The World Online

Chapter 189: Southwestern University Hall


On July 2nd, at ten o'clock in the morning, the meeting hall of the Lord's Mansion of Shanhai County.

Ouyang Shuo summoned Fan Zhongyan, Xu Shuda, Sun Lao, Li Lao and Sun Xiaoyue to discuss the matter. Mr. Li is the old man who quarreled with Mr. Sun, and he is also the only master architect among the thirty experts.

Last night, after sending the old men away, Ouyang Shuo returned to the Lord's Mansion, thinking hard about the new positioning and structure of Lianzhou College.

The original intention of establishing Lianzhou College was to train civil servants for the territory. Nowadays, a large number of top experts in reality are about to join, and it is not appropriate to call it an academy. In the end, Ouyang Shuo decided to follow the name of the new school in the late Qing Dynasty, and renamed Lianzhou College as Southwest University Hall.

Ouyang Shuo looked around and introduced the structure of the Southwest University to everyone present, "For now, there are only three colleges in the Southwest University, namely the School of Economics, the School of Gewu, and the School of Architecture. The law department was transferred to the School of Economics, and still undertakes the important task of cultivating civil servants. The remaining arithmetic subjects will be assigned to the newly established Gewu Academy. In addition, a business department will be set up in the School of Economics to teach economics and auditing knowledge , to provide talents for the Finance Department and the Audit Department.”

"Gewu Academy, as the name suggests, is a school for science subjects. Most of the members of the expert team will be hired to teach in Gewu Academy. As for the final School of Architecture," Ouyang Shuo turned to Sun Xiaoyue and said, "[Luoyue The core members of the Association are basically graduated from the Wangcheng School of Architecture, and they still specialize in different professional directions. Therefore, the School of Architecture will be established with you as the backbone."

At present, Southwest University has only established three colleges, and the establishment of new colleges is not ruled out in the future.

Ouyang Shuo's restructuring of Lianzhou College is naturally not a big deal in the eyes of modern people like Mr. Sun and Mr. Li. But in the eyes of Fan Zhongyan and Xu Shuda, it was nothing short of shocking.

Fortunately, both of them are not sour Confucians, and with Ouyang Shuo's nearly half a year of nurturing, their thinking patterns and certain concepts are also subtly changing, and they are beginning to move closer to modern thinking patterns.

And this is exactly what Ouyang Shuo wanted.

After all, if it is really necessary to transform these important ministers into biochemical humans in the future to help him take care of the real territory, then it is undoubtedly inappropriate for them to stick to old ideas instead of modern thinking.

Fan Zhongyan was the first to react and said, "My subordinates agree to the restructuring of Lianzhou College."

Xu Shuda then agreed.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "The principal of the Southwest University is still held by Narrator. The dean of the Gewu Institute is held by Mr. Sun; the dean of the School of Architecture is held by Mr. Li. As for the dean of the School of Economics, Shu Da, do you have a favorite candidate?"

Xu Shuda pondered for a while, and said, "My lord, my subordinates recommend Professor Su Ze."

"Mr. Su Ze?" Ouyang Shuo was a little surprised, and said suspiciously: "Mr. Su Ze is naturally the most suitable candidate, but Mr. has no intention of career, will he agree?"

Xu Shuda nodded and said: "Your Excellency, I don't know. Although Professor Su Ze has no intention of being an official, he is very concerned about the teaching of Lianzhou College. Besides, the dean of the School of Economics is different from the previous dean of Lianzhou College. Take charge of the overall situation and only be responsible for one piece alone. The subordinates have the confidence to persuade Professor Su Ze to accept the appointment."

"Okay." Ouyang Shuo lifted his spirits and said, "Then it's settled. The Southwest University Hall's name change, appointment of professors, and expansion will be left to the Department of Culture and Education to be fully responsible."

"Here!" Xu Shuda agreed.

"The first phase of Southwest University Hall, at least on the basis of Lianzhou College, will be expanded fifty-fold. In the northwest area of the core area, one-third of the land is reserved for Southwest University Hall. This time, not only To increase the number of schools, teachers’ dormitories should also be increased, separate canteens, student dormitories, auditoriums, and library buildings should be built, gardens, playgrounds, and lakes should be excavated to create a quiet and beautiful teaching environment for all students and teachers. The Department of Culture and Education must follow the construction At the same time, we invite teachers from the School of Architecture to participate in the overall design of the Southwest University Hall and submit it to me for review." Ouyang Shuo described the blueprint for the future of the Southwest University Hall.

"Here!" Xu Shuda was shocked by the blueprint drawn by Ouyang Shuo, and was inexplicably excited.

Ouyang Shuo nodded, looked at Mr. Li, and said, "Mr. Li, the overall design of the Southwest University Hall will be supervised by you personally as the chief designer. Is it okay?"

Mr. Li laughed, "Of course you can. That's right, I, an old man, feel very excited."

Ouyang Shuo set aside 1,000 mu of land in the core area of the territory for the planning and construction of the Southwest University Hall. It can be seen from this that he attaches great importance to education and the cultivation of talents.

After Fan Zhongyan and Xu Shuda left first, Ouyang Shuo turned his head to look at Elder Sun and Elder Li, and said with a smile, "Old Sun, Elder Li, just now, the boy was acting as a substitute, the two elders don't mind."

