I am an unfilial son, I should go to see my parents no matter what, I don't know if they will recognize me. "

In his previous life, Liu Mo missed meeting his parents because of such concerns, and thus wandered in the game. This is also one of his few regrets. Ouyang Shuo naturally did not want such a tragedy to happen again.

"Thank you, brother." Liu Mo said sincerely to Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo smiled slightly and said, "That's right, we are brothers. You are older than me, so I'll call you brother. To tell you the truth, I have been playing the game "Earth Online" since the very beginning. Currently It can be regarded as a small achievement, how about it, come and help me in the game, we brothers join hands."

"Okay, as long as you don't dislike it." Liu Mo was also very excited.

So, the relationship between people is really mysterious. Some people, no matter how long you get along, you can't talk to him. And some people, just meet for the first time, but can become lifelong friends.

"Brother Liu, don't belittle yourself. Believe me, your research on thermal weapons can definitely make a difference in the game." Ouyang Shuo said.

"You mean, I can still research thermal weapons in the game?" Liu Mo's eyes lit up.


"Great, I can't wait." Liu Mo looked very excited.