The World Online

Chapter 178: Raise Gu


Ouyang Shuo's strategy for the surrounding territories can be summed up in the word raising Gu.

The Lianzhou Basin has long been regarded by Ouyang Shuo as something in his pocket, and no one is allowed to touch it. Compared with Shanhai County, the other player territories in the Lianzhou Basin are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Since conquering other players' territories will cause them to lose the most important growth potential. Then, Ouyang Shuo was naturally not in a hurry and waited for these territories to develop on their own. These territories are equivalent to the hematopoietic machines that Ouyang Shuo ordered, constantly bringing refugees to the Lianzhou Basin.

Only when these territories began to border Shanhai County, and it was possible to peep into the secrets of Shanhai County, would Ouyang Shuo use his knife to clean them out of the Lianzhou Basin.

In order to keep the secrets of Shanhai County, Ouyang Shuo had to artificially create a vacuum isolation zone between Shanhai County and other players' territories to prevent the penetration of other players' territories to the greatest extent.

This isolation zone is equivalent to a jar for raising Gu, blocking the sight of Gu insects and the owner.

Of course, to be a Gu raiser, one must have absolute strength, coupled with powerful enough Gu raising methods. Otherwise, not only will the tiger become a problem, but it may also be backlashed by the Gu raised by oneself and die. Ouyang Shuo wanted to be a Gu breeder in the Lianzhou Basin, at least the newly established Heavenly Sword League would not agree.

Undoubtedly, Ouyang Shuo once again rejected Beihai County's application for establishing a subsidiary territory.

As for the financial appropriation that Beihai County applied for the construction of the city wall, it could only be achieved by collecting the income from the Langshan Mine and Beimu Salt Field in the first half of June in advance.

Shanhai County is now making money faster and spending it faster.

Ouyang Shuo annotated his opinion in red ink on Gu Xiuwen's official letter. Regarding the amount of financial appropriation, it is clearly 500 gold coins, and Beihai County will settle the rest by itself.

Next, the clerk, Bai Nanpu, will circulate the official letter to the relevant department according to Ouyang Shuo's comments, and the director or director will handle it in detail.

The current Ouyang Shuo has long since stopped using it. Whenever something happened, he would go to his subordinate's office, or ask his subordinate to come to his office to explain it in person. At the county level, implementing a more standardized and orderly government office system and standardizing the work process is one of the things that Ouyang Shuo has focused on.

Just take the matter just now, after Ouyang Shuo commented, Bai Nanpu would convey Ouyang Shuo's opinion to Cui Yingyou, Director of Finance. Cui Yingyou will naturally arrange for people to collect the income from the first half of June, and then allocate financial funds to Beihai County.

After dealing with the affairs of Beihai County, Ouyang Shuo then picked up the official letter from Zhao Dexian, the chief officer of Yushui Town.

Zhao Dexian mentioned in the official letter that the construction of the Shanman settlement has been completed, the small Shanman tribe has also moved to the settlement, and the relevant living materials and farm tools have also been delivered.

Or Tian Wenjing has a solution. After the settlement was built, Tian Wenjing immediately organized various mountain tribes and arranged for a group of tribesmen to take them to the settlement in the name of public-funded tourism.

Seeing the neat rows of green brick courtyards in the settlements, the piles of grain in the warehouses, the chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry raised in the yards, the surrounding vegetable fields one after another, and the vast fields outside the settlements...

All this shocked the mountain man who visited.

Compared with the bitter days in the mountains, the settlement in front of me is simply a fairyland on earth.

Not only that, Zhao Dexian also fully comprehended Ouyang Shuo's meaning, and built a very grand ancestral temple in the settlement according to the standards of the mountain barbarians and under the guidance of the tribal wizard.

All of these are fascinating. On the spot, two small tribes expressed their willingness to move their families to Shanhai County to settle down. In addition, there is a medium-sized tribe and two small tribes. They said that after going back, they will discuss with the tribe and decide whether to settle down the mountain.

Ouyang Shuo was overjoyed with such a fruitful result.

When those two small tribes go down the mountain, the population of Yushui Town will break through the upper limit of 10,000 people immediately, becoming the second subsidiary territory upgraded to a first-level county after Beihai County. Not only that, the increase in the labor force also provides a strong guarantee for the grain production in the second half of the year.

Ouyang Shuo immediately endorsed the official letter, requesting the Finance Department to allocate another 1,000 gold coins for the financial subsidy of Yushui Town, which will be used for the subsequent construction of Shanman settlements.

Now it seems that among the three subordinate territories, Friendship Town is relatively backward. Although the market was successfully established, the nomadic tribes valued their green clam horses and were not willing to sell them easily.

Furthermore, the purchasing power of the green clam horses is so powerful, the Tianfeng tribe sold 200 green clam horses last time, and the supplies they got in exchange were enough for their tribe to use for a long time. In addition, it is now summer and the pasture is luxuriant, which is a good time for grazing, and the herdsmen have no time to go to the market to trade.

