The World Online

Chapter 184: Global Online


On July 1, at 4:00 pm, the last passengers boarded the spaceship.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the spacecraft took off from various airports around the world. After gathering in space, they reorganized into a huge fleet consisting of thousands of spacecraft and headed for the planet of hope.

The mighty fleet, carrying the last hope of mankind and a civilization's longing for a new life, sails to the vast starry sky and an unknown world. According to the experience of the advance team, the fleet needs to sail in the universe for at least ten years before reaching the planet of hope.

At eight o'clock in the evening, that is, eight o'clock in the morning in the game, a system announcement sounded.

"World Announcement: "Earth Online" has officially entered the global online era. The game will undergo a major update, which will take effect immediately. For details, please log on to the official website to check."

Gaia has built the official website of the game into the game. Players can log in to the official website and game forums at any time during the game to view relevant information. This is also the key to why Ouyang Shuo still had some understanding of territory construction even though he was a personal adventurer in his previous life.

On the homepage of the official website, the headline published not the content of this system update, but a farewell speech by the President of the Federation, telling the public to bid farewell to Mother Earth.

More importantly, during his speech, the president finally revealed the secret of counting personal assets.

Due to interstellar immigration, most of the fixed assets, including houses, factories, machinery, equipment, etc., were abandoned on the earth and could not be taken away, including the loss of many intangible assets, which led to the loss of many billionaires or celebrities overnight. time, become impoverished.

Global citizens, for a moment, are on the same starting line. Then when we arrive at Hope Planet, how to weigh personal assets is a very critical issue.

If no compensation is made, it will be very unfair to those who have lost their wealth. Because when these people were on Earth, they worked for interstellar immigration and made many indelible contributions.

The hopeful planet in the future also needs these entrepreneurs and artists to contribute to the construction of a new society. An entrepreneur cannot always be a lumberjack. This does not conform to the social division of labor, nor does it conform to the basic principles of human resource allocation, and is a huge waste of human resources.

Furthermore, the wealth they lost was caused by natural disasters, which is force majeure, and the federal government is obliged to pay for their lost wealth.

Of course, the lost wealth cannot be completely compensated to them. Because this wealth is indeed abandoned on the earth, therefore, it is necessary to formulate a compensation coefficient.

In order to determine a reasonable compensation coefficient, the economic experts of the Federation racked their brains to write various functions. In the middle, there is also a game between the consortium and the federal government, which is really extremely difficult.

In the end, with the support of Gaia's super computing power, the federal government decided to adopt a universal compensation mechanism. In order to cooperate with the compensation mechanism, the federation also created a new concept term—achievement value.

That is to say, the personal assets of all citizens are multiplied by the compensation coefficient, and what is obtained is not new asset data, but an achievement value.

Why not new asset data, because most of the physical assets are abandoned on the earth, and the current assets without fixed asset support are just a bunch of meaningless data, and nothing can be bought.

Achievement points will play a vital role in Hope Planet, similar to merit points in the game. According to the amount of achievements, citizens can get different permission levels.

The Federation divides authority into nine levels: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Different authorities can be allocated to different resources and have different social status after arriving at Hope Planet.

SSS-level permission, unique, exclusive to Gaia. Activating this authority means that to check Gaia’s core database, the consent of more than 75% of all citizens must be obtained before this authority can be activated.

The SS-level authority is also unique, and it is exclusive to the federal president, and it is only owned during the term of office. At the end of the presidential term, this authority is automatically transferred to the next Federal President.

It means that ordinary citizens can only obtain S-level permissions at most.

F-level permission requires no less than 100 achievement points, and each level up will increase the achievement value by 10 times. By analogy, S-level permissions require an achievement value of no less than 100 million points.

The highest compensation coefficient is 0.01 and the lowest is 0.0001. The more personal assets, the lower the compensation factor. If a citizen's personal assets are below 10,000 credit points, they will receive a compensation factor of 0.01. If a citizen's personal assets are higher than 100 million credit points, they will receive a compensation factor of 0.0001.

In other words, a low-income household with 10,000 credit points can obtain 100 achievement points and obtain F-level authority. A rich man with 100 million credit points can obtain 10,000 achievement points and obtain D-level authority. A tycoon with tens of billions of assets can obtain 1 million achievement points and obtain B-level authority.

