The World Online

Chapter 191: Seventh Institute


Shangxuemeigui mercenary group has recommended the first batch of life professional players to Shanhai County.

There are a total of 500 players in this group, and with their family members, there are 2,400 players. They were all included in the [Luoyue Club] and arranged to live in residential areas, with the same treatment as ordinary members of the [Luoyue Club].

As a result, [Luoyuehui] has reached 850 members, which is close to the upper limit of 1000 members. In desperation, Ouyang Shuo could only urge Sun Xiaoyue to complete the upgrade of the guild token as soon as possible and expand the upper limit of guild members; at the same time, he postponed the progress of accepting players, and the Snow Rose Mercenary Group was in charge of placement for the time being.

The members of the [Luoyue Club] are involved in all walks of life, but basically they are all middle-level occupations, and some are even junior occupations. High-level occupations are very rare.

Just like the skilled talents among the aborigines, they are arranged to work in major workshops, shops or construction sites, and their wages are the same as those of the aborigines. Of course, Ouyang Shuo would not open up the four major workshops in the Eastern District without confirming the players' loyalty.

In this way, players can both earn money and improve their skill level. Especially with the blessing of Shanhai County's powerful territorial characteristics, the effect is even more remarkable.

For the statistics of future achievements, in addition to assets, the achievements of players in their own fields are also very critical reference factors. For life professional players, advancing to the god level is their ultimate goal. Before Ouyang Shuo was reborn, there was not a god-level life professional player born in the whole of China.

In the context of global online, players cannot go offline for a long time. It can be said that they are not much different from the aborigines in the game.

Ouyang Shuo naturally had no reason to treat them differently.

Compared with the aborigines, the players' sense of discipline is even worse. Some players couldn't adapt to their roles for a while, looked down on the aborigines, and even got into fights; or they were lazy and slack, and were complained to the Commerce Department by the workshop owner or shopkeeper.

Regarding such incidents, Ouyang Shuo's attitude is also very firm, and they will all be handed over to the criminal prosecution department for handling, and they can do whatever they want. If the circumstances are serious, they will be sent directly to prison without any sympathy.

Players who settle in the territory must abide by the order of the territory. Because the lord has enough means to punish them, these players have no ability to escape from the territory at all. Even if you commit suicide, you will be reincarnated in the reincarnation hall in the territory. Therefore, as long as Ouyang Shuo doesn't let people go, the player will be born as a member of the territory and die as a ghost of the territory.

Unless the territory where the player settled is captured, the player can regain freedom.

In addition, there are other changes in Shanhai County.

Under Sun Lao's proposal, the advanced shipyard has been transferred to Beihai Port. Sun Lao also officially served as the chief consultant of the shipyard, responsible for the improvement and research and development of warships.

According to Mr. Sun, the canyon is too narrow and not deep enough to carry large warships and build large docks. It is better to move to Beihai Port to solve the problem at once.

Ouyang Shuo naturally didn't object. Anyway, in the game, moving the location of a building is a matter of minutes. It's just paying some update fees to the system.

In addition, Ouyang Shuo also instructed the construction department to take time to expand the pier in Shanhai County. After all, there will be more and more goods traveling between Shanhai County and Beihai County in the future.

In the past half month, the most important thing Ouyang Shuo did was to set up a mysterious research institute.

This research institute was built in the eastern area that has been designated as a military restricted area.

The core members of the research institute include ship expert Sun Lao, metallurgy expert Liu Lao, power expert Zhou Lao, mechanical expert Bian Lao, weapons expert Liu Mo, master blacksmith Wang Zir and senior alchemist Magnus, a total of seven people, so The research institute was named the No. 7 research institute by Ouyang Shuo.

There is no doubt that the mission of the No. 7 Research Institute is to conduct research on warships driven by steam engines and guns and artillery. Ouyang Shuo's goal is to reach the technological level of Britain at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Ouyang Shuo did not expect that No. 7 Research Institute would produce results immediately. Because it involves a lot of basic research, including materials, machine tools, gunpowder, etc., it is very complicated.

It is very normal for there to be no significant progress within two or three years. What Ouyang Shuo expected was that Research Institute No. 7 could really show its power in the middle and late stages of the game.

On July 20th, Ouyang Shuo brought Ge Hongliang and Shi Wansui to the camp in the north of the city.

In the barracks meeting room, Ouyang Shuo sat at the head, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Recently, nomadic tribes are like a stagnant water, without any waves. The turmoil caused by Operation Dawn has dissipated. Mengke and Dari These two old foxes, Ah Chi, really can't bear it. The most direct impact of this is that the number of our green clam horses is seriously insufficient. Up to now, we have just equipped the mounts of the first battalion of the Pioneer Battalion, according to With this speed, how can we develop cavalry?"

Lin Yi, the chief general of the northern battalion and the first battalion of the Pioneer Battalion, was also not very satisfied with this, "My lord, since the road of trade is impracticable, then only war can solve the problem."

