The World Online

Chapter 192: Operation Wildfire (Part 1)


The plan proposed by Lin Yi, code-named Wildfire, means the fire that ignites the melee in the grassland.

The success or failure of Operation Wildfire is related to the future direction of Shanhai County's policy on nomadic tribes and to the progress of Shanhai County's cavalry troops. Its importance is self-evident.

The Military Affairs Administration will work with Lin Yi to formulate a more detailed plan to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Ouyang Shuo just came back from Youyi County, and plunged into government affairs again.

On July 20, the formation of the Yushui County Cavalry Battalion was completed, and Liao Kai was appointed as the cavalry battalion commander. The job transfer fee for the cavalry battalion was naturally deducted from the earnings of the first half of July.

Three days ago, Ouyang Shuo reached the first transaction with the Dali Cui's Chamber of Commerce on the super trading platform.

Beimu Saltworks produced a total of 2.5 million units of table salt in half a month. According to the market price of 20 copper coins per unit, the Cui Chamber of Commerce needs to pay 5,000 gold coins. The system deducted 10% of the transaction tax, and what Ouyang Shuo actually got was 4500 gold coins. After deducting the operating costs of Beimu Saltworks, there was still 4100 gold coins left.

The system is updated, and after the transaction tax is halved, Beimu Saltworks can save 1,000 gold coins in taxes every month.

As for the Wolf Mountain Mine, it was natural that they would still pay 4,000 gold coins unshakably.

Mineral experts in the expert team have entered the Langshan Mine and began to guide the Langshan Mine on how to mine, beneficiate and refine gold ore more scientifically and rationally. It is initially estimated that the output of the Langshan Mine will increase by at least 10% in August. The technical guidance of a mineral expert can increase Shanhai County's income by at least 800 gold coins per month. This is where the value of the expert team lies, and their improvement of the territory is comprehensive.

The 8100 gold coins in the first half of the month, after deducting the 750 gold coins for the transfer fee of the cavalry battalion, and adding the 4400 gold coins advanced by the Four Seas Bank for the transfer fee, only 2950 gold coins remained.

The cost of recruiting a player to the territory through the teleportation array is very high and very extravagant. With a family and a mouth, an average life professional player will consume 5 gold coins as a teleportation fee.

Ouyang Shuo has not yet calculated the cost of providing a set of ordinary courtyards for each player.

Like Dichen and the others, when they recruited players to settle in the territory, they basically chose new players and arranged for them to be born directly in the territory. Only these big forces have the strength to use such huge human resources in reality.

After interstellar immigration, they will not have such convenience. Just like Ouyang Shuo, he can only pay the transmission fee honestly. For Dichen and the others, this was undoubtedly another heavy burden.

According to Feng Prisonhuang, on the eve of emigration, the major forces concentrated in their territories and sent a large number of new players to avoid the transfer fee. As for the exact number, it is not known.

The remaining 2950 gold coins in the first half of the month were not kept warm in Ouyang Shuo's hands. He used the funds to purchase 2.95 million units of grain through the Cui Chamber of Commerce.

In this way, in the second half of this year, Shanhai County will basically not have to worry about food. The price he paid was that Ouyang Shuo spent nearly 9,000 gold coins just to purchase additional food.

Ouyang Shuo couldn't imagine what kind of price other territories would have to pay for food after the price of food went up. You know, other territories do not have Shanhai County's 40,000 mu of fertile land, and they need to purchase more food.

The only consolation is that other territories do not have such a large population base as Shanhai County, and such a terrifying refresh rate of refugees.

If the funds were sufficient, Ouyang Shuo even considered whether to engage in reselling grain. Take advantage of the fact that the price of food has not yet increased, buy a batch, and sell it after the price increases.

Ouyang Shuo had already notified all members of the Shanhai League, including Song Wen, about the prediction of the grain market. As for whether they had the funds and had stockpiled enough food in advance, there was nothing Ouyang Shuo could do to help them.

No matter how big the family and business in Shanhai County are, they don't have that much money to support five or six territories at the same time.

Furthermore, they were just allies, and Ouyang Shuo was not a philanthropist. No matter which territory it is, if they want to borrow money from Shanhai County, they must allow the Four Seas Bank to open a branch in their territory.

On the other hand, in Mulan Town, Ouyang Shuo was going to wait until the end of the month, after the profits from the second half of July were collected, to add a reserve fund to the Mulan Town Sub-branch of Universal Bank.

As for the payment for the purchase of grain by the Materials Department, it has been resolved. According to Yingyou's meaning, it is to use part of the funds she deposited in the Four Seas Bank to buy surplus grain from farmers.

The surplus grain in the hands of farmers does not need to be purchased all at once. It is entirely possible to buy a part every month, and then buy another batch after the sale, and so on. Otherwise, tens of thousands of gold coins would be needed to purchase this batch of grain at one time, which would be the greatest waste of funds.