Elder Sun waved his hand, "Ouyang, since we settled in Shanhai County, we naturally respect you. You are the lord, it's good to respect us old fellows, but you have to make up your mind in the end."

"You've been taught!" Ouyang Shuo clasped his hands together.

Elder Sun nodded, "Okay, we old guys have been idle for a month, and it's time to exercise our muscles. Leave the Gewu Institute and the School of Architecture to us with confidence!"

After Mr. Sun finished speaking, he and Mr. Li got up to leave.

In the end, only Sun Xiaoyue and Ouyang Shuo were left in the conference hall. Ouyang Shuo was too busy yesterday, the two of them hadn't had any serious communication yet.

"Xiaoyue, I really want to thank you this time. Without you and your grandfather, Shanhai County would not be able to recruit these talents." Ouyang Shuo said sincerely to Sun Xiaoyue.

Sun Xiaoyue glanced at Ouyang Shuo with a complicated expression, "After three days of farewell, we should treat each other with admiration. Ouyang, you are really surprising."

That's right, before immigrating, Sun Xiaoyue always felt that Ouyang Shuo was always mysterious, and he didn't even dare to tell her the game ID, which was too cautious.

When the truth was revealed, he didn't expect that Ouyang Shuo was really a big fish, a big shark.

Just now, Sun Xiaoyue watched Ouyang Shuo handle government affairs calmly, scolded Fang Qiu, and mastered a historical celebrity like Fan Zhongyan so skillfully, it really couldn't be connected with the otaku in reality.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "Xiaoyue, don't make fun of me. I'm really glad you're here. You don't know how much that girl Bing'er misses you."

Speaking of Bing'er, Sun Xiaoyue was startled, and said with a smile: "This girl is spoiled by you, she is now in Shanhai County, she is like a little princess, everyone dotes on her, and there is a maid who takes care of her. Where will I remember my sister?"

Ouyang Shuo smiled wryly, "You're jealous. You, don't you know Bing'er? This child is very affectionate, and there are not many people who are really close. You, sister Xiaoyue, are definitely one of them." After changing the subject, Ouyang Shuo continued: "You don't know, last night, the little girl begged me to invite you to live in the lord's mansion, but I reprimanded you, which shows how much she depends on you."

Sun Xiaoyue was naturally in the official residence area, living with her grandfather and family. In reality, renting together is forced by the situation. Now in the game, she naturally has no reason to live in the lord's mansion, otherwise it would be like nothing.

Whoever lives in the Lord's Mansion is Ouyang Shuo's relatives. Although there was a little ambiguity or misunderstanding between the two, they can only be regarded as good friends.

"By the way." Ouyang Shuo remembered, "You high-achieving students who graduated from Wangcheng School of Architecture can't stay in the Southwest University Hall. The Construction Department is updating its territory, and many places still need your assistance. Let me know a little about your school. A few friends are all talents."

"As far as I know, Shanhai County has almost been built. Is there still room for us?"

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "Why not? On the surface it looks better, but in fact it is far from good. Not to mention the Southwest University, which is about to start construction, whether it is the municipal drainage system, bridges, or sluices, it is all due to the lack of professional guidance. , but the construction has not started for a long time. In this regard, you are the real experts."

"I see." Sun Xiaoyue suddenly said, "You want to modernize the county?!"

"Smart!" Ouyang Shuo nodded approvingly, "During this time, you should carefully observe Shanhai County and put forward your own suggestions for improvement. As long as it is reasonable, I will support it unconditionally."

"No problem." Sun Xiaoyue agreed.

"Also, after you settle down, you, the president, should encourage the [Luoyuehui] members to do more guild tasks, and strive to promote the guild token to the silver level as soon as possible. Approved player guilds, I estimate that the number of 1,000 people will definitely not be enough in the later stage."

Sun Xiaoyue smiled, "So, as the president, I still have a lot to do?!"

"That's not true." Ouyang Shuo smiled, "You are the giant among the players in Shanhai County in the future."

"Okay, I will urge everyone to do the task. Besides, upgrading the guild can increase the characteristics of the guild, which is also beneficial to everyone. I don't think anyone will refuse." Sun Xiaoyue promised.

Ouyang Shuo nodded in agreement.

After Sun Xiaoyue left, Ouyang Shuo left the meeting hall and walked out of the lord's mansion.

Since the system update, the two buildings on both sides of the square in front of the Lord's Mansion have changed.

Next to the teleportation formation in the east, a stone hall stands. The hall is eight meters high and square, like a giant stone box. It was obviously a newly built building, but the outer stone wall was covered with moss. It looked gloomy, as if strangers were not allowed to enter, it was the famous Hall of Reincarnation.

As long as the players settled in Shanhai County, after death, they will be reincarnated in this hall.

The high-end market in the west has also changed a lot. The original market, composed of a wooden hut and a small square, has now become a giant building, which is equivalent to receiving the small square inside the building.

The interior of the building is not much different from the previous wooden hut.

Ouyang Shuo clicked on the Super Auction Platform to search for the real product cheats. As Ouyang Shuo expected, a gold-level authentic cheat book has already been raised to 400 gold coins, and it keeps going up.

Ouyang Shuo remembered that at the peak of his previous life, a gold-level authentic cheat book was sold for 800 gold coins, and that was two years after Gaia.

Naturally, Ouyang Shuo would not wait until that time. In his opinion, he can make a move when the price reaches 700 gold coins.