The World Online

Chapter 183: board the ship


In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo mailed the token and the letter that Yingyou gave him to Sun Xiaoyue.

Next, Ouyang Shuo walked out of the lord's mansion, accompanied by the construction director Zhao Dewang, and began to complete the completion inspection of the second city wall in Shanhai County.

After nearly forty days, the second city wall was finally completed, including the city gates, city towers, arrow towers, caves for soldiers and other ancillary facilities, all of which were completed and ready to be put into use.

Because the two city walls are not composed of the standard "Hui" character, but the outer "kou" character goes up to the stage, so that it is flush with the inner "kou" character. Therefore, the east gate and west gate of the second city wall are just flush with the north city wall of the first city wall, and completely staggered from the east gate and west gate of the first city wall, which enhances the defense capability.

As for the north gate, although it is on the same central axis, because of the existence of the inner city river and the two north gates are three kilometers apart, in terms of defensive capabilities, it is not much inferior to the east and west gates.

When Sun Xiaoyue and his party teleport over in July, they will see a brand new Shanhai County, which is also the largest lord city in the world so far.

Back at the Lord's Mansion, Ouyang Shuo read a book in the office for a while.

In Ouyang Shuo's plan to be promoted to a second-tier county seat, there are still many things that need to be dealt with. However, because the immigration was approaching, Ouyang Shuo didn't have the energy to start these plans before finishing the immigration matters.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo went back to the backyard and took Binger off the assembly line together.

After coming out of the game cabin, the siblings ate their last breakfast at home.

"Honey, do you remember what brother said?" Ouyang Shuo finally urged.

Binger nodded vigorously, and said crisply: "Remember, you can't talk about things in the game with anyone, including my aunt. Don't worry, brother, Binger is very good."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, took Bing'er, and went out with a pitifully small salute, boarded the unmanned air bus that was parked outside the community, and was specially prepared by the Alliance Government, and went directly to Shanghai. As for their game cabins, they were delivered directly to Modu Airport through distribution channels.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ouyang Shuo arrived in Shanghai and met his aunt.

After the rendezvous, we briefly had lunch at my aunt's house, and then took the bus together to the airport.

Because of the large number of passengers, they didn't wait until July 1st to board the ship together. Instead, starting today, passengers will be arranged to board the ship one after another.

Ouyang Shuo didn't want to stay longer at his aunt's house, so he directly decided to board the ship today.

Before departure, they had already changed into the flight suits specially issued by the federal government at their aunt's house. This kind of aviation suit is actually very light, no different from sportswear.

When we arrived at the airport, it was already overcrowded. Fortunately, there were troops maintaining order at the scene.

Ouyang Shuo, Bing'er, Aunt Lin Jing and Xie Siyun started to line up to board the ship. They waited until half past five in the afternoon before it was their turn to board the ship.

Under the guidance of the robot, Ouyang Shuo took Bing'er and lay down in his game cabin, and then the robot was responsible for transporting the game cabin to the designated location.

After entering the game cabin, Ouyang Shuo directly logged into the game. For a long time to come, he will have no relationship with reality and live completely in the game world.

Ouyang Shuo came out of his room and came to Binger's room in the East Chamber.

The compartment outside Binger's room is occupied by the maid Zisu. Ouyang Shuo's arrival awakened Zisu.

"Master?" Zi Su was a little strange.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "I'll come and see Miss San."

At this time, Bing'er had already got up by herself, ran out, and said crisply: "Brother!"

Ouyang Shuo was afraid that Bing'er would not get used to it, so he came here to comfort her. Seeing that the little girl's mood was still stable, she finally felt relieved and said with a smile: "Baby, we will have to stay in the game world for a long time in the future, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I have my brother here. Besides, Bing'er thinks this place is very good, Bing'er likes it very much." The little girl is heartless, maybe, she really still can't understand what interstellar immigration means.

While the brothers and sisters were talking, Zisu had retreated out of the room consciously, went to the kitchen to prepare hot water for Binger to wash, and at the same time ordered the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Seeing that Bing'er was well, Ouyang Shuo went back to his room, and after Ban Xia took care of him, he took a simple wash, picked up the fine iron gun, and began to do morning exercises in the courtyard.

After Bing'er washed up, she stood in the corridor and watched her brother practice martial arts with great interest.

Such a morning has become a daily routine for the siblings.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ouyang Shuo showed up at the lord's office on time. He ordered the clerk, Bai Nanpu, to call Zhao Youfang, the chief of combat readiness, to make arrangements.

After Zhao Youfang came in, he seemed a little cautious. The chief of combat readiness was ignored by Ouyang Shuo for a long time, and he didn't know why he was summoned by the lord this time.

Ouyang Shuo sat in the main seat, looking at the reserved Zhao Youfang, he also felt a little emotional.