"I agree with General Lin. The problem is how to find a suitable entry point. If we try to wipe out one or two small tribes like last time, I'm afraid it won't help. However, if we want to wipe out a medium-sized tribe, we must ensure that no fish slips through the net. , with our current army, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve." Ge Hongliang said.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, turned to look at Ouyang Shuo, and said, "My lord, I have an idea at the end."

"Oh?" Ouyang Shuo lifted his spirits. He knew that Lin Yi had been in the northern camp for a long time, so he must have a deeper understanding of nomadic tribes than Ge Hongliang.

Thinking about it, how to solve the problem Ge Hongliang mentioned has long been in the general's consideration. Lin Yi must have a certain degree of certainty in speaking out now.

"The general thinks this way. The key to breaking the balance of power among the nomadic tribes lies in the Tianji tribe. The tranquility on the grassland is all due to the superior strength of the Tianqi tribe, which deters the crowd. Just like last time, even if someone is detected They are secretly provoking the Tianqi tribe, but a medium-sized tribe like the Tianfeng tribe still dare not act rashly. The root cause is that the strength gap between the two sides is too great."

"Tianji tribe has 12,000 warriors. On the other hand, Tianfeng tribe has only 1,000 soldiers. With a difference of more than ten times in strength, no fool would think of challenging the kingship of Tianji tribe. Therefore, the last general I thought, since the medium-sized tribes are powerless, why don't we help them."

Ouyang Shuo became more interested, vaguely aware of Lin Yi's intentions, not only was shocked by this young general's unconstrained style, but said hastily, "Let's talk about it in more detail."

Seeing that the adults were so interested, Lin Yi became more confident, and then said: "Tianji tribe has the eastern part of the town and the western part of the town, each with 5,000 people, and they are respectively responsible for guarding the east and west sides of the Tianju tribe. If we If we can go deep into the grassland and defeat one of them, then the balance of power in the grassland will be broken. It is foreseeable that a scuffle for the dominance of the grassland will be inevitable."

"How did you see that?"

"My lord, if the Tianqi tribe breaks one arm, it will be powerless to deter all the medium-sized tribes. At that time, although those medium-sized tribes dare not attack the Tianqi tribe, they are absolutely unwilling to submit to the Tianqi tribe's despotic power. The best way is to disregard the warnings of the Tianqi tribe and brazenly annex the surrounding small tribes to strengthen themselves. In this way, everyone is in danger, and an annexation battle is inevitable. And at this time, it is the Youyi County Market When it was actually opened, in order to expand their strength, they did not hesitate to exchange various materials with us with green horses and horses." Lin Yi explained.

"Papa papa," Ouyang Shuo took the lead in applauding, and said with a smile, "The idea is bold and the layout is far-reaching. General Lin, it's really a three-day farewell, so we should treat each other with admiration!"

Lin Yi was excited and said, "My lord, thank you!"

Ouyang Shuo straightened his expression, and said in a deep voice: "Then, let me ask you, how many cavalry are needed to defeat the army of the Tianqi tribe with confidence. The opponent has a total of 5,000 elite cavalry."

Since it is necessary to go deep into the grassland to fight, naturally only cavalry can do it. In terms of individual combat power, the ordinary cavalry in Shanhai County are not as good as the opponent, because the opponent must be equipped with green clam horses; and the grassland soldiers, who are not proficient in bows and horses, are not like Shanhai County cavalry, they are all monks halfway .

Lin Yi smiled confidently and said, "My lord, two thousand cavalry are enough."

"There is no joke in the army, two thousand cavalry can defeat the enemy?" Ouyang Shuo couldn't believe it.

"It's not enough to rely on cavalry alone. Your cooperation is also needed." Lin Yi told Ouyang Shuo the detailed strategy he had formulated.

After listening to it, Ouyang Shuo felt relieved and believed it. Although there are certain risks to be taken, if you want to achieve supremacy, how can you be sure of everything, and at critical moments, you have to give it a go.

Ouyang Shuo no longer hesitated, and announced the new military expansion arrangement according to Lin Yi's plan, "Liao Kai!"

"Here!" Liao Kai came out.

"I order you to select 500 people from the reserve army to form the Yushui County Cavalry Battalion and station them in the Yushui County Barracks. I will give you ten days. After ten days, I will see a formed cavalry battalion."

"Thank you for the promotion, sir, I will live up to my trust!" Liao Kai looked excited.

The reason why Ouyang Shuo placed the newly formed cavalry battalion in Yushui County was that after Yushui County was promoted to a first-class county seat, there was only one battalion of the city defense battalion, which seemed a bit weak; Too many troops, so as not to cause too much pressure on the Tianfeng tribe on the opposite side.

In this way, according to Lin Yi's plan, 2,000 cavalry had already been arranged, which were two cavalry battalions in the North Camp, one cavalry battalion in the West Camp, and the newly formed cavalry battalion in Yushui County.