Therefore, the current market is very deserted and has not met the expectations of Zhou Haichen, the chief officer of Friendship Town.

After reading Zhou Haichen's official letter, Ouyang Shuo thought deeply.

It seems that to pry open the boulder of nomadic tribes, it is still not enough to rely on trade means. At the critical moment, it is necessary to launch military operations and take a two-pronged approach to be effective.

Thinking in this way, Ouyang Shuo immediately sent an official letter to the Military Affairs Department and the Chengbei Camp, requesting the Chengbei Camp to start recruiting troops, and strive to expand another cavalry battalion in the Chengbei Camp within half a month.

As for the base camp, Ouyang Shuo has no plans to expand the army for the time being. In this way, it will not cause too much burden on the territory's finances.

Considering the meager financial revenue of Friendship Town, and the need to support a city defense battalion, plus the northern city battalion, it is a bit overwhelmed. Ouyang Shuo commented in the official letter, requesting the Finance Department to allocate 1,000 gold coins to Youyi Town as a financial subsidy, mainly used for military expenses and subsidies for purchasing green clam horses.

In this way, the three subordinate territories will consume 2,500 gold coins of financial subsidies. Without the two golden roosters laying eggs, the Langshan Mine and the Beimu Salt Field, it really wouldn't be able to survive.

Otherwise, how difficult is it to run a territory well, especially a territory like Shanhai County that develops with subsidiary territories

Many first-class towns and towns are built with earthen walls. Why don't they build stone city walls like Shanhai County, not because there is no stone, nor because there are no people, but because there is no money.

After the refugees join the territory, they are not the slaves of the lord, but your subjects. When I first started my business, I just wanted to eat well. One is that there are few people, and the other is that the territory is poor and empty, and the common people can understand it.

However, after surviving the initial stage and being promoted to a first-level township, if there is any lord who still wants to continue to squeeze the people, treat them as their own private property, or even slaves, and only give them food and clothing. , if wages are not paid, then the lords are likely to launch a riot and kill the lord.

In the previous life, there was a situation where the lord was killed by his own NPC and replaced.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the refugees are still very docile and honest, and they will not make such a move if they are not forced to a desperate situation. Otherwise, there would be riots at every turn, so who would dare to be the lord.

After processing the official letters of the three dependent territories, it was almost 6 pm.

Ouyang Shuo got up, handed over the official letter to the clerk, Bai Nanpu, and followed him towards the backyard.

"Brother, you got off work early." In the backyard, accompanied by Zisu, Bing'er was playing Yanjitu, which is the modern Tangram, and said in surprise when she saw Ouyang Shuo.

This picture of Yanji was specially made by Lu Guangzhi for Binger. Bing'er has naturally seen all kinds of toys in reality, but she is also very interested in this ancient and very interesting intellectual game, and her talent is extraordinary, even Zisu and Pinellia can't play her.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "Yes, brother, let's come and see if our little rascal behaves well when brother is not around."

Bing'er put down the picture of Yan Ji, and ran over to ask Ouyang Shuo to hug her.

Ouyang Shuo picked her up and walked towards the dining hall, at this point, dinner just started. I don't know why, but after entering the game, this girl Bing'er becomes more and more obsessive, wanting to hug her every now and then.

Ouyang Shuo reckoned that Xiaonizi must have seen Ouyang Shuo's pampering towards Youyou and Qing'er, especially Qing'er, and felt that her brother was snatched away by others, so she kept declaring her sovereignty.

Just like in reality, the second-child dispute a long time ago. The original only child, because he didn't want his parents to love him, was separated from his younger siblings, so he tried his best to oppose his parents to have a second child.

Ouyang Shuo did not intervene, but let it go. It is even more impossible for him to reduce his concern for Yingyou and Qing'er because of this, but continue to perform his duties as the eldest brother. Ouyang Shuo wanted Bing'er to know that love must be learned to share, and this is also a stage that she must go through during her growth.

After the meal, Ouyang Shuo went back to his room and logged off.

In reality, because there is only half a month left before the official immigration time on July 1st, the atmosphere is a bit dignified. There is hesitation about the future, and there is also reluctance to give up the earth.

According to news reports, some elderly people do not agree with immigration. One is the age. Anyway, there are still ten years before the earth changes. It is still unknown whether he can live until that time. The second is that they are unwilling to toss, not to mention the interstellar journey, even after arriving at the hope planet, it is quite a toss.

The federal government naturally respects the choice of citizens. Before leaving, it will leave enough living supplies and supporting living robots to take care of the daily life of these citizens who do not want to immigrate.

In addition, some artists are also quite reluctant to take away artworks that cannot be taken away, such as ancient buildings, murals, and some intangible cultural heritage.

There are those crazy ones who claim to live and die with art and vow not to immigrate. For this kind of people, the federal government is not polite and just drags them away.