The world's richest man, the father of Jack Dawson, the lord of Liberty County in the United States, Yabu Dawson, the only rich man with a fortune of hundreds of billions, can get 10 million achievement points and obtain A-level permissions.

The compensation factor is not only related to personal assets, but also takes into account professional factors. Of course, mainly for politicians, scientists, scholars and artists.

According to Gaia's calculation results, among the 1 billion immigrants, about 200 million citizens have obtained the lowest F-level authority, and most of them are minors with only 100 basic achievement points.

For example, Bing'er only has 100 basic achievement points. Her smart pet Cher, because it is a personal item brought on the spaceship, is not counted as personal assets.

Among the remaining 800 million people, basically all have E-level authority. Only more than 1 million people have obtained D-level permissions, including billionaires, scientists, elite scholars, and elite politicians.

More than 100,000 people have obtained C-level authority, including rich people with assets of more than 1 billion, top scientists, national treasure-level artists, and senior officials of the federal government.

Only 500 people have obtained B-level authority, including rich people with assets of more than 10 billion, national treasure-level scientists, and senior officials above the federal ministerial level.

As for A-level authority, there are less than 10 people, and their list is kept strictly confidential. As for whether anyone has obtained S-level authority, that is a state secret. Ouyang Shuo estimated that there would definitely not be more than three people.

Needless to say, what Ouyang Shuo obtained was E-level authority, with an achievement value of 2000 points, which was mainly due to the deposit of more than 800,000 credit points in his account.

Strictly speaking, the compensation mechanism established by the federal government has been greatly weakened for the big forces. A billionaire is one level higher than the general public.

When the compensation mechanism was introduced, it was resisted by the powerful forces. The result of the compromise between the two parties was that "Earth Online" did not make any publicity, and opened a year in advance to accumulate the early advantages for the big forces.

Then, why do these powerful forces attach so much importance to "Earth Online"? Is it just because there is an opportunity to obtain authentic cheats in the game? No, the root cause lies in the second chance to obtain achievement points.

In order to give ordinary people a chance to stand up, they can get a higher starting point on Hope Planet. It is also to appease ordinary people's dissatisfaction with the rich who have lost their assets, but still obtain high-level authority. The federal government stipulates that before arriving at the planet of hope, Gaia will liquidate the game assets of all players just like the personal assets of the earth, and then convert them into achievement points according to a certain ratio.

Please note that there is no so-called reduction factor for this conversion, that is to say, the more assets you have in the game, the higher the achievement value you will get.

And this is also Ouyang Shuo's final plan. Through the advantages he has gained in the game, he can increase his authority when he obtains achievement points for the second time, and lay a solid foundation for entering Hope Planet.

In addition, for Lord players, there is an additional benefit.

According to the information sent back by the expedition team, the area of Planet Hope is more than 10,000 times that of the Earth.

This is also normal, because in the universe, the earth is really a very small planet.

Such a large planet needs someone to open up wasteland. At this time, the lord player can come in handy, which is why "Earth Online" is so realistic.

Being able to fight for ten years in the game without being wiped out by others, still standing tall. Such a lord is already qualified enough to pioneer in reality.

In reality, naturally, there were no refugees spawned, let alone teleportation arrays. These two things are the biggest guarantee for Lord players to gain a firm foothold in the wilderness.

However, in reality, countless robots can completely replace the role of refugees. As for the teleportation array, hehe, Skytrain expressed dissatisfaction.

As for the management team, the Federation also has a solution for the lord, that is, biochemical people.

The high-level NPCs in the game all have their own independent consciousness, and the Federation can transfer this part of consciousness into the biochemical human body to complete the seamless switch from the virtual character in the game to the real person.

In other words, only the lord player's authority is high enough to copy all the important ministers and generals he relies on into reality to help him continue to open up wasteland and build territories.

Because the production cost of biochemical humans is very high, they are half-human, half-mechanical creatures. Moreover, biochemical humans are also graded, the higher the grade, the higher the manufacturing cost.

Therefore, the struggle in the game cannot stop for a moment.