The World Online

Chapter 190: Official Medical Office


July 2, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Doctor Song followed behind the porter and walked into the Lord's Mansion, feeling a lot of emotion.

He can be regarded as an old man in Shanhai County. He came to Shanhai Village the second day after Shanhai Village was established. He is also the first senior talent in Shanhai Village. Even Cui Yingyou, the current Director of Finance, has been taken care of by him.

After the apprentice turmoil, Dr. Song finally made a detour, let go of his self-restraint, and stayed in the medical hall with all his heart, teaching apprentices while curing diseases and saving lives. In half a year, a total of 50 apprentice physicians, 20 junior physicians, and 5 intermediate physicians were trained for Shanhai County, which can be said to be a great achievement.

When he first came to Shanhai Village, he was the guest of honor at the Lord's Mansion. Nowadays, with the continuous upgrading of the territory, the Lord's Mansion is heavily guarded, and the threshold is getting higher and higher. Not everyone can enter.

In the past, when an adult asked him for anything, he would go to the medical clinic to ask for advice. Now, it is already a great honor for him to send a doorman to the hospital to invite him.

After only half a year, Dr. Song felt that things were not human beings.

Seeing Doctor Song following behind the concierge, the clerk Bai Nanpu hurriedly stood up and said with a smile, "Mr. Song, Your Excellency is waiting for you in the reception room. Please follow me."

Before entering the reception room, I heard conversations coming from inside, accompanied by laughter from time to time.

Doctor Song looked puzzled, and asked, "Mr. Bai, are you here to receive guests?"

Bai Nanpu smiled slightly and said, "That's right, the one in the reception room is a doctor who just came yesterday, Mr. Qian. Don't worry, Mr. Song, it's a good thing that your lord has invited you here this time."

Dr. Song nodded and said nothing.

Walking into the reception room, I saw an adult sitting at the top, and an old man with white hair sitting at the bottom, and the two of them were talking about sex.

"My lord, Elder Song is here." Bai Nanpu reminded.

Ouyang Shuo turned his head and saw Doctor Song, and said with a smile, "Mr. Song, please sit down."

Doctor Song cupped his fists and sat down on the other side of his head.

Naturally, Ouyang Shuo was not as emotional as Dr. Song, and said directly, "Mr. Song, let me introduce you. This is the doctor I invited, Mr. Qian."

Mr. Qian is also one of the 30 members of the expert group. In reality, he is a top surgeon.

Before Song Lao arrived, Ouyang Shuo asked Qian Lao about the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine with great interest.

According to Mr. Qian, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the word "nourishing", which means actively preventing diseases and is good at treating chronic diseases. Western medicine emphasizes the word "treatment", which means passive prevention of diseases, and is good at epidemic prevention, diagnosis, surgery, and rescue. The two complement each other and can coexist, but it is difficult to unify.

Mr. Qian said frankly that he had admired Chinese medicine for a long time, and he was even more excited when he heard that there was a senior doctor in Shanhai County. Therefore, when he heard that Ouyang Shuo was planning to set up an official medical office, he took the initiative to give up the virtuous and voluntarily resigned to the deputy post.

In fact, for Ouyang Shuo, Qian Lao played a greater role. Because Mr. Qian can train military doctors for the territory and assign them to each battalion, reducing the casualty ratio of soldiers.

After the two greeted each other, Ouyang Shuo continued: "A long time ago, I told you about the establishment of the official medical office. Now, Song Lao has peaches and plums all over the world, and with Qian Lao joining, the time is ripe. We It was decided to formally establish the official medical office, with Mr. Song as the director and Mr. Qian as the deputy director. The official medical office has an official background, but does not have administrative levels and administrative powers. It is responsible for its own profits and losses. It is mainly responsible for training doctors for the territory As well as military doctors, at the same time take into account the important task of treating diseases and saving lives. The construction department will build an official office for the official medical office free of charge in residential areas, and the territorial medicine garden can also give priority to providing medicinal materials to the official medical office.”

Ouyang Shuo's positioning of the official medical office is similar to a public institution in modern society.

Once Dr. Song's long-cherished wish was fulfilled, he stood up excitedly, bowed to Ouyang Shuo, and said, "Thank you for your trust, Sir, I will live up to my trust!"

Ouyang Shuo didn't dare to neglect, got up and helped him up, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Song!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Elder Song and Elder Qian left hand in hand to discuss specific matters concerning the establishment of the official medical office.

After seeing off the elders, Ouyang Shuo was free to open the letter he just received at noon and read it carefully.

This letter was written by Song Jia.

Song Jia replied in the letter that her brother had forwarded the letter to her grandfather. When Ouyang Shuo's identity was exposed, the Song family naturally felt mixed feelings.

Fortunately, they were not in a hurry to marry the Ruan family, otherwise they would have missed a powerful ally like Shanhai County. While worrying, the Song family's utilitarian side has been fully revealed in front of Ouyang Shuo, and it may be difficult to reap Ouyang Shuo's sincere treatment. It can be seen from Ouyang Shuo's reluctance to include Tianshuang Town into the Shanhai League.

For this reason, the Song family had a whole day of internal discussions before reaching a conclusion.