Half a year has passed, and the waves wash away the sand. Zhao Youfang, who looked very clever at first, turned out to be embarrassing. Zhao Dewang, who was originally dull, managed the construction department in an orderly manner, and was praised by Ouyang Shuo many times.

The original group of old people in Shanhai Village held important positions, but they basically reached the limit of their abilities.

Zhao Dexian, the former village head of Zhaojiagou, the magistrate of swimming is already the limit. When Yushui County is upgraded to a county, Ouyang Shuo will definitely replace someone to take up the post of county guard.

Zhao Dewang, if he becomes the director, it will be the end, at most, he will have the opportunity to seek to be released as a county magistrate in the future. Zhao Youfang, with the continuous promotion of the territory, it is still hard to say whether he can keep his position as director.

Officials are different from military generals. Without corresponding knowledge, it is difficult to become a master by experience alone.

Ouyang Shuo handed Zhao Youfang the "Technical Manual for Manufacture of Junliang Pills" and "Technical Manual for Manufacturing Marching Tents" that he had bought earlier, and said, "Director Zhao, the production of Junliang Pills and marching tents will be in the charge of your Combat Preparedness Department. The combat readiness department needs to produce more and more combat preparation materials. The combat readiness department can cooperate with the construction department to build a military factory outside the city, which is dedicated to the production of military supplies."

"Here!" Zhao Youfang replied respectfully.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head, his tone became more relaxed, and said, "You Fang, you can't do this, you don't have a trace of vigor. Where is that director who dared to speak out? Regarding the construction of the military factory, I want to hear your opinion." Opinions, not promises."

Zhao Youfang froze, thinking about it, he felt a lot of emotion. The experience during this period was also a test for his state of mind. If he could survive it, he might not be able to be reborn from the ashes.

Zhao Youfang knew that this was the last chance the adults would give him, if he couldn't grasp it, he would really sink to the bottom.

In fact, Zhao Youfang had some ideas when he received the "Technical Manual for Ladder Manufacturing". Because the manufacture of ladders requires a large workshop. After the re-planning of the county seat, each area has its own clear functional positioning.

Zhao Youfang made some calculations, but couldn't find a suitable place to set up a workshop. Since it didn't work inside the city, Zhao Youfang turned his attention to outside the city. The only thing to worry about is safety.

"My lord, do you still remember the cave where the fire oil is stored?" Zhao Youfang asked tentatively.

Ouyang Shuo's heart moved, and he said uncertainly: "You mean, you want to build the general factory inside the cave? Have you found a suitable cave?"

Seeing that the adults were interested, Zhao Youfang gradually gained confidence in his heart, and said, "That's right. When storing the fire oil, my subordinates specially inspected it, and found that there are many such natural caves at the foot of the rocky mountains. These caves are of different sizes, and the heights are scattered. The big caves are as big as the previous Shanhai Town. The height of the caves is more than 20 meters, and the average is more than 5 meters. Even better, there are underground rivers inside some caves, with sufficient water sources. The air circulation is also smooth. Therefore, the subordinates think that it is a good choice to build the general factory in the cave. It can be put into use with a little modification."

Ouyang Shuo nodded. It seems that he had neglected the wealth hidden in the rocky mountains. The first ones to use caves should be winemaking workshops to store Sanhua wine and make it into a good old wine.

At that time, I didn't care about it.

Then, there is the cave where fierce fire oil is stored. Because this matter was entrusted to the Combat Preparedness Department, Ouyang Shuo didn't go to the field to investigate, but he didn't know that this kind of caves were still common.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Youfang is a caring person, and he is keenly aware of the strategic role of the cave.

"That's right, Youfang's proposal is very good, I agree." Ouyang Shuo immediately made a decision.

If it is possible to build the general factory in the cave, it is of course the best choice. In this way, not only does it not need to occupy the limited land in the city, but also the safety is well guaranteed.

Even better, it is built in a cave, which has great concealment and is easy to escape the detection of spies.

"Here!" Zhao Youfang responded loudly, this time, he was much more confident than before.

After Zhao Youfang left, Ouyang Shuo was still thinking about the cave. In his view, it is very necessary to arrange for the construction department to conduct a thorough investigation of the caves in the territory.

Such a cave, in modern society, is a natural air-raid shelter and an excellent military base. Whether it is engaged in military production or research and development of weapons and equipment, it is very suitable.

I can no longer be confused and let this precious wealth go to waste. Of course, after the investigation is clear, the use of caves also requires a systematic planning, and they cannot be crowded.

As soon as he thought about it, Ouyang Shuo immediately wrote a letter of approval to write out his own arrangement completely, and then called the clerk, Bai Nanpu, and asked him to hand it over to Zhao Dewang, the director of construction.