An average farmer cultivates 10 mu of land. Calculated on the basis of 350 units per mu, that is 3,500 units of grain, 117 units are handed over, and then half a year's rations are left, and 3,200 units of grain can be sold for a profit of 3 gold coins and 20 silver coins. After deducting the commercial tax generated by selling grain, the actual profit is 3 gold coins and 10 silver coins. In two seasons a year, the annual income is 6 gold coins and 20 silver coins. After deducting the cost, the final profit is about 5 gold coins.

If the farmer worked harder and raised poultry such as chickens, ducks, geese, or even a pig, he could make a profit of dozens of silver coins in a year to subsidize his family.

Therefore, in fact, the income of farmers is not low, almost catching up with the annual salary of an ordinary fifth-rank soldier. The difference is that the soldiers are provided with food and lodging, and there is still room for improvement in the military pay.

The reason is that a farmer has enough arable land, plus it is calculated based on fertile farmland. The tax set by Erze Shanhai County is already the lowest level in history. Thirdly, when it comes to grain purchases, Ouyang Shuo did not buy low and sell high to squeeze the farmers.

All of these have contributed to the high income of farmers in Shanhai County.

In the past one and a half months, Mulan Town has developed rapidly with the support of Universal Bank.

Using the funds loaned from the Four Seas Bank, Mu Guiying successfully established the Mulan Town Defense Battalion. With the city defense battalion, Mu Guiying attacked everywhere to wipe out the rogue bandits in the country.

Suppressing bandits not only trains troops and eliminates hidden dangers in the territory, but also brings a steady stream of people, supplies, and funds to Mulan Town, greatly improving the situation in Mulan Town.

In addition, Mulan Town has also built a stone city wall, greatly increasing its defense. The privatization of the territory has also been completely completed, and it is no longer a semi-finished product. The private economy of the territory has begun to germinate, slowly accumulating potential, and waiting for the future explosion.

The current development momentum of Mulan Town is almost a replica of the previous Shanhai Town.

A week ago, Mulan Town had been successfully promoted to a third-tier township. After being promoted, the miners in Mulan Town accidentally discovered a large silver mine in the territory, which was another source of wealth. Although silver mines are not comparable to gold mines, if you mine them with all your strength, you can get more than 200 gold coins every month.

Now the biggest obstacle restricting Mulan Town's promotion is Mulanyue's title.

In the Battle of Zhuolu, Mulanyue earned 2,500 points of merit and promoted her title from the third-class viscount to the first-class viscount. Coupled with the suppression of bandits during this period, Mulanyue's merit value has reached 5000 points, but she is still 1400 points away from the third-class earl.

Fortunately, Mulan Town has just been promoted to a third-level township, and it will take some time before it reaches its full population of 1,000 people. Perhaps, the future battle of Zhennanguan can give Mulanyue enough meritorious service.

Taking a step back, if another battle is triggered during this period, all problems will be solved.

The rapid development of Mulan Town has made the siege lion jealous. In the current Shanhai League, only his Black Lion Town is still a second-tier town. Due to lack of funds, the siege lions dare not recruit too many players to settle in the territory, because they simply cannot afford the high teleportation fee.

In desperation, the siege lion finally let go and invited Ouyang Shuo to open a branch of the Four Seas Bank in Heishi Town.

Ouyang Shuo naturally had no reason to refuse. Recently, the financial situation of the territory has been improving. Guanglang Mountain Mine and Beimu Salt Field have increased their income by nearly 2000 gold coins every month out of thin air. These extra income alone are enough to support him to open a branch of the Four Seas Bank in Heishi Town.

Ouyang Shuo replied to Siege Lion that by the end of this month, as soon as the funds from Shanhai County are in place, he will send people to Heishi Town to open a branch of the Four Seas Bank, so that he can make preparations in advance.

Ouyang Shuo's ambition is to open the Four Seas Bank to various territories. Even if it cannot become the only bank in other territories, and control their economic lifeline, it must become one of the main banks in other territories.

To realize this ambition, the first step is naturally to open the branches of the Universal Bank to every ally's territory. Now that Mulan Town and Black Lion Town have been captured, Xunlong Town is probably a matter of time.

As for Lingxi County and Luofeng County, specific opportunities are needed to successfully settle in. Especially in Luofeng County, even if Feng Prisonhuang agrees, the family behind her will not agree.

The reason why Lingxi County can still survive is not unrelated to the [Qingfeng Pavilion] in Dali Mansion. [Qingfeng Pavilion]'s gold mining group has been behind the scenes, silently supporting the development of Lingxi County.

Lingxi County and [Qingfeng Pavilion] have gradually formed a symbiotic relationship, which is somewhat similar to the cooperation agreement signed by Shanhai County and Shangxue Meigui Group.

The only difference is that Lingxi County does not have such a developed military industry as Shanhai County.

It's not that Ouyang Shuo is despicable, taking advantage of others' danger, and attacking his allies. Because this is a win-win thing in itself, and it is also conducive to enhancing the unity of the Shanhai League.

Let me ask, is there any alliance stronger than the alliance of economic integration