The Song family has a big business, and the wealth is scattered among the family members. When the achievements are counted, the one with the highest authority is Song Jia's grandfather, who has obtained C-level authority. In addition, there are five other people who have obtained D-level authority, including Song Jia's father and eldest brother Song Wen.

In order to realize the re-emergence of the Song family on Planet Hope, the Song family decided that all the old people would retreat behind the scenes and only provide consulting staff and no longer participate in the specific decision-making of Tianshuang Town. Song Wen was officially established as the sole heir of the Song family, fully responsible for the management of Tianshuang Town.

Therefore, the cooperation between Tianshuang Town and Shanhai County will be operated by Song Wen. Song Jia mentioned in the letter that her eldest brother Song Wen is quite like a father, not as sophisticated as her grandfather.

Because the parents at home have just entered the game and are still not used to it, Song Jiashang needs to stay in Tianshuang Town for a while, and when he stabilizes, he will rush to Shanhai County to meet Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo put down the letter, opened the control panel of the territory, and saw the alliance application sent by Song Wen. Ouyang Shuo didn't hesitate, he clicked agree directly.

For the next half month, the game was peaceful.

Whether it is the major territories or the top ten guilds, they are digesting the sequelae of interstellar migration and system updates, and are making internal adjustments and integrations.

The only news that can be called a sensation is that the Xiongba Bawang Town has become the eighth territory in China to be promoted to a first-level county. Among the top ten in the territory rankings, there are only the last two spots left.

For the past half month, Shanhai County has also been busy.

The busiest one is the construction department. In addition to continuing the previous territorial renewal, the construction of the Southwest University Hall approved by Ouyang Shuo was also started. In addition, there are a series of municipal projects.

First of all, it is the planning and upgrading of the streets in the city.

According to the standard set by Ouyang Shuo, the first-class main road, that is, the two main roads on the central axis, is 150 meters wide. The secondary main road, that is, the main road on the central axis of each district, is 100 meters wide. The third-level main road, that is, the first-level branch road on the central axis of each district, has a width of 60 meters. The fourth-class arterial road, that is, the block separation road, is 40 meters wide. The five-level road, that is, the road separated by Lifang, is 20 meters to 25 meters wide.

The pavement of each street is high in the middle and low on both sides. There are drainage ditches about 2.5 meters wide on both sides, and various trees dug from the wild are planted on both sides. The outlets of the drainage ditch are all led to the inner city river, and then discharged to the canyon through the inner city river, and finally flow into the North Sea.

The materials of all the streets are uniform. The soil and sand are mixed and compacted. In order to prevent dust, fine sand is laid, and finally a layer of bluestone slabs is laid. Whether it is sand or stone, Shanhai County has everything. All the sand used for road construction comes from sea sand transported from Beihai County, which is very convenient to dig and transport.

This project is presided over by the drawing board as the chief designer.

The second is the construction of bridges and sluices.

Because the inner city river, respectively in the north and east, passes through the second city wall. In order not to leave a blind spot for the city defense, sluice gates were designed in these two places. The sluice is made of iron bars, which are soldered and welded into a huge hollow iron net, which not only ensures the passage of water, but also effectively prevents the enemy from sneaking into the city through the inner city river.

On the Inner City River, five stone arch bridges were designed. The suspension bridge at the north gate of the core area was canceled and replaced with a wooden gate. In front of the north gate, three stone arch bridges are designed, one main and two, leading to the main gate and two side gates respectively. The suspension bridge was canceled because Ouyang Shuo was confident that no force could reach the core area of Shanhai County.

In addition, a stone arch bridge will be built in the middle section of the Inner City River in the residential area and the East District to facilitate the passage of people on both sides of the Inner City River.

In the next step, Ouyang Shuo plans to build a bridge across the Youyi River, Yushui River, and the canyon, connecting Shanhai County, Yushui County, and Youyi County to each other.

This project was presided over by Wu Chi as the chief designer.

Many of this series of projects are just the beginning, and it will take at least two or three months to complete them all. The initial budget of the project alone is more than 8,000 gold coins.

[Luoyuehui] The "Three Great Male Gods", of course, are self-proclaimed, and no one recognizes them. The last one, the nine-dash line, also shoulders a heavy responsibility.

The nine-dash line led a team of hundreds of people to start surveying and mapping the entire territory of Shanhai County, marking the specific coordinates of each settlement, marking the distribution of various resources, marking the conditions of rivers and rivers, and so on.

This work is also protracted and cannot be completed in a short while.

In addition to the construction department, the agriculture department is also not easy.

The first season of rice in Yushui County and Youyi County has been harvested, with a total of 13.2 million units of grain harvested, which is basically the same as Ouyang Shuo's previous calculation.

Yushui County and Youyi County received a total of 440,000 units of public grain according to the 30-1 tax. Ouyang Shuo directly allocated this batch of public rations to them as military rations, without handing them over to the base camp.

Because the funds were not in place, the Supplies Department did not start purchasing grain immediately. To wait until the end of the month, when the funds are sufficient, the Materials Department will start the grain collection work. Except for the rations left by the farmers, all the rest were sold to the Materials Department at a price of 10 copper coins per unit.

The Materials Department then sold it to the common people at a price of 11 copper per unit. The price difference in the middle is mainly to deduct the storage cost and sales cost of the material department, and it does not really make money for